2,357 research outputs found

    Application of multimodal machine learning to visual question answering

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    Master’s Degree in ICT Research and Innovation (i2-ICT)Due to the great advances in Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision in recent yearswith neural networks and attention mechanisms, a great interest in VQA has been awakened,starting to be considered as the ”Visual Turing Test” for modern AI systems, since it is aboutanswering a question from an image, where the system has to learn to understand and reasonabout the image and question shown. One of the main reasons for this great interest is thelarge number of potential applications that these systems allow, such as medical applicationsfor diagnosis through an image, assistants for blind people, e-learning applications, etc.In this Master’s thesis, a study of the state of the art of VQA is proposed, investigatingboth techniques and existing datasets. Finally, a development is carried out in order to try toreproduce the results of the art with the latest VQA models with the aim of being able to applythem and experiment on new datasets.Therefore, in this work, experiments are carried out with a first VQA model, MoViE+MCAN[1] [2] (winner of the 2020 VQA Challenge), which after observing its non-viability due toresource issues, we switched to the LXMERT Model [3], which consists of a pre-trained modelin 5 subtasks, which allows us to perform fine-tunnig on several tasks, which in this specificcase is the VQA task on the VQA v2.0 [4] dataset.As the main result of this Thesis we experimentally show that LXMERT provides similarresults to MoViE-MCAN (the best known method for VQA) in the most recent and demandingbenchmarks with less resources starting from the pre-trained model provided by the GitHubrepository [5]

    Fuzzy memoization for floating-point multimedia applications

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    Instruction memoization is a promising technique to reduce the power consumption and increase the performance of future low-end/mobile multimedia systems. Power and performance efficiency can be improved by reusing instances of an already executed operation. Unfortunately, this technique may not always be worth the effort due to the power consumption and area impact of the tables required to leverage an adequate level of reuse. In this paper, we introduce and evaluate a novel way of understanding multimedia floating-point operations based on the fuzzy computation paradigm: performance and power consumption can be improved at the cost of small precision losses in computation. By exploiting this implicit characteristic of multimedia applications, we propose a new technique called tolerant memoization. This technique expands the capabilities of classic memoization by associating entries with similar inputs to the same output. We evaluate this new technique by measuring the effect of tolerant memoization for floating-point operations in a low-power multimedia processor and discuss the trade-offs between performance and quality of the media outputs. We report energy improvements of 12 percent for a set of key multimedia applications with small LUT of 6 Kbytes, compared to 3 percent obtained using previously proposed techniques.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Programación didáctica del módulo Seguridad informática del CFGM Sistemas Microinformáticos y Redes

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    Treball Final de Màster Universitari en Professor/a d'Educació Secundària Obligatòria i Batxillerat, Formació Professional i Ensenyaments d'Idiomes. Codi: SAP129. Curs: 2015/2016La programación del módulo de seguridad informática perteneciente al ciclo formativo de grado medio (CFGM) de sistemas microinformáticos y redes (SMR) se imparte en un centro de secundaria de carácter público. Este centro se encuentra en la ciudad de Castellón de la Plana y cuenta con aproximadamente 500 alumnos. En el centro se imparten varios ciclos formativos de la rama de informática, administración, comercio y cerámica así como dos líneas de bachillerato. En lo referente a la base jurídica de la programación, esta se fundamenta tanto en la Ley Orgánica de Educación (LOE) que regula la educación en el territorio español, el Real Decreto 1691/2007 que establece el Título de Técnico en Sistemas Microinformáticos y Redes y que fijan sus enseñanzas mínimas y la orden de 29 de julio de 2009 de la Conselleria de Educación en la que se establece el currículo de dicho título en la Comunitat Valenciana

    Critical assessment of models for predicting the Ms temperature of steels

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    Different approaches to predicting the Ms temperatures of steels are reviewed and discussed with the objective of summarising the main characteristics, advantages and difficulties of each method, mostly from a practical point of view. Empirical methods, and methods based on thermodynamics are then assessed against published data.NPL for provision of MTDATA and Neuromat for provision of the Model ManagerPeer reviewe

    Application of the biomization technique in the Eastern Colombian Andes

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    Two pollen records (Lake Fuquene and Pantano de Martos) are analyzed in order to test the usefulness of the Biomization technique to management on forest adaptation to climate change. This work focuses on Biomes and Plant Functional Types response to climate changes on specific dates (18, 14, 12.5, 8 and 6 Kyr) along the Late Quaternary, as deduced from the pollen composition. Results show different responses of vegetation to changes in past environmental conditions, which can be attributed to the different altitudes of the two study sites. While biomes in Lake Fuquene (2500 m a.s.l.) shift from Cool Grassland at 18 Kyr to Cool Mixed Forest and Cool evergreen Forest at 6 Kyr ago, no biome shift is detected in Pantano de Martos (3200 m a.s.l.) through the Late Quaternary. A look to the different Plant Functional Types taking part on the surroundings of the study sites at different ages, together with the analyses of Arboreal / Non Arboreal pollen percentages, give a detailed idea of the ecosystem response to past climate changes. This study shows the potential of the Biomization technique as a simple and powerful tool to analyze ecosystem responses at local and regional scales

    Initial results on fuzzy floating point computation for multimedia processors

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    During the recent years, the market of mid/low-end portable systems such as PDAs or mobile digital phones have experimented a revolution in both selling volume and features as handheld devices incorporate Multimedia applications. This fact brings to an increase in the computational demands of the devices, while still having the limitation of power (and energy) consumption. Instruction memoization is a promising technique to help alleviate the problem of power consumption of expensive functional units such as the floating-point one. Unfortunately, this technique could be energy-inefficient for low-end systems due to the additional power consumption of the relatively big tables required. In this paper we present a novel way of understanding multimedia floating point operations based on the fuzzy computation paradigm: losses in the computation precision may exchange performance for negligible errors in the output. Exploiting the implicit characteristics of media FP computation, we propose a new technique called fuzzy memoization. Fuzzy memoization expands the capabilities of classic memoization by attaching entries with similar inputs to the same output. We present a case of study for a SH4 like processor and report good performance and power-delay improvements with feasible hardware requirements.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Estimation of dislocation density in bainitic microstructures using high-resolution dilatometry

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    It is possible by means of high resolution dilatometry together with a model based on isotropic dilatation and atomic volumes, to estimate the dislocation density introduced in the microstructure as a consequence of the isothermal decomposition of austenite into bainitic ferrite. The relatively high dislocation density associated with this microstructure is attributed to the fact that the shape deformation accompanying this displacive transformation is accommodated by plastic relaxationThe authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Spanish MCYT. Plan Nacional deI+D (Programa I3 2007–2009) Ref. 200760I013 and the RFCS Programme for 2007 (Commission of the European Communities) Ref. RFSR-CT-2008-00022Peer reviewe

    Diseño e Implementación de un predistorsionador digital en un sistema de transmisión híbrido

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    El objetivo de este TFG es la evaluación de dos técnicas de predistorsión digital aplicadas a dos señales en bandas concurrentes del estándar LTE en un sistema de transmisión híbrido, formado por óptica y RF. Las nuevas redes de acceso 5G requieren un despliegue de sistemas de transmisión de alta eficiencia energética basados en tecnologías híbridas de óptica y RF. En ese contexto se ha realizado el estudio, caracterización, evaluación y corrección de los efectos degradantes que se producen en el sistema de transmisión híbrido, teniendo en cuenta tanto la parte óptica formada por un diodo láser, fibra SMF y fotodetector, como la de radiofrecuencia, principalmente el amplificador de potencia. Además, debido a la saturación de servicios en estas nuevas redes de acceso 5G en un mismo enlace pueden viajar señales de diferentes estándares en distintas bandas de frecuencia. Este trabajo propone un sistema dual-band donde se va a caracterizar y corregir las distorsiones que aparezcan en el sistema de transmisión híbrido mediante predistorsión digital de la señal en un escenario real con señales del estándar LTE en dos bandas concurrentes. La caracterización del sistema de transmisión híbrido está basada en estudios teóricos conjuntamente con medidas experimentales, en las cuales se utilizan señales del estándar LTE adecuadamente escogidas para respetar los requerimientos impuestos a la hora de utilizar agregación de portadoras y generadas vía software mediante la aplicación SystemVue. Posteriormente, se desarrollarán mediante MatlabMatlab dos métodos de corrección de distorsión, predistorsión digital (DPD) y predistorsión digital en un sistema bibanda (2D-DPD) mediante las expresiones matemáticas que se estudiarán previamente, obteniendose resultados de ambos métodos tanto en simulación como experimentalmente. Por último se realizará una comparativa de los dos métodos de predistorsión desarrollados (DPD y 2D-DPD) tanto en simulación como experimentalmente, para las señales LTE creadas en un sistema híbrido para dos bandas de frecuencia concurrentes

    Influence of V Precipitates on Acicular Ferrite Transformation. Part 1: The Role of Nitrogen

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    6 pages, 8 figures, 1 table.-- This is Part I of paper "Influence of V Precipitates on Acicular Ferrite Transformation", Part II available at: http://hdl.handle.net/10261/17758Vanadium Award 2009-Council of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining-UK for the most outstanding paper in the metallurgy and technology of vanadium and its alloys. Sponsored and selected by the Vanadium International Technical Committee (Vanitec).This paper (part 1 of a two part study) deals with the influence of N in its combination with V, as V(C, N) precipitates, on the decomposition of austenite into acicular ferrite. Likewise, the intragranular nucleation potency of V(C, N) precipitates is analyzed through the continuous cooling transformation diagrams (CCT) of two C–Mn–V steels with different contents of N under two different austenitising temperatures, i.e. different austenite grain sizes. The results clearly show that for austenite to decompose into acicular ferrite is necessary, first to have a representative fraction of V(C, N) precipitates within austenite, and second to decorate the austenite grain boundaries with proeutectoid ferrite so bainite can not form. Part 2 of the study concerns with the influence that those precipitates have on the kinetics of acicular ferrite formation during austenite isothermal decomposition.The authors would like to acknowledge the Commission of the European Communities for the financial support in the frame of the RFCS Programme for 2004 (RFS-PR-03136). Also to the Spanish MCYT through the project MAT2005-24485-E.Peer reviewe