7 research outputs found

    Breakdown of Leaf Litter in a Neotropical Stream

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    We investigated the breakdown of 2 leaf species, Croton gossypifolius (Euphorbiaceae) and Clidemia sp. (Melastomataceae), in a 4th-order neotropical stream (Andean Mountains, southwestern Colombia) using leaf bags over a 6-wk period. We determined the initial leaf chemical composition and followed the change in content of organic matter, C, N, and ergosterol, the sporulation activity of aquatic hyphomy cetes, and the structure and composition of leaf-associated aquatic hy phomy cetes and macroinvertebrates. Both leaf species decomposed rapidly ( k 5 0.0651 and 0.0235/d, respec- tively); Croton lost 95% of its initial mass within 4 wk compared to 54% for Clidemia . These high rates were probably related to the stable and moderately high water tempera ture (19 8 C), favoring strong biological a ctivity. Up to 2300 and 1500 invertebrates per leaf bag were found on Croton and Clidemia leaves after 10 and 16 d, respectively. Shredders accounted for , 5% of the total numbers and biomass. F ungal biomass peaked at 8.4 and 9.6% of the detrital mass of the 2 leaf species, suggesting that fungi contributed cons iderably to leaf mass l oss. The difference in breakdown rates between leaf species was consistent with the earlier peaks in ergosterol and sporulation rate in Croton (10 d vs 16 d in Clidemia ) and the faster colonization of Croton by macroinvertebrates. The softer texture, lower tannin content, and hi gher N content were partly responsible for the faster breakdown of Croton leaves. The rapid breakdown of leaf litter, combined with a low infl uence by shredders, is in accordance with previous findings. The high fungal activity associated with rapid leaf breakdown appears to be characteristic of leaf processing in tropical streams

    Seasonal dynamics of benthic detritus and associated macroinvertebrate communities in a neotropical stream

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    The dynamics of benthic detritus and the structure, composition and functional feeding groups of as- sociated macroinvertebrate communities were followed at biweekly intervals over one year in a 4th-order Andean stream located in a forested hill in SW Colombia. The density of macroinvertebrates and the number of taxa showed a similar bimodal annual pattern with highest values occurring from January to mid-March and from July to mid- October. The accumulated benthic detritus and the invertebrate abundance and community structure were appar- ently controlled by stream discharge. This was confirmed by a cluster analysis of invertebrate assemblages over the year where three groups of sampling dates emerged. The first group occurred during high discharges, the second one under intermediate hydrological conditions and the third coincided with low rainfall and low discharges. Nu- merically, collectors dominated, whereas shredders represented less than 5.3 % of the invertebrates. Unexpectedly, benthic detritus and collector densities were negatively correlated; however, no relation between benthic detritus and the abundance of shredders was found, which may suggest that benthic detritus consisting mainly of plant remains was not a limiting resource in this neotropical stream. Macroinvertebrates appear to have a minor role in the decomposition of plant matter which is consistent with previous observations from the same and other tropical streams. As a consequence, macroinvertebrate dynamics in this stream were more influenced by hydrological vari- ations than by input of plant detritus

    Leaf-litter breakdown in tropical streams: is variability the norm?

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    Many forested headwater streams are heterotrophic ecosystems in which allochthonous inputs of plant litter are a major source of energy. Leaves of riparian vegetation entering the stream are broken down by a combination of biotic and abiotic processes and, in most temperate and boreal streams, provide food and habitat for dense populations of detritivorous invertebrates. However, tropical streams in different parts of the world show substantial variability in the number and diversity of leaf-shredding detritivores (hereafter detritivores). We used data obtained with standardized methods from multiple streams in Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Australia to test the hypothesis that this variability would lead to differences in the relative role of detritivores and microorganisms in the breakdown process.We also tested the hypotheses that variability in litter breakdown rates changes with litter type (native litter mixtures vs nonnative alder [Alnus glutinosa]) and is higher across regions within than outside the tropics. We found that litter breakdown rates were highly variable across sites, with no consistent pattern within geographic areas, although litter consumption by detritivores was negligible at several sites, all in America. Geographic patterns of litter breakdown also varied between litter types, with higher breakdown rates for alder than for native litter in most but not all regions.When litter breakdown rates at the tropical sites were compared to previously reported values from temperate and boreal regions, we found that differences in variability between tropical and temperate sites were inconsistent, with great differences among studies. Further global-scale studies will be needed to assess the extent to which latitudinal changes in the diversity and composition of microbial and detritivore assemblages contribute to variability in litter breakdown rates

    Data from: Biotic and abiotic variables influencing plant litter breakdown in streams: a global study

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    Plant litter breakdown is a key ecological process in terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems. Streams and rivers, in particular, have high rates of carbon dioxide evasion and they contribute substantially to global carbon fluxes. However, there is little information available on the relative roles of different drivers of plant litter breakdown in fresh waters, particularly at large scales. We present a global-scale study of litter breakdown in streams to compare the roles of biotic, climatic and other environmental factors on breakdown rates. We conducted an experiment in 24 streams encompassing latitudes from 47.8ÂşN to 42.8ÂşS, using litter mixtures of local species differing in quality and phylogenetic diversity, and alder (Alnus glutinosa) to control for variation in litter traits. Our models revealed that breakdown of alder was driven by climate, with some influence of pH, while variation in breakdown of litter mixtures was explained mainly by litter quality and phylogenetic diversity. The influence of these litter variables and pH was modulated by temperature, indicating that different mechanisms may operate at different latitudes. These results reflect global variability caused by multiple factors, but unexplained variance points to the need for expanded global-scale comparisons

    A global experiment suggests climate warming will not accelerate litter decomposition in streams but might reduce carbon sequestration

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    The decomposition of plant litter is one of the most important ecosystem processes in the biosphere and is particularly sensitive to climate warming. Aquatic ecosystems are well suited to studying warming effects on decomposition because the otherwise confounding influence of moisture is constant. By using a latitudinal temperature gradient in an unprecedented global experiment in streams, we found that climate warming will likely hasten microbial litter decomposition and produce an equivalent decline in detritivore-mediated decomposition rates. As a result, overall decomposition rates should remain unchanged. Nevertheless, the process would be profoundly altered, because the shift in importance from detritivores to microbes in warm climates would likely increase COâ‚‚production and decrease the generation and sequestration of recalcitrant organic particles. In view of recent estimates showing that inland waters are a significant component of the global carbon cycle, this implies consequences for global biogeochemistry and a possible positive climate feedback