390 research outputs found

    El personaje de Caupolicán y la alegoría cristológica en La Araucana, auto sacramental atribuido a Lope de Vega

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    La presencia de las guerras de Arauco en el teatro español del Siglo de Oro constituye una temática muy amplia, circunstancia que se explica, en buena medida, por la existencia de dos prestigiosos modelos épicos: La Araucana de Ercilla y El Arauco domado de Oña. En el teatro, esa materia araucana la encontramos en obras como La belígera española (1616), de Ricardo de Turia; Algunas hazañas de las muchas de don García Hurtado de Mendoza, Marqués de Cañete (1622), de nueve ingenios; Arauco domado (1625), de Lope; La Araucana, auto sacramental de principios del XVII atribuido a Lope; Los españoles en Chile (1655), de Francisco González de Bustos; y El gobernador prudente (1663), de Gaspar de Ávila, títulos a los que cabe añadir El nuevo rey Gallinato, de Andrés de Claramonte (conservada en manuscrito y editada modernamente)

    Genaro Xabier Vallejos (1897 – 1991): biografía, semblanza y producción literaria de un sacerdote sangüesino

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    Este trabajo constituye un acercamiento general a la producción literaria del sacerdote y escritor sangüesino Genaro Xavier Vallejos (1897-1991), llevando a cabo un recorrido por sus obras estrictamente literarias, de las que se introducen varios fragmentos. ------------------------------This article is a general approach to the literary production of the priest and writer Xavier Genaro Vallejo (1897-1991), a tour of its strictly literary works, of which several fragments are introduced

    Micomicona vs. Dulcinea

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    Burlesque Comedy of the Spanish Golden Age: Parody, Nonsense, and Carnival

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    This paper offers an approach to the main features and conventions of the burlesque comedy of the Spanish Golden Age, a corpus formed by about fifty parodic plays that were performed during Carnival and on St. John’s Day as part of the court festivals celebrated in the Royal Palace or in the Buen Retiro palace complex. These two features (theatre of Carnival and courtier theatre) are the main key when analyzing these plays. The primary function of these pieces is to provoke laughter within the aulic audience —the king and his noblemen. To achieve this goal, authors of burlesque comedies use all of the resources at hand, including both scenic and verbal humor. The plays are marked by an absurd wit, and they bring on stage a carnivalesque world turned upside-down in which everything (including characters, plots, literary motifs, and dramatic conventions) is grotesquely parodied, brutally degraded, and made comical.This paper offers an approach to the main features and conventions of the burlesque comedy of the Spanish Golden Age, a corpus formed by about fifty parodic plays that were performed during Carnival and on St. John’s Day as part of the court festivals celebrated in the Royal Palace or in the Buen Retiro palace complex. These two features (theatre of Carnival and courtier theatre) are the main key when analyzing these plays. The primary function of these pieces is to provoke laughter within the aulic audience —the king and his noblemen. To achieve this goal, authors of burlesque comedies use all of the resources at hand, including both scenic and verbal humor. The plays are marked by an absurd wit, and they bring on stage a carnivalesque world turned upside-down in which everything (including characters, plots, literary motifs, and dramatic conventions) is grotesquely parodied, brutally degraded, and made comical

    Juan Iturralde y Suit (1840 – 1909). Un romántico tardío en el contexto del regionalismo tradicionalista

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    En el año 2009 se conmemoró el centenario del fallecimiento de Juan Iturralde y Suit, personaje relevante en el panorama cultural navarro del último tercio del siglo XIX, con una amplia y variada producción escrita que abarca estudios sobre materias históricas, arqueológicas, bibliográficas, artísticas, folclóricas, etc., además de trabajos de índole política y producciones literarias. The year 2009 was the centenary of the death of Juan Iturralde y Suit, important figure in the cultural panorama of the last third of Navarra nineteenth century, with a wide and varied production. Iturralde y Suit wrote studies on historical, archaeological, bibliographical, artistic, folk, etc., as well as works of political and literary productions

    «Ser en poesía». A propósito de la novela Irene Klein, de Javier Corres

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    El escritor navarro Javier Corres elabora con 'Irene Klein' una lograda novela de amor y de amistad, sentimientos humanos contados y cantados desde la perspectiva del protagonista y narrador en primera persona, el escritor Delphin Kórrs; además, esta novela reflexiona y hace reflexionar sobre la creación poética.-------------------- 'Irene Klein', a novel writen by Javier Navarro, is a successful novel of love and friendship, human feelings counted and sung from the perspective of the protagonist and first-person narrator, the writer Kórrs Delphin; in addition, this novel reflects on the poetic creation