340 research outputs found

    El derecho como punto de partida al concepto filosófico de "presunción": la contribución de Ullmann-Margalit

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    Resumen: El presente paper analiza la contribución de Edna Ullmann-Margalit al desarrollo del concepto filosófico de presunción (asumir desde la ocurrencia de un hecho conocido la ocurrencia de un hecho no conocido a modo de actuar sobre él). Ullman-Margalit toma el contexto jurídico como punto de partida de su teoría porque, según ella, el lenguaje técnico del derecho dispone de más precisión que el lenguaje ordinario en lo que respeta a la “presunción” y sus parientes terminológicos. Dado que su paper de 1983 se haya convertido en una referencia a todos los que se dedican a qué significa “presumir”, aquí se ofrecerán dos objeciones a la contribución de Ullmann-Margalit. Abstract: The present paper analyzes Edna Ullman-Margalit's contribution for the development of a philosophical concept of presumption (assume from the occurrence of a known fact the occurrence of an unknown fact in order to act on its basis). Ullman-Margalit takes the legal context as a departure point for her theory because she believes that technical legal language is more precise than ordinary language in relation to the concept of "presumption" and its terminological cousins. Given that her 1983 paper has been a reference to those who attempt to understand what it means to "presume", this paper will offer two objections to Ullman-Margalit's contribution

    Evaluation of tissue response to periodontal dressings: histological study in tooth sockets of rats

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    Although the use of periodontal dressings is currently limited, there are some indications for their use. Selection of any material that will have direct contact with live tissues, such as periodontal dressings, should be careful in order to allow surgical wound healing. The aim of this study was to evaluate the intensity of inflammatory response and bone formation in tooth sockets of rats after implantation of three periodontal dressings. After removal of the right maxillary incisors of 84 male rats, each tooth socket received implantation of a polyethylene tube, 63 of which were filled with non-eugenol periodontal dressing and the remaining 21 tubes remained empty (control group). Histological evaluation assessed the intensity of inflammatory response and presence and location of bone tissue formation at postoperative periods of 7, 14 and 28 days. Statistical analysis was performed by the Kruskal-Wallis test at 5% significance level. Regarding the inflammatory infiltrate, at 28 days, there was statistically significant difference between one of periodontal dressings and control group (

    Comparative evaluation of the efficacy of occlusal splints fabricated in centric relation or maximum intercuspation in temporomandibular disorders patients

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    Fabrication of occlusal splints in centric relation for temporomandibular disorders (TMD) patients is arguable, since this position has been defined for asymptomatic stomatognathic system. Thus, maximum intercuspation might be employed in patients with occlusal stability, eliminating the need for interocclusal records. This study compared occlusal splints fabricated in centric relation and maximum intercuspation in muscle pain reduction of TMD patients. Twenty patients with TMD of myogenous origin and bruxism were divided into 2 groups treated with splints in maximum intercuspation (I) or centric relation (II). Clinical, electrognathographic and electromyographic examinations were performed before and 3 months after therapy. Data were analyzed by the Student's t test. Differences at 5% level of probability were considered statistically significant. There was a remarkable reduction in pain symptomatology, without statistically significant differences (p>;0.05) between the groups. There was mandibular repositioning during therapy, as demonstrated by the change in occlusal contacts on the splints. Electrognathographic examination demonstrated a significant increase in maximum left lateral movement for group I and right lateral movement for group II (p;0.05) in the electromyographic activities at rest after utilization of both splints. In conclusion, both occlusal splints were effective for pain control and presented similar action. The results suggest that maximum intercuspation may be used for fabrication of occlusal splints in patients with occlusal stability without large discrepancies between centric relation and maximum intercuspation. Moreover, this technique is simpler and less expensive

    Short CommunicationMating system parameters in Stylosanthes guianensis (Aubl.) Sw. based on RAPD markers

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    This study investigated the mating systems in Stylosanthes guianensis, an important tropical forage legume. Twelve progenies were analyzed with 21 polymorphic random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) loci. The mating parameters estimated using the mixed mating model showed that this population practices a mixture of selfing (61.4%) and out-crossing (38.6%) for reproduction. The results also indicated that the fraction of multilocus out-crossing of about 8.2% occurred among related individuals. Low values were obtained for correlation of paternity (0.212 ± 0.046) and correlation of selfing among families (0.102 ± 0.001). These results have important implications to establish strategies of maintenance of germplasm and genetic breeding.Keywords: Mixed mating model, out-crossing rate, tropical forage legumeAfrican Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 9(36), pp. 5820-5822, 6 September, 201

    Editorial of dossier “Epistemic injustice in criminal procedure” = Editorial do dossiê “Injustiça epistêmica nos contextos penal e processual penal”

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    Discorre acerca do conceito de injustiça epistêmica no contexto do procedimento criminal. Apresenta a teoria original desenvolvida por Miranda Fricker e identifica aplicações em processos judiciais

    La Injusticia Epistémica en el Proceso Penal

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    There is a growing awareness that there are many subtle forms of exclusion and partiality that affect the correct workings of a judicial system. The concept of epistemic injustice, introduced by the philosopher Miranda Fricker, is a useful conceptual tool to understand forms of judicial partiality that often go undetected. In this paper, we present Fricker’s original theory and some of the applications of the concept of epistemic injustice in legal processes. In particular, we want to show that the seed planted by Fricker has flourished into a rich field of study in which the concept is used to analyze many different phenomena in law, not always following the original characterization provided by her. This has led to a distinction between what we will call the narrow version of the concept, which is closer to Fricker’s original account, and the wider version of epistemic injustice, which is a more controversial notion because it is always on the verge of morphing into other well-known concepts like sexism, racial discrimination, oppression, silencing, and gaslighting. We will show that the value of the narrow version is mostly theoretical, and that in order to use the concept of epistemic injustice one must adopt a more liberal understanding of it.Cada día es más evidente que existen muchas formas sutiles de exclusión y parcialidad que afectan el correcto funcionamiento de los sistemas jurídicos. El concepto de injusticia epistémica, introducido por la filósofa Miranda Fricker, ofrece una herramienta conceptual útil para comprender estas formas de exclusión y parcialidad judicial que a menudo pasan desapercibidas. En este artículo presentamos la teoría original de Fricker y algunas de las aplicaciones del concepto de injusticia epistémica en los procesos jurídicos. En particular, queremos demostrar que la semilla sembrada por Fricker ha generado un floreciente campo de estudio en el cual el concepto se utiliza para analizar muchos fenómenos diferentes en el ámbito jurídico, no siempre siguiendo la caracterización original proporcionada por ella. Esto ha llevado a una distinción entre lo que llamaremos la versión estrecha del concepto, que se acerca a la descripción original de Fricker, y la versión más amplia de injusticia epistémica, que es una noción más controvertida porque existe el riesgo de que se confunda con otros conceptos más conocidos como el sexismo, la discriminación racial, la opresión, el silenciamiento y el gaslighting. Mostraremos que el valor de la versión estrecha es principalmente teórico y que para utilizar el concepto de injusticia epistémica se debe adoptar una comprensión más liberal del mismo


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    Objective:The flavor of an enteral nutrition formula affects medication adherence as well as patient's nutritional status and therapeutic efficiency on the major pathology. Therefore, it is important for medical professionals to understand the flavors of enteral nutrition formulas. This study aimed to evaluate the flavors of enteral nutrition formulas and examine the factors influencing these flavors. Methods:A total of 304 students in a pharmaceutical department were subjected to a semantic differential sensory evaluation in which they compared the flavors of digestion and semi-digestion enteral nutrition formulas using a five-point scale. In addition, factors related to good flavor were extracted via factor analyses, and subjected to a covariance structure analysis.Results:In the flavor comparison between digestion and semi-digestion nutrition formulas, semi-digestion nutrition agents scored significantly higher than digestion nutrition formulas did (Welch's t test, P < 0.001, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.69–0.99). The factor analyses extracted three subscales of factors related to good flavor: impression of taking, feeling of presence and sense of richness. In a path analysis model to determine the influence of these factor subscales on flavor, impression of taking feeling of presence were found to have significant influences (index of goodness of fit: χ2 = 474.883, df = 62, P < 0.001, GFI = 0.938, AGFI = 0.909, RMSEA = 0.079).Conclusion:Flavor affects medication adherence to enteral nutrition. Therefore, it is important for medical professionals to understand the factors that influence flavor and thus provide patients with better nutrition formulas

    Editorial of dossier “Epistemic Injustice in Criminal Procedure”

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    There is a growing awareness that there are many subtle forms of exclusion and partiality that affect the correct workings of a judicial system. The concept of epistemic injustice, introduced by the philosopher Miranda Fricker, is a useful conceptual tool to understand forms of judicial partiality that often go undetected. In this paper, we present Fricker’s original theory and some of the applications of the concept of epistemic injustice in legal processes. In particular, we want to show that the seed planted by Fricker has flourished into a rich field of study in which the concept is used to analyze many different phenomena in law, not always following the original characterization provided by her. This has led to a distinction between what we will call the narrow version of the concept, which is closer to Fricker’s original account, and the wider version of epistemic injustice, which is a more controversial notion because it is always on the verge of morphing into other well-known concepts like sexism, racial discrimination, oppression, silencing, and gaslighting. We will show that the value of the narrow version is mostly theoretical, and that in order to use the concept of epistemic injustice one must adopt a more liberal understanding of it