42 research outputs found

    About René Sneyers

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    GeneriekArmand Vermeulen - Woord voorafMadeleine Manderyck Enkele historische aspecten omtrent het Lam Godsretabel in de Sint-Baafskathedraal in Gent. Opstelling en beveiliging in het verleden. [Origination of the Mystique Lamb and the concern in the past for its preservation.]Eindelijk is het dan zover. In de doopkapel van de Gentse Sint-Baafskathedraal staat Van Eycks Lam Gods beveiligd en wel opgesteld. Redenen te over dan ook om deze brandend actuele ingreep een M&L-aflevering lang in een juister daglicht te stellen. Hoe het veelluik tegen beter weten in tot op heden behouden bleef, wordt alvast sober samengevat door Madeleine Manderyck.Edgard Goedleven De prijs van de veiligheid: 8 jaar palaver, 5 maand werk. [The price for security: 8 years of palaver, 5 months of work.]Eens de sponsering van de beveiligingswerken verworven, werd Edgard Goedleven door Gemeenschapsminister Karel Poma persoonlijk opgedragen te waken over de vlotte realisatie van het project. Wie is dan ook beter geplaatst om het lijvige dossier van de totstandkoming chronologisch onder de loupe te nemen? Een intrigerende lijdensweg.Liliane Masschelein-Kleiner De verplaatsing van het Lam Gods. [The replacement of the Mystique Lamb.]Kunst in nood laat het Koninklijk Instituut voor het Kunstpatrimonium niet onbewogen. Deze wereldwijd befaamde instelling kreeg dan ook haast vanzelfsprekend de delicate verhuizing van de panelen toevertrouwd. Het werkverslag van Liliane Masschelein-Kleiner.Jan Lodewijk Cnops De beveiliging van het Lam Gods. [The protection of the Mystique Lamb.]Specifieke - ja zelfs hypothetische - bedreigingen beantwoordt het menselijk vernuft met concrete maatregelen. Van Jan Lodewijk Cnops vernemen we in detail hoe nu de beveiliging van het retabel is opgevat - uiteraard op een paar geheimgehouden verrassingen na.Alfons L. Dierick Van Eyck- Botanicus. [Van Eyck as a botanist.]Zoals Alfons L. Dierick - door het oog van de camera - de grasvelden van het Lam Godsretabel heeft verkend, moet Van Eyck het ooit hebben gedroomd. Een onderonsje van kunstenaars, waarbij woorden eigenlijk overbodig zijn.Eddy De Witte, Koen Van Balen en Rob Buelens De beveiliging van kerken en hun kunstbezit. [Protection of art heritage in churches.] Agressie van licht en klimaat, brand, diefstal, vandalisme, zorgwekkende escalaties van geweld... Een koele diagnose van deze verschijnsels door Eddy De Witte, Koen Van Balen en Rob Buelens, en mogelijke therapieën.SummaryM&L Binnenkran

    The Clacton Spear: the last one hundred years

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    In 1911 an eminent amateur prehistorian pulled the broken end of a pointed wooden shaft from Palaeolithic-age sediments at a seaside town in Essex. This artefact, still the earliest worked wood to be discovered in the world, became known as the Clacton Spear. Over the past 100 years it has variously been interpreted as a projectile weapon, a stave, a digging stick, a snow probe, a lance, a game stake and a prod to ward off rival scavengers. These perspectives have followed academic fashions, as the popular views of early hominins have altered. Since discovery the Clacton spear has also been replicated twice, has undergone physical transformations due to preservation treatments, and has featured in two public exhibitions. Within this article the changing context of the spear, its parallels, and all previous conservation treatments and their impacts are assessed.© 2015 Royal Archaeological Institute. This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in The Archaeological Journal on 3rd March 2015, available online: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi.org/10.1080/00665983.2015.1008839.The attached document is the author(’s’) final accepted/submitted version of the journal article. You are advised to consult the publisher’s version if you wish to cite from it

    Nanolimes doped with quantum dots for stone consolidation assessment.

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    Currently, the application of consolidation treatments based on nanolimes (Ca(OH)2 nanoparticles) has become a common practice during the restoration of historical buildings. However, recent studies have showed that their effectiveness on stone materials is lower than expected. This result is due to the accumulation of nanolimes near the surface, which decreases their penetration depth into stone matrix and, consequently, results in a low restoration effectiveness. This research is focused on a new nanocomposite based on Ca(OH)2 nanoparticles doped with ZnO quantum dots whose fluorescence shows the real penetration of the nanomaterial into the stone matrices and allows us to study the affinity between nanolimes and the solvent used in the application in order to improve the penetration of the treatment into stones. Different mixtures of solvents have been probed to improve the penetration depth by analysing their kinetic stabilities and using thin-layer chromatography to evaluate their capacity to transport the nanolimes. Furthermore, a new support for thin-layer chromatography based on mortar has been designed, which has the advantage of having the same chemical composition as the limestones. Moreover, the effectiveness of the treatments was studied on limestones from Puerto de Santa María and Espera (Spain), which have been widely used in historical and contemporary buildings in the southwest of Spain. Nanolimes doped with ZnO quantum dots allow one to choose the optimal solvents for each kind of stone based on their fluorescence from UV radiation. Additionally, the fluorescence of the quantum dots could be used as an indicator of the consolidated areas for cultural heritage applications.Departamento de Sistemas Físicos, Químicos y Naturales, Universidad Pablo de OlavidePreprin

    Contribution à l'étude des cycles moyens

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