36 research outputs found

    Entrelazamiento cuántico en sistemas de muchos cuerpos

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    En esta tesis estudiaremos diversos aspectos del entrelazamiento entre diferentes particiones de sistemas de muchos cuerpos, tanto para el estado fundamental como para estados térmicos. Consideraremos en general aquellos sistemas definidos por Hamiltonianos cuadráticos en operadores locales y en particular el caso de redes de espines. Con este fin se desarrollará en primer lugar una generalización de la aproximación denominada CSPA de la función de partición de sistemas cuánticos compuestos, así como del formalismo RPA, al que se reduce el primero en situaciones donde el sistema admite soluciones de campo medio estables. A partir de la función de partición aproximada se estimará la concurrencia de pares para redes de espines 1/2 invariantes ante translaciones. Se mostrará también que en redes de espín 1/2 invariantes traslacionales la función de partición en la aproximación RPA puede evaluarse en forma analítica. En segundo lugar se presentará un mapeo bosónico consistente con RPA, que nos permitirá mapear el estado fundamental de un sistema general a un estado en el sistema de bosones que en primera aproximación pertenece a la clase de los estados Gaussianos. Esto nos permitirá estimar el entrelazamiento entre cualquier par de partes del sistema original en términos del entrelazamiento en estados Gaussianos, que puede ser evaluado exactamente. Luego se mostrarán resultados concretos en redes generales de espín s invariantes ante transformaciones de “paridad de espín z”. Veremos además como este tratamiento nos permite determinar las condiciones exactas para la existencia de un campo factorizante del sistema, esto es, configuraciones particulares del campo magnético externo para las que el sistema admite un (o en general varios) estado(s) fundamental(es) completamente separables. En los ejemplos estudiados, mostraremos cómo en el caso en que estos estados presenten ruptura espontánea de simetría el sistema desarrolla correlaciones cuánticas de largo alcance en la vecindad de ese punto, independientemente del alcance de las interacciones entre las partes. Finalmente se analizará en detalle el comportamiento exacto del sistema en esas condiciones.In this work we will study several aspects of the entanglement of different partitions of a many body system, both for the ground state as well as for the thermal equilibrium states. We will consider in general those defined by Hamiltonians which are quadratic in local observables and in particular, the case of spin arrays. With this aim, we will first develop a generalization of the CSPA method for evaluating the partition function of a general composite quantum system, as well as of the RPA formalism, to which reduces the former in situations where the system admits stable mean field solutions. From these approximations to the partition function, the pairwise entanglement in spin 1/2 translational-invariant arrays will be estimated. We will also show that in this kind of systems the RPA partition function can be evaluated in a fully analytical way. Secondly, we will show a bosonic map consistent with RPA, which allows us to map the ground state of a general composite quantum system to a boson state which, in first approximation, belongs to the class of Gaussian states. This allows us to estimate the entanglement between any pair of parts of the original system in terms of the entanglement of Gaussian-states, which can be evaluated exactly. Later we will show explicit results for general, “Z Spin-Parity” invariant spin s arrays. We will also see that this treatment allows us to determine the exact conditions for the existence of a factorizing field in the system, i.e., particular configurations of the external magnetic field for which the system admits a (in general, several) fully separable ground state(s). In the analyzed examples, we show how the system develops, when these states present a spontaneous breaking of a Hamiltonian symmetry, long range quantum correlations in its immediate vicinity, independently of the interaction range. Finally, we will discuss in detail the exact behavior of the system in these conditions.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Measurements, quantum discord, and parity in spin-1 systems

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    We consider the evaluation of the quantum discord and other related measures of quantum correlations in a system formed by a spin-1 and a complementary spin system. A characterization of general projective measurements in such system in terms of spin averages is thereby introduced, which allows one to easily visualize their deviation from standard spin measurements. It is shown that the measurement optimizing these measures corresponds in general to a nonspin measurement. The important case of states that commute with the total Sz spin-parity is discussed in detail, and the general stationary measurements for such states (parity preserving measurements) are identified. Numerical and analytical results for the quantum discord, the geometric discord, and the one way information deficit in the relevant case of a mixture of two aligned spin-1 states are also presented.Instituto de Física La Plat

    History state formalism for scalar particles

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    We present a covariant quantum formalism for scalar particles based on an enlarged Hilbert space. The particular physical theory can be introduced through a timeless Wheeler DeWitt-like equation, whose projection onto four-dimensional coordinates leads to the Klein-Gordon equation. The standard quantum mechanical product in the enlarged space, which is invariant and positive definite, implies the usual Klein-Gordon product when applied to its eigenstates. Moreover, the standard three-dimensional invariant measure emerges naturally from the flat measure in four dimensions when mass eigenstates are considered, allowing a rigorous identification between definite mass history states and the standard Wigner representation. Connections with the free propagator of scalar field theory and localized states are subsequently derived. The formalism also allows the superposition of different theories and remains valid in the presence of a fixed external field, revealing special orthogonality relations. Other details such as extended identities for the current density, the quantization of parameterized theories and the nonrelativistic limit, with its connection to the Page and Wooters formalism, are discussed. A related consistent second quantization formulation is also introduced.Fil: Diaz, Nahuel Luciano. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Departamento de Física; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Física La Plata. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Instituto de Física La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Matera, Juan Mauricio. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Departamento de Física; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Física La Plata. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Instituto de Física La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Rossignoli, Raúl Dante. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Departamento de Física; Argentin

    Measurements, quantum discord, and parity in spin-1 systems

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    We consider the evaluation of the quantum discord and other related measures of quantum correlations in a system formed by a spin-1 and a complementary spin system. A characterization of general projective measurements in such system in terms of spin averages is thereby introduced, which allows one to easily visualize their deviation from standard spin measurements. It is shown that the measurement optimizing these measures corresponds in general to a nonspin measurement. The important case of states that commute with the total Sz spin-parity is discussed in detail, and the general stationary measurements for such states (parity preserving measurements) are identified. Numerical and analytical results for the quantum discord, the geometric discord, and the one way information deficit in the relevant case of a mixture of two aligned spin-1 states are also presented.Instituto de Física La Plat

    Of Local Operations and Physical Wires

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    In this work (multipartite) entanglement, discord, and coherence are unified as different aspects of a single underlying resource theory defined through simple and operationally meaningful elemental operations. This is achieved by revisiting the resource theory defining entanglement, local operations, and classical communication (LOCC), placing the focus on the underlying quantum nature of the communication channels. Taking the natural elemental operations in the resulting generalization of LOCC yields a resource theory that singles out coherence in the wire connecting the spatially separated systems as an operationally useful resource. The approach naturally allows us to consider a reduced setting as well, namely, the one with only the wire connected to a single quantum system, which leads to discordlike resources. The general form of free operations in this latter setting is derived and presented as a closed form. We discuss in what sense the present approach defines a resource theory of quantum discord and in which situations such an interpretation is sound - and why in general discord is not a resource. This unified and operationally meaningful approach makes transparent many features of entanglement that in LOCC might seem surprising, such as the possibility to use a particle to entangle two parties, without it ever being entangled with either of them, or that there exist different forms of multipartite entanglement.Fil: Egloff, Dario. Universität Ulm. Faculty of Natural Sciences. Institute of Theoretical Physics; AlemaniaFil: Matera, Juan Mauricio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Física La Plata. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Instituto de Física La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Theurer, Thomas. Universität Ulm. Faculty of Natural Sciences. Institute of Theoretical Physics; AlemaniaFil: Plenio, Martin Bodo. Universität Ulm. Faculty of Natural Sciences. Institute of Theoretical Physics; Alemani

    Dimerized ground states in spin-S frustrated systems

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    We study a family of frustrated antiferromagnetic spin-S systems with a fully dimerized ground state. Starting from the simplest case of the frustrated zigzag spin ladder, we generalize the family to more complex geometries like tetrahedral ladders and spin tubes. After presenting some numerical results about the phase diagram of these systems, we show that the ground state is robust against the inclusion of weak disorder in the couplings as well as several kinds of perturbations, allowing to study some other interesting models as a perturbative expansion of the exact one. A discussion on how to determine the dimerization region in terms of quantum information estimators is also presented. Finally, we explore the relation of these results with the case of a four-leg spin tube, which recently was proposed as a model for the description of the compound Cu₂Cl₄D₈C₄SO₂, delimiting the region of the parameter space where this model presents dimerization in its ground state.Quantum Information Research GroupInstituto de Física La Plat

    Evaluation of ground state entanglement in spin systems with the random phase approximation

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    We discuss a general treatment based on the mean field plus random phase approximation (RPA) for the evaluation of subsystem entropies and negativities in ground states of spin systems. The approach leads to a tractable general method, becoming straightforward in translationally invariant arrays. The method is examined in arrays of arbitrary spin with XY Z couplings of general range in a uniform transverse field, where the RPA around both the normal and parity breaking mean field state, together with parity restoration effects, are discussed in detail. In the case of a uniformly connected XY Z array of arbitrary size, the method is shown to provide simple analytic expressions for the entanglement entropy of any global bipartition, as well as for the negativity between any two subsystems, which become exact for large spin. The limit case of a spin s pair is also discussed.Quantum Information Research GroupInstituto de Física La Plat