87 research outputs found

    Verso un modello di formazione del tutor di tirocinio. Un percorso di ricerca-formazione a statuto collaborativo con il gruppo dei tutor

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    The contribution reports the internship experience at Primary Teaching Education Course of University of Bari, in which the internship commission carries out a self- study research project (Lassonde, Galman, Kosnik, 2009) with the goal to draw a professional profile of the new PTE tutors starting from the practices (Perla, 2015) and to lead to the progressive emergence of a model of accompanying the trainee within a collaborative training-research project (Perla, Tempesta, 2016; Magnoler, 2017)Il contributo riporta l’esperienza del tirocinio in Scienze della formazione primaria dell’Università di Bari, in cui la commissione tirocinio porta avanti un progetto di ricerca di matrice self study (Lassonde, Galman, Kosnik, 2009) con la finalità di tracciare un profilo professionale per i nuovi tutor di SFP a partire dalle pratiche agite (Perla, 2015) e di portare alla progressiva emersione di un modello di accompagnamento del tirocinante all'interno di un impianto di una ricerca formazione a statuto collaborativo(Perla, Tempesta, 2016; Magnoler, 2017

    L’educatore nei contesti in divenire della digital health. : Una ricerca transdisciplinare su educazione e medicina digitale per la qualità di vita di pazienti oncologici

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    In post-covid healthcare contexts, characterized by an extreme acceleration in digitization processes (EIT Health, 2020), educational research reproposes a pedagogy attentive to the relationship between the person and socio-cultural dynamics: ‘person-centredness’ and ‘patient-experience’ (Wolf et al, 2014) are valued in care processes through the mediation of the educator, called to promote patient’s empowerment in renewed preventive contexts (Perla, Massaro 2022). This contribution reports the preliminary steps of a transdisciplinary research designed within the Uniba Telemedicine Centre with the double goals of promoting participation and quality of life of cancer patients through the connection of the AI-based area of medicine with the educational area of care in digital narrative medicine paths with the aim of co-building clinical knowledge and re-appropriation of experience on the patient’s side,  and expanding the spaces for experimenting educational skills in contexts that are currently heavily traversed by digital innovation.Nei contesti sanitari post-covid, caratterizzati da una accelerazione estrema nei processi di digitalizzazione (EIT Health, 2020), la ricerca educativa ripropone una pedagogia attenta al rapporto tra la persona e dinamiche socio-culturali: si valorizzano person-centredness e patient-experience (Wolf et al, 2014) nei processi di cura attraverso la mediazione dell’educatore, chiamato a promuovere l’empowerment del paziente in rinnovati contesti di prevenzione multidisciplinare (Perla, Massaro, 2022). Il presente contributo riporta la iniziale strutturazione di una ricerca transdisciplinare progettata nell’ambito del Centro di Telemedicina Uniba con l’obiettivo duplice di promuovere partecipazione e qualità di vita di pazienti oncologici attraverso la connessione dell’ambito AI-based della medicina con l’ambito educativo della cura in percorsi di medicina narrativa digitale finalizzati alla co-costruzione del sapere clinico e riappropriazione dell’esperienza da parte del paziente, e ampliare gli spazi di sperimentazione di competenze di tipo educativo in contesti oggi fortemente attraversati da innovazione digitale

    Prevenire l'obesità nell'era post-covid. Il modello pedagogico del Centro di ricerca in Telemedicina UniBa

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    Il contributo valorizza prospettive transdisciplinari della ricerca educativa nella fase post-pandemica attenta a benessere e qualità di vita. In tal senso il Centro di ricerca in Telemedicina UniBa lavora sulla sperimentazione di contesti di prevenzione primaria dell’obesità secondo logiche di partecipazione ed agency dello studente mediata da esperienze di gamification per la costruzione di un modello educativo di promozione della salute e progettazione di curriculi future-orientedThe contribution enhances transdisciplinary perspectives in educational research in the post-pandemic phase attentive to well-being and quality of life. In this sense, the UniBa Telemedicine Research Center works on the experimentation of primary obesity prevention contexts according to student participation and agency logics mediated by gamification experiences for the construction of an educational model of health promotion and design of future-oriented curricula

    Prevenire l'obesità nell'era post-covid. Il modello pedagogico del Centro di ricerca in Telemedicina UniBa

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    The contribution enhances transdisciplinary perspectives in educational research in the post- pandemic phase attentive to well-being and quality of life. In this sense, the UniBa Telemedicine Research Center works on the experimentation of primary obesity prevention contexts according to student participation and agency logics mediated by gamification experiences for the construction of an educational model of health promotion and design of future-oriented curricula.Il contributo valorizza prospettive transdisciplinari della ricerca educativa nella fase post- pandemica attenta a benessere e qualità di vita. In tal senso il Centro di ricerca in Telemedicina UniBa lavora sulla sperimentazione di contesti di prevenzione primaria dell’obesità secondo logiche di partecipazione ed agency dello studente mediata da esperienze di gamification per la costruzione di un modello educativo di promozione della salute e progettazione di curriculi future- oriented

    The exploitation of limpets in a Mediterranean Marine Protected Area: assessing the effectiveness of protection in the intertidal zone

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    Limpets are intertidal keystone grazers and their overexploitation could have significant consequences for intertidal communities. Limpets are harvested around the Sinis Peninsula (Sardinia, Italy) but harvesting is prohibited within the “Penisola del Sinis - Isola di Mal di Ventre” Marine Protected Area (MPA). This work assesses the effects of human harvesting on the population dynamics of three common Mediterranean species of Patella, namely, P. rustica, P. caerulea and P. ulyssiponensis, testing the effectiveness of the MPA and the role of site accessibility in limiting the intensity of such harvesting pressure. In the period between June 2015 and August 2016, limpet abundance and size were recorded on a monthly basis by means of photographic frames within linear transects at ten sites spread out along the coastline of the Sinis Peninsula to assess growth and temporal patterns. Limpets older than two years are extremely rare in the study area. Limpets are more abundant within the MPA in comparison with non-protected areas and within less accessible sites in comparison with areas where the intertidal zone is easily accessible from land. Despite this, overall human-induced mortality in the area is high, indeed the pool of limpets observed with a mean density of 104.3 ± 9.7 limpets/m2 during the first survey was reduced by 99.2%in less than one year. This work demonstrates that human harvesting strongly affects the population dynamics of Patella species in the area and that within the MPA this stressor is not efficiently reduced

    Qualità dell’insegnamento e valutazione della didattica Un modello universitario di job placement innovativo

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    I profondi cambiamenti nel modo di produrre e la globalizzazione hanno accentuato in tutti i paesi la “flessibilità” del lavoro contutti i rischi, le insicurezze e le nuove opportunità che esso presenta. Tutto questo costituisce oggi una sfida non solo per igiovani ma anche per il mondo della formazione, in particolare per l’Università. Per tale motivo abbiamo avviato nell’Università degli Studi di Bari relativamente ai Corsi di Studio legati alla Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione una ricerca dal titolo Qualità dell’insegnamento e valutazione della didattica. Un modello universitario di job placament, con l’obiettivo di analizzare e dunque ricercare interventi pedagogico didattici capaci di sostenerepercorsi formativi innovativi ed efficaci nell’accompagnamento degli studenti nella transizione università-lavoro. La ricerca di durata triennale in questo primo anno, in partenariato con Isfol, ceris-Cnr, Adapt, ha utilizzato il tirocinio universitario come opportunità di incontro tra domanda e offerta di lavoro per verificarne l’efficacia formativa connessa alle competenze e agli apprendimenti

    Density and distribution of Patella ferruginea in a Marine Protected Area (western Sardinia, Italy): Constraint analysis for population conservation

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    The endemic limpet Patella ferruginea is the most endangered invertebrate of the Mediterranean Sea. Our study examined a population of P. ferruginea in the Marine Protected Area of Penisola del Sinis - Isola di Mal di Ventre (western Sardinia, Italy). During the summer 2009, we carried out a systematic census of P. ferruginea along a 8114 m georeferenced perimeter of coast in the no take-no entry zone to assess its density, spatial distribution, and morphometric characteristics. Our aim was to provide a detailed map of the distribution of P. ferruginea and to investigate the effects of accessibility, wave exposure and slope of the coast on its occurrence. Patella ferrugineashowed the lowest mean density ever reported (0.02 ind/m) and a unimodal population structure characterised by fewer females and juveniles. Accessibility had a major negative effect on the occurrence of P. ferruginea. Exposure was also an important factor in influencing its density, size composition and specimen position within the mesolittoral, while the slope had little influence. Morphometric analysis showed the dominance of the Rouxi form, while the Lamarcki form was confined to exposed sites. Our results demonstrate a highly endangered population of P. ferruginea and suggest that human pressure represents the main risk factor

    Aquaporin-9 Contributes to the Maturation Process and Inflammatory Cytokine Secretion of Murine Dendritic Cells

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    Dendritic cells (DCs) are the most potent antigen-presenting cells able to trigger the adaptive immune response to specific antigens. When non-self-antigens are captured, DCs switch from an “immature” to a “mature” state to fulfill their function. Among the several surface proteins involved in DCs maturation, the role of aquaporins (AQPs) is still poorly understood. Here we investigated the expression profile of Aqps in murine bone marrow derived dendritic cells (BMDCs). Among the Aqps analyzed, Aqp9 was the most expressed by DCs. Its expression level was significantly upregulated 6 h following LPS exposure. Chemical inhibition of Aqp9 led to a decreased inflammatory cytokines secretion. BMDCs from AQP9-KO mice release lower amount of inflammatory cytokines and chemokines and increased release of IL-10. Despite the reduced release of inflammatory cytokines, Aqp9-KO mice were not protected from DSS induced colitis. All together, our data indicate that AQP9 blockade can be an efficient strategy to reduce DCs inflammatory response but it is not sufficient to protect from acute inflammatory insults such as DSS induced colitis