234 research outputs found

    Fast H.264 intra prediction for network video processing

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    This letter proposes a fast parallel and deeply pipelined architecture for realtime H. 264 intra 4x4 prediction capable of handling up to 32 High Definition video streams (1920x1080 @ 30 fps) simultaneously, while offering high flexibility and consuming only a fraction of resources available on modern FPGA's. The design has been validated on target using a state of the art Altera Stratix IV FPGA

    Patterns of European Migration. Migration and the influence of fiscal policy

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    Procesul de migrație a existat întotdeauna, variind în strânsă concordanță cu contextul istoric, interdependența dintre țările de origine și cele de destinație, evoluția procesului de integrare europeană, precum și contextul istoric, politic, economic, demografic și disparităţile sociale care s-au manifestat de-a lungul timpului între Europa Centrală şi de Est. Din acest motiv, Uniunea Europeană a dezvoltat o abordare integrată și incluzivă a procesului de migrație. Acest lucru a fost realizat printr-o abordare comună a managementului migrației. Cu toate acestea, armonizarea politicilor de migrație ale statelor europene a devenit o provocare dat fiind faptul că modelele migrației europene au prezentat multe particularități

    Quality of life in Romanian patients with schizophrenia based on gender, type of schizophrenia, therapeutic approach, and family history

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    The low quality of life of patients with schizophrenia has been extensively discussed and investigated. Various aspects from gender, socio-demographic profile, and/or type of neuroleptic treatment have been taken into account in describing this condition. The purpose of this study is to assess the perceived quality of life of Romanian patients suffering from schizophrenia and to correlate it with gender differences, type of schizophrenia, family history of psychiatric illness, and type of antipsychotic treatment. 143 patients diagnosed with schizophrenia according to DSM IV-TR and ICD 10 were included in the study. Social demographic data were documented and further assessment was performed using the Subjective Well Being under Neuroleptic Treatment Scale –the short form (SWN-S) and the short version of the WHO- Questionnaire for The Quality of Life (WHO-QoL-BREF). The mental functioning dimension was higher in men than women; the social integration dimension was higher for the residual type of schizophrenia. Emotional regulation and the capacity of social integration did not show significant differences between patients who had a family history of mental illness and those who did not. Levels of self-control and physical functioning were better for patients treated with atypical antipsychotics and who did not report a family history of psychiatric illness. All five dimensions of the SWN-S were higher in patients treated with atypical antipsychotics, compared to those who were treated with typical antipsychotics. The study showed that for people with schizophrenia mental functioning was better preserved in men, in patients who did not have a family history of psychiatric illness, and in patients who were treated with atypical antipsychotics. The level of social integration was better in patients who were treated with atypical antipsychotics but this effect depended on the type of schizophrenia

    Changes in the Romanian Carpathian tourism after the communism collapse and the domestic tourists' satisfaction

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    In the context of Romania's transition to the market economy after the communism collapse, and the accession in EU, the study aims to analyse characteristics of tourism changes in the Carpathian destinations by correlation with the domestic visitors' satisfaction for tourist services and new forms of tourism by empirical field observations, and statistical analysis used to test the level of satisfaction for Carpathian tourism. The results show an increase of tourist demand for the Carpathian destinations in the framework of tourist establishments' structure changes, the spreading of agri-tourism, a need for improvement of accommodation services quality according to the visitors' profile. Tourism development, revealed by visitors' flows, has some similarities with the perception of tourists. The tourists' views can, with several limits, be considered as a barometer in tourism research and a useful instrument in building tourism offers

    Assessment of Agricultural Land Fragmentation in Romania, A Case Study: Izvoarele Commune, Olt County

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    Agricultural land fragmentation is a common phenomenon in developing countries in general and for Romanian agriculture in particular. The aim of this study was to analyze the degree of fragmentation of Romania’s agricultural land, which is considered a major obstacle in the development of a modern agriculture. The analysis undertaken has shown that the degree of land fragmentation is high in the study area; the most fragmented are the big farms, while the small ones are more compact. At the same time, due to the scattered distribution of plots and the long distances between holdings, many fields have been turned into fallow land and consequently productivity has dropped. Under the circumstances, half of the owners are against the proposed process of merging plots because they are afraid of losing their properties again, as occurred during the communist regime

    Cardio metabolic risk factors for atrial fibrillation in type 2 diabetes mellitus: Focus on hypertension, metabolic syndrome and obesity

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    Objective. Atrial fibrillation (AF) in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) has been little explored so far. However, there are several cardio metabolic risk factors for AF in T2DM patients, such as arterial hypertension, obesity or the metabolic syndrome. Our objective was to evaluate cardio metabolic risk factors for AF in T2DM patients. Methods. We studied the medical records of T2DM patients hospitalized in the Internal Medicine department of an emergency referral hospital in Bucharest, Romania. The study was observational, retrospective and carried out between January-June 2018. Results. The study group included 221 T2DM patients (with a mean age of 68.65 ± 10.64, ranging between 37-93 years): 116 women (52.49%; with a mean age of 70.53 ± 10.69, ranging between 37-93 years) and 105 men (47.51%; with a mean age of 66.57 ± 10.23, ranging between 38-91 years). 92 patients had AF (41.63%): 40 women (34.48%) and 52 men (49.52%). 180 patients (81.45%) were hypertensive: 103 women (88.79%) and 77 men (73.33%). 113 patients (51.13%) had metabolic syndrome: 58 women (50.00%) and 55 men (52.38%). 77 patients (34.84%) were obese: 45 women (38.79%) and 32 men (30.48%). AF patients associated obesity in 26 cases (28.26%), hypertension in 73 cases (79.35%) and metabolic syndrome in 56 cases (60.87%). Conclusions. Out of the study group, 92 T2DM patients (41.63%) had AF, men being more likely to suffer from AF than women (p=0.0288). Hypertension affected 180 patients (81.45%) and in greater proportion women vs. men (p=0.0051). The metabolic syndrome and obesity were discovered in 113 patients (51.13%) and 77 patients (34.84%), respectively, with no significant differences in terms of gender. In our research, the highest cardio metabolic risk factors for AF in T2DM were hypertension (OR = 3.6675) and the metabolic syndrome (OR = 3.3388)

    Research on the evolution of migration in Romania after the fall of the communist regime

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    Migration is one of the oldest socio-economic phenomena, which have inevitably influenced and continues to influence today’s society because millions of citizens of different states decide to migrate to another country for various reasons. The migration process never stopped, even more it gradually expanded taking on new forms. Consistent with the studies and economic research that has been carried out over the years, it has come to the idea that migration must be seen as a normal phenomenon of today’s society, which has undergone various changes throughout history. One of the most important and significant characteristics of the population is the movement from one geographical area to another geographical area. This paper entitled "Study on the evolution of migration phenomenon in Romania" highlights the migratory flows that took place in Romania after the fall of the communist regime and so far, putting there is a special emphasis on the economic and social impact on the migration that brought with it. During the period considered in the analysis, Romania knew various forms of this phenomenon through the fact that it made the transition from a centrally planned economy to a market economy and later joined the European Union in 2007. In this situation, the circulation of Romanians became complete. The problems resulting from this phenomenon are major: on the one hand the financial consequences and on the other hand the social impact that could be observed on the families of migrants. The novelty element of this paper is the forecast on the migration phenomenon in the coming years, more precisely during the years 2021-2026, in Romania. Through this research we want to identify and analyze the future trend taking into account the fact that migration can be considered one of the sources of problems in the labor market or can even be its solution. An important aspect to mention is the idea that the temporary nature of travel, as well as the transnational nature of flows offers the possibility to reorient migrants to the state of origin. In order to achieve an ideal reality in terms of balance in the labor market, it is necessary to adopt and implement effective measures that offer benefits to each employee