35 research outputs found

    TiO2 Nanostructures and Nanocomposites for Sustainable Photocatalytic Water Purification

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    Water, together with energy and food, has been addressed as one of the main urgent problems of humanity. The conventional wastewater treatments suffer some limitations related to the effectiveness in decontamination (mechanical filtration), in the heavy use of chemicals (chlorination), or in elevation of operational costs and energy requirements (desalination and reverse osmosis). In this sense, new materials such as nanocomposites may overcome these issues taking advantage of the peculiar properties of materials at nanoscale. Research on novel nanotechnologies must bring advances in order to contrast and prevent water scarcity and pollution. In order to be effective, these nanotechnologies should run at low operational cost, even in places unequipped by strong infrastructures and in concert with conventional cheap methodologies

    Application of a new photocatalytic nanomaterial obtained by Pulse Laser Ablation for Polychrome Paintings Conservation: a feasibility study

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    This works aims to present a preliminary study about the application on painting of TiO2 nanoparticles for self-cleaning and protective purposes. We firstly assessed the photocatalytic activity of the TiO2 nanoparticles, obtained by Pulsed Laser Ablation, by the discoloration of dye. After, the colloidal dispersion is applied to painting samples prepared in laboratory, according to old recipes and using the most-used historical binders and pigments, in order to verify the cleaning efficiency by discoloration of the chromatic markers. The spectrophotometric analysis is performed studying the Spectral Reflectance Factor trend and the color coordinates


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    Judul penelitian ini adalah Penerapan Model Explicit Instruction Pada Pembelajaran Seni Tari Untuk Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Siswa (Studi Eksperimen Pada Siswa Kelas VIII-F SMP Negeri 3 Lembang). Permasalahan yang diangkat ialah bagaimana menumbuhkan minat belajar siswa melalui pembelajaran tari dengan tiga pertanyaan penelitian diantaranya, (1) Bagaimana minat belajar siswa terhadap pembelajaran seni tari sebelum diterapkannya model Explicit Instruction di kelas VIII-F SMP Negeri 3 Lembang?, (2) Bagaimana proses pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan minat belajar siswa terhadap pembelajaran seni tari melalui model Explicit Instruction di kelas VIII-F SMP Negeri 3 Lembang?, (3) Bagaimana hasil pembelajaran Seni Tari untuk meningkatkan minat belajar siswa setelah diterapkannya model Explicit Instruction dikelas VIII-F SMP Negeri 3 Lembang?. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen pendekatan kuantitatif dan teknik pengumpulan data diantaranya studi pustaka, observasi, wawancara, tes, dan dokumentasi. Hasil analisis data dan temuan mengenai minat belajar siswa sebelum menggunakan model explicit instruction sangat rendah karena model pembelajaran yang digunakan belum tepat, peningkatan minat terlihat pada saat proses pembelajaran, kemudian uji t tabel yang menyatakan bahwa t_tes 4 > t_tab1,729. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa model explicit instruction sangat signifikan untuk meningkatkan minat belajar siswa dan dapat di jadikan sebagai salah satu rekomendasi untuk pembelajaran tari terutama dalam meningkatkan minat belajar siswa

    Generalization of DT Equations for Time Dependent Sources

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    New equations for paralyzable, non paralyzable and hybrid DT models, valid for any time dependent sources are presented. We show how such new equations include the equations already used for constant rate sources, and how it’s is possible to correct DT losses in the case of time dependent sources. Montecarlo simulations were performed to compare the equations behavior with the three DT models. Excellent accordance between equations predictions and Montecarlo simulation was found. We also obtain good results in the experimental validation of the new hybrid DT equation. Passive quenched SPAD device was chosen as a device affected by hybrid DT losses and active quenched SPAD with 50 ns DT was used as DT losses free device

    Extended defects in 3C-SiC: Stacking faults, threading partial dislocations, and inverted domain boundaries

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    Abstract The presence of extended bi-dimensional defects is one of the key issues that hinder the use of wide band-gap materials hetero-epitaxially grown on silicon. In this work, we investigate, by STEM measurements and molecular dynamic simulations, the structure of two of the most important extended defect affecting the properties of cubic silicon carbide, 3C-SiC, hetero-epitaxially grown on (001) silicon substrates: (1) stacking faults (SFs) with their bounding threading dislocation arms, even along with unusual directions, and (2) inverted domain boundaries (IDBs). We found that these two defects are strictly correlated: IDBs lying in {111} planes are intrinsically coupled to one or more SFs. Moreover, we observed that threading partial dislocations (PDs), limiting the SFs, appear to have non-conventional line directions, such as [112], [123], and [134]. Molecular dynamics simulations show that [110] and [112] directions allow for stable dislocation structures, while in the unusual [123] and [134] directions, the PDs are composed of zig-zag dislocation lines in the [112] and [110] directions

    Correction: Enhancing carrier generation in TiO2 by a synergistic effect between plasmon resonance in Ag nanoparticles and optical interference

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    Silver nanoparticles have been embedded at a few nanometer distance from the free surface of titania/silica multilayers using low energy ion beam synthesis. Transmission electron microscopy shows the presence of 3 nm-sized crystalline particles. Reflectance spectroscopy on these composite substrates shows an increase of the light capture efficiency in the visible range. This behaviour is interpreted as a synergistic effect between plasmon polariton resonance and Fabry–Perot interferences. Plasmon-resonant Raman spectroscopy is deeply used to analyze, on one hand confinement of vibrations and electronic excitations in Ag NPs, and on the other hand coupling of polar TiO2 phonons with injected photo-generated carriers. It is shown how these new Ag/TiO2 nanocomposite films appear as very promising to enhance the efficiency and enlarge the spectral sensitivity of plasmo-electronics devices

    Genesis and evolution of extended defects: The role of evolving interface instabilities in cubic SiC

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    Emerging wide bandgap semiconductor devices such as the ones built with SiC have the potential to revolutionize the power electronics industry through faster switching speeds, lower losses, and higher blocking voltages, which are superior to standard silicon-based devices. The current epitaxial technology enables more controllable and less defective large area substrate growth for the hexagonal polymorph of SiC (4H-SiC) with respect to the cubic counterpart (3C-SiC). However, the cubic polymorph exhibits superior physical properties in comparison to its hexagonal counterpart, such as a narrower bandgap (2.3 eV), possibility to be grown on a silicon substrate, a reduced density of states at the SiC/SiO2 interface, and a higher channel mobility, characteristics that are ideal for its incorporation in metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors. The most critical issue that hinders the use of 3C-SiC for electronic devices is the high number of defects in bulk and epilayers, respectively. Their origin and evolution are not understood in the literature to date. In this manuscript, we combine ab initio calibrated Kinetic Monte Carlo calculations with transmission electron microscopy characterization to evaluate the evolution of extended defects in 3C-SiC. Our study pinpoints the atomistic mechanisms responsible for extended defect generation and evolution, and establishes that the antiphase boundary is the critical source of other extended defects such as single stacking faults with different symmetries and sequences. This paper showcases that the eventual reduction of these antiphase boundaries is particularly important to achieve good quality crystals, which can then be incorporated in electronic devices

    Optical trapping of silver nanoplatelets

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    Optical trapping of silver nanoplatelets obtained with a simple room temperature chemical synthesis technique is reported. Trap spring constants are measured for platelets with different diameters to investigate the size-scaling behaviour. Experimental data are compared with models of optical forces based on the dipole approximation and on electromagnetic scattering within a T-matrix framework. Finally, we discuss applications of these nanoplatelets for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy

    Sicilia—silicon carbide detectors for intense luminosity investigations and applications

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    Silicon carbide (SiC) is a compound semiconductor, which is considered as a possible alternative to silicon for particles and photons detection. Its characteristics make it very promising for the next generation of nuclear and particle physics experiments at high beam luminosity. Silicon Carbide detectors for Intense Luminosity Investigations and Applications (SiCILIA) is a project starting as a collaboration between the Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) and IMM-CNR, aiming at the realization of innovative detection systems based on SiC. In this paper, we discuss the main features of silicon carbide as a material and its potential application in the field of particles and photons detectors, the project structure and the strategies used for the prototype realization, and the first results concerning prototype production and their performance

    Scattering Methods Applied to Soft Matter.

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