7 research outputs found

    Diseño de estrategias que fomenten el aprendizaje autónomo de los niños a través de la exploración del medio en el Hogar Agrupado los Güepsanitos, en el municipio de Güepsa–Santander.

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    Anexos trabajo de Grado. Link del drive: https://unadvirtualedu-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/fecorderot_unadvirtual_edu_co/EiDEupKNlGdEgD7YWLV1UbYBzM486ukLvLmKiJ1kqpgwCA?e=qV8A9HLa siguiente propuesta pedagógica está diseñada con el fin de fortalecer el aprendizaje autónomo de los niños y niñas del Hogar Agrupado los Güepsanitos del municipio de Güepsa–Santander, implementando actividades creativas, armónicas para potenciar seguridad y ayudar a los estudiantes en su adecuado desarrollo integral como personas libres, críticas y reflexivas aprendiendo de forma diferente, valorando sus esfuerzos, experiencias significativas e innovadoras. Explorar el medio es una de las actividades más características de las niñas y los niños en la primera infancia, siendo observadores, investigadores y analíticos, explorando todo cuanto les rodea, en una búsqueda constante de comprender y conocer el mundo, interactuando de forma más asertiva en su entorno del cual forman parte de su cotidiano vivir y que además propician un proceso esencial de construcción y sentido de lo que es y pasa su entorno, reconociendo sus propiedades, semejanzas y su orden, utilizando su imaginación y creatividad. Palabras claves: Aprendizaje Autónomo, Educación Inicial, Exploración, HabilidadesThe following pedagogical proposal is designed in order to strengthen the autonomous learning of the children of the Hogar Agrupado los Güepsanitos of the municipality of Güepsa-Santander, implementing creative, harmonic activities to enhance safety and help students in their adequate integral development as free, critical and reflective people learning differently, valuing their efforts, significant and innovative experiences. Exploring the environment is one of the most characteristic activities of girls and boys in early childhood, being observers, researchers and analytical, exploring everything that surrounds them, in a constant search to understand and know the world, interacting more assertively in their environment of which they are part of their daily lives and that also promote an essential process of construction and sense of what their environment is and what happens, recognizing their properties, similarities and their order using their imagination and creativity. Keywords: Autonomous Learning, Initial Education, Exploration, skill

    Current status

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    Domino Liver transplant (DLT) is a strategy to address organ shortage and expand the liver donor pool for liver transplantation. Despite offering some unique technical challenges, DLT appears to be a safe and reasonable option to be considered for selected patients who would otherwise not benefit from liver transplantation. However, the benefit of expanding the donor pool must be balanced against the risk of disease transmission.In this review, we present where the DLT currently stands worldwide and our own experience with this procedure.publishersversionpublishe

    Apolipoprotein E induces pathogenic senescent-like myeloid cells in prostate cancer

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    : Tumor cells promote the recruitment of immunosuppressive neutrophils, a subset of myeloid cells driving immune suppression, tumor proliferation, and treatment resistance. Physiologically, neutrophils are known to have a short half-life. Here, we report the identification of a subset of neutrophils that have upregulated expression of cellular senescence markers and persist in the tumor microenvironment. Senescent-like neutrophils express the triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 2 (TREM2) and are more immunosuppressive and tumor-promoting than canonical immunosuppressive neutrophils. Genetic and pharmacological elimination of senescent-like neutrophils decreases tumor progression in different mouse models of prostate cancer. Mechanistically, we have found that apolipoprotein E (APOE) secreted by prostate tumor cells binds TREM2 on neutrophils, promoting their senescence. APOE and TREM2 expression increases in prostate cancers and correlates with poor prognosis. Collectively, these results reveal an alternative mechanism of tumor immune evasion and support the development of immune senolytics targeting senescent-like neutrophils for cancer therapy

    Best Practices 3D Cadastres:Extended version

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    Reflexões sobre o imperativo em Português

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    B. Sprachwissenschaft.

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