34 research outputs found
Comparing carbonate and organic AMS- (super 14) C ages in Lake Abiyata sediments (Ethiopia); hydrochemistry and paleoenvironmental implications.
Le Laboratoire de Géologie de la Matière Organique est intégré dans l'Institut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orléans - ISTO - CNRS Université d'OrléansWe studied a 12.6-m-long sequence from Lake Abiyata (Central Ethiopia) to establish a reliable and accurate chronology for use in global paleoclimatic reconstructions. The 26 accelerator mass spectrometry radiocarbon (AMS 14C) ages, performed on carbonates and organic matter, define 2 parallel chronologies, representing the complete Holocene period. However, these chronologies show a significant discrepancy from 500 to 900 BP in depth; ages obtained on carbonates were always older than those on organic matter. The hydrogeological and geochemical behavior of the Lake Abiyata basin has shed light on this discrepancy. We found that the carbonate crystallization is due mainly to the mixing of lake waters with groundwaters from the multi-layered aquifer contained in the 600-m-thick basement of the lake. The 14C activity of total dissolved inorganic carbon (TDIC) measured by AMS from bottom and surface lake waters (111.4 and 111.8 pMC, respectively) confirms that the mixing occurs at the water-sediment interface. This evidence of groundwater participation in the carbonate crystallization calls into question the current paleoclimatic reconstructions based on inorganic carbonates in lakes. Specific attention should thus be given to the respective proportions of each end-member in the mixing for the quantitative estimation of the groundwater input. This will help to validate the paleoenvironmental reconstructions and to highlight an eventual diagenetical evolution of inorganic carbonates during burial, via the study of pore waters
Pleistocene eruptive chronology of the Gölcük volcano, Isparta Angle, Turkey. Chronologie des épisodes volcaniques pléistocènes du volcan Gölcük, Angle d’Isparta, Turquie
In the Eastern Mediterranean region, the Isparta volcanic belongs to the post-collisional alkali-potassic to ultrapotassic magmatism active since the Miocene in this part of the Anatolian peninsula from Afyon to Isparta. In the so-called Isparta Angle (IA) the magmatism is contemporaneous with an extensional regime intiated during Late Miocene and active throughout the Pliocene and Quaternary. Previous K/Ar dating performed on lavas suggested that potassic-ultrapotassic magmatism occurred between 4.7 to 4 Ma. However, a more recent (Quaternary) activity of the Gölcük volcano is evidenced by the present-day morphology and field evidence although it remained undated and poorly studied so far. Field mapping and new radiometric data indicate that the main volcano-forming stages of the Gölcük volcano consist of three main eruptives cycles. (1) Cycle I, represented by more than 200m-thick pyroclastic flow deposits occasionally separated by paleosoils and corresponding to caldera-forming ignimbritic eruptions. (2) Cycle II, consisting of tephriphonolite lava dome-flows extruded throughout the caldera and currently found along the rim of the present crater. (3) Cycle III made up of tuff-ring deposits related to several phreatoplinian eruptions of a maar-type volcanic activity. This youngest cycle ends with trachytic domes protruding within the maar crater. Unspiked 40K/40Ar dating on mesostasis was performed on lavas (tephriphonolites and trachytic domes), and complemented by preliminary 40Ar/39Ar data on tephra deposits (sanidine). Our preliminary results show that the entire activity of Gölcük volcano took place during the Pleistocene and was disconnected from the older Pliocene volcanism. This volcanic activity can be considered as a new volcanic cycle, starting (Cycle I) around 200 ka with major explosive, regional-scale, events represented by at least six ignimbrites sheets. Cycle II occurred between 115 ± 3 ka to 62 ± 2 ka with probably some associated tephra deposits. Tuff-ring of Cycle III formed from 72.7 ± 4.7 ka to 24 ± 2 ka. The associated phreatoplinian eruptions have almost entirely destroyed the previously formed flow-dome. This latest activity corresponds to several volcanic crises as illustrated by the two domes protrusions separated by about 30 ka. The volcanic history of Gölcük ceased around 24 ka ± 2 ka, but the periodicity of eruptive events appears to be long and complex. Currently, the volcano is at rest, but there is no doubt that the Isparta town (more than 120 000 people) built on top of the most recent tephra falls is exposed to a major volcanic hazard in the future.En Méditerranée Orientale, la région active d’Isparta est le siège d’un magmatisme alcalin lié à la distension affectant cette partie de la Péninsule Anatolienne depuis le Miocène supérieur. Le volcanisme Pliocène est alcalin et très potassique, depuis des magmas lamprophyriques à lamproïtiques, jusqu’à des téphriphonolites et des trachytes. La construction du volcan Gölcük au sud d’Isparta marque le début d’un nouveau cycle éruptif après une longue période d’arrêt et d’érosion. L’étude morpho-structurale du volcan couplée aux datations 40K/40Ar sur lave et 39Ar/40Ar sur monograin de feldspath-K indique une histoire éruptive complexe, nettement plus jeune que l’activité antérieure (Pliocène). Ces résultats préliminaires montrent que l’activité volcanique du Gölcük est située dans le Pléistocène supérieur (Paléolithique) entre environ 200 ka et 24 ka. Trois cycles volcaniques majeurs sont reconnus : (1) Cycle I débutant vers 200 ka avec des éruptions ignimbritiques majeures avec un ensemble de coulées pyroclastiques trachytiques comblant les paléo-vallées ouvertes dans les formations sédimentaires et les formations volcaniques d’âge pliocène ; (2) Cycle II avec un épisode effusif de faible importance succède entre 115 ± 3 ka et 62 ± 2 ka à l’activité explosive initiale avec la mise en place d’un édifice central constitué de dômes-coulées téphri-phonolitiques ; (3) Cycle III entre 70 ka et 24 ka, l’activité devient phréatoplinienne et suit de près le cycle précédent. Le dynamisme éruptif phréatomagmatique est celui d’un maar formé d’un large cratère d’explosion entouré d’un anneau de tufs. La dernière crise volcanique se termine par l’extrusion de plusieurs dômes de trachyte dans le cratère et de téphras associés, de nouvelles coulées pyroclastiques se mettent vraisemblablement en place vers le nord-ouest. Les données de terrain et les âges 40Ar/39Ar disponibles indiquent que ces dernières manifestations (construction du maar) sont très récentes et sub-contemporaines du dernier niveau de retombées ponceuses sous les immeubles de la ville et des dômes de lave intra-caldeira. Cet âge récent est confirmé par un âge 14C obtenu sur des bois carbonisés. La morphologie du volcan actuel est relativement bien conservée, malgré l’érosion très active qui remodèle déjà partiellement les pentes. La reprise éventuelle de l’activité du volcan constituerait un risque majeur à l’échelle de la région et en particulier pour la ville d’Isparta établie au pied de l’édifice, notamment sur les coulées pyroclastiques et les retombées ponceuses les plus récentes
Bomb 14C Recorded in Laminated Speleothems: Calculation of Dead Carboi Proportion
We performed radiocarbon measurements using accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) on 6 stalagmites, 3 stalactites and 7 seepage waters from four different caves in Southwest France and Belgium in order to calculate the dead carbon proportion (dcp). All the speleothems studied are modern and annually laminated, which offers the advantage of an accurate chronology, with better than one-year resolution. Coupled with the fact that very little calcite is necessary for an AMS measurement (between 1.5 and 7 yr of calcite deposit), we obtained dead carbon values within an uncertainty limit of +/1.5%. Results show that the dead carbon proportion varies from 9.2% to 21.9% for calcite deposits and from 3.6% to 21.9% for water. In each sampling site, the dcp is homogeneous. Although the inter-site dcp varies by >11%, its average value of 15.5% +/4.4 still lies within the uncertainty range of the accepted value of 15% +/5 (dilution factor of 0.85 +/0.5). We compare the average dcp of each site with the local geology, vegetation and climate. Given similar geology and temperature, the highest dcp values are found under forest cover; dcp difference is up to 9%. However, the Belgian site, which is also under a forest, shows a dcp very close to the dcp found under grassland sites of Southwest France, which proves that other unknown factors may play an important role in dissolution processes. Secondary calcite deposition and redissolution in the soil zone or more likely in the fracture system before reaching the cave itself could also explain the inter-site differences. The IAEA isotopic model (Pearson model adapted for open systems) is in good agreement with the measured activities.This material was digitized as part of a cooperative project between Radiocarbon and the University of Arizona Libraries.The Radiocarbon archives are made available by Radiocarbon and the University of Arizona Libraries. Contact [email protected] for further information.Migrated from OJS platform February 202
Dead carbon in stalagmites: carbonate bedrock paleodissolution vs. ageing of soil organic matter. Implications for 13C variations in speleothems
Twenty-one 14C accelerator mass spectrometric analyses were obtained for three Holocene stalagmites from the Uamh-an-Tartair cave (Sutherland, Scotland) in order to estimate the past dead carbon proportion (dcp). Results show that the dcp increases from 22 to 38% from 3780 years ago to the present. Because δ13C variation is small within each sample, it is concluded that this dcp increase is the product of the ageing of soil organic matter related to peat bog development above the cave that produced older soil CO2 and not from a more intense dissolution of the surrounding carbonates, which would have led to a δ13C increase. Comparison with samples from other sites in Europe shows no intersite correlation between dcp and δ13C, but a relatively good intersite correlation is observed between dcp and average site temperature. Thus, temperature may be a major factor controlling the production of old soil organic matter CO2 and, therefore, the dead carbon content of seepage water. In contrast to the Scotland stalagmites, two other Holocene samples from sites in southern France and Belgium exhibit a good correlation between δ13C and dcp, which can be explained in terms of variations in the intensity of limestone dissolution. Consequently, δ13C variations observed in stalagmites are not always due to changes in the vegetation type (C3/C4) as has been commonly assumed; 13C/12C variations in speleothem calcite may also be controlled by the soil organic matter age and, in some cases, by the intensity of the limestone dissolution. Conversely, a largely constant speleothem δ13C signal, as observed for the Scotland stalagmites, does not necessarily imply that surface climate and vegetation conditions were stable since the dcp variations, in this case, are clearly related to the peat bog development during stalagmite growth
Dead carbon in stalagmites: Carbonate bedrock paleodissolution vs. ageing of soil organic matter. Implications for C-13 variations in speleotherms
Twenty-one C-14 accelerator mass spectrometric analyses were obtained for three Holocene stalagmites from the Uamh-an-Tartair cave (Sutherland, Scotland) in order to estimate the past dead carbon proportion (dcp). Results show that the dcp increases from 22 to 38% from 3780 years ago to the present. Because delta C-13 variation is small within each sample, it is concluded that this dcp increase is the product of the ageing of soil organic matter related to peat bog development above the cave that produced older soil CO2 and not from a more intense dissolution of the surrounding carbonates, which would have led to a delta C-13 increase.
Comparison with samples from other sites in Europe shows no intersite correlation between dcp and delta C-13, but a relatively good intersite correlation is observed between dcp and average site temperature. Thus, temperature may be a major factor controlling the production of old soil organic matter CO2 and, therefore, the dead carbon content of seepage water, In contrast to the Scotland stalagmites, two other Holocene samples from sites in southern France and Belgium exhibit a good correlation between delta C-13 and dcp, which can be explained in terms of variations in the intensity of limestone dissolution. Consequently, delta C-13 variations observed in stalagmites are not always due to changes in the vegetation type (C3/C4) as has been commonly assumed; C-13/C-12 variations in speleothem calcite may also be controlled by the soil organic matter age and, in some cases, by the intensity of the limestone dissolution. Conversely, a largely constant speleothem delta C-13 signal, as observed for the Scotland stalagmites, does not necessarily imply that surface climate and vegetation conditions were stable since the dcp variations. in this case, are clearly related to the peat bog development during stalagmite growth
AMS-14C chronology of 40.0 cal ka BP continuous deposits from a crater lake (Lake Massoko, Tanzania)
International audienc
Dead carbon in stalagmites: carbonate bedrock paleodissolution vs. ageing of soil organic matter. Implications for 13C variations in speleothems
Twenty-one 14C accelerator mass spectrometric analyses were obtained for three Holocene stalagmites from the Uamh-an-Tartair cave (Sutherland, Scotland) in order to estimate the past dead carbon proportion (dcp). Results show that the dcp increases from 22 to 38% from 3780 years ago to the present. Because δ13C variation is small within each sample, it is concluded that this dcp increase is the product of the ageing of soil organic matter related to peat bog development above the cave that produced older soil CO2 and not from a more intense dissolution of the surrounding carbonates, which would have led to a δ13C increase. Comparison with samples from other sites in Europe shows no intersite correlation between dcp and δ13C, but a relatively good intersite correlation is observed between dcp and average site temperature. Thus, temperature may be a major factor controlling the production of old soil organic matter CO2 and, therefore, the dead carbon content of seepage water. In contrast to the Scotland stalagmites, two other Holocene samples from sites in southern France and Belgium exhibit a good correlation between δ13C and dcp, which can be explained in terms of variations in the intensity of limestone dissolution. Consequently, δ13C variations observed in stalagmites are not always due to changes in the vegetation type (C3/C4) as has been commonly assumed; 13C/12C variations in speleothem calcite may also be controlled by the soil organic matter age and, in some cases, by the intensity of the limestone dissolution. Conversely, a largely constant speleothem δ13C signal, as observed for the Scotland stalagmites, does not necessarily imply that surface climate and vegetation conditions were stable since the dcp variations, in this case, are clearly related to the peat bog development during stalagmite growth
AMS-14C Chronology of a Lacustrine Sequence from Lake Langano (Main Ethiopian Rift): Correction and Validation Steps in Relation with Volcanism, Lake Water and Carbon Balances
Located in the Ziway-Shala Basin of the Main Ethiopian Rift, Lake Langano is part of an asymmetric half-graben, defined by a series of north-northeast-trending faults in the tectonically active zone of the rift. A 15-m deep succession of organic homogeneous muds, silts, bioclastic sands, and pyroclastic layers was cored in 1994. The definition of a certified radiocarbon chronology on these deposits required the indispensable establishment of modern hydrological and geochemical balances. The isotopic contents of the total dissolved inorganic carbon (TDIC) of surface water clearly show the influence of a deep CO2 rising along the main fault crossing the lake basin. The 5.8 pMC disequilibrium existing in 1994 with the atmosphere likely produces the aging of authigenic materials developing at the lake surface. However, with a mean residence time of approximately 15 years, this apparent 14C aging of Lake Langano water still integrates the 14C produced by the nuclear tests in the 1960s. Reconstructing the natural 14C activity of the lake TDIC allows for the quantification of the deep CO2 influence, and for the correction of AMS-14C datings performed along the core. The correction of the AMS14C chronology defined on Lake Langano allows for a better understanding of paleohydrological changes at a regional scale for at least the last 12,700 cal BP.The Radiocarbon archives are made available by Radiocarbon and the University of Arizona Libraries. Contact [email protected] for further information.Migrated from OJS platform February 202
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Calculation of Past Dead Carbon Proportion and Variability by the Comparison of AMS 14C and TIMS U/Th Ages on Two Holocene Stalagmites
Twenty-two radiocarbon activity measurements were made by accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) on 2 Holocene stalagmites from Belgium (Han-stm lb) and from southwest France (Vil-stm lb). Sixteen thermal ionization mass spectrometric (TIMS) U/Th measurements were performed parallel to AMS analyses. The past dead carbon proportion (dcp) due to limestone dissolution and old soil organic matter (SOM) degradation is calculated with U/Th ages, measured calcite 14C activity and atmospheric 14C activity from the dendrochronological calibration curves. Results show that the dcp is different for the 2 stalagmites: between 10,800 and 4780 yr from present dcp = 17.5% (sigma = 2.4; n = 10) for Han-stm lb and dcp = 9.4% (sigma = 1.6; n = 6) between 3070 and 520 yr for Vil-stmlb. Despite a broad stability of the dcp during the time ranges covered by each sample, a slight dcp increase of about 5.0% is observed in the Han-stmlb sample between 8500 and 5200 yr. This change is synchronous with a calcite delta-13C increase, which could be due to variation in limestone dissolution processes possibly linked with a vegetation change. The dcp and delta-13C of the 2 studied samples are compared with 5 other modern stalagmites from Europe. Results show that several factors intervene, among them: the vegetation type, and the soil saturation leading to variable dissolution process systems (open/closed). The good correlation (R2 = 0.98) between the U/Th ages and the calibrated 14C ages corrected with a constant dcp validates the 14C method. However, the dcp error leads to large 14C age errors (i.e. 250-500 yr for the period studied), which is an obstacle for both a high-resolution chronology and the improvement of the 14C calibration curves, at least for the Holocene.This material was digitized as part of a cooperative project between Radiocarbon and the University of Arizona Libraries.The Radiocarbon archives are made available by Radiocarbon and the University of Arizona Libraries. Contact [email protected] for further information.Migrated from OJS platform February 202