39 research outputs found

    ToĆŒsamoƛć upamiętniona w przestawieniach ƛwiętych. PrzykƂad wczesnochrzeƛcijaƄskich mozaik w rotundzie w Salonikach w Grecji

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    The article aims at presenting the mosaics from the dome of the early Christian church – the Rotunda in Thessaloniki, Greece. The function of the mosaics are twofold: (a) the portrayal of the early Christian identity and (b) the construction of the identity of the spectators – the Christians. The mosaics depicted thirteen Saints and were composed of the elements originating from ancient art that were used to strengthen a new Christian identity. The Saints were depicted as orants wearing garments, which are traditionally reserved to the high officials. Their eyes, hair, and garments were depicted in purple that is the colour conventionally restricted to the emperor. In this way, the Christians emphasised the high social status given to the Saints and strengthened their identity. Furthermore, these modes of representation had a profound impact upon the spectators creating and maintaining their identity

    A multidisciplinary study of anti-vampire burials from early medieval Culmen, Poland: were the diseased and disabled regarded as vampires?

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    The definitions and interpretations of anti-vampire burials have provoked impassioned discussion in archaeology over the last century. That the diseased and disabled were sometimes perceived as vampires is very intriguing and worth investigating because historical and ethnographic materials and archaeological studies indicate a connection between disease (e.g. tuberculosis and anaemia) and vampirism. Until the development of germ theory in the 19th century, some people explained the phenomenon of disease and death as its consequence by connecting it with beliefs in vampires. We investigate if the diseased and disabled were buried in anti-vampire graves based on materials from early medieval Culmen in Poland. We selected 574 skeletons from 566 graves for our analysis. The research allowed the identification of 13 antivampire graves, which include 14 skeletons. Of 574 skeletons, 299 indicate pathological lesions associated with diseases and 8 skeletons indicate lesions associated with disabilities. Among the individuals buried in anti-vampire graves (N=14), 11 had pathological lesions associated with diseases and one – lesions associated with disability. We analyse each disease and condition separately to see if it was a reason for burying individuals in anti-vampire graves. Our analyses have shown that the diseases and conditions that were identified on skeletons in anti-vampire graves were common in the past populations, including Culmen, and apparently not connected with the appearance of a vampire. Therefore, we conclude that diseases and disabilities were not the reason for perceiving someone as a vampire in Culmen

    Bioarcheologia niepeƂnosprawnoƛci [The Bioarchaeology of Disability]

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    Accumulation of abdominal fat in relation to selected proinflammatory cytokines concentrations in non-obese WrocƂaw inhabitants

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    Wstęp: Osoby z zespoƂem metabolicznej otyƂoƛci z prawidƂową masa ciaƂa (MONW), mimo prawidƂowego wskaĆșnika masy ciaƂa (BMI), są naraĆŒone na powikƂania typowe dla otyƂoƛci. MoĆŒe to wynikać z subklinicznego stanu zapalnego, wynikającego z nadmiernego gromadzenia tkanki tƂuszczowej brzusznej. Celem pracy byƂa ocena związku pomiędzy nagromadzeniem tkanki tƂuszczowej, szczegĂłlnie okolicy brzusznej, a stÄ™ĆŒeniem wybranych cytokin prozapalnych — interleukiny 6, 18 i biaƂka C-reaktywnego (CRP), biorących udziaƂ w aterogenezie.MateriaƂ i metody: Badaniem objęto 342 osoby (218 kobiet, 124 mÄ™ĆŒczyzn w wieku 20–40 lat, z BMI > 27 kg/m2), mieszkaƄcĂłw WrocƂawia. Grupę podzielono ze względu na wartoƛć wskaĆșnika insulinoopornoƛci (HOMA): 90 osĂłb — grupa MONW ( HOMA < 1.69), 252 osoby — grupa kontrolna. Oceniono parametry antropometryczne, stÄ™ĆŒenia IL-6, IL-18, CRP, glukozy, insuliny oraz wskaĆșniki insulinowraĆŒliwoƛci i insulinoopornoƛci.Wyniki: StÄ™ĆŒenie CRP byƂo istotnie wyĆŒsze w grupie kobiet MONW niĆŒ kontrolnej (3,26 vs. 1,97, p = 0,03). StÄ™ĆŒenia IL-6 i IL-18 nie rĂłĆŒniƂy się pomiędzy grupami, zarĂłwno u kobiet, jak i u mÄ™ĆŒczyzn. Dodatnią korelację zanotowano między stÄ™ĆŒeniem IL-6 a wskaĆșnikiem centralizacji tƂuszczu u kobiet. Stwierdzono dodatnią korelację między stÄ™ĆŒeniem CRP a BMI, wskaĆșnikiem talia– biodra, obwodem talii u obu pƂci. U kobiet istniaƂa takĆŒe dodatnia korelacja między CRP a wskaĆșnikami HOMA i FIRI i ujemna ze wskaĆșnikiem QUICKI.Wnioski: Zwiększone gromadzenie tƂuszczu okolicy brzusznej u zdrowych, mƂodych osĂłb, wiÄ…ĆŒe się z podwyĆŒszonym stÄ™ĆŒeniem CRP. (Endokrynol Pol 2014; 65 (6): 449–455)Introduction: Metabolically obese normal weight (MONW) subjects, despite their normal BMI, present metabolic disturbances characteristic of abdominal obesity. One of the reasons might be subclinical inflammation caused by the fat tissue excess. The aim of this study was to assess the association between the accumulation of fat (especially abdominal) and the concentration of selected proinflammatory cytokines — interleukins (IL-6, IL-18) and C-reactive protein (CRP).Material and methods: The study population consisted of 342 subjects (218 women, 124 men; age 20–40 years, BMI < 27 kg/m2) recruited from a community centre in Wroclaw. The group was divided based on the homeostasis assessment insulin resistance index (HOMA) value: 90 MONW subjects with HOMA > 1.69 and 252 subjects as control group. Anthropometric parameters, serum IL-6, IL-18, CRP, glucose, insulin concentrations and insulin sensitivity/resistance indexes were evaluated.Results: CRP levels were significantly higher (3.26 vs. 1.97, p = 0.03) in MONW women than in the control group. Serum IL-6, IL-18 levels in males and females did not differ in both groups. IL-6 showed a significant correlation with the abdominal to gynoidal fat tissue deposit ratio in women. There were correlations between the CRP and BMI, WHR, waist circumference, total fat, abdominal fat deposit, and abdominal to gynoidal fat deposit ratio in both sexes. In women, positive correlations between CRP and HOMA, FIRI and negative with QUICKI index were present.Conclusions: Increased accumulation of abdominal adipose tissue in non-obese, young and healthy subjects is related to increased CRP levels. (Endokrynol Pol 2014; 65 (6): 449–455

    Indicators guidelines : to adopt an indicators-based approach to evaluate coastal sustainable development

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    The Indicators Guidelines (IG) report contains the most significant conclusions, results and products obtained from the development of the INTERREG IIIC South DEDUCE project during the period 2004-2007. The general goal of the project is to test the set of indicators proposed in 2003 by the EU Working Group on Indicators and Data at various scales and levels of governance. This covers European level, the member states, regional and local authorities. The calculation process developed by the DEDUCE partners, pursues two objectives: To propose a common methodological framework, To illustrate the relevance and usefulness of the indicators approach. The IG is intended to demonstrate, that the current coastal policy framework does not define a consistent and common approach to the measurement and evaluation of the levels of sustainability in EU coastal and maritime zones (Chapter 2). Despite this, some emerging and existing integrated policies, such as the EU Green Paper on Maritime Policy and the European Strategy for Sustainable Development do consider this approach. Only a few existing policies (e.g. EU Water Framework Directive) define the indicators and thresholds of acceptance in detail.peer-reviewe

    Guide d’utilisation des indicateurs - mettre en oeuvre une approche basĂ©e sur les indicateurs pour Ă©valuer le dĂ©veloppement durable sur le littoral

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    Ce rapport contient les conclusions, les rĂ©sultats et les produits les plus significatifs du projet INTERREG IIIC Sud "DEDUCE" pendant la pĂ©riode 2004-2007. L'objectif gĂ©nĂ©ral du projet Ă©tait de tester la sĂ©rie d'indicateurs proposĂ©e en 2003 par le groupe de travail europĂ©en "Indicateurs et donnĂ©es" Ă  des Ă©chelles et des niveaux de gouvernance diffĂ©rents, Ă  savoir le niveau europĂ©en, les Etats membres et les autoritĂ©s locales et rĂ©gionales. Le processus de calcul Ă©laborĂ© par les partenaires de DEDUCE poursuit deux buts :‱ Proposer un cadre mĂ©thodologique commun ; ‱ Illustrer la pertinence et l'utilitĂ© de l'approche basĂ©e sur des indicateurs.Il souhaite montrer que le cadre actuel des politiques cĂŽtiĂšres ne dĂ©finit pas une approche cohĂ©rente et commune en matiĂšre de mesure et d'Ă©valuation des niveaux de durabilitĂ© dans les zones cĂŽtiĂšres et marines de l'Union EuropĂ©enne (Chapitre 2). Cependant, une telle approche est prĂ©sente dans certaines politiques intĂ©grĂ©es existantes ou Ă©mergentes, telles que le Livre vert sur la future politique maritime europĂ©enne et la StratĂ©gie europĂ©enne en faveur du dĂ©veloppement durable. Par ailleurs, seul un petit nombre de politiques existantes (par exemple, la Directive Cadre sur l'Eau) dĂ©finissent de maniĂšre dĂ©taillĂ©e des indicateurs et des seuils d'acceptation. Il prĂ©sente et explique la proposition de cadre mĂ©thodologique pour les indicateurs de dĂ©veloppement durable dans les zones cĂŽtiĂšres et marines (Chapitre 3) Ă©laborĂ©e par DEDUCE. Ce faisant, il essaie de combler le manque d'approche commune. Cette proposition s'articule autour de trois Ă©lĂ©ments principaux, qui correspondent aux trois questions suivantes :‱ Comment peut-on calculer des indicateurs selon une mĂ©thodologie commune ? Des mĂ©thodologies de calcul de 45 mesures avec un format standard et appropriĂ© pour toutes les rĂ©gions et tous les pays de l'Union EuropĂ©enne ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©finies ; ‱ Quels sont les principaux problĂšmes et obstacles rencontrĂ©s au cours du processus de calcul ? 180 fiches de calcul, Ă  des Ă©chelles diffĂ©rentes, dĂ©crivent les difficultĂ©s, les forces et les faiblesses de l'obtention et du traitement des donnĂ©es relatives Ă  chacune des mesures ; ‱ Comment pouvons-nous intĂ©grer les rĂ©sultats et les conclusions et quels sont les conclusions du processus de calcul ? 25 fiches de synthĂšse montrent les avantages d'une analyse comparative entre les diffĂ©rents niveaux gĂ©ographiques.Tous ces Ă©lĂ©ments, ainsi que d'autres, issus du projet DEDUCE, sont disponibles sur le site www.deduce.eu. Le dĂ©veloppement mĂ©thodologique comprend Ă©galement un point de vue pragmatique sur la mise en Ɠuvre de la directive INSPIRE pour les zones cĂŽtiĂšres et marines en utilisant une infrastructure de donnĂ©es spatiales commune. Les difficultĂ©s et les obstacles au dĂ©veloppement de cette infrastructure sont analysĂ©s Ă  partir des rĂ©ponses Ă  un questionnaire concernant les systĂšmes d’information gĂ©ographique littoraux mis en Ɠuvre par les partenaires de DEDUCE. Les arguments en faveur de l'utilitĂ© du cadre mĂ©thodologique pour les indicateurs de dĂ©veloppement durable dans les zones cĂŽtiĂšres et marines sont dĂ©taillĂ©s autour des thĂšmes suivants (Chapitre 4) :‱ UtilitĂ© d'Ă©valuer l'amĂ©nagement et la gestion dans les zones cĂŽtiĂšres et marines ; ‱ UtilitĂ© d'intĂ©grer et de coordonner les analyses et la recherche dans les zones cĂŽtiĂšres et marines ; ‱ PossibilitĂ© d'amĂ©liorer la visibilitĂ© et la perception des zones cĂŽtiĂšres et marines.Le rapport donne Ă©galement des exemples d'application pratique de ce cadre mĂ©thodologique Ă  travers sept expĂ©riences qui ont Ă©tĂ© mises en Ɠuvre du niveau europĂ©en au niveau local. Les sept fiches de synthĂšse sont structurĂ©es autour des sept objectifs de la Recommandation europĂ©enne relative Ă  la Gestion IntĂ©grĂ©e des Zones CĂŽtiĂšres (2002). Elles comprennent les rĂ©sultats des calculs, l'analyse intĂ©grĂ©e et des informations pratiques relatives Ă  l'utilisation du cadre mĂ©thodologique pour les indicateurs (Chapitre 5). Enfin, le dernier chapitre du rapport (Chapitre 6) prĂ©sente :‱ L'Ă©valuation finale du processus de calcul Ă©laborĂ© par les partenaires de DEDUCE ; ‱ Des recommandations pour amĂ©liorer la sĂ©rie d'indicateurs proposĂ©e par le groupe de travail europĂ©en "Indicateurs et donnĂ©es", sur la base de 6 sĂ©minaires nationaux et d'une confĂ©rence technique organisĂ©e Ă  Tarragone (mars 2007) ; ‱ Les travaux ultĂ©rieurs requis pour complĂ©ter l'approche du cadre mĂ©thodologique basĂ© sur des indicateurs en vue de construire un systĂšme d'informations maritimes cohĂ©rent.peer-reviewe

    Verification of linear scalability of a business Big Data platform against the Queueing Networks model

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    Ensuring that software built on top of distributed systems for Big Data has good scalability properties is crucial for the design of long-lasting and reliable products. The purpose of this Master Thesis is to investigate and characterize scalability of a business Big Data platform, URights, developed by IBM in cooperation with a French association, SACEM. This work focuses on the initial step in URights called Ingestion. Scalability is examined in the context of proportionally growing workloads and resources. Following the study, a set of recommendations for the platform is formulated. Applicability of different techniques of performance evaluation for assessment of scalability is examined. Three methods of evaluation are used in this work. First, a mathematical analysis based on Queueing Networks (QNs) is conducted. Then, a simulation engine extending the QN model is designed and a set of simulations is run. Finally, an empirical evaluation is conducted in a test environment. Due to the scarcity of data and stark differences between the test and production environments, the reliability of the empirical results is questionable. Mathematical analysis and simulations suggest that fine-grained parallelism is desirable for low and middle workloads. Also, if more data must be processed, it is better to increase the frequency of batches used in URights rather than their sizes. Finally, a potential bottleneck operation is identified. The use of different methods of evaluation allows us to progressively formulate and investigate more complicated questions as well as to observe the limits and benefits of each tool.Mjukvara som styr distribuerade system mÄste ha god skalbarhet , ett avgörande krav för hÄllbara och pÄlitliga produkter. Syftet med detta examensarbete Àr att undersöka och beskriva skalbarheten hos Big Data plattformen URights, som har utvecklats av IBM tillsammans med den fransk organisationen SATEM. Arbetet fokuserar pÄ URights första steg som kallas ingestion, och skalbarhet undersöks genom att lÄta resurserna vÀxa linjÀrt i proportion till ökade belastningar. Detta leder till ett antal rekommendationer för fortsatt utveckling av plattformen. Ett antal olika sÀtt att mÀta prestanda tillsammans med skalbarhet undersöks. Tre utvÀrderingsmetoder anvÀnds i rapporten. Först genomförs en matematisk analys baserad pÄ Queuing Networks (QN). Sedan utvecklas en simulationsmodell ovanpÄ denna och ett antal simulationer av systemet körs. Slutligen utförs en empirisk utvÀrdering i en testmiljö. PÄ grund av brist pÄ data och stora skillnader mellan test- och produktionsmiljöerna kan de empiriska resultaten inte ses som helt sÀkerstÀllda. Den matematiska analysen och simulationerna antyder att finkornig (fine-grained) parallellitet Àr att föredra för smÄ och medelstora belastningar. Om mer data skall behandlas Àr det bÀttre att öka antalet minnesdelar i URights, snarare Àn att öka deras storlek. En tÀnkbar flaskhalsoperation identifieras ocksÄ. Sammanfattningsvis leder anvÀndandet av flera utvÀrderingsmetoder till utökade möjligheter att gradvis formulera och pröva mer och mer komplicerade frÄgestÀllningar, samtidigt som varje verktygs för-och nackdelar tas i akt

    Verification of linear scalability of a business Big Data platform against the Queueing Networks model

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    Ensuring that software built on top of distributed systems for Big Data has good scalability properties is crucial for the design of long-lasting and reliable products. The purpose of this Master Thesis is to investigate and characterize scalability of a business Big Data platform, URights, developed by IBM in cooperation with a French association, SACEM. This work focuses on the initial step in URights called Ingestion. Scalability is examined in the context of proportionally growing workloads and resources. Following the study, a set of recommendations for the platform is formulated. Applicability of different techniques of performance evaluation for assessment of scalability is examined. Three methods of evaluation are used in this work. First, a mathematical analysis based on Queueing Networks (QNs) is conducted. Then, a simulation engine extending the QN model is designed and a set of simulations is run. Finally, an empirical evaluation is conducted in a test environment. Due to the scarcity of data and stark differences between the test and production environments, the reliability of the empirical results is questionable. Mathematical analysis and simulations suggest that fine-grained parallelism is desirable for low and middle workloads. Also, if more data must be processed, it is better to increase the frequency of batches used in URights rather than their sizes. Finally, a potential bottleneck operation is identified. The use of different methods of evaluation allows us to progressively formulate and investigate more complicated questions as well as to observe the limits and benefits of each tool.Mjukvara som styr distribuerade system mÄste ha god skalbarhet , ett avgörande krav för hÄllbara och pÄlitliga produkter. Syftet med detta examensarbete Àr att undersöka och beskriva skalbarheten hos Big Data plattformen URights, som har utvecklats av IBM tillsammans med den fransk organisationen SATEM. Arbetet fokuserar pÄ URights första steg som kallas ingestion, och skalbarhet undersöks genom att lÄta resurserna vÀxa linjÀrt i proportion till ökade belastningar. Detta leder till ett antal rekommendationer för fortsatt utveckling av plattformen. Ett antal olika sÀtt att mÀta prestanda tillsammans med skalbarhet undersöks. Tre utvÀrderingsmetoder anvÀnds i rapporten. Först genomförs en matematisk analys baserad pÄ Queuing Networks (QN). Sedan utvecklas en simulationsmodell ovanpÄ denna och ett antal simulationer av systemet körs. Slutligen utförs en empirisk utvÀrdering i en testmiljö. PÄ grund av brist pÄ data och stora skillnader mellan test- och produktionsmiljöerna kan de empiriska resultaten inte ses som helt sÀkerstÀllda. Den matematiska analysen och simulationerna antyder att finkornig (fine-grained) parallellitet Àr att föredra för smÄ och medelstora belastningar. Om mer data skall behandlas Àr det bÀttre att öka antalet minnesdelar i URights, snarare Àn att öka deras storlek. En tÀnkbar flaskhalsoperation identifieras ocksÄ. Sammanfattningsvis leder anvÀndandet av flera utvÀrderingsmetoder till utökade möjligheter att gradvis formulera och pröva mer och mer komplicerade frÄgestÀllningar, samtidigt som varje verktygs för-och nackdelar tas i akt

    Verification of linear scalability of a business Big Data platform against the Queueing Networks model

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    Ensuring that software built on top of distributed systems for Big Data has good scalability properties is crucial for the design of long-lasting and reliable products. The purpose of this Master Thesis is to investigate and characterize scalability of a business Big Data platform, URights, developed by IBM in cooperation with a French association, SACEM. This work focuses on the initial step in URights called Ingestion. Scalability is examined in the context of proportionally growing workloads and resources. Following the study, a set of recommendations for the platform is formulated. Applicability of different techniques of performance evaluation for assessment of scalability is examined. Three methods of evaluation are used in this work. First, a mathematical analysis based on Queueing Networks (QNs) is conducted. Then, a simulation engine extending the QN model is designed and a set of simulations is run. Finally, an empirical evaluation is conducted in a test environment. Due to the scarcity of data and stark differences between the test and production environments, the reliability of the empirical results is questionable. Mathematical analysis and simulations suggest that fine-grained parallelism is desirable for low and middle workloads. Also, if more data must be processed, it is better to increase the frequency of batches used in URights rather than their sizes. Finally, a potential bottleneck operation is identified. The use of different methods of evaluation allows us to progressively formulate and investigate more complicated questions as well as to observe the limits and benefits of each tool.Mjukvara som styr distribuerade system mÄste ha god skalbarhet , ett avgörande krav för hÄllbara och pÄlitliga produkter. Syftet med detta examensarbete Àr att undersöka och beskriva skalbarheten hos Big Data plattformen URights, som har utvecklats av IBM tillsammans med den fransk organisationen SATEM. Arbetet fokuserar pÄ URights första steg som kallas ingestion, och skalbarhet undersöks genom att lÄta resurserna vÀxa linjÀrt i proportion till ökade belastningar. Detta leder till ett antal rekommendationer för fortsatt utveckling av plattformen. Ett antal olika sÀtt att mÀta prestanda tillsammans med skalbarhet undersöks. Tre utvÀrderingsmetoder anvÀnds i rapporten. Först genomförs en matematisk analys baserad pÄ Queuing Networks (QN). Sedan utvecklas en simulationsmodell ovanpÄ denna och ett antal simulationer av systemet körs. Slutligen utförs en empirisk utvÀrdering i en testmiljö. PÄ grund av brist pÄ data och stora skillnader mellan test- och produktionsmiljöerna kan de empiriska resultaten inte ses som helt sÀkerstÀllda. Den matematiska analysen och simulationerna antyder att finkornig (fine-grained) parallellitet Àr att föredra för smÄ och medelstora belastningar. Om mer data skall behandlas Àr det bÀttre att öka antalet minnesdelar i URights, snarare Àn att öka deras storlek. En tÀnkbar flaskhalsoperation identifieras ocksÄ. Sammanfattningsvis leder anvÀndandet av flera utvÀrderingsmetoder till utökade möjligheter att gradvis formulera och pröva mer och mer komplicerade frÄgestÀllningar, samtidigt som varje verktygs för-och nackdelar tas i akt