1,064 research outputs found

    Mass spectrometry‑based identification of peptides presented by major histocompatibility complex in macrophages

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    Immunopeptidomics is a field of research that has progressed in thelast years due to advances in sophisticated analytical techniquesbased on mass spectrometry and bioinformatics. The ability to identifymolecules to the extent of a single ion led to a step forward inimmunopeptidomics. Mass spectrometry enables the identificationof thousands of peptide sequences in a single sample, thus providinglarge-scale reliable information. The immunopeptidome is the entire group of peptides presented by the major histocompatibility complexClass-I (MHC-I), at the surface of all nucleated cells and Class II, at thesurface of professional antigen presenting cells. The MHC-bound peptidesare recognized by T cells and constitute the immunological synapse,leading to the initiation of the adaptive immune response. Underpathological conditions, peptides originating from the proteolysis ofpathogen proteins are presented to the cells of the host immune systemvia MHC. Thus, the identification of pathogen peptides throughimmunopeptidomics is an unbiased method for understanding thegeneration of adaptive immune responses against pathogens.Here we describe the establishment of a new mass spectrometrybasedimmunopeptidomics platform for peptide identification inphysiological and pathological conditions. Using the macrophage cellline with THP-1, with a known HLA-type, we were able to identify atotal of 2913 unique MHC-I bound peptides. The peptide length distribution,NetMHCpan-4.1 rank affinity, and best match HLA bindingallele for each peptide will be presented.Finally, identifying MHC-I and MHC-II peptides under physiologicaland pathological conditions could uncover the most relevant peptidesable to stimulate the right type of T-cell response for vaccine designand development.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Relatório de estágio pedagógico: Agrupamento de Escolas do Fundão

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    Capítulo 1. O relatório final de Estágio insere-se no âmbito da unidade curricular Estágio Pedagógico do 2º ano de Mestrado em Ensino da Educação Física dos Ensinos Básico e Secundário, da Universidade da Beira Interior. O presente relatório tem como principal objectivo descrever e reflectir acerca de todo o meu trabalho de Estágio, no Agrupamento de Escolas do Fundão no ano lectivo 2012/2013. O Estágio Pedagógico representa a primeira etapa da minha formação pessoal e profissional onde todas as experiências vivenciadas permitem, actualmente, apresentar as competências necessárias para o desenvolvimento de uma prática docente na área da Educação Física. Inicialmente, neste relatório, serão apresentados os meus objectivos para o estágio, as minhas expectativas e a realidade encontrada na escola. De seguida serão caracterizadas as turmas que eu acompanhei e o planeamento realizado para as mesmas, durante todo o ano lectivo. Na etapa seguinte serão descritas todas as actividades executadas pelo Núcleo de Estágio e de departamento. Por fim, são apresentadas algumas dificuldades observadas ao longo do meu percurso como docente, bem como, os pontos fortes e fracos evidenciados. Toda a prática do Estágio Pedagógico, incluindo a construção deste documento, caracteriza-se pela transição entre o período de formação e o início da profissionalização, podendo afirmar assim, que aqui ficam descritas todas as aprendizagens adquiridas em todo o processo de formação. Capítulo 2. Conhecer a ocupação do tempo livre dos jovens é de extrema importância a fim de perceber as suas actividades de lazer e qual a preponderância que o desporto ocupa nas mesmas. O objectivo do presente estudo é identificar os hábitos desportivos dos jovens em diferentes idades, género e ciclos de escolaridade. Foi seleccionada uma amostra de 379 alunos, de ambos os sexos, com idades compreendidas dos 10 aos 18 anos, a frequentar entre o 5º e o 12º ano do Agrupamento de Escolas do Fundão. O instrumento utilizado foi o questionário do programa COMPASS adaptado que pretendeu avaliar os hábitos desportivos e de lazer dos alunos. Para o presente estudo utilizamos a estatística descritiva, o teste-t para a análise de variáveis dicotómicas, o “p” de Person na correlação de variáveis e o teste Anova para mais do que 2 categorias. Da análise efectuada destacamos a diminuição dos índices de prática desportiva com o aumento da idade/ciclo de escolaridade e os níveis de prática mais baixos no género feminino. A actividade física não ocupa um papel primordial na ocupação dos tempos livres dos jovens. As conclusões obtidas salientam a necessidade da adopção de programas de promoção de actividade física desde a infância, possibilitando a predisposição para a prática de desporto na idade adulta.Chapter 1. The final intership Report takes place within the Teacher Training Course of the 2nd year Master of Teaching Physical Education of basic and Secondary Education, in the University of Beira Interior. This work has as main objective describe and reflect about all of my internship work in Schools Group from Fundão in the academic year 2012/2013. This stage of Teacher Training represents the first step of my personal and professional education in which all experiences allow, corrently, provide the necessary skills for the development of a teaching practice in the area of physical education. At the beginning of this report will be presented my objectives for the stage, my expectations and conclutions in school. Then will be characterized classes that I followed and the planning for them, during the school year. In the next step will be described all activities performed by the intership Center and department. Finally, I will present some difficulties observed along my journey as a teacher, as well as the strengths and weaknesses highlighted. All the practice of Teaching stage, including the preparation of this document, are characterized by the transition between the training period and the beginning of professional fase, and can thus affirm, that are described in this report all learning acquired during the training process. Chapter 2. Knowing the free time occupation of young people is very important in order to realize their leisure activities and what the preponderance that sport occupies. The objective of this study is to identify which are the sporting habits of young people at different ages, gender and cycles. It was selected a sample of 379 students, of both genders, aged from 10 to 18 years, attending between the 5th and the 12th year of the Agrupamento de Escolas do Fundão. The instrument used was an adapted questionnaire of COMPASS program that sought to evaluate the sporting and leisure habits of students. For the present study we used descriptive statistics, t-test for analysis of dichotomous variables, the "p" Person in the correlation of variables and ANOVA for more than two categories. In the analysis we detach a decrease in the levels of sporting activity, an increase of age / schooling cycle and lower practice levels in females. Physical activity does not occupy a central role in the leisure time of young people. The obtained conclusions accentuate the need of adopt programs to promote physical activity since childhood, allowing the predisposition to practice sport in adulthood

    Orbitozygomatic Craniotomy In Three Pieces: Tips And Tricks

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    Objective: Didactically describe the orbitozygomatic craniotomy made in three pieces. Method: This approach was performed, from 2002 to 2011, in 49 patients admitted at Beneficencia Portuguesa of Sao Paulo Hospital. Results: Twenty-seven patients had vascular lesions and twenty-two suffered for intracranial skull base tumors. The vascular lesions varied from cavernous angiomas inside the mesencephalum, high bifurcation basilar tip aneurysms, superior cerebellar arteries aneurysms and arteriovenous malformations in the interpeduncular cistern. Skull base tumors as meningiomas, interpeduncular hamartomas and third ventricle floor gliomas were among the neoplastic lesions approached. We had no permanent injuries and minimal transient complications had occurred. Conclusion: It is a descriptive text, organized in the sequence of the main stages in which such a craniotomy is performed, describing in details the technique in which this group of evolutionarily authors came to accomplish the task.74322823

    Impact of long term care and mortality risk in community care and nursing homes populations

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    Objectives To identify the survival time, the mortality risk factors and the individuals’ characteristics associated with cognitive and physical status at discharge, among the Portuguese long-term care (LTC) populations. Settings Home-and-Community-Based Services (HCBS) and three types of nursing home (NH). Participants 20,984 individuals admitted and discharged in 2015. Measurements The Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and the Cox Proportional Hazards Models were used to study the mortality risk; the Wilcoxon signed-rank test to identify the number of individuals with cognitive and physical changes between admission and discharge; two cumulative odds ordinal logistic regressions to predict the cognitive and physical dependence levels at discharge Results The mortality rate at HCBS was 30%, and 17% at the NH, with a median survival time of 173 and 200 days, respectively. The main factors associated with higher mortality were older age, male gender, family/neighbour support, neoplasms and cognitive/physical dependence at admission. In NH/HCBS, 26%/18% of individuals improve their cognitive status, while in physical status, the proportion was 38%/27%, respectively. Finally, older age, being illiterate and being classified at the lowest cognitive and physical status at admission decrease the likelihood of achieving a higher level of cognitive and physical independence at discharge. Conclusions The adoption of a robust and complete assessment tool, the definition of guidelines to enable a periodical assessment of individuals’ autonomy and the adoption of benchmark metrics allowing the comparison of results between similar units are some of the main goals to be taken into account for future developments of this care in Portugal

    Secure services integration and edge computing for effective beekeeping

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    Many of the issues that require resolution are not easy to mitigate just from the technology perspective. The ancestral learned logic of processes, the people traditions, and many other variants define inner contexts that make the adhesion and efficient use of information technologies a delicate process. The enormous geographical dispersion of the beekeeping economic activity, the mostly amateur profile of beekeepers, and the specificity in the traditional way as the activity is managed, compromises the applicability of integrative measures based on ICTE. Efficient and integrated management of a no-professionalized economic activity depends on two basic principles: i) the existence of effective tools capable of managing that activity and its synergies with other related activities, and ii) an infrastructure (technological, procedural, legal) that supports services properly profiled for any actor in that activity. This paper describes the work-in-process sBee - Smart Beekeeping, an applied research project that sought to integrate emerging technologies on the innovative management of critical issues that beekeeping needs to overcome. Electronic devices, Internet-of-things, advanced management algorithms, and innovative visualization services were explored. The global system architecture, its supporting services, and the communication infrastructure are here described. The integration of both internet-of-things and communications services, with the common beekeeping?s management tasks, levered a proposal for improving this activity to become more effective. Furthermore, an advanced technological supporting platform was created and experimented, prepared for further developments, on mitigating emergent challenges that the digitization promotes, namely the security and traceability on food and related agriculture value-chains, as well as on the predictive and intelligent perception of current and future scenarios.911A-2C18-106F | Carlos Jorge Enes Capit?o de AbreuN/

    Community Structure and Composition of Social Wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) in Different Vegetation Types in São Paulo, Brazil

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    Social wasps participate in food webs, act as biological control agents in small crops and the natural environment, and act as potential pollinators. The objective of this study was to carry out an inventory of social wasps in five phytophysiognomies with different degrees of anthropogenic disturbance in São Paulo, Brazil. The collections were performed by active search and attractive traps to survey social wasps. We collected wasp for one year with collection campaigns every other month totaling six campaigns for site. We collected a total of 913 individuals representing 31 species and eight genera. The species with the highest abundances were Agelaia pallipes and Agelaia vicina. The highest richness of social wasps was found in the riparian forest and regenerating Cerrado. We conclude that social wasp richness and diversity varies according to habitat vegetation characteristics and that these effects are likely mediated by resulting differences in the provision of resources and nesting locations among the different environments. The areas in this study have suffered considerable vegetation loss due to common farming practices, however, the existing fragments are still capable of hosting a rich social wasp fauna

    Proyecto de Juegos didácticos Cerebrito.

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    Diverjuegos S.A.S, es una compañía que ha desarrollado una línea de productos de juegos didácticos en un Kit llamado Cebrerito el cual comercializaremos en las instituciones educativas y a los padres de familia, brindándoles con este KIT un apoyo en el proceso académico, mejorías en los niveles intelectuales, envolvimiento en su entorno, creando lazos afectivos y amistosos para tener así un mejor ambiente familiar. También consideramos que existen varias falencias en la educación Colombia una de ella es por la falta de herramientas lúdicas que generen una interacción entre maestros, padres de familia y los alumnos para convertir las clases y lecciones recibidas de una forma más agradable, fácil, divertida y respetuosa para que los niños obtengan un mayor aprovechamiento de los conocimientos. Es por esto que Diverjuegos S.A.S decide orientar sus esfuerzos desarrollando un kit con un parque matemático, una Genja Científica y una escalera socio- filosofía de manera creativa, innovadora, de fácil uso para suplir esta necesidad con nuestros productos

    Ten Years since the 2006 Creation of the Portuguese National Network for Long-Term Care:Achievements and Challenges

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    The Portuguese National Network for Long-term Integrated Care (Rede Nacional de Cuidados Continuados, RNCCI) was created in 2006 as a partnership between the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Labour and Social Solidarity. The formal provision of care within the RNCCI is made up of non-profit and non-public institutions called Private Institutions of Social Solidarity, public institutions belonging to the National Health Service, and for-profit-institutions. These institutions are organized by type of care in two main settings: (i) Home and Community-Based Services, and (ii) four types of Nursing Homes to account for different care needs. This is the first study that assess the RNCCI reform in Portugal since 2006 and takes into account several core dimensions: coordination, ownership, organizational structure, financing system and main features, as well as the challenges ahead. Evidence suggests that despite providing universal access, Portuguese policymakers face the following challenges: multiple sources of financing, the existence of several care settings and the sustained increase of admissions at the RNCCI, the dominance of institutionalization, the existence of waiting lists, regional asymmetries, the absence of a financing model based on dependence levels, or the difficulty to use the instrument of needs assessment for international comparison

    Proyecto de Juegos didácticos Cerebrito.

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    Diverjuegos S.A.S, es una compañía que ha desarrollado una línea de productos de juegos didácticos en un Kit llamado Cebrerito el cual comercializaremos en las instituciones educativas y a los padres de familia, brindándoles con este KIT un apoyo en el proceso académico, mejorías en los niveles intelectuales, envolvimiento en su entorno, creando lazos afectivos y amistosos para tener así un mejor ambiente familiar. También consideramos que existen varias falencias en la educación Colombia una de ella es por la falta de herramientas lúdicas que generen una interacción entre maestros, padres de familia y los alumnos para convertir las clases y lecciones recibidas de una forma más agradable, fácil, divertida y respetuosa para que los niños obtengan un mayor aprovechamiento de los conocimientos. Es por esto que Diverjuegos S.A.S decide orientar sus esfuerzos desarrollando un kit con un parque matemático, una Genja Científica y una escalera socio- filosofía de manera creativa, innovadora, de fácil uso para suplir esta necesidad con nuestros productos

    Diseño de un sistema de gestión de la calidad según NTC ISO 9001-2015 para la Fundación “Superar”

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    1 recurso en línea (57 páginas) : figuras, gráficas.Due to the change that is presented in the society and in the competition that is generated in the market, new forms of differentiation are sought before such competition, one of those ways of being different is the implementation of a quality management system, Which the "Superar Foundation" initiates a process in order to provide a service that satisfies and meets the requirements of the user, where their performance is improved and provide them with a solid base to obtain potential benefits, for this reason implementation is necessary Of a quality management system based on the Colombian Technical Standard ISO 9001 version 2015. For the development of the following project, a diagnosis was made based on the numerals specified in the standard NTC ISO 9001: 2015, in order to make a check of the current status of the Foundation. With these results, a work plan was elaborated for the elaboration of the documented information and the design of the quality management system for the organization. With the above, we identified the stages for the design of the quality management system such as: identification of the DOFA matrix under the supervision of the executive director, as well as meetings with the Foundation's working group to determine the activities that Conform the manual of competencies functions and responsibilities; With the information obtained through the means mentioned above, leads to the establishment of the documents required by the standard. Finally, the last stage was the elaboration of a database where the information collected in the process of the design of the quality management system is evidenced.Debido al cambio que se presenta en la sociedad y en la competencia que se genera en el mercado se buscan nuevas formas de diferenciación ante dicha competencia, una de esas formas de ser diferente es la implementación de un sistema de gestión de la calidad, por lo cual la “Fundación Superar” inicia un proceso con el fin de prestar un servicio que satisfaga y cumpla con los requisitos del usuario, donde se mejore su desempeño y les proporcionen una base sólida para obtener beneficios potenciales, por estas razón se hace necesario la implementación de un sistema de gestión de la calidad basados en la Norma Técnica Colombiana ISO 9001 versión 2015. Para el desarrollo del siguiente proyecto, se realizó un diagnóstico basándonos en los numerales que especifica la norma NTC ISO 9001:2015, con el objetivo de hacer un chequeo del estado actual de la Fundación. Con estos resultados se planteó un plan de trabajo para la elaboración de la información documentada y el diseño del sistema de gestión de la calidad para la organización. Con lo anteriormente planteado, identificamos las etapas para el diseño del sistema de gestión de la calidad tales como: identificación de la matriz DOFA bajo la supervisión del director ejecutivo, así mismo reuniones con el grupo de trabajo de la Fundación para determinación de las actividades que conformaran el manual de competencias funciones y responsabilidades; con la información obtenida a través de los medios mencionados anteriormente se lleva al establecimiento de los documentos exigidos por la norma. Finalmente la última etapa que se realizo fue la elaboración de una base de datos donde evidencia la información recopilada en el proceso del diseño del sistema de gestión de la calidad.Bibliografía y webgrafía: páginas 56-57.PregradoAdministrador Industria