952 research outputs found

    Fuzzy argumentation for trust

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    In an open Multi-Agent System, the goals of agents acting on behalf of their owners often conflict with each other. Therefore, a personal agent protecting the interest of a single user cannot always rely on them. Consequently, such a personal agent needs to be able to reason about trusting (information or services provided by) other agents. Existing algorithms that perform such reasoning mainly focus on the immediate utility of a trusting decision, but do not provide an explanation of their actions to the user. This may hinder the acceptance of agent-based technologies in sensitive applications where users need to rely on their personal agents. Against this background, we propose a new approach to trust based on argumentation that aims to expose the rationale behind such trusting decisions. Our solution features a separation of opponent modeling and decision making. It uses possibilistic logic to model behavior of opponents, and we propose an extension of the argumentation framework by Amgoud and Prade to use the fuzzy rules within these models for well-supported decisions

    Proposing a life cycle land use impact calculation methodology

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    The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) community is yet to come to a consensus on a methodology to incorporate land use in LCA, still struggling with what exactly should be assessed and which indicators should be used. To solve this problem we start from concepts and models describing how ecosystems function and sustain, in order to understand how land use affects them. Earlier our research group presented a methodology based on the ecosystem exergy concept. This concept as based on the hypothesis that ecosystems develop towards more effective degradation of exergy fluxes passing through the system and is derived from two axioms: the principles of (i) maximum exergy storage and the (ii) maximum exergy dissipation. This concept aiming at the area of protection natural environment is different from conventional exergy analysis in LCA focusing on natural resources. To prevent confusion, the ecosystem exergy concept is further referred to as the MAximum Storage and Dissipation concept (MASD concept). In this paper we present how this concept identifies end-point impacts, mid-point impacts and mid-point indicators. The identified end-point impacts to assess are Ecosystem Structural Quality (ESQ) and Ecosystem Functional Quality (EFQ). In order to quantify these end-point impacts a dynamic multi-indicator set is proposed for quantifying the mid-point impacts on soil fertility, biodiversity and biomass production (quantifying the ESQ) and soil structure, vegetation structure and on-site water balance (quantifying the EFQ). Further we present an impact calculation method suitable for different environmental assessment tools and demonstrate the incorporation of the methodology in LCA

    Coulometry and Calorimetry of Electric Double Layer Formation in Porous Electrodes

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    Coulometric measurements on salt-water-immersed nanoporous carbon electrodes reveal, at a fixed voltage, a charge decrease with increasing temperature. During far-out-of-equilibrium charging of these electrodes, calorimetry indicates the production of both irreversible Joule heat and reversible heat, the latter being associated with entropy changes during electric double layer (EDL) formation in the nanopores. These measurements grant experimental access --for the first time-- to the entropic contribution of the grand potential; for our electrodes, this amounts to roughly 25% of the total grand potential energy cost of EDL formation at large applied potentials, in contrast with point-charge model calculations that predict 100%. The coulometric and calorimetric experiments show a consistent picture of the role of heat and temperature in EDL formation and provide hitherto unused information to test against EDL models.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    Proposing a life cycle land use impact calculation methodology

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    The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) community is yet to come to a consensus on a methodology to incorporate land use in LCA. Earlier our research group presented a methodology based on the ecosystem exergy concept. The ecosystem exergy concept suggests that ecosystems develop towards more effective degradation of energy fluxes passing through the system. The concept is argued to be derivable from two axioms: the principles of (i) maximum exergy storage and the (ii) maximum exergy dissipation. In this paper we present a methodology to assess impacts of human induced land use occupation, in which we make a difference between functional and structural land use impacts. The methodology follows a dynamic multi-indicator approach looking at mid-point impacts on soil fertility, soil structure, biomass production, vegetation structure, on-site water balance and biodiversity. The impact scores are calculated as a relative difference with a reference system. We propose to calculate the impact by calculating the land quality change between the former and the actual land use relative to the quality of the potential natural vegetation. Impact scores are then aggregated, as endpoint impacts, in (i) structural land use impact (exergy storage capacity) and (ii) functional land use impact (exergy dissipation capacity). For aggregation of the relative mid-point impact scores no characterization factor is used. In order to fit this impact calculation in the LCA framework the end-point impact scores are multiplied by a LCA component, a component that enables us to report the impact per functional unit

    Dynamics of wilful blindness: An introduction

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    What are the politics of ignorance in an age of misinformation? How can the concept of ‘wilful blindness’ help us to understand the logics involved? We start the introduction to this special issue by arguing that the intrinsic instability of wilful blindness draws valuable attention to the graded nature of intentionality and perception, and the tensions between them. These features are an essential part of the workings of ignorance, as we illustrate with reference to the shifting intentions of drug couriers, the fleeting moments in which the humanity of victims is recognised in the midst of violent acts, and the affects that channel economic behaviour, such as in the subprime mortgage crisis. When approaching perception and intentionality as complexly entangled in institutionalised fields of power, ‘wilful blindness’ emerges as a powerful and critical diagnostic of the epistemic instabilities of our time

    La contribution de la "squadra belga" au Concile Vatican II

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    En este artículo, basado en una exhaustiva investigación archivística, queremos presentar el papel de la llamada «squadra belga» en el Concilio Vaticano ii. Nuestra contribución muestra, claramente, que la Squadra Belga consistía en un grupo bastante pequeño de obispos y teólogos que se conocían muy bien entre ellos ya que habían estudiado juntos en Roma y residían en el Colegio Belga. Además, los obispos belgas nombraban a los profesores de teología de la Universidad Católica de Lovaina e intercambiaban impresiones con los teólogos de manera regular. En definitiva, existía una confianza mutua. Varios de estos teólogos eran apreciados internacionalmente por sus investigaciones y su compromiso con el ecumenismo, las ciencias bíblicas, patrísticas y afines. A diferencia de algunos teólogos franceses y alemanes, los profesores de Lovaina nunca habían sido objeto de condenas. Los belgas participaron activamente y tuvieron un papel importante en la elaboración de lo que llegarían a ser varios documentos conciliares: Lumen Gentium, Dei Verbum, Unitatis Redintegratio, Dignitatis Humanae y Gaudium et Spes, por mencionar solo los documentos en que su contribución es más visible

    Cytotoxic T Cells in H. pylori-Related Gastric Autoimmunity and Gastric Lymphoma

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    Helicobacter pylori infection is the major cause of gastroduodenal pathologies, but only a minority of infected patients develop gastric B-cell lymphoma, gastric autoimmunity, or other life threatening diseases, as gastric cancer or peptic ulcer. The type of host immune response against H. pylori, particularly the cytolytic effector functions of T cells, is crucial for the outcome of the infection. T cells are potentially able to kill a target via different mechanisms, such as perforins or Fas-Fas ligand interaction. In H. pylori-infected patients with gastric autoimmunity cytolytic T cells, that cross-recognize different epitopes of H. pylori proteins and H+K+-ATPase autoantigen, infiltrate the gastric mucosa and lead to gastric atrophy via long-lasting activation of Fas ligand-mediated appotosis and perforin-induced cytotoxicity. On the other hand, gastric T cells from MALT lymphoma exhibit defective perforin- and Fas-Fas ligand-mediated killing of B cells, with consequent abnormal help for B-cell proliferation, suggesting that deregulated and exhaustive H. pylori-induced T cell-dependent B-cell activation can support both the onset and the promotion of low-grade B-cell lymphoma

    The Machines Aren’t Taking Over (Yet): An Empirical Comparison of Traditional, Profiling, and Machine Learning Approaches to Criterion-Related Validation

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    Criterion-related validation (CRV) studies are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of selection procedures. However, traditional CRV studies require significant investment of time and resources, as well as large sample sizes, which often create practical challenges. New techniques, which use machine learning to develop classification models from limited amounts of data, have emerged as a more efficient alternative. This study empirically investigates the effectiveness of traditional CRV with a variety of profiling approaches and machine learning techniques using repeated cross-validation. Results show that the traditional approach generally performs best both in terms of predicting performance and larger group differences between candidates identified as top or non-top performers. In addition to empirical effectiveness, other practical implications are discussed