2,042 research outputs found

    Information Policies in Spain: Towards the New “Information Society”

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    The concept of a society based on information and knowledge is becoming the norm in every country, including Spain. The need to have well-designed information policies that allow us to come to terms with the new upsurge of media, technology and services that has taken place in our society is discussed first. Information policies required by these changes in society have been implemented in Spain and are described in relation to the new challenges of the “Society of Knowledge.” Similarly, the background and past efforts made in the field of information policy in Spain are analysed, along with the latest government projects that comprise an attempt to get this country to form part of the “Information Society” with the help of the supra-national information policy of the European Union

    Influencia de la iluminación en la medida de la agudeza visual

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    En este estudio de campo , se ha analizado si la iluminación ambiental interfiere en los resultados obtenidos en la agudeza visual , tanto en condiciones monoculares como binoculares, con y sin corrección , en visión lejana. Para poder llevar lo a cabo, se escogió una muestra de trein ta sujetos, entre ellos había diez pacientes miopes, diez hipermétropes y diez emétropes , con edades comprendidas entre 20 y 25 años. Se dispuso el gabinete en tres condiciones distintas de iluminación ambiental, fotópicas (400 lux), mesópicas (200 lux) y escotópicas (10 lux) , que era el menor nivel de iluminación que podía acondicionarse en el gabinete con el optotipo encendido. Todas estas condiciones fueron medidas con el luxómetro. De igual manera , se utilizó el test ETDRS , para poder determinar las agu dezas visuales alcanzadas por los distintos pacientes y condiciones de iluminación, éste test se disponía siempre con la luminancia de fondo que poseía , y con la misma intensidad de color de los caracteres del optotipo. A partir de los valores de agudeza v isual obtenidos , y mediante la elaboración de un análisis estadístico , se concluyó que la agudeza visual sí se encuentra influenciada por la iluminación ambiental del gabinete.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Óptica y Optometrí

    Franco visto por NO-DO: la forja de un caudillo carismático

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    I Congreso Internacional de Historia y Cine: 5, 6, 7 y 8 de Septiembre de 2007

    Escribanos públicos en Huelva : los protocolos notariales y el Archivo Histórico Provincial

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    Los protocolos notariales constituyen una importante fuente documental para el conocimiento de la historia local. La preocupación de la Corona por la conservación conjunta de esta documentación, creando archivos de protocolos, es buena prueba del interés por la transmisión de los derechos y deberes que emanaban de sus escrituras, legando al futuro la enorme información contenida en las mismas. En la ciudad de Huelva, ciudad señorío, propiedad de los Duques de Medina Sidonia, fueron tres las escribanías que llegaron a actuar de forma simultánea hasta fines del Antiguo Régimen, arrendándose frecuentemente los oficios hasta mediados del siglo XVI. Sin embargo la escasez de escribanos fue una constante entre los siglos XVI y XVIII, situación que motivó siempre frecuentes quejas al Duque por la acumulación del trabajo y el desorden de las escrituras en los oficios de las escribanías._____________________________Notarial records are an important documentary source for the Knowledge of local history. The Crown's concern about the integral conservation of these documents, making archives of protocols, is a good proof of the interest in the transmission of rights and duties included in their deeds, leaving, in this way, great Information as a legacy for the future. In Huelva town, which was property of the Duke of Medina Sidonia, three notary's offices operated simultaneously until the end of the Ancient Regime, being the office frequently rented until the middle of 16th century. However, the shortage of clerks was a constant between 16th and 18th centuries, a situation that always caused frequent complaints to the Duke because of the excessive work and the disorder of the deeds in the notary's offices

    Impact of the Timing of Metoprolol Administration During STEMI on Infarct Size and Ventricular Function.

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    BACKGROUND Pre-reperfusion administration of intravenous (IV) metoprolol reduces infarct size in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). OBJECTIVES This study sought to determine how this cardioprotective effect is influenced by the timing of metoprolol therapy having either a long or short metoprolol bolus-to-reperfusion interval. METHODS We performed a post hoc analysis of the METOCARD-CNIC (effect of METOprolol of CARDioproteCtioN during an acute myocardial InfarCtion) trial, which randomized anterior STEMI patients to IV metoprolol or control before mechanical reperfusion. Treated patients were divided into short- and long-interval groups, split by the median time from 15 mg metoprolol bolus to reperfusion. We also performed a controlled validation study in 51 pigs subjected to 45 min ischemia/reperfusion. Pigs were allocated to IV metoprolol with a long ( 25 min) or short ( 5 min) pre-perfusion interval, IV metoprolol post-reperfusion (þ60 min), or IV vehicle. Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) was performed in the acute and chronic phases in both clinical and experimental settings. RESULTS For 218 patients (105 receiving IV metoprolol), the median time from 15 mg metoprolol bolus to reperfusion was 53 min. Compared with patients in the short-interval group, those with longer metoprolol exposure had smaller infarcts (22.9 g vs. 28.1 g; p ¼ 0.06) and higher left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) (48.3% vs. 43.9%; p ¼ 0.019) on day 5 CMR. These differences occurred despite total ischemic time being significantly longer in the long-interval group (214 min vs. 160 min; p < 0.001). There was no between-group difference in the time from symptom onset to metoprolol bolus. In the animal study, the long-interval group (IV metoprolol 25 min before reperfusion) had the smallest infarcts (day 7 CMR) and highest long-term LVEF (day 45 CMR). CONCLUSIONS In anterior STEMI patients undergoing primary angioplasty, the sooner IV metoprolol is administered in the course of infarction, the smaller the infarct and the higher the LVEF. These hypothesis-generating clinical data are supported by a dedicated experimental large animal study.post-print808 K

    La memoria oficial de la Guerra Civil en No-Do (1943-1959)

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    This paper studies the representation of the official memory about the Spanish Civil War in the newsreel NO-DO during the first period of Franco´s Regimen. It analyses the film features: which ideas were spread; which items showed them, and how the audiovisual language built the image of the crusade and, finally, justified it. In conclusion, we want to understand the particular and important contribution of the newsreel in order to impose this dominant memory to the society


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    Radiation Tolerance of Components Used in the Protection System of LHC Superconducting Elements

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    A selection of electronic devices to be used for the protection of superconducting elements of the Large Hadron Collider LHC has been submitted to functional tests in the CERN TCC2 irradiation test facility. The results confirm the validity of the various designs, which are entirely based on COTS (Components-Off-The-Shelf)

    Quench Heater Studies for the LHC Magnets

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    About 2000 LHC (CERN's Large Hadron Collider) superconducting magnets will be protected with quench heaters against development of excessive voltage and overheating after a resistive transition. The quench heater strips are powered by capacitor bank discharge power supplies. The strips are made of stainless steel partially plated with copper to reduce their resistance and to allow for the connection of quench heaters in series. The strips are embedded in between two polyimide foils. The initial power density and the current decay time determine the quench heater effectiveness. Since only one type of heater power supply will be available, the copper plating cycle is adapted for the various magnet types to keep the resistance of the heater circuit constant. Different quench heater designs have been tested on various prototype magnets to optimise the copper-plating cycle and the electric insulation of the heater strip. This paper summarises the experimental results and computations that allowed to finalise the heater strip layout for all LHC magnets