12 research outputs found

    The Birth of a New Language in the Pandemic

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    La pandemia causata dal COVID-19 ha drasticamente cambiato la quotidianità delle persone. L’impensabile è diventato realtà. Sembra sempre più difficile immaginare di ritornare a vivere la "normalità". Il linguaggio, sottoposto a continui mutamenti, è diventato più ricco in un breve lasso di tempo. Ovviamente, non tutti i termini e i neologismi coniati durante la pandemia faranno in futuro parte dei dizionari ma alcuni verranno sicuramente registrati per segnare un’epoca che difficilmente sarà dimenticata. In questo contributo si è voluto riassumere ed analizzare cambiamenti subiti dal linguaggio sul piano lessicale. I termini, prima relativi esclusivamente al campo medico, hanno riempito le pagine dei giornali e il web e sono entrati a far parte del linguaggio comune dei cittadini. La nuova situazione che si è creata nel mondo dall’apparizione della pandemia è stata da ispiratrice per la creazione di neologismi, provenienti in gran misura dall’inglese. Il COVID-19 ha fatto creare tanto pessimismo tra le persone, le cose che prima erano scontate, non lo sono più, e c’è chi ha ritrovato l’ottimismo cercando di sdrammatizzare creando parole scherzose con i prefissoidi corona- e covid-. Oltre alle categorie summenzionate, nel presente contributo una parte è stata dedicata alle metafore sportive che vengono usate con il riferimento al coronavirus per attenuare la situazione difficile e dolorosa contro cui il mondo è andato in contro.The pandemic caused by COVID-19 has drastically changed people’s daily lives. The unthinkable has become a reality. It is hard to even imagine the return to \u27normal\u27. The language, a subject to constant change, became much richer in a short time. Although not every term or neologism coined during the pandemic will get into future dictionaries, some certainly will, testifying to an era unlikely to be forgotten. This paper aims to summarise and analyse the lexical changes the language has undergone. Medical terms that filled the newspapers, both in print and online, soon entered the everyday language. The circumstances wrought by the pandemic influenced the coining of neologisms globally, but most originated in the English language. COVID-19 has also caused widespread pessimism, for everything people once took for granted was gone; however, some have found optimism in trying to defuse the situation by coming up with playful words prefixed by corona- or covid-. In addition to the abovementioned categories, a part of this paper is dedicated to sports metaphors related to coronavirus, used to better cope with the difficult and painful situation the world is facing

    The Birth of a New Language in the Pandemic

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    La pandemia causata dal COVID-19 ha drasticamente cambiato la quotidianità delle persone. L’impensabile è diventato realtà. Sembra sempre più difficile immaginare di ritornare a vivere la "normalità". Il linguaggio, sottoposto a continui mutamenti, è diventato più ricco in un breve lasso di tempo. Ovviamente, non tutti i termini e i neologismi coniati durante la pandemia faranno in futuro parte dei dizionari ma alcuni verranno sicuramente registrati per segnare un’epoca che difficilmente sarà dimenticata. In questo contributo si è voluto riassumere ed analizzare cambiamenti subiti dal linguaggio sul piano lessicale. I termini, prima relativi esclusivamente al campo medico, hanno riempito le pagine dei giornali e il web e sono entrati a far parte del linguaggio comune dei cittadini. La nuova situazione che si è creata nel mondo dall’apparizione della pandemia è stata da ispiratrice per la creazione di neologismi, provenienti in gran misura dall’inglese. Il COVID-19 ha fatto creare tanto pessimismo tra le persone, le cose che prima erano scontate, non lo sono più, e c’è chi ha ritrovato l’ottimismo cercando di sdrammatizzare creando parole scherzose con i prefissoidi corona- e covid-. Oltre alle categorie summenzionate, nel presente contributo una parte è stata dedicata alle metafore sportive che vengono usate con il riferimento al coronavirus per attenuare la situazione difficile e dolorosa contro cui il mondo è andato in contro.The pandemic caused by COVID-19 has drastically changed people’s daily lives. The unthinkable has become a reality. It is hard to even imagine the return to \u27normal\u27. The language, a subject to constant change, became much richer in a short time. Although not every term or neologism coined during the pandemic will get into future dictionaries, some certainly will, testifying to an era unlikely to be forgotten. This paper aims to summarise and analyse the lexical changes the language has undergone. Medical terms that filled the newspapers, both in print and online, soon entered the everyday language. The circumstances wrought by the pandemic influenced the coining of neologisms globally, but most originated in the English language. COVID-19 has also caused widespread pessimism, for everything people once took for granted was gone; however, some have found optimism in trying to defuse the situation by coming up with playful words prefixed by corona- or covid-. In addition to the abovementioned categories, a part of this paper is dedicated to sports metaphors related to coronavirus, used to better cope with the difficult and painful situation the world is facing

    The language of the Mafia in the Italian TV series Squadra antimafia - Palermo oggi

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    Il tema di questa tesi di laurea è il linguaggio della mafia nella serie tv italiana Squadra antimafia – Palermo oggi. In primo luogo, si è domandati in che cosa consista questo linguaggio e se sia legittimo chiamarlo tale. Inoltre, si è parlato della voce ‘mafia’, delle origini sia della parola in sé sia della mafia come organizzazione criminale. È stato fatto un accenno alla storia dell’organizzazione mafiosa Cosa Nostra che opera in Sicilia ma anche in America. In più, è stata data anche la rappresentazione della struttura gerarchica all’interno di Cosa Nostra. Dopo aver tracciato un quadro generale del fenomeno mafioso, si è passati al nucleo della tesi, ovvero all’analisi del linguaggio di cui usufruiscono i mafiosi nelle serie. Attraverso vari esempi si è potuto vedere come parla un mafioso nella serie: usando impliciti, metafore, allegorie e frasi evocative. L’accento è stato posto sull’oralità ma un po’ di spazio è stato dedicato anche alla comunicazione via pizzini e a quella non verbale. Inoltre, sono stati elencati e analizzati i soprannomi di alcuni mafiosi risultati importanti in quanto i soprannomi hanno una valenza linguistica e si comportano allo stesso tempo come denotatori e connotatori. In fine, è stato fatto un breve glossario contenente termini usati nella serie del campo semantico relativo alla mafia.Tema ovog diplomskog rada jest jezik mafije u televizijskoj seriji Squadra antimafia - Palermo oggi. Na samom početku postavilo se pitanje od čega se taj jezik sastoji i je li uopće legitimno nazvati ga jezikom. U nastavku bilo je govora o leksemu 'mafija', o podrijetlu riječi te o mafiji kao zločinačkoj organizaciji. Nadalje, napravio se kratak uvid u povijest mafijaške organizacije Cosa Nostra koja djeluje na Siciliji, ali i u Americi. Također, napravljen je i prikaz hijerarhijske strukture unutar Cosa Nostre. Nakon prikaza opće slike mafijaškog fenomena, prelazi se na srž rada, odnosno na analizu jezika kojim se mafija služi u televizijskoj seriji. Kroz razne primjere bilo je moguće vidjeti kako mafijaš govori u istoj: koristeći implicitne izraze, metafore, alegorije i evokativne rečenice. Naglasak je stavljen na oralnost, no dio prostora posvećen je i komunikaciji putem pizzina te neverbalnoj komunikaciji. Pored toga, navedeni su i analizirani nadimci nekih mafijaša koji su se pokazali važnima zbog svoje jezične vrijednosti te jer se istodobno ponašaju kao denotatori i konotatori. Na samom kraju napravljen je kratak pojmovnik koji sadrži izraze korištene u seriji, a koji pripadaju semantičkom polju mafije.The subject of this thesis is the language of the mafia in the TV series Squadra antimafia - Palermo oggi. First, it was necessary to specify what this language consists of and whether it was legitimate to denominate it as such. Following, there was mention of the word 'mafia', as well as its origins and mafia as a criminal organization. One chapter was dedicated to the history of the Mafia organization Cosa Nostra which operates in Sicily but also in America. The representation of the hierarchical structure within the Cosa Nostra was also given. After offering a general picture of the mafia phenomenon, we moved on to the core of the thesis – the analysis of the language used by the Mafia in the series. Through various examples, it was possible to see how a mafioso speaks: using implicit expressions, metaphors, allegories and evocative sentences. The emphasis was placed on orality but a little space was also dedicated to communication via pizzini and non-verbal communication. Besides, we have listed and analysed the nicknames of some mafiosos, which have shown importance because of their linguistic values and because they simultaneously act as denotators and connotators. In the end, a short glossary was made containing terms used in the semantic field of mafia

    Sugar alcohols (polyols)

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    Šećer je neizostavan sastojak hrane, međutim pretjerana konzumacija istoga uzrokuje brojne štetne učinke za organizam, kao što su debljanje, pojavu karijesa, dijabetesa itd. Saharoza je od davnina poznata kao najviše upotrebljavani šećer u kućanstvu i u industriji. Međutim, u današnje vrijeme ljudi i industrija posežu za alternativnim prirodnim i umjetnim šećerima, kako zbog boljih tehnoloških svojstava, tako i zbog manje nutritivne i kalorijske vrijednosti. Jedni od nutritivnih sladila su i polioli, koji imaju 50 % manju energetsku vrijednost od saharoze te se zbog toga mogu kombinirati s drugim niskokaloričnim sladilima što rezultira ukusnim manje kaloričnim proizvodima. Zbog niza dobrih karakteristika kao što su stabilnost pri visokim temperaturama, ugodan i neutralan okus, otpornost na djelovanje bakterija, polioli se, osim kao sladila, upotrebljavaju kao emulgatori, krioprotektori, sredstva za stabiliziranje i vezanje vlage. Najčešće upotrebljavani su isomalt, laktitiol, maltitiol, manitol, sorbitol, ksilitol i eritrol, koji su opisani u ovome radu.Sugar is an infallible food ingredient, however the exaggerated usage of latter causes numerous harmful effects for the organism, such as obesity, caries appearance, diabetes etc. Sucrose has been always known as the most used sugar in domestic and industry activities. However, nowadays people and industry take alternative species of natural and artificial sugars because of better technologic properties and less nutritious and calorie value. One of the nutritious sweeteners is polyol which has 50% less energy value than sucrose, thus they can be combined with other low-calorie sweeteners which results low-calorie, but tasty products. Because of series of good characteristics such as stability at high temperatures, pleasant and neutral taste, resistance against bacterial activities, polyols are used, besides as sweeteners, as emulgents, cryoprotectans and as a medium for stabilization and connection of humidity. The most used are isomalt, lactitiol, maltitiol, mannitol, sorbitol, xylitol and erytrol, which are elaborated in this research

    The Influence of Concentration with a Membrane Process of Nanofiltration on the Aroma Compounds of Cabernet Sauvignon Wine

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    Aroma predstavlja jedan od najvažnijih parametara za određivanje kvalitete vina. Spojevi arome koji su odgovorni za miris vina hlapivi su pri sobnoj temperaturi. Oni nastaju i mijenjaju se kroz sve faze procesa proizvodnje vina: od zrenja grožđa do fermentacije mošta te odležavanja vina. U svrhu korekcije aromatskog profila vina vrlo često se primjenjuje postupak koncentriranja vina nanofiltracijom. Stoga, cilj ovog rada je bio ispitati utjecaj koncentriranja crnog vina Cabernet Sauvignon nanofiltracijom na aromatski profil dobivenih retentata. Postupak koncentriranja proveden je na membranskom filteru s pločastim modulom primjenom četiri različita tlaka (25, 35, 45 i 55 bara) te dva temperaturna režima (s i bez hlađenja). Rezultati su pokazali da su primijenjeni procesni parametri, tlak i temperatura, imali značajan utjecaj na zadržavanje spojeva arome u vinskim retentatima. Procesi bez hlađenja rezultirali su određenim gubitkom pojedinih aromatskih spojeva u retentatima u odnosu na početno vino i retentate dobivene koncentriranjem s primjenom hlađenja. Veće zadržavanje spojeva arome u retentatima postignuto je i primjenom višeg tlaka. Iz tog razloga, najveće zadržavanje aromatskih tvari zabilježeno je u retentatu dobivenom postupkom nanofiltracije na 55 bar uz hlađenje.Wine aroma represents one of the most important quality parameter. The aroma compounds responsible for the wine odour are volatile at room temperature. They are formed and changed through all stages of the wine production process: from grape ripening to must fermentation and wine aging. In order to correct the aroma profile of wine, concentration of wine by nanofiltration could be applied. The aim of this study was to examine the influence of Cabernet Sauvignon red wine concentration by nanofiltration on the aroma profile of the obtained retentates. The concentration procedure was performed on a plate-and-frame membrane filter using four different pressures (25, 35, 45 and 55 bar) and two temperature regimes (with and without cooling). The results showed that the applied process parameters, had a significant impact on the retention of aroma compounds in wine retentates. Processes without cooling resulted in a certain loss of individual aroma compounds in the retentates comparing to the untreated wine and retentates obtained by concentration with the application of cooling. Greater retention of volatile compounds in retentates was also achieved by applying higher pressure. For this reason, the highest retention of aroma compunds was recorded in the retentate obtained by the nanofiltration process at 55 bar with cooling

    Sugar alcohols (polyols)

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    Šećer je neizostavan sastojak hrane, međutim pretjerana konzumacija istoga uzrokuje brojne štetne učinke za organizam, kao što su debljanje, pojavu karijesa, dijabetesa itd. Saharoza je od davnina poznata kao najviše upotrebljavani šećer u kućanstvu i u industriji. Međutim, u današnje vrijeme ljudi i industrija posežu za alternativnim prirodnim i umjetnim šećerima, kako zbog boljih tehnoloških svojstava, tako i zbog manje nutritivne i kalorijske vrijednosti. Jedni od nutritivnih sladila su i polioli, koji imaju 50 % manju energetsku vrijednost od saharoze te se zbog toga mogu kombinirati s drugim niskokaloričnim sladilima što rezultira ukusnim manje kaloričnim proizvodima. Zbog niza dobrih karakteristika kao što su stabilnost pri visokim temperaturama, ugodan i neutralan okus, otpornost na djelovanje bakterija, polioli se, osim kao sladila, upotrebljavaju kao emulgatori, krioprotektori, sredstva za stabiliziranje i vezanje vlage. Najčešće upotrebljavani su isomalt, laktitiol, maltitiol, manitol, sorbitol, ksilitol i eritrol, koji su opisani u ovome radu.Sugar is an infallible food ingredient, however the exaggerated usage of latter causes numerous harmful effects for the organism, such as obesity, caries appearance, diabetes etc. Sucrose has been always known as the most used sugar in domestic and industry activities. However, nowadays people and industry take alternative species of natural and artificial sugars because of better technologic properties and less nutritious and calorie value. One of the nutritious sweeteners is polyol which has 50% less energy value than sucrose, thus they can be combined with other low-calorie sweeteners which results low-calorie, but tasty products. Because of series of good characteristics such as stability at high temperatures, pleasant and neutral taste, resistance against bacterial activities, polyols are used, besides as sweeteners, as emulgents, cryoprotectans and as a medium for stabilization and connection of humidity. The most used are isomalt, lactitiol, maltitiol, mannitol, sorbitol, xylitol and erytrol, which are elaborated in this research

    The Influence of Concentration with a Membrane Process of Nanofiltration on the Aroma Compounds of Cabernet Sauvignon Wine

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    Aroma predstavlja jedan od najvažnijih parametara za određivanje kvalitete vina. Spojevi arome koji su odgovorni za miris vina hlapivi su pri sobnoj temperaturi. Oni nastaju i mijenjaju se kroz sve faze procesa proizvodnje vina: od zrenja grožđa do fermentacije mošta te odležavanja vina. U svrhu korekcije aromatskog profila vina vrlo često se primjenjuje postupak koncentriranja vina nanofiltracijom. Stoga, cilj ovog rada je bio ispitati utjecaj koncentriranja crnog vina Cabernet Sauvignon nanofiltracijom na aromatski profil dobivenih retentata. Postupak koncentriranja proveden je na membranskom filteru s pločastim modulom primjenom četiri različita tlaka (25, 35, 45 i 55 bara) te dva temperaturna režima (s i bez hlađenja). Rezultati su pokazali da su primijenjeni procesni parametri, tlak i temperatura, imali značajan utjecaj na zadržavanje spojeva arome u vinskim retentatima. Procesi bez hlađenja rezultirali su određenim gubitkom pojedinih aromatskih spojeva u retentatima u odnosu na početno vino i retentate dobivene koncentriranjem s primjenom hlađenja. Veće zadržavanje spojeva arome u retentatima postignuto je i primjenom višeg tlaka. Iz tog razloga, najveće zadržavanje aromatskih tvari zabilježeno je u retentatu dobivenom postupkom nanofiltracije na 55 bar uz hlađenje.Wine aroma represents one of the most important quality parameter. The aroma compounds responsible for the wine odour are volatile at room temperature. They are formed and changed through all stages of the wine production process: from grape ripening to must fermentation and wine aging. In order to correct the aroma profile of wine, concentration of wine by nanofiltration could be applied. The aim of this study was to examine the influence of Cabernet Sauvignon red wine concentration by nanofiltration on the aroma profile of the obtained retentates. The concentration procedure was performed on a plate-and-frame membrane filter using four different pressures (25, 35, 45 and 55 bar) and two temperature regimes (with and without cooling). The results showed that the applied process parameters, had a significant impact on the retention of aroma compounds in wine retentates. Processes without cooling resulted in a certain loss of individual aroma compounds in the retentates comparing to the untreated wine and retentates obtained by concentration with the application of cooling. Greater retention of volatile compounds in retentates was also achieved by applying higher pressure. For this reason, the highest retention of aroma compunds was recorded in the retentate obtained by the nanofiltration process at 55 bar with cooling

    The language of the Mafia in the Italian TV series Squadra antimafia - Palermo oggi

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    Il tema di questa tesi di laurea è il linguaggio della mafia nella serie tv italiana Squadra antimafia – Palermo oggi. In primo luogo, si è domandati in che cosa consista questo linguaggio e se sia legittimo chiamarlo tale. Inoltre, si è parlato della voce ‘mafia’, delle origini sia della parola in sé sia della mafia come organizzazione criminale. È stato fatto un accenno alla storia dell’organizzazione mafiosa Cosa Nostra che opera in Sicilia ma anche in America. In più, è stata data anche la rappresentazione della struttura gerarchica all’interno di Cosa Nostra. Dopo aver tracciato un quadro generale del fenomeno mafioso, si è passati al nucleo della tesi, ovvero all’analisi del linguaggio di cui usufruiscono i mafiosi nelle serie. Attraverso vari esempi si è potuto vedere come parla un mafioso nella serie: usando impliciti, metafore, allegorie e frasi evocative. L’accento è stato posto sull’oralità ma un po’ di spazio è stato dedicato anche alla comunicazione via pizzini e a quella non verbale. Inoltre, sono stati elencati e analizzati i soprannomi di alcuni mafiosi risultati importanti in quanto i soprannomi hanno una valenza linguistica e si comportano allo stesso tempo come denotatori e connotatori. In fine, è stato fatto un breve glossario contenente termini usati nella serie del campo semantico relativo alla mafia.Tema ovog diplomskog rada jest jezik mafije u televizijskoj seriji Squadra antimafia - Palermo oggi. Na samom početku postavilo se pitanje od čega se taj jezik sastoji i je li uopće legitimno nazvati ga jezikom. U nastavku bilo je govora o leksemu 'mafija', o podrijetlu riječi te o mafiji kao zločinačkoj organizaciji. Nadalje, napravio se kratak uvid u povijest mafijaške organizacije Cosa Nostra koja djeluje na Siciliji, ali i u Americi. Također, napravljen je i prikaz hijerarhijske strukture unutar Cosa Nostre. Nakon prikaza opće slike mafijaškog fenomena, prelazi se na srž rada, odnosno na analizu jezika kojim se mafija služi u televizijskoj seriji. Kroz razne primjere bilo je moguće vidjeti kako mafijaš govori u istoj: koristeći implicitne izraze, metafore, alegorije i evokativne rečenice. Naglasak je stavljen na oralnost, no dio prostora posvećen je i komunikaciji putem pizzina te neverbalnoj komunikaciji. Pored toga, navedeni su i analizirani nadimci nekih mafijaša koji su se pokazali važnima zbog svoje jezične vrijednosti te jer se istodobno ponašaju kao denotatori i konotatori. Na samom kraju napravljen je kratak pojmovnik koji sadrži izraze korištene u seriji, a koji pripadaju semantičkom polju mafije.The subject of this thesis is the language of the mafia in the TV series Squadra antimafia - Palermo oggi. First, it was necessary to specify what this language consists of and whether it was legitimate to denominate it as such. Following, there was mention of the word 'mafia', as well as its origins and mafia as a criminal organization. One chapter was dedicated to the history of the Mafia organization Cosa Nostra which operates in Sicily but also in America. The representation of the hierarchical structure within the Cosa Nostra was also given. After offering a general picture of the mafia phenomenon, we moved on to the core of the thesis – the analysis of the language used by the Mafia in the series. Through various examples, it was possible to see how a mafioso speaks: using implicit expressions, metaphors, allegories and evocative sentences. The emphasis was placed on orality but a little space was also dedicated to communication via pizzini and non-verbal communication. Besides, we have listed and analysed the nicknames of some mafiosos, which have shown importance because of their linguistic values and because they simultaneously act as denotators and connotators. In the end, a short glossary was made containing terms used in the semantic field of mafia

    Translation and traductological analysis of a short story «Поэт и муза» written by Tatyana Tolstaya

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    Тема данной дипломной работы - перевод и анализ перевода рассказа Татьяны Толстой «Поэт и муза». После того, что познакомили читателя с этой современной русской писательницей очень интересного стиля написания, явился следствием анализ перевода. В анализе объясняется с какими переводческими трансформациями переводчик может пользоваться при переводе и приводятся примеры из рассказа. Кроме того, одна глава посвящена переводу реалий. Учитывая, что реалии - это понятия, характерные для определенной культуры и народ, их перевод представляет собой проблему для переводчика, но также и вызов. Теоретики перевода посвятили много трудов данной теме, предлагая свои стратегии и давая предлоги о том, как лучше всего перенести «несуществующее» в культуру ПЯ. Помимо реалий, в последней главе, говорилось и о метафорах, перевод которых тоже является непростой задачей для переводчика.Tema ovog diplomskog rada jest prijevod i traduktološka analiza pripovijetke Pjesnik i muza Tatjane Tolstoj. Nakon upoznavanja čitatelja s ovom suvremenom ruskom spisateljicom veoma zanimljivog stila pisanja, uslijedila je traduktološka analiza prijevoda. Objašnjeno je kojim se sve traduktološkim promjenama prevoditelj može koristiti pri prijevodu te su navedeni primjeri iz pripovijetke. Nadalje, jedno je poglavlje posvećeno prijevodu realija. S obzirom na to da su realije pojmovi specifični za određeni narod i kulturu, njihovo prevođenje predstavlja za prevoditelja problem, ali i izazov. Teoretičari prijevoda posvetili su mnogo radova upravo toj temi, nudeći svoje strategije i prijedloge kako najbolje prenijeti „nepostojeće“ u kulturu ciljanog jezika. Uz realije, u radu je posvećeno poglavlje i metaforama, čiji prijevod također ne predstavlja za prevoditelja lak zadatak.The subject of this thesis is a translation and a traductological analysis of Tatyana Tolstoy’s short story “The Poet and the Muse”. After introducing the readers to aspects of the biography of this modern Russian writer, we have proceeded with the traductological analysis of the translation. It has been explained which translation transformations can be used by a translator while translating, and the examples from the short story have been listed. In addition, one chapter has been dedicated to the translation of realia. Since the realia are intended as concepts specific to a particular culture and people, their translation presents a huge problem for the translator, but it is also challenging. Furthermore, translation theorists have dedicated a big amount of scientific works and publications to this topic, proposing their own strategies and suggestions on how to relocate the “non-existent” in the best possible way into the culture of the target language. Except to the realia, there is a chapter dedicated to the use of metaphors, the translation of which also represents a difficult task for the translator

    Effect of Chlorhexidine Digluconate on Oral Bacteria Adhesion to Surfaces of Orthodontic Appliance Alloys

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    This study aimed to analyse the effect of chlorhexidine digluconate (CHX DG) mouthwash on the adhesion of oral bacteria to orthodontic appliances. The interactions of four bacteria (S. mutans, A. actinomycetemcomitans, S. oralis, and V. parvula) with two alloys (stainless steel [SS] and nickel-titanium [NiTi]) and three CHX DG solutions (commercial products Curasept and Perio Plus, and pure CHX DG, all with 0.12% active substance) were tested. The adhesive effect on the orthodontic wires was evaluated after 24 h for S. oralis and after 72 h for the other bacteria. The minimum bactericidal concentration of the solution for each bacterial strain was determined using the dilution method to test the antibacterial action. Salivary-pretreated orthodontic archwires were exposed to minimal bactericidal concentrations of solution and bacteria. Commercial antiseptic products, especially Perio Plus, showed a better inhibition of bacterial adhesion to both alloys than pure CHX DG solution (p < 0.05). A. actinomycetemcomitans was most inhibited in the adhesion of all bacteria by the CHX DG products. A greater inhibition of streptococci adherence was observed on SS, while that of A. actinomycetemcomitans was observed on NiTi. V. parvula inhibition was product-dependent. Although there were differences between the strains and the tested agents, it can be concluded that Perio Plus most effectively inhibited the adhesion of all tested bacteria to the SS and NiTi alloys. A. actinomycetemcomitans was most sensitive to all tested agents, while S. mutans showed the highest resistance. The effectiveness of the tested agents was better on NiTi alloys