9,499 research outputs found

    Trygg i transport – effekten av tid och upprepning pĂ„ unghĂ€stars lasttrĂ€ning

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    HÀstar transporteras över hela vÀrlden i syften som försÀljning, tÀvling, trÀning och djursjukhusvistelse. I mÄnga fall, men kanske frÀmst vid transport till djursjukhus, hinner aldrig den unga hÀsten fÄ trÀna sig pÄ att lastas innan den ska Äka ivÀg nÄgonstans. Den unga hÀsten utsÀtts för mÄnga obekanta och frÀmmande situationer i samband med lastning, nÄgot som medför att den blir stressad. Den obehagskÀnsla eller stress som hÀsten upplever kan uttryckas pÄ flera olika sÀtt, exempelvis beteendemÀssigt eller fysiologiskt. Det krÀvs dÀrför att hÀsten lÀr sig vad transporten innebÀr och att det inte Àr nÄgot att vara rÀdd för, vilket kan innebÀra en svÄr uppgift för djurhÄllaren. Syftet med den hÀr experimentella studien var att fÄ en uppfattning för hur den unga hÀsten pÄverkas av att lastas samt att ge en förstÄelse för hur den orutinerade hÀstens inlÀrning kan tillÀmpas i vardagliga situationer dÄ hÀsthÄllare ska förbereda transport av sina unga hÀstar. Studien inriktade sig dÀrför pÄ att ta reda pÄ hur hÀsten beter sig vid lastning, hur hÀstens puls förÀndras under lastningstillfÀllet, hur lÄng tid det tar att lasta en unghÀst och hur dessa faktorer förÀndras med antalet gÄnger som hÀsten lastas. I studien anvÀndes sex stycken hÀstar av rasen islandshÀst. Samtliga hÀstar lastades tre gÄnger vardera, en gÄng om dagen i tre dagar. Beteenden som registrerades var fekaliserar, stÄr stilla och drar Ät sidan, det kunde utlÀsas att fler beteenden registrerades under dag 1 Àn under dag 2 och 3. Pulsen ökade markant nÀr hÀstarna gick in i transporten jÀmfört med pulsen som mÀttes innan lastning. Pulsen sjönk betydligt nÀr hÀstarna hade lastats av och stod Äter pÄ fast mark igen. Tiden som det tog att lasta hÀstarna minskade för varje dag som de lastades. Studien visar att unghÀstarna rent fysiologiskt Àr mycket mer pÄverkade av att stÄ inne i transporten Àn vad de Àr nÀr de stÄr pÄ vanlig fast mark. Studien klargör ocksÄ att den unga hÀsten med hjÀlp av inlÀrning förstÄr vad det innebÀr att lastas dÄ resultatet tydliggör en signifikant lÀgre puls men Àven mindre uppvisade beteenden med antalet gÄnger som hÀsten blir lastad. Undantaget för den hÀr studien Àr dock hÀstarna hade högre puls vid andra lastningstillfÀllet Àn vid första. Resultatet frÄn lastningstiden tolkas som att det gÄr fortare att lasta en hÀst pÄ en transport med antalet gÄnger som den blir lastad, Ätminstone om inget har skrÀmt hÀsten under tidigare lastningar. Att lastningstrÀna den unga hÀsten innan transportering anses vara av stort vÀrde för att förbÀttra den unga orutinerade hÀstens vÀlfÀrd vid transport.Horses are transported around the world for purposes such as sales, competition, training and veterinary care. In many cases, mainly in transport to the veterinary hospital, the horse has not been trained to be loaded before being transported. The young horse is exposed to many unfamiliar and potentially frightening situations during loading, which can result in stress. The discomfort or stress the horse is experiencing can be expressed behaviorally and/or physiologically. It is therefore required that the horse is habituated to the vehicle and transportation, which could be a difficult task for the horse owner. The aim of this study was to achieve an understanding of how the young horse is affected by loading. I also wanted to show how the inexperienced horse learning theory can be applied in everyday situations when horse keepers prepare for transporting their young horses. The study focused therefore on how the horse behaves when loading, how the horse's heart rate changes during the time of loading, how long it takes to load a young horse, and how these factors change with the number of times the horse is loaded. The study used six Icelandic horses. All horses were loaded three times each, once a day for three consecutive days. The results of the heart rate and loading time were compared and tested for statistical significance. Behaviors recorded were defecation, stand calm and pull to one side. It could be deduced that more behaviors were recorded on day 1 than on day 2 and 3. Heart rate was significantly higher when the horses were in the trailer (P= 0.042) compared with the heart rate that was measured before loading. Heart rate decreased significantly when the horses were unloaded and stood back on solid ground again (P= 0.008). The time it took to load the horses decreased significantly by day (P= 0.002). The study shows that young horses, physiologically, is significantly affected by standing inside the vehicle compared to when they are outside on solid ground. The study also clarifies that the young horse with the help of learning, through repeated exposure, understands what it means to be loaded as the result elucidates a significantly lower heart rate, but also less behavior exhibited by the number of times that the horse will be loaded. Somewhat surprising was that the horses had a higher heart rate the second time of loading than the first. Loading time was reduced with an increasing number of times the horse was loaded. However, this effect might be reversed if something scares the horse during loading. To train the young horse of loading before transportation is considered to be of great value to improve the young horse welfare and human safety during transport


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    It’s clearly to say that, fiscal policies are one of the most keys in the hand of government that has many impacts in the growth of the country economy. Discussing about the tax evasion of the business and the informal economy like a product of it, I must say that is an current issue not only for my country, but also for all those countries in transition. All of us argue that in any country exists a business pressure to make fiscal evasion in order to achieve more their objective that is the maximization of profits. This seems to be aftermaths by many reasons especially by the economic environment of the country; meanwhile, by the other hand the government has another aim: how to get more and more revenues from taxation which is the main recourse of the financial budget. But , why are necessary the taxes? , Which are the criteria for tax design? Which is the relationship between policies and optimal taxation? How much is the growth of informal economy in Albania and which are the necessary strategies in order to reduce the tax evasion made by business? etc are some of the most important questions to made about the topics .Answering the questions, results an clearly picture about the economic environment of Albania and the things that must to do in order to resolve perhaps a bit the problem.Informal economy, tax evasion, tax design, fiscal policies

    "So bigge as bigge may be": tracking size and shape change in domestic livestock in London (AD 1220-1900)

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    This study presents the analysis of 7966 individual cattle, sheep, pig and domestic hen bone measurements from 105 sites excavated in London dating to the period AD 1220–1900. Multiple episodes of size change are identified, although the speed and timing varies by species. The earliest evidence for size change in cattle and sheep occurs in the early 14th century and may be connected to the need to restock livestock populations following the outbreaks of murrain in the first half of that century. Subsequent size increases in livestock size may have occurred as a combined consequence of agricultural innovations in the wake of the Black Death, the increasing commercialisation of animal farming, as the meat requirements of an expanding London grew, and the rise of the ethic of improvement


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    In this paper I choose to approach this subject because I think the measure in which the beneficiaries of these services are satisfied represents, in fact, one of the best ways to measure the quality of provided services, of strategic management efficiency and is also a good way to identify the clients’ complaints regarding in general all health services, whether is about the medical staff or the way the activities are organized.health services, strategic management, patient’s satisfaction degree.

    Tuning random lasing in photonic glasses

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    We present a detailed numerical investigation of the tunability of a diffusive random laser when Mie resonances are excited. We solve a multimode diffusion model and calculate multiple light scattering in presence of optical gain which includes dispersion in both scattering and gain, without any assumptions about the ÎČ\beta parameter. This allows us to investigate a realistic photonic glass made of latex spheres and rhodamine and to quantify both the lasing wavelength tunability range and the lasing threshold. Beyond what is expected by diffusive monochromatic models, the highest threshold is found when the competition between the lasing modes is strongest and not when the lasing wavelength is furthest from the maximum of the gain curve


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    A range of alternatives are available to water companies in the UK (United Kingdom) for reducing future water supply deficits, each having different implications in terms of environmental impacts (both positive and negative), level of service provided towater supply, public services, focus group, analysis

    Concluding dialogue

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    This is a chapter in a book with the overall description: This is a critical time in design. Concepts and practices of design are changing in response to historical developments in the modes of industrial design production and consumption. Indeed, the imperative of more sustainable development requires profound reconsideration of design today. Theoretical foundations and professional definitions are at stake, with consequences for institutions such as museums and universities as well as for future practitioners. This is ‘critical’ on many levels, from the urgent need to address societal and environmental issues to the reflexivity required to think and do design differently

    Sanitation and Hygiene Behaviour Change at Scale: Understanding Slippage

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    As sanitation and hygiene programmes mature, the challenge shifts from bringing communities to ODF status to sustaining this status. In this context, many programmes are confronted with the issue of slippage. This concept refers to a return to previous unhygienic behaviours, or the inability of some or all community members to continue to meet all ODF criteria. This paper explores how to discern slippage nuances and patterns, strategies to address, pre-empt and mitigate it as well as alternative monitoring systems that capture the complexity of slippage more fully. The analysis and reflections are based on direct field experience, primarily from the GSF-supported programme in Madagascar. Moreover, the underpinning principle of the paper is that slippage is an expected aspect of behaviour change-oriented sanitation and hygiene interventions, especially those at scale, and not a sign of failure thereof
