509 research outputs found

    Venetian istorie: re-evaluating Giovanni Mansueti's narrative painting (1500-30's)

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    This thesis challenges existing studies on Giovanni Mansueti (active 1485-1526/27) that have generally tended to undervalue his contribution to Venetian narrative painting. Rather, drawing on extensive primary research my work demonstrates how Mansueti was one of the major interpreters of the “eyewitness style”, in fact a master able to picture the unique requirements and expectations of his various patrons. Chapter 1 analyses Mansueti’s little-known cycle in the church of San Martino, Burano (The Betrothal of the Virgin, The Adoration of the Shepherds and The Flight into Egypt, c. 1510), with reference to practices of private devotion in Renaissance Venice. I investigate the paintings by drawing on textual sources that were commonly used in private devotional practices, showing how the paintings projected an ideology built on specifically Venetian interpretations of the Apocrypha. Chapter 2 is a contextual analysis of the Scuola Grande di San Marco. Using original archival findings, it firstly reassesses the Scuola’s art patronage system and bureaucratic procedure; then it investigates the identity of the individual Scuola’s members responsible for commissioning the St Mark Cycle originally decorating the walls of the Sala dell’Albergo. Chapter 3 provides an analysis of Giovanni Mansueti’s three paintings for the Scuola (The Baptism of Anianus and The Healing of Anianus, 1518; Three Episodes from the Life of St. Mark, 1525) in respect to the Sala dell’Albergo narrative cycle. The study focuses on the paintings as visual projections of the Scuola’s ideological understanding of the Muslim ‛others’. It investigates the contextual motives that prompted the Scuola’s merchant brothers to represent their commercial associate as the very tormentors of St Mark

    Out-of-plane graphene materials for enhanced cell-chip coupling

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    Bioelectronic devices interact directly with biological systems to monitor cellular electrical activity and promote cell reaction to electrical stimulation. The capabilities of such devices, in terms of recording and stimulation, are affected by the effective cell-platform coupling. Therefore, during the last years, the development of engineered 2.5-3D micro and nanostructures has improved the effectiveness of biosensors using protruding structures to achieve a more intimate contact between cells and substrates. The vertical structures, due to their surface curvature, can actively modulate the cell-material interaction and the coupling conditions by regulating peculiar cellular processes at the interface such as membrane bending, ruffling, which ultimately reduce the distance between the electroactive materials and the biological components. In parallel, the rising of carbon-based materials (i.e., graphene) for bioelectronics has gained attention during the last years because of their outstanding chemical properties which allow improved cell-device interfacing. Given this scenario, 3D out-of-the-plane graphene structures has been designed and grown on planar platforms, exploiting the electrical, mechanical and optical features of this promising material. 3D fuzzy graphene (3DFG) and two nanowire-templated arrangements (NT-3DFG collapsed and non-collapsed) were realized to ultimately increase the dimensionality at the interface with cells through nanoscale features and wire-based architectures. Here we report a comprehensive study of the electrogenic cells-material interface by using fluorescence and electron microscopy for characterizing cell-graphene materials interactions at micro and nanoscale. First, we investigated the biocompatibility and the adhesion effect (cell stretching and outgrowth) of the diverse graphene-based pseudo-3D surfaces coupled to cardiomyocytes-like cells and primary cortical neuronal cells. Then, we examined the membrane deformation and the actual cell-device coupling via scanning electron microscopy/focused ion beam sectioning. We found out an enhanced cells adhesion on the substrates, suggesting that out-of-the-plane platform could improve the coupling between cells and sensors not only for electrophysiology application but also to modulate cellular functionalities and outgrowth

    The Relationship of House Hold Development Strategies and Model Farmers Performance (The Case of Ethiopia-SNNPR-WZ, DGW, Moconisa Kebele)

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    Introduction: This study systematically reviewed the literature to evaluate house hold development strategies and the model farmer’s performance which measured by their daily feeding conditions and their food security in relation to the strategies that they set.Objective: The objective of the study would analyze the model framers house hold development strategies and their performance on effective contribution to feeding/eating habit within a day and profitability of farming economy. Methodology: The study based on 43 model farmers as sample of respondents. It used to use structured questionnaires then use SPSS software to analyze the date. Data obtained are analyzed by using binary statistics and logistic regression model.Results: The six house hold development strategies were significantly affect and have relationship with model farmers daily feeding or eating habit. This study hopefully conclude that capacity of model farmers needs to be improved in the study area and to educate them how to use house hold development strategies on the most related strategies to wipe out poorness. Keywords: household development strategies, performances, model farmer, SPSS.

    Decision-Making Strategies of Rural People and Level of Performance (The Study Conducted on Ethiopia –Wolaita)

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    Introduction: This study systematically reviewed the literature to evaluate house hold development strategies and the model farmer’s performance which measured by their daily feeding conditions and their food security in relation to the strategies that they set. Objective: The objective of the study would analyze the model framers house hold development strategies and their performance on effective contribution to feeding/eating habit within a day and profitability of farming economy. Methodology: The study based on 43 model farmers as sample of respondents. It used to use structured questionnaires then use SPSS software to analyze the date. Data obtained are analyzed by using binary statistics and logistic regression model. Results: The six house hold development strategies were significantly affected and have relationship with model farmers daily feeding or eating habit. This study hopefully conclude that capacity of model farmers needs to be improved in the study area and to educate them how to use house hold development strategies on the most related strategies to wipe out poorness. Keywords: household development strategies, performances, model farme

    Recupero di materie prime da batterie Li-polimero a fine vita.

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    Gli ultimi anni hanno visto una crescente diffusione delle batterie al litio grazie alla loro grande densità energetica. I loro campi di applicazione sono: cellulari, laptop, palmari, aeromodellismo, elettronica militare e da ultima veicoli elettrici. Dall’aumento della loro produzione ne consegue anche un aumento di batterie esauste. È da qui che nasce lo scopo di questo lavoro di tesi incentrato infatti su attività di ricerca e trasferimento di tecnologia nell’ambito dei processi di recupero e riciclaggio delle batterie al litio esauste, con particolare attenzione alle Li-polimero e alle LiFePO4, tipiche del settore dell’autotrazione. Il presente lavoro di tesi è perciò articolato nei seguenti capitoli: 1-Nel primo capitolo è presente una breve descrizione del problema affrontato. 2-Nel secondo capitolo sono presentate le tipologie di batterie al litio presenti sul mercato con relative caratteristiche, vantaggi e svantaggi. L’attenzione è focalizzata prettamente ad accumulatori usati per autotrazione in particolare Litio-polimero e LiFePO4. 3-Il terzo capitolo è una descrizione esaustiva dello stato dell’arte dei processi esistenti di recupero di materie prime da batterie al litio a fine vita. 4-Nel quarto capitolo sono presentati gli apparati reattoristici, i metodi di analisi e le batterie utilizzate nelle prove sperimentali. 5-Il quinto capitolo presenta le prove sperimentali effettuate per la caratterizzazione delle batterie utilizzate e quelle destinate a sviluppare un processo innovativo di recupero di materie prime da tali batterie. 6-Nell’ultimo capitolo sono esposte le conclusioni

    Marketing Mix Strategies and Tourism Sector Performance- Case of Arba Minch Town

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    The main purpose of this study is to investigate the link between marketing mix strategies (mms) and general tourism sectors performance. The data for this study had collected through structured questionnaires from selected tourism sites of the Arba Minch town by taking 468 internal and external tourists as a sample. Data was analyzed by using software SPSS version 20 by adopting different statistical techniques, correlations, binary logistic regression and general log linear. The ten dimensions of the marketing mixes were employed in this study: namely; product, price, promotion, physical evidence, place, people, positioning, perception, philosophy and process. In general, this research mainly measured on general tourism sector performance that linking and marketing mix. So that, different theories of marketing mix strategy literatures on concept of tourism and tourist, their relationships etc, were thoroughly had studied. The relationships had correlated and checked its significances’. The marketing mix and brand building processes were tested by the help of chi-square test of associations. The main findings of the research were: seven strategies were related with general tourism sector performance; there were no relationships within three marketing mix strategies (philosophy, process and physical evidence) and Promotion was the most influential and process was the most insignificant factor to Arba Minch tourism Sectors. Keywords: Binary logistic regression, mms, tourism

    electric energy consumption and environmental impact in unconventional eaf steelmaking scenarios

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    Abstract The electric steel production is an energy intensive process with a significant environmental impact that however allows the reuse of scraps. Electric steelworks can increase their competitiveness and environmental sustainability through an adequate management of resource and energy. The paper presents a work carried out within a project funded by the European Union and related to the evaluation of electric energy consumption and environmental impact of electric steelworks in un-conventional scenarios starting from a standard process route of an Italian company. The exploitation of two modules of an ad-hoc developed general purpose monitoring tool highlights that scrap quality strongly affects the monitored energy and environmental parameters. The developed simulations pointed out that some scenarios allow reducing slag and improving the yield while slightly increasing the electric energy consumption: in countries where the electricity price and the emissions related to the production of electric energy are low, this can be a good compromise in order to improve the environmental sustainability of the sector


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    L\u2019elaborato approfondisce la disciplina organizzativa degli obbligazionisti (artt. 2415-2420 cod. civ.) nella duplice prospettiva della dialettica tra diritti individuali e diritti collettivi di ciascun portatore del prestito e della possibile interferenza sul modello di legge di assetti organizzativi di natura convenzionale. Le disposizioni dedicate all\u2019organizzazione degli obbligazionisti, per quanto limitate nel numero, rivestono una spiccata rilevanza nel pi\uf9 ampio sistema del diritto societario e dei mercati finanziari, sia per i riflessi dogmatici ed applicativi dei quesiti interpretativi che le stesse pongono, sia per la pluralit\ue0 di interessi, compositi e sovente tra di loro confliggenti, che in esse tentano di trovare un difficile equilibrio e contemperamento. Tra i profili pi\uf9 delicati e controversi della disciplina si segnala indubbiamente l\u2019attribuzione ex lege all\u2019assemblea degli obbligazionisti di una serie di poteri e competenze (art. 2415 cod. civ.) che, entro taluni limiti, le consentono di porsi quale interlocutore unico dell\u2019emittente e di approvare \u2013 a maggioranza \u2013 modificazioni, anche peggiorative, degli originari assetti negoziali dell\u2019operazione di prestito. Si \ue8 infatti alimentato nel tempo un intenso e mai sopito dibattito su quale sia la reale portata di tali competenze assembleari e quali, di contro, le materie che debbano in ogni caso ritenersi sottratte alla disponibilit\ue0 della maggioranza per essere rimesse al consenso individuale di ciascun obbligazionista. Ripercorrendo anzitutto i termini e lo stato attuale del dibattito, l\u2019elaborato affronta e sviluppa la questione proponendone una diversa e pi\uf9 attuale chiave di lettura ed inquadrandola nel pi\uf9 ampio contesto della progressiva evoluzione del diritto societario e concorsuale e segnatamente degli sviluppi normativi pi\uf9 di recente intervenuti nel settore del c.d. \u201cdiritto della crisi d\u2019impresa\u201d, nel quale la deviazione dalle regole di diritto comune e lo spazio assegnato al principio maggioritario divengono sempre pi\uf9 centrali e dirompenti, anche e soprattutto per la posizione dei creditori obbligazionisti. Il rapporto tra prerogative individuali ed azione collettiva potrebbe da questo angolo visuale assumere connotati ben diversi, a seconda che la volont\ue0 del gruppo creditorio debba essere espressa all\u2019interno ovvero al di fuori delle procedure concorsuali, avuto riguardo in particolare alle cc.dd. procedure di composizione concordata della crisi. Nella prospettiva appena delineata, le richiamate procedure potrebbero rappresentare la sede di estensione massima delle competenze assembleari, anche in ragione dei presidi e rimedi ivi specificamente posti a protezione dei creditori dissenzienti, e al contempo costituire un importante parametro di riferimento per valutare quanto esteso (ovvero quanto circoscritto) possa essere il terreno d\u2019azione dell\u2019assemblea ove si tratti invece di alterare le originarie condizioni del prestito in via del tutto extra-concorsuale. Una volta ricostruita \u2013 anche con il supporto del dato comparatistico \u2013 la linea di confine tra competenze assembleari e prerogative individuali degli obbligazionisti dentro e fuori dalle procedure test\ue9 richiamate, verr\ue0 quindi posto il tema dell\u2019eventuale interferenza dell\u2019autonomia contrattuale rispetto agli assetti organizzativi tracciati dal legislatore, indagandosi in particolare la legittimit\ue0 (o meno) di pattuizioni in deroga, siano esse modificative, integrative od anche sostitutive, rispetto al modello di legge. L\u2019analisi sar\ue0 sviluppata muovendo anzitutto dalla natura degli interessi protetti dalla disciplina allo scopo di verificare, tra l\u2019altro, (i) se sussistano profili di interesse pubblico o comunque interessi di natura sovraordinata che, da un punto di vista di diritto materiale interno, giustifichino una pi\uf9 o meno marcata compressione della libert\ue0 negoziale delle parti, vincolandole alla struttura organizzativa prevista dal codice civile, nonch\ue9 (ii) nella prospettiva di diritto internazionale privato e volgendo precipuamente lo sguardo alle emissioni realizzate all\u2019estero da parte di societ\ue0 italiane, se i profili di interesse generale o di ordine pubblico eventualmente ravvisati ne rendano necessaria l\u2019applicazione anche oltre il territorio nazionale, per il sol fatto che l\u2019operazione, sebbene collocata all\u2019estero e legittimamente sottoposta a legislazione straniera, sia realizzata da un emittente italiano. Lo studio torna quindi ad occuparsi dell\u2019equilibrio tra gruppo e individuo nelle dinamiche decisionali collettive, approfondendo in particolare le forme di tutela degli obbligazionisti dissenzienti ma in minoranza rispetto a condotte abusive della maggioranza e pi\uf9 in generale i rimedi disponibili a fronte di eventuali interferenze di interessi \u201cesterni\u201d o \u201catipici\u201d all\u2019interno dei predetti processi decisionali. Ci si interroga, da ultimo, circa la possibilit\ue0 di rafforzare le richiamate forme di tutela e di affermare regole pi\uf9 efficaci e pervasive di prevenzione (oppure di soluzione) dei conflitti in presenza di un assetto organizzativo di natura pattizia.The thesis considers the rules of organization of the bondholders laid down in Articles 2415-2420 of the Italian civil code. The analysis focuses in particular on the dialectic between bondholders\u2019 collective and individual rights, as well as on the potential interference of contractual schemes \u2013 as from time to time developed by the relevant market practice \u2013 over the collective legal framework. The rules of the Italian civil code relating to the bondholders\u2019 collective organization appear of paramount importance both in light of the significant hermeneutic and practical issues arising from their interpretation and application, and for the plurality and variety of interests (indeed, often conflicting) that such rules try to harmonize and balance. In this context the powers granted by the Italian legislator to the bondholders\u2019 meeting to approve also potentially detrimental amendments to the original terms and conditions of the bonds, are still and strongly disputed by scholars and commentators. Once analyzed the main terms of the dispute and the state of the art, the thesis proposes to put into context the issue under discussion taking into account the progressive development of corporate and bankruptcy Italian legal framework, also considering the reforms recently enacted in respect of insolvency and formal creditors\u2019 composition procedures, where the majority rule reveals to increasingly play a key role also and especially in connection with the bondholders\u2019 rights and position. The balance between individual prerogatives and collective action depends on whether the bondholder\u2019s consent is requested within or outside of a creditors\u2019 composition procedure. In this perspective, the above procedures may be regarded as the place of wider and maximum extension of the majority powers, also in light of the specific safeguards and legal protections in favor of dissenting creditors, and at the same time constitute a significant parameter to assess the scope and limits of application of the majority rule when amendments are proposed to the bondholders outside of a formal creditors\u2019 composition procedure. The analysis then focuses on the possible intersections between legal and contractual collective schemes, addressing in particular the issue of the actual validity and enforceability of bond\u2019s terms and conditions providing for contractual collective rules that supplement, derogate or even replace the rules of organization laid down in the Italian civil code. The issue will be primarily explored moving from the nature of the interests protected by the Italian legislator through the legal organization of bondholders in order to assess, among others, if (i) general, public or in any event ultra partes interests are involved therein so that the collective legal framework should be deemed to qualify, under an Italian law perspective, as mandatorily applicable to the parties of the bonds\u2019 issuance and (ii), from an international law perspective, if the involvement of any general or public interests implies that such legal framework should apply to any and all bonds\u2019 issuances carried out by Italian companies, although listed on a foreign market and even if the relevant terms and conditions are subjected to a foreign law and jurisdiction. The thesis will then explore the protections of minority bondholders in the context of the majority resolution processes against abuses of majority and, more in general, against the interference of any \u201cexternal\u201d or \u201catypical\u201d interests. In this connection, it will be also investigated the possibility to improve the protections available to the dissenting bondholders and to trace most effective methods to prevent and manage conflicts of interests when a contractual (rather than legal) collective scheme is applicable to a given bond\u2019s issuance transaction