65 research outputs found


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    La cartografia delle regioni transfrontaliere viene sovente a dipendere dal problema dell’eterogeneità dei sistemi cartografici di riferimento, propri degli stati confinanti. Dalle coordinate in uno dei due sistemi di riferimento locali è possibile ricavare quelle relative al secondo sistema, utilizzando le formule di Helmert, qualora siano noti i 7 parametri di trasformazione; questi, a loro volta, possono essere stimati localmente se risultano disponibili almeno 3 punti doppi. Escludendo la componente ortometrica è possibile utilizzare la variante di Molodensky, una trasformazione conforme costituita da una rototraslazione piana con variazione del fattore di scala che fa uso dei punti doppi: i parametri necessari alla trasformazione scendono a 4 e, qualora non siano noti, è possibile determinarli se si dispone di almeno 2 punti doppi. La “Mappa di confine tra la R. Italiana e la R.S.F. Jugoslava” (1980), allegata al Trattato di Osimo, riporta una cospicua serie di punti doppi planimetrici nei sistemi di riferimento Gauss-Boaga e D48. Tali punti doppi de facto, presentando un’analoga ufficialità della fonte, possono essere assimilati alle attuali monografie disponibili a corredo dei punti IGM95. La stima dei parametri di trasformazione viene così effettuata per via analitica, rimandando le procedure in ambiente GIS – ed i correlati errori di pre-processing – ad un secondo momento. La scarsità di letteratura sulla trasformazione conforme tra i due sistemi locali Gauss-Boaga e D48, come pure la scarsità di pubblicazioni che utilizzino le carte di Osimo come fonte, porta il contributo nella direzione di un recupero di quel patrimonio cartografico inerente la ex-jugoslavia e il confine nord-orientale d’Italia ai fini di analisi diacroniche delle regioni interessate.Cartography of transborder regions is often related to the aged problem of heterogeneity of national grid systems. From the coordinate in one of the reference system is possible to achieve those of the second one, by the Helmert formula, since are known all the parameters of the 7 parameters transformation equation. It is possible to know all the values if at least 3 corresponding pairs of points that represent the same location in both source and target coordinate system (punti doppi) are available locally. If we exclude the altitude component, it is possible to apply the Molodensky variant, a similarity transformation (conformal) made by a planimetric rotation and translation with scale factor variation, that use coordinates values of the source/ target pairs of control points. The Mappa (1980) attached to the Osimo Treaty, provides several source/target points in both Italian and the former-Yugoslavian reference systems, Gauss-Boaga and D48. These points can be related to the official available sources, concerning IGM95 points, where the double coordinates of a single points are given. Since the source/target points have the same source’s reliability, is possible to avoid errors due to paper map measurement or the graphic errors of the maps. Since parameters computations can be done by analytical way, GIS environment procedures and related errors can be carried out in a following step. There is a substantial lack of literature about similarity and affine transformations between the Gauss-Boaga and D48 systems and also are missing literature concerning the use of Osimo maps as reliable source. Consequently it is important to underline the need of a deep recovery of the former Jugoslavia and the north-eastern italian border cartographical heritage, useful to analysis and evolution survey of the regions of interest


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    L’agricoltura nelle colline novaresi è a decisa vocazione vitivinicola; la fascia collinare pedemontana del Comune di Ghemme, corrispondente agli affioramenti degli antichi terrazzi fluviali, viene assunta come area campione. È il distretto vitivinicolo DOC delle “Colline Novaresi”, terroir di vini rossi quali Nebbiolo, Vespolina, Bonarda e Croatina. Il concetto di terroir valorizza le differenze a discapito dell’omologazione, designando un insieme complesso di clima, geologia, topografi a e suolo. Il ruolo di questi fattori, unito agli interventi migliorativi che l’attività antropica attua da secoli sul territorio, ha portato ad un continuo adattamento della Vitis vinifera al terroir stesso. Al fine di produrre una cartografi a aggiornata dei paesaggi vitivinicoli, sono state utilizzate fonti cartografiche ufficiali eterogenee e fonti cartografi che “altre”, quali cartografi e “a volo d’uccello” o di derivazione catastale, ricche di microtoponimi utili ai fini di un’indagine dettagliata sulla toponomastica come fenomeno geografi co di identità dei luoghi.Farming in so-called “colline novaresi” (located in northern Novara Province, Piedmont, Italy) is strongly grape growing oriented. The hill area of Ghemme municipality, defined by surface of ancient fluvial strath-terrace, is taken on as sample area, terroir of red wines such as Nebbiolo, Vespolina, Bonarda and Croatina included in DOC district named “Colline Novaresi”. The notion of terroir improves the differences, in spite of products conformation, representing the relationship between climate, geology, topography and soil. The role of this factors, joined with ageold farming, has leaded up to a consecutive assessment of Vitis vinifera to terroir himself. In order to up-to-date mapping of wine landscapes, both different cartographic sources and “other” cartographies are used, such as “volo d’uccello” maps or cadastral-derived, loaded of micro-toponyms useful for a study on toponymy as geographical evidence of place identity


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    Appunti Congresso Internazionale di Vienna 200


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    L’insegnamento della geografia nella scuola secondaria di I e II grado copre ambiti disciplinari corrispondenti ai diversi percorsi formativi. La cartografia non assurge mai a disciplina autonoma – caso unico è l’Istituto agrario – e il suo utilizzo nella didattica della geografia risulta deficitario. Le carenze maggiori sono da rilevarsi per i Licei. Per quasi tutti – con poche eccezioni – la terminologia è inappropriata e assente il riferimento all’utilizzo di telerilevamento, aerofotogrammetria e applicativi Gis. Il contributo si propone di comparare – in un’ottica costruttiva – le principali carenze dell’utilizzo dello strumento cartografico, le quali riguardano un ampio raggio di tematiche. L’analisi verte sui testi che affrontano lo studio delle regioni italiane, senza tralasciare rimandi all’editoria parascolastica – atlanti, produzione cartografica cartacea tradizionale – ed alle funzionalità offerte dagli applicativi Gis e dal Web.Teaching geography in the Italian secondary school of I and II level embrace sub-matter area according to the several schools. Cartography is never an indipendent matter – with the exception of the agrarian school – and his use in teaching geography appear frequently like a gap. The wide deficiencies are about Liceo schools. For almost whole – with a few exception – the language is inappropriate, like the link to using remote sensing, aerial photogrammetry and Gis tools. The main aim of paper is to compare – in a constructive view – the basic gaps of using cartography in teaching geography, analysing school texts, parascolastical publishing, Gis tools and the opportunities descending by Web


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    Il contributo si propone di aggiornare la cartografia disponibile ed analizzare in chiave comparativa, due itinerari ciclopedonali caratterizzati dalla prossimità del confine italo-sloveno e dal recupero di tracciati ferroviari in disuso: quello di Nova Gorica-Šempeter – in Slovenia, a ridosso dell’edificato urbano di Gorizia – e quella della Val Rosandra – che dai quartieri urbani di Trieste attraversa il confine. L’itinerario triestino è utilizzato come percorso turistico-ricreativo, laddove sarebbe utilizzabile – nella sua parte urbana – come ciclovia di servizio; quello goriziano invece, pur in prossimità di aree turistiche di pregio è utilizzata come pista urbana di servizio.The main aim of paper is to show the update developped starting from the available cartoghraphy, either to analize and draw a couple of cicliyng paths close to the slovenian boundary and two aborted railways: the first one is the Nova Gorica-Šempeter in Slovenia, close to the Gorizia urban area; the second one is in Rosandra Valley, it starts from the Triest urban area and cross the boundary. The Triest cycling path is due to be used as touristic and leisure path, but also a usefull path for daily use; the Nova Gorica path, although is close to several touristic areas, is due to be used only as daily use path


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    Nel presente lavoro viene elaborata una metodologia mista (manuale ed automatica) per la realizzazione dell’accostamento, in formato digitale, di carte redatte in diversi sistemi di coordinate (Crs: Coordinate Reference System). Nella fattispecie, viene trasformata una carta jugoslava (Crs: D48) nel Sistema Geodetico Italiano (Crs: Gauss-Boaga, Fuso Est). L’area di studio è quella relativa alla regione transfrontaliera di Gorizia e Nova Gorica, già oggetto del programma di cooperazione transfrontaliera Interreg IIIA Italia- Slovenia 2000-06 Gorizia Nova Model Plan. Il sistema sviluppato, pur nelle limitazioni collegate alla necessità di aggiornare alcuni parametri quando lo si applica ad altre aree, limita gli errori di trasformazione riscontrati utilizzando le procedure automatiche implementate in alcuni applicativi Gis diffusi in commercio.In order to connect, in a digital format, two maps with different coordinate reference systems we developed a mixed methodology (manual and automated). As an instance, we transformed a yugoslavian map (Crs: D48) into a Italian reference system (Crs: Gauss-Boaga, East zone). The study area is the Gorizia and Nova Gorica borderscape, already analysed by the “Gorizia Nova Model Plan” Interreg Project. The proposed method gives a better result (in terms of the measured positional errors) with respect to the main Gis application automated transformation procedures available in the market. Nevertheless the same has some limitations connected to the application of the model to other areas without updating some parameters

    Comparative secretome analysis suggests low plant cell wall degrading capacity in Frankia symbionts

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Frankia </it>sp. strains, the nitrogen-fixing facultative endosymbionts of actinorhizal plants, have long been proposed to secrete hydrolytic enzymes such as cellulases, pectinases, and proteases that may contribute to plant root penetration and formation of symbiotic root nodules. These or other secreted proteins might logically be involved in the as yet unknown molecular interactions between <it>Frankia </it>and their host plants. We compared the genome-based secretomes of three <it>Frankia </it>strains representing diverse host specificities. Signal peptide detection algorithms were used to predict the individual secretomes of each strain, and the set of secreted proteins shared among the strains, termed the core <it>Frankia </it>secretome. Proteins in the core secretome may be involved in the actinorhizal symbiosis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The <it>Frankia </it>genomes have conserved Sec (general secretory) and Tat (twin arginine translocase) secretion systems. The potential secretome of each <it>Frankia </it>strain comprised 4–5% of the total proteome, a lower percentage than that found in the genomes of other actinobacteria, legume endosymbionts, and plant pathogens. Hydrolytic enzymes made up only a small fraction of the total number of predicted secreted proteins in each strain. Surprisingly, polysaccharide-degrading enzymes were few in number, especially in strain CcI3, with more esterolytic, lipolytic and proteolytic enzymes having signal peptides. A total of 161 orthologous proteins belong to the core <it>Frankia </it>secretome. Of these, 52 also lack homologs in closely related actinobacteria, and are termed "<it>Frankia-</it>specific." The genes encoding these conserved secreted proteins are often clustered near secretion machinery genes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The predicted secretomes of <it>Frankia </it>sp. are relatively small and include few hydrolases, which could reflect adaptation to a symbiotic lifestyle. There are no well-conserved secreted polysaccharide-degrading enzymes present in all three <it>Frankia </it>genomes, suggesting that plant cell wall polysaccharide degradation may not be crucial to root infection, or that this degradation varies among strains. We hypothesize that the relative lack of secreted polysaccharide-degrading enzymes in <it>Frankia </it>reflects a strategy used by these bacteria to avoid eliciting host defense responses. The esterases, lipases, and proteases found in the core <it>Frankia </it>secretome might facilitate hyphal penetration through the cell wall, release carbon sources, or modify chemical signals. The core secretome also includes extracellular solute-binding proteins and <it>Frankia</it>-specific hypothetical proteins that may enable the actinorhizal symbiosis.</p

    Essential Domains of Anaplasma phagocytophilum Invasins Utilized to Infect Mammalian Host Cells

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    Anaplasma phagocytophilum causes granulocytic anaplasmosis, an emerging disease of humans and domestic animals. The obligate intracellular bacterium uses its invasins OmpA, Asp14, and AipA to infect myeloid and non-phagocytic cells. Identifying the domains of these proteins that mediate binding and entry, and determining the molecular basis of their interactions with host cell receptors would significantly advance understanding of A. phagocytophilum infection. Here, we identified the OmpA binding domain as residues 59 to 74. Polyclonal antibody generated against a peptide spanning OmpA residues 59 to 74 inhibited A. phagocytophilum infection of host cells and binding to its receptor, sialyl Lewis x (sLex-capped P-selectin glycoprotein ligand 1. Molecular docking analyses predicted that OmpA residues G61 and K64 interact with the two sLex sugars that are important for infection, Îą2,3-sialic acid and Îą1,3-fucose. Amino acid substitution analyses demonstrated that K64 was necessary, and G61 was contributory, for recombinant OmpA to bind to host cells and competitively inhibit A. phagocytophilum infection. Adherence of OmpA to RF/6A endothelial cells, which express little to no sLex but express the structurally similar glycan, 6-sulfo-sLex, required Îą2,3-sialic acid and Îą1,3-fucose and was antagonized by 6-sulfo-sLex antibody. Binding and uptake of OmpA-coated latex beads by myeloid cells was sensitive to sialidase, fucosidase, and sLex antibody. The Asp14 binding domain was also defined, as antibody specific for residues 113 to 124 inhibited infection. Because OmpA, Asp14, and AipA each contribute to the infection process, it was rationalized that the most effective blocking approach would target all three. An antibody cocktail targeting the OmpA, Asp14, and AipA binding domains neutralized A. phagocytophilumbinding and infection of host cells. This study dissects OmpA-receptor interactions and demonstrates the effectiveness of binding domain-specific antibodies for blocking A. phagocytophilum infection
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