207 research outputs found

    Infection-related severe maternal outcomes and case fatality rates in 43 low and middle-income countries across the WHO regions: results from the Global Maternal Sepsis Study (GLOSS)

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    The highest toll of maternal mortality due to infections is reported in low and middle-income countries (LMICs). However, more evidence is needed to understand the differences in infection-related severe maternal outcomes (SMO) and fatality rates across the WHO regions. This study aimed to compare the burden of infection-related SMO and case fatality rates across the WHO regions using the Global Maternal Sepsis Study (GLOSS) data. GLOSS was a hospital-based one-week inception prospective cohort study of pregnant or recently pregnant women admitted with suspected or confirmed infection in 2017. Four hundred and eight (408) hospitals from 43 LMICs in the six WHO regions were considered in this analysis. We used a logistic regression model to compare the odds of infection-related SMOs by region. We then calculated the fatality rate as the proportion of deaths over the total number of SMOs, defined as maternal deaths and near-misses. The proportion of SMO was 19.6% (n = 141) in Africa, compared to 18%(n = 22), 15.9%(n = 50), 14.7%(n = 48), 12.1%(n = 95), and 10.8%(n = 21) in the Western Pacific, European, Eastern Meditteranean, Americas, and South-Eastern Asian regions, respectively. Women in Africa were more likely to experience SMO than those in the Americas (aOR = 2.41, 95%CI: [1.78 to 2.83]), in South-East Asia (aOR = 2.60, 95%CI: [1.57 to 4.32]), and the Eastern Mediterranean region (aOR = 1.58, 95%CI: [1.08 to 2.32]). The case fatality rate was 14.3%[3.05% to 36.34%] (n/N = 3/21) and 11.4%[6.63% to 17.77%] (n/N = 16/141) in the South-East Asia and Africa, respectively. Infection-related SMOs and case fatality rates were highest in Africa and Southeast Asia. Specific attention and actions are needed to prevent infection-related maternal deaths and severe morbidity in these two regions

    Sexual life and dysfunction after maternal morbidity: a systematic review.

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    BACKGROUND: Because there is a lack of knowledge on the long-term consequences of maternal morbidity/near miss episodes on women's sexual life and function we conducted a systematic review with the purpose of identifying the available evidence on any sexual impairment associated with complications from pregnancy and childbirth. METHODS: Systematic review on aspects of women sexual life after any maternal morbidity and/or maternal near miss, during different time periods after delivery. The search was carried out until May 22(nd), 2015 including studies published from 1995 to 2015. No language or study design restrictions were applied. Maternal morbidity as exposure was split into general or severe/near miss. Female sexual outcomes evaluated were dyspareunia, Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) scores and time to resume sexual activity after childbirth. Qualitative syntheses for outcomes were provided whenever possible. RESULTS: A total of 2,573 studies were initially identified, and 14 were included for analysis after standard selection procedures for systematic review. General morbidity was mainly related to major perineal injury (3(rd) or 4(th) degree laceration, 12 studies). A clear pattern for severity evaluation of maternal morbidity could not be distinguished, unless when a maternal near miss concept was used. Women experiencing maternal morbidity had more frequently dyspareunia and resumed sexual activity later, when compared to women without morbidity. There were no differences in FSFI scores between groups. Meta-analysis could not be performed, since included studies were too heterogeneous regarding study design, evaluation of exposure and/or outcome and time span. CONCLUSION: Investigation of long-term repercussions on women's sexual life aspects after maternal morbidity has been scarcely performed, however indicating worse outcomes for those experiencing morbidity. Further standardized evaluation of these conditions among maternal morbidity survivors may provide relevant information for clinical follow-up and reproductive planning for women

    Utilisation of Postnatal Care among Rural Women in Nepal

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    Background: Postnatal care is uncommon in Nepal, and where it is available the quality is often poor. Adequate utilisation of postnatal care can help reduce mortality and morbidity among mothers and their babies. Therefore, our study assessed the utilisation of postnatal care at a rural community level. Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out in two neighbouring villages in early 2006. A total of 150 women who had delivered in the previous 24 months were asked to participate in the study using a semi-structured questionnaire. Results: The proportion of women who had received postnatal care after delivery was low (34%). Less than one in five women (19%) received care within 48 hours of giving birth. Women in one village had less access to postnatal care than women in the neighbouring one. Lack of awareness was the main barrier to the utilisation of postnatal care. The woman's own occupation and ethnicity, the number of pregnancies and children and the husband's socio-economic status, occupation and education were significantly associated with the utilisation of postnatal care. Multivariate analysis showed that wealth as reflected in occupation and having attended antenatal are important factors associated with the uptake of postnatal care. In addition, women experiencing health problems appear strongly motivated to seek postnatal care. Conclusion: The postnatal care has a low uptake and is often regarded as inadequate in Nepal. This is an important message to both service providers and health-policy makers. Therefore, there is an urgent need to assess the actual quality of postnatal care provided. Also there appears to be a need for awareness-raising programmes highlighting the availability of current postnatal care where this is of sufficient quality

    A framework for healthcare interventions to address maternal morbidity.

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    The maternal health agenda is undergoing a paradigm shift from preventing maternal deaths to promoting women's health and wellness. A critical focus of this trajectory includes addressing maternal morbidity and the increasing burden of chronic and noncommunicable diseases (NCD) among pregnant women. The WHO convened the Maternal Morbidity Working Group (MMWG) to improve the scientific basis for defining, measuring, and monitoring maternal morbidity. Based on the MMWG's work, we propose paradigms for conceptualizing maternal health and related interventions, and call for greater integration between maternal health and NCD programs. This integration can be synergistic, given the links between chronic conditions, morbidity in pregnancy, and long-term health. Pregnancy should be viewed as a window of opportunity into the current and future health of women, and offers critical entry points for women who may otherwise not seek or have access to care for chronic conditions. Maternal health services should move beyond the focus on emergency obstetric care, to a broader approach that encompasses preventive and early interventions, and integration with existing services. Health systems need to respond by prioritizing funding for developing integrated health programs, and workforce strengthening. The MMWG's efforts have highlighted the changing landscape of maternal health, and the need to expand the narrow focus of maternal health, moving beyond surviving to thriving

    A public health approach for deciding policy on infant feeding and mother–infant contact in the context of COVID-19

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has raised concern about the possibility and effects of mother–infant transmission of SARS-CoV-2 through breastfeeding and close contact. The insufficient available evidence has resulted in differing recommendations by health professional associations and national health authorities. We present an approach for deciding public health policy on infant feeding and mother–infant contact in the context of COVID-19, or for future emerging viruses, that balances the risks that are associated with viral infection against child survival, lifelong health, and development, and also maternal health. Using the Lives Saved Tool, we used available data to show how different public health approaches might affect infant mortality. Based on existing evidence, including population and survival estimates, the number of infant deaths in low-income and middle-income countries due to COVID-19 (2020–21) might range between 1800 and 2800. By contrast, if mothers with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection are recommended to separate from their newborn babies and avoid or stop breastfeeding, additional deaths among infants would range between 188 000 and 273 000

    Use of the Robson classification to assess caesarean section trends in 21 countries: a secondary analysis of two WHO multicountry surveys

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    Background: Rates of caesarean section surgery are rising worldwide, but the determinants of this increase, especially in low-income and middle-income countries, are controversial. In this study, we aimed to analyse the contribution of specific obstetric populations to changes in caesarean section rates, by using the Robson classification in two WHO multicountry surveys of deliveries in health-care facilities. The Robson system classifies all deliveries into one of ten groups on the basis of five parameters: obstetric history, onset of labour, fetal lie, number of neonates, and gestational age. Methods: We studied deliveries in 287 facilities in 21 countries that were included in both the WHO Global Survey of Maternal and Perinatal Health (WHOGS; 2004–08) and the WHO Multi-Country Survey of Maternal and Newborn Health (WHOMCS; 2010–11). We used the data from these surveys to establish the average annual percentage change (AAPC) in caesarean section rates per country. Countries were stratified according to Human Development Index (HDI) group (very high/high, medium, or low) and the Robson criteria were applied to both datasets. We report the relative size of each Robson group, the caesarean section rate in each Robson group, and the absolute and relative contributions made by each to the overall caesarean section rate. Findings: The caesarean section rate increased overall between the two surveys (from 26·4% in the WHOGS to 31·2% in the WHOMCS, p=0·003) and in all countries except Japan. Use of obstetric interventions (induction, prelabour caesarean section, and overall caesarean section) increased over time. Caesarean section rates increased across most Robson groups in all HDI categories. Use of induction and prelabour caesarean section increased in very high/high and low HDI countries, and the caesarean section rate after induction in multiparous women increased significantly across all HDI groups. The proportion of women who had previously had a caesarean section increased in moderate and low HDI countries, as did the caesarean section rate in these women. Interpretation: Use of the Robson criteria allows standardised comparisons of data across countries and timepoints and identifies the subpopulations driving changes in caesarean section rates. Women who have previously had a caesarean section are an increasingly important determinant of overall caesarean section rates in countries with a moderate or low HDI. Strategies to reduce the frequency of the procedure should include avoidance of medically unnecessary primary caesarean section. Improved case selection for induction and prelabour caesarean section could also reduce caesarean section rates

    Maternal obesity support services: a qualitative study of the perspectives of women and midwives

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    Background - Twenty percent of pregnant women in the UK are obese (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2), reflecting the growing public health challenge of obesity in the 21st century. Obesity increases the risk of adverse outcomes during pregnancy and birth and has significant cost implications for maternity services. Gestational weight management strategies are a high priority; however the evidence for effective, feasible and acceptable weight control interventions is limited and inconclusive. This qualitative study explored the experiences and perceptions of pregnant women and midwives regarding existing support for weight management in pregnancy and their ideas for service development. Methods - A purposive sample of 6 women and 7 midwives from Doncaster, UK, participated in two separate focus groups. Transcripts were analysed thematically. Results - Two overarching themes were identified, 'Explanations for obesity and weight management' and 'Best care for pregnant women'. 'Explanations' included a lack of knowledge about weight, diet and exercise during pregnancy; self-talk messages which excused overeating; difficulties maintaining motivation for a healthy lifestyle; the importance of social support; stigmatisation; and sensitivity surrounding communication about obesity between midwives and their clients. 'Best care' suggested that weight management required care which was consistent and continuous, supportive and non-judgemental, and which created opportunities for interaction and mutual support between obese pregnant women. Conclusions - Women need unambiguous advice regarding healthy lifestyles, diet and exercise in pregnancy to address a lack of knowledge and a tendency towards unhelpful self-talk messages. Midwives expressed difficulties in communicating with their clients about their weight, given awareness that obesity is a sensitive and potentially stigmatising issue. This indicates more could be done to educate and support them in their work with obese pregnant women. Motivation and social support were strong explanatory themes for obesity and weight management, suggesting that interventions should focus on motivational strategies and social support facilitation