48 research outputs found

    JournĂ©es « Elles voient rouge ». FĂ©minisme et marxisme. Paris, Éditions Tierce, 29 et 30 novembre 1980, 152 p. Sargent, Lydia ed., Women and Revolution. A Discussion of the Unhappy Marriage of Marxism and Feminism, MontrĂ©al, Black Rose Books, 1981, 373 p.

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    Uma bomba d'ĂĄgua acionada por correntezas de rios mediante um rotor Savonius sub-merso foi. testada. Depois de um ano de uso contĂ­nuo a bomba ainda estava em funcionamen to. PorĂ©m, certas modificaçÔes foram concebidas para diminuir os desgastes dos componen tes. Novos desenhos e uma nova lista de materiais sĂŁo apresentados. Um grĂĄfico da vazĂŁo diĂĄria da bomba em função da velocidade da correnteza, mostrou que com correntezas de 0,5 atĂ© 1,1 m.s-1 a vazĂŁo (y litros/dia) depende Linearmente da corrente ( x m.s-1), sabendo-se a altura (a metros) do bombeamento segundo a equação:y = 7692 x - 1250 - 500 a/3A bomba Ă© considerada prĂĄtica, econĂŽmica, com uma vida Ăștil adequada. Contudo a evolução da tecnologia Ă© limitada pelo fiato de que o rotor fica consideravelmente mais caro quando nĂŁo se usa um camburĂŁo de Óleo para a sua costrução

    Description du portrait de l’enseignement du yoga en Ă©ducation physique au collĂ©gial au regard du questionnement didactique

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    Cette recherche a pour thĂšme l’enseignement du yoga en Ă©ducation physique au collĂ©gial. L’angle du questionnement didactique a Ă©tĂ© choisi afin de connaĂźtre les contenus enseignĂ©s et les facteurs qui influencent ces choix didactiques. Le problĂšme de recherche, qui Ă©mane de la vastitude des savoirs disciplinaires du yoga, est expliquĂ© par la difficultĂ© Ă  catĂ©goriser le yoga et la complexitĂ© Ă  choisir les contenus didactiques Ă  enseigner. Ainsi, l’objectif gĂ©nĂ©ral poursuivi est de dresser le portrait de l’enseignement du yoga en Ă©ducation physique au collĂ©gial au regard du questionnement didactique. Trois objectifs spĂ©cifiques ont Ă©tĂ© ciblĂ©s afin de rĂ©pondre Ă  l’objectif principal : 1. Identifier les caractĂ©ristiques des enseignantes et enseignants en Ă©ducation physique au collĂ©gial qui enseignent du yoga. 2. Identifier les caractĂ©ristiques des cours de yoga donnĂ©s en Ă©ducation physique au collĂ©gial. 3. DĂ©crire les choix didactiques faits par les enseignantes et enseignants qui enseignent du yoga en Ă©ducation physique au collĂ©gial. Dans le cadre de cette recherche descriptive, l’approche mĂ©thodologique est mixte et majoritairement quantitative. Un questionnaire Ă©lectronique a Ă©tĂ© construit et validĂ© afin de rĂ©pondre aux objectifs de la recherche. Les donnĂ©es recueillies pour l'annĂ©e 2019 proviennent de 21 questionnaires issus de 14 cĂ©geps diffĂ©rents. Les rĂ©sultats permettent de rĂ©pondre Ă  l'objectif gĂ©nĂ©ral et aux objectifs spĂ©cifiques et de bien comprendre le portrait de l'enseignement du yoga en Ă©ducation physique au collĂ©gial. Cependant, les rĂ©sultats ne sont pas destinĂ©s Ă  ĂȘtre gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©s, mais bien Ă  servir d’inspiration, de rĂ©flexion et de base de connaissance sur l’enseignement du yoga en Ă©ducation physique au collĂ©gial

    Les autobiographies foetales masculines ou Jonas dans le ventre de la baleine

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    Les quatre textes qui suivent tentent d'analyser dans la littĂ©rature quĂ©bĂ©coise et française rĂ©cente (romans et essais, 1979-1989) les manifestations d'une sociĂ©tĂ© en mutation, dĂ©sireuse ou non de rompre avec les stĂ©rĂ©otypes de sexes, de revisiter et rĂ©concilier fĂ©minin et masculin. Les Ă©crivaines, avec quelques belles longueurs d'avance, continuent de vouloir Ă  la fois le corps et l'esprit, la vie et la fiction, de jongler avec l'altĂ©ritĂ© et les identitĂ©s plurielles et de travailler des textes Ă»ctionnels, thĂ©oriques et incamĂ©s, qui prennent en compte le rĂ©el Leur travail de rĂ©flexion et de crĂ©ation ne cesse, en fait, d'interroger les artifices de l'art, les mensonges de la petite et de la grande histoire, et de prouver qu'on ne peut impunĂ©ment dissocier Ă©thique et esthĂ©tique ! Le thĂšme de l'autobiographie foetale qui hante la littĂ©rature masculine rĂ©cente est trĂšs reprĂ©sentatif de la masculinitĂ© en crise; il cristallise ses angoisses, ses rĂ©sistances ou sa nouvelle quĂȘte Ă©motive, affective et corporelle.The following four-part paper try to analyse in recent quebecer and french littĂ©rature (novels and essays 1979-1989) the manifestations of a changing society, wether it be willing or not to break with gender stereotypes and reconcile the masculine/feminine dichotomy. Female writers still show leadership in wanting both body and mind, life and fiction; in thinking ofalterity and multiple identities; and in working at fictionnal, theoretical and incarnate texts wich take reality into considerations. Their reflexion and creation in effect never stops questionning the artistic device, the lies of both small and big history to prove that we cannot inconsiderately dissociate Ethics from Esthetics ! The foetal autobiography team now haunting recent male littĂ©rature is very representative of the masculinity crisis; it cristallizes his anguish resistances or his new emotive, affective and corporeal quest

    Mitoxantrone Therapy for Acute Posterior Multifocal Placoid Pigment Epitheliopathy with Cerebral Vasculitis

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    Purpose. To report favorable outcome of a case of acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy (APMPPE) associated with cerebral vasculitis after treatment with immunosuppressive therapy by mitoxantrone. Design. Single case report. Method. A 22-year-old man presented with acute isolated bilateral loss of vision revealing APMPPE. Corticosteroid therapy was initiated and visual acuity gradually improved. Seventeen days later, visual function deteriorated again, associated with flu-like syndrome and severe headaches. A relapse of APMPPE was diagnosed, complicated with lymphocytic meningitis and cerebral ischemia. Intravenous therapy with mitoxantrone was performed in combination with methylprednisolone. Results. Headaches disappeared in a few days whereas visual acuity gradually improved and stabilized at 20/40 in the right eye and 20/32 in the left eye. No adverse event was observed. Clinical improvement was confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging. Conclusion. Cerebral vasculitis is the most severe complication of the extraocular manifestations of APMPEE. This diagnosis should be evoked when severe headaches or behavior disorder are associated with APMPEE

    Clonal and plasmidic dissemination of critical antimicrobial resistance genes through clinically relevant ExPEC and APEC-like lineages (ST) in the dairy cattle population of Québec, Canada

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    Antimicrobial resistance can be effectively limited by improving the judicious use of antimicrobials in food production. However, its effect on the spread of AMR genes in animal populations is not well described. In the province of QuĂ©bec, Canada, a new legislation implemented in 2019 has led to an unprecedented reduction in the use of critical antimicrobials in dairy production. We aimed to investigate the potential link between ESBL/AmpC E. coli isolated before and after legislation and to determine the presence of plasmids carrying genes responsible for critical AMR. We collected fecal samples from calves, cows, and manure pit from 87 QuĂ©bec dairy farms approximately 2 years before and 2 years after the legislation came into effect. The whole genomes of 183 presumptive ESBL/AmpC E. coli isolated after cefotaxime enrichment were sequenced. Their phylogenetic characteristics (MLST, serogroup, cgMLST) and the presence of virulence and resistance genes and replicons were examined. A maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree was constructed based on single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs). We identified 10 clonal lineages (same cgMLST) and 7 clones (SNPs ≀ 52). Isolates belonging to these clones could be found on different farms before and after the legislation, strongly suggesting a clonal spread of AMR genes in the population during this 4-year period. All isolates were multidrug resistant (MDR), with clone 2 being notable for the presence of macrolide, fluoroquinolone, and third-generation cephalosporin resistance genes. We also identified clinically relevant ExPEC (ST10) and APEC-like lineages (ST117, ST58, ST88) associated with the presence of ExPEC and APEC virulence genes, respectively. Our data also suggests the presence of one epidemic plasmid belonging to the IncY incompatibility group and carrying qnrs1 and blaCTX–M–15. We demonstrated that AMR genes spread through farms and can persist over a 4-year period in the dairy cattle population through both plasmids and E. coli clones, despite the restriction of critical antimicrobial use. MDR ExPEC and APEC-like STs are present in the normal microbiota of cattle (more frequently in calves). These data increase our knowledge on gene dissemination dynamics and highlight the fact that biosecurity measures should be enhanced in this industry to limit such dissemination

    Green Edge ice camp campaigns : understanding the processes controlling the under-ice Arctic phytoplankton spring bloom

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    The Green Edge initiative was developed to investigate the processes controlling the primary productivity and fate of organic matter produced during the Arctic phytoplankton spring bloom (PSB) and to determine its role in the ecosystem. Two field campaigns were conducted in 2015 and 2016 at an ice camp located on landfast sea ice southeast of Qikiqtarjuaq Island in Baffin Bay (67.4797∘ N, 63.7895∘ W). During both expeditions, a large suite of physical, chemical and biological variables was measured beneath a consolidated sea-ice cover from the surface to the bottom (at 360 m depth) to better understand the factors driving the PSB. Key variables, such as conservative temperature, absolute salinity, radiance, irradiance, nutrient concentrations, chlorophyll a concentration, bacteria, phytoplankton and zooplankton abundance and taxonomy, and carbon stocks and fluxes were routinely measured at the ice camp. Meteorological and snow-relevant variables were also monitored. Here, we present the results of a joint effort to tidy and standardize the collected datasets, which will facilitate their reuse in other Arctic studies