4,970 research outputs found

    Dependence of Gas Phase Abundances in the ISM on Column Density

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    Sightlines through high- and intermediate-velocity clouds allow measurements of ionic gas phase abundances, A, at very low values of HI column density, N(HI). Present observations cover over 4 orders of magnitude in N(HI). Remarkably, for several ions we find that the A vs N(HI) relation is the same at high and low column density and that the abundances have a relatively low dispersion (factors of 2-3) at any particular N(HI). Halo gas tends to have slightly higher values of A than disk gas at the same N(HI), suggesting that part of the dispersion may be attributed to the environment. We note that the dispersion is largest for NaI; using NaI as a predictor of N(HI) can lead to large errors. Important implications of the low dispersions regarding the physical nature of the ISM are: (a) because of clumping, over sufficiently long pathlengths N(HI) is a reasonable measure of the_local_ density of_most_ of the H atoms along the sight line; (b) the destruction of grains does not mainly take place in catastrophic events such as strong shocks, but is a continuous function of the mean density; (c) the cycling of the ions becoming attached to grains and being detached must be rapid, and the two rates must be roughly equal under a wide variety of conditions; (d) in gas that has a low average density the attachment should occur within denser concentrations

    Fast scan infrared detection and measuring instrument monthly progress report, oct. 1-31, 1964

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    Optics, scan, detector, and product design of fast scan infrared detection and measuring instrumen

    CP and related phenomena in the context of Stellar Evolution

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    We review the interaction in intermediate and high mass stars between their evolution and magnetic and chemical properties. We describe the theory of Ap-star `fossil' fields, before touching on the expected secular diffusive processes which give rise to evolution of the field. We then present recent results from a spectropolarimetric survey of Herbig Ae/Be stars, showing that magnetic fields of the kind seen on the main-sequence already exist during the pre-main sequence phase, in agreement with fossil field theory, and that the origin of the slow rotation of Ap/Bp stars also lies early in the pre-main sequence evolution; we also present results confirming a lack of stars with fields below a few hundred gauss. We then seek which macroscopic motions compete with atomic diffusion in determining the surface abundances of AmFm stars. While turbulent transport and mass loss, in competition with atomic diffusion, are both able to explain observed surface abundances, the interior abundance distribution is different enough to potentially lead to a test using asterosismology. Finally we review progress on the turbulence-driving and mixing processes in stellar radiative zones.Comment: Proceedings of IAU GA in Rio, JD4 on Ap stars; 10 pages, 7 figure

    Roadmap on the theoretical work of BinaMIcS

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    We review the different theoretical challenges concerning magnetism in interacting binary or multiple stars that will be studied in the BinaMIcS (Binarity and Magnetic Interactions in various classes of Stars) project during the corresponding spectropolarimetric Large Programs at CFHT and TBL. We describe how completely new and innovative topics will be studied with BinaMIcS such as the complex interactions between tidal flows and stellar magnetic fields, the MHD star-star interactions, and the role of stellar magnetism in stellar formation and vice versa. This will strongly modify our vision of the evolution of interacting binary and multiple stars.Comment: 2 pages, proceeding of IAUS 302 Magnetic fields throughout stellar evolution, correct list of author

    In situ ozone data for evaluation of the laser absorption spectrometer ozone remote sensor: 1979 southeastern Virginia urban plume study summer field program

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    Ozone data from the 1979 Southeastern Virginia Urban Study (SEV-UPS) field program are presented. The SEV-UPS was conducted for evaluation of an ozone remote sensor, the Laser Absorption Spectrometer. During the measurement program, remote-sensor evaluation was in two areas; (1) determination of the remote sensor's accuracy, repeatability, and operational characteristics, and (2) demonstration of the application of remotely sensed ozone data in air-quality studies. Data from six experiments designed to provide in situ ozone data for evaluation of the sensor in area 1, above, are presented. Experiments consisted of overflights of a test area with the remote sensor aircraft while in situ measurements with a second aircraft and selected surface stations provided correlative ozone data within the viewing area of the remote sensor

    In situ correlative measurements for the ultraviolet differential absorption lidar and the high spectral resolution lidar air quality remote sensors: 1980 PEPE/NEROS program

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    In situ correlative measurements were obtained with a NASA aircraft in support of two NASA airborne remote sensors participating in the Environmental Protection Agency's 1980persistent elevated pollution episode (PEPE) and Northeast regional oxidant study (NEROS) field program in order to provide data for evaluating the capability of two remote sensors for measuring mixing layer height, and ozone and aerosol concentrations in the troposphere during the 1980 PEPE/NEROS program. The in situ aircraft was instrumented to measure temperature, dewpoint temperature, ozone concentrations, and light scattering coefficient. In situ measurements for ten correlative missions are given and discussed. Each data set is presented in graphical and tabular format aircraft flight plans are included

    Dust heating by the interstellar radiation field in models of turbulent molecular clouds

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    We have calculated the radiation field, dust grain temperatures, and far infrared emissivity of numerical models of turbulent molecular clouds. When compared to a uniform cloud of the same mean optical depth, most of the volume inside the turbulent cloud is brighter, but most of the mass is darker. There is little mean attenuation from center to edge, and clumping causes the radiation field to be somewhat bluer. There is also a large dispersion, typically by a few orders of magnitude, of all quantities relative to their means. However, despite the scatter, the 850 micron emission maps are well correlated with surface density. The fraction of mass as a function of intensity can be reproduced by a simple hierarchical model of density structure.Comment: 32 pages, 14 figures, submitted to Ap

    Unified derivation of phase-field models for alloy solidification from a grand-potential functional

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    In the literature, two quite different phase-field formulations for the problem of alloy solidification can be found. In the first, the material in the diffuse interfaces is assumed to be in an intermediate state between solid and liquid, with a unique local composition. In the second, the interface is seen as a mixture of two phases that each retain their macroscopic properties, and a separate concentration field for each phase is introduced. It is shown here that both types of models can be obtained by the standard variational procedure if a grand-potential functional is used as a starting point instead of a free-energy functional. The dynamical variable is then the chemical potential instead of the composition. In this framework, a complete analogy with phase-field models for the solidification of a pure substance can be established. This analogy is then exploited to formulate quantitative phase-field models for alloys with arbitrary phase diagrams. The precision of the method is illustrated by numerical simulations with varying interface thickness.Comment: 36 pages, 1 figur

    Calculating Cross Sections of Composite Interstellar Grains

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    Interstellar grains may be composite collections of particles of distinct materials, including voids, agglomerated together. We determine the various optical cross sections of such composite grains, given the optical properties of each constituent, using an approximate model of the composite grain. We assume it consists of many concentric spherical layers of the various materials, each with a specified volume fraction. In such a case the usual Mie theory can be generalized and the extinction, scattering, and other cross sections determined exactly. We find that the ordering of the materials in the layering makes some difference to the derived cross sections, but averaging over the various permutations of the order of the materials provides rapid convergence as the number of shells (each of which is filled by all of the materials proportionately to their volume fractions) is increased. Three shells, each with one layer of a particular constituent material, give a very satisfactory estimate of the average cross section produced by larger numbers of shells. We give the formulae for the Rayleigh limit (small size parameter) for multi-layered spheres and use it to propose an ``Effective Medium Theory'' (EMT), in which an average optical constant is taken to represent the ensemble of materials. Multi-layered models are used to compare the accuracies of several EMTs already in the literature.Comment: 29 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal (part 1, scheduled in Vol. 526, #1, Nov. 20

    Lower limb muscle activation and kinematics modifications of young healthy adults while pushing a variable resistance sled

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    Introduction: The XPO Trainer used in this research is a novel device which provides low rolling resistance at low speeds with an immediate and automatic proportional increase in resistance with increased speed. Purpose: To examine the impact of using the XPO Trainer on gait and neuromuscular activation at low and high speeds in young, seemingly healthy adults. Materials and Methods: This work consisted of 48 healthy adults (age: 25.07 ± 3.46 years, weight: 148.2 ± 25.96 lbs, height: 66.57 ± 4.14 inches). Each participant wore accelerometers/gyroscopes sensors around each wrist and ankle, chest, and low back and surface electromyography (EMG) electrodes on their dominant leg over the quadriceps (QUAD), hamstring (HAM), anterior tibialis (TA), and gastrocnemius (GA). To initiate the tasks, participants walked then ran 40 feet with and without the XPO Trainer sled. Subjects did a total of 3 trials per tasks (total of 12) with one minute of rest between tasks to reduce fatigue factor. The data from the EMG and Mobility Lab sensors were then processed and compared through the SPSS 24 system for a repeated-measures ANOVA. Results: EMG- The QUAD muscle exhibited a significantly higher muscle activation (p ≤ .05) between walk (45.39 ± 24.43) and walk push (74.40 ± 56.73) tasks. Gait Parameters- There was a significant modification (p ≤ .05) between the different gait variables and tasks, including cadence, gait speed, stride length and trunk velocity while pushing the sled. Conclusion/Clinical Relevance: With the XPO Trainer being a novel device, it is important to understand how it affects the activation and response for muscles during different activities before using it as a training tool. Understanding the effect this particular sled can provide on the different components of the (temporospatial) gait parameters and muscle activation is valuable for a clinically appropriate application to specific populations.Supported by Texas Woman's University Small Grant Program