93 research outputs found

    Development of a murine infection model with Leishmania killicki, responsible for cutaneous Leishmaniosis in Algeria : application in pharmacology

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    In Algeria, Leishmania infantum, Leishmania major, and Leishmania killicki (Leishmania tropica) are responsible for cutaneous leishmaniosis. We established a murine model of L. killicki infection to investigate its infective capacity, some immunophysiopathological aspects, and its suitability for pharmacological purposes. Following the injection of L. major or L. killicki metacyclic promastigotes in the ear dermis of BALB/c mice, the course of infection was followed. The infection with L. killicki caused slower lesion formation than with L. major. The presence of L. killicki or L. major DNA and parasites was detected in the ear dermis and in lymph nodes, spleen, and liver. Lesions induced by L. killicki were nonulcerative in their aspect, whereas those caused by L. major were highly ulcerative and necrotic, which matches well with the lesion phenotype reported in humans for L. killicki and L. major, respectively. The treatment of L. killicki lesions by injection of Glucantime (R) significantly reduced the lesion thickness and parasite burden. Ear dermal injection of BALB/c mice constitutes a model to study lesions physiopathology caused by L. killicki and presents interest for in vivo screening of new compounds against this pathogen, emerging in Algeria

    Endoscopic sensing of alveolar pH

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    Previously unobtainable measurements of alveolar pH were obtained using an endoscope-deployable optrode. The pH sensing was achieved using functionalized gold nanoshell sensors and surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). The optrode consisted of an asymmetric dual-core optical fiber designed for spatially separating the optical pump delivery and signal collection, in order to circumvent the unwanted Raman signal generated within the fiber. Using this approach, we demonstrate a ~100-fold increase in SERS signal-to-fiber background ratio, and demonstrate multiple site pH sensing with a measurement accuracy of ± 0.07 pH units in the respiratory acini of an ex vivo ovine lung model. We also demonstrate that alveolar pH changes in response to ventilation

    Truncation Effects in the Functional Renormalization Group Study of Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking

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    We study the occurrence of spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB) for O (N) models using functional renormalization group techniques. We show that even the local potential approximation (LPA) when treated exactly is sufficient to give qualitatively correct results for systems with continuous symmetry, in agreement with the Mermin-Wagner theorem and its extension to systems with fractional dimensions. For general N (including the Ising model N = 1) we study the solutions of the LPA equations for various truncations around the zero field using a finite number of terms (and different regulators), showing that SSB always occurs even where it should not. The SSB is signalled by Wilson-Fisher fixed points which for any truncation are shown to stay on the line defined by vanishing mass beta functions

    Carbon Monoxide Promotes Respiratory Hemoproteins Iron Reduction Using Peroxides as Electron Donors

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    The physiological role of the respiratory hemoproteins (RH), hemoglobin and myoglobin, is to deliver O2 via its binding to their ferrous (FeII) heme-iron. Under variety of pathological conditions RH proteins leak to blood plasma and oxidized to ferric (FeIII, met) forms becoming the source of oxidative vascular damage. However, recent studies have indicated that both metRH and peroxides induce Heme Oxygenase (HO) enzyme producing carbon monoxide (CO). The gas has an extremely high affinity for the ferrous heme-iron and is known to reduce ferric hemoproteins in the presence of suitable electron donors. We hypothesized that under in vivo plasma conditions, peroxides at low concentration can assist the reduction of metRH in presence of CO. The effect of CO on interaction of metRH with hydrophilic or hydrophobic peroxides was analyzed by following Soret and visible light absorption changes in reaction mixtures. It was found that under anaerobic conditions and low concentrations of RH and peroxides mimicking plasma conditions, peroxides served as electron donors and RH were reduced to their ferrous carboxy forms. The reaction rates were dependent on CO as well as peroxide concentrations. These results demonstrate that oxidative activity of acellular ferric RH and peroxides may be amended by CO turning on the reducing potential of peroxides and facilitating the formation of redox-inactive carboxyRH. Our data suggest the possible role of HO/CO in protection of vascular system from oxidative damage

    Transcription forms and remodels supercoiling domains unfolding large-scale chromatin structures

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    DNA supercoiling is an inherent consequence of twisting DNA and is critical for regulating gene expression and DNA replication. However, DNA supercoiling at a genomic scale in human cells is uncharacterized. To map supercoiling we used biotinylated-trimethylpsoralen as a DNA structure probe to show the genome is organized into supercoiling domains. Domains are formed and remodeled by RNA polymerase and topoisomerase activities and are flanked by GC-AT boundaries and CTCF binding sites. Under-wound domains are transcriptionally active, enriched in topoisomerase I, “open” chromatin fibers and DNaseI sites, but are depleted of topoisomerase II. Furthermore DNA supercoiling impacts on additional levels of chromatin compaction as under-wound domains are cytologically decondensed, topologically constrained, and decompacted by transcription of short RNAs. We suggest that supercoiling domains create a topological environment that facilitates gene activation providing an evolutionary purpose for clustering genes along chromosomes

    Glutamate regulation of calcium and IP3 oscillating and pulsating dynamics in astrocytes

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    Recent years have witnessed an increasing interest in neuron-glia communication. This interest stems from the realization that glia participates in cognitive functions and information processing and is involved in many brain disorders and neurodegenerative diseases. An important process in neuron-glia communications is astrocyte encoding of synaptic information transfer: the modulation of intracellular calcium dynamics in astrocytes in response to synaptic activity. Here, we derive and investigate a concise mathematical model for glutamate-induced astrocytic intracellular Ca2+ dynamics that captures the essential biochemical features of the regulatory pathway of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3). Starting from the well-known two-state Li-Rinzel model for calcium-induced-calcium release, we incorporate the regulation of the IP3 production and phosphorylation. Doing so we extended it to a three-state model (referred as the G-ChI model), that could account for Ca2+ oscillations triggered by endogenous IP3 metabolism as well as by IP3 production by external glutamate signals. Compared to previous similar models, our three-state models include a more realistic description of the IP3 production and degradation pathways, lumping together their essential nonlinearities within a concise formulation. Using bifurcation analysis and time simulations, we demonstrate the existence of new putative dynamical features. The cross-couplings between IP3 and Ca2+ pathways endows the system with self-consistent oscillator properties and favor mixed frequency-amplitude encoding modes over pure amplitude modulation ones. These and additional results of our model are in general agreement with available experimental data and may have important implications on the role of astrocytes in the synaptic transfer of information.Comment: 42 pages, 16 figures, 1 table. Figure filenames mirror figure order in the paper. Ending "S" in figure filenames stands for "Supplementary Figure". This article was selected by the Faculty of 1000 Biology: "Genevieve Dupont: Faculty of 1000 Biology, 4 Sep 2009" at http://www.f1000biology.com/article/id/1163674/evaluatio