36 research outputs found

    Equivalence and Difference of Semantic Relations in Black Panther Movie Script

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    This study used the Black Panther movie script by Ryan Coogler and Joe Robert Cole as the object of the study. The aim of this study is to find out the equivalences and differences of semantic relations used in the Black Panther movie script. This study used Norman Fairclough’s theory that was equivalence and difference of semantic relations. The method used in this study was descriptive qualitative study methods. The primary data was taken from the Black Panther movie script, and secondary data was taken from the audiovisual movie related to the material objects. Techniques of the data collection were downloading Black Panther movie scripts on the internet, reading all the movie scripts repeatedly and comprehensively, checking the words or utterances spoken in the movie script, identifying the semantic relations between clauses and sentences in the form of addition, elaborating, and contrasting in the movie scripts, and then coding the data.  The result of the study showed that there were 55 data found, they were Elaboration consists of 14 data, Addition consists of 9 data, and Contrast consists of 32 data. Equivalences of semantic relations were used with the repetition in the form of words, phrases, clauses, and sentences where the purpose has the same perspective or vision. While differences of semantic relations were used by writing a different meaning from the previous clause or sentence


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    This research used Short Story by Lindsay Buroker as the object material and Slang Word Formation by George Yule’s as a theory. This research aimed to analyze what is the slang word formation in Ice Cracker II (The Emperor’s Edge 1.5) Short Story. This research used a qualitative research method. The result of the research shows that there are 11 data found, they are Coinage consists of 2 data, Compounding consists of 2 data, Blending consists of 3 data, Clipping consist of 1 data, Derivation consists of 2 data, and Multiple Process consist of 1 data. The most dominant of slang word formation is Blending. Blending is a combination of two separate word forms to make a single new word term

    An Analysis of Black English Used In “The Color Purple” Novel by Alice Walker

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    Black English is a variety of English spoken by many African Americans. Most people consider that Black English as a badly spoken version of Standard English. Therefore, this is the reason why the syntactic feature of Black English important to analyze. The knowledge about the syntactic feature of Black English may results that people will understand and recognize Black English. This research is aimed at describing the syntactic feature of Black English that Alice Walker used in her novel and to find the most dominant feature which occurs in the novel. This research used the syntactic analysis based on Lisa J. Green’s perspective. Then, the data were analyzed using the descriptive qualitative method. The data were collected by downloading, reading, classifying, and coding the data then analyzed by presenting the collected data, describing the use of the syntactic feature, and making a conclusion. The results of this research are the researcherfound 10 syntactic features of Black English used in The Color Purple novel, they are; multiple negations, negative inversion, zero auxiliary, lack of subject-verb agreement, ain’t as negated auxiliary, lack of auxiliary in wh-question and yes-no question, existential it, aspectual be and lack of genetive-‘s

    The Representation of African Cultural Identity in Black Panther Film by Ryan Coogler

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    This study focuses on the analysis of The Representation of African Cultural Identity in Black Panther.  This study aims to reveal the portrayal of African cultural identity in real life. In analyzing the data the writer used both library and media research related to this study, the writer applied a qualitative descriptive study as the method of this study. The source of data in this study Black Panther movie which is directed by Ryan Coogler and it was released in 2018. The data were collected through process of watching, pausing and interpreting then the writer analyses those data by using theory of Representation by Stuart Hall through constructionist approach. Black Panther movie became a medium to change the audience perspective about Africa. This movie shows the depiction of various kinds of cultural identity in Africa that can open the audience's thoughts about Africa. The results of this study indicate that the Black Panther movie has become a medium to provide a better perspective through the description of several elements related to African identity:Representation of African civilization through a symbol of vibranium, cultural ritual, traditional costume, African images through the character those elements are used by Ryan Coogler as director to develop a different perspective of Africa. &nbsp

    Kajian Semiotik Roland Barthes dalam Cerpen “Bayi Yang Dipetik Dari Sebatang Pohon” Karya Yetti A.KA

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    Cerpen-cerpen Yetti A.KA yang tergabung dalam kumpulan cerpen berjudul Penjual Bunga Bersyal Merah, banyak menyajikan tanda yang menarik untuk dikaji. Salah satunya adalah cerpen berjudul “Bayi yang Dipetik dari Sebatang Pohon” (BDSP). Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji cerpen BDSP melalui tinjauan semiotik Roland Barthes. Analisis dilakukan dengan membagi cerpen ke dalam satuan-satuan pembacaan atau leksia. Selanjutnya leksia tersebut dianalisis menggunakan tataran lima kode Roland Barthes. Berikutnya, keterkaitan antarkode dan antarleksia ditafsirkan agar ditemukan makna yang kemudian makna-makna tersebut disimpulkan secara menyeluruh. Dalam cerpen ini ditemukan berbagai kode, baik kode aksi, kode semik, kode simbolik, kode kultural, maupun kode hermeneutik. Melalui kode aksi, cerpen ini menghadirkan serentetan-serentetan peristiwa yang terjalin dengan baik. Selain itu, banyak kesan yang dihadirkan cerpen ini melalui analisis kode semik. Begitupun dengan adanya beberapa simbol dan penanda pengetahuan melalui analisis kode simbolik dan kode kultural. Pembaca juga dituntut oleh teks untuk melakukan penafsiran terhadap tanda yang memuat unsur teka-teki melalui analisis kode hermeneutik. Penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa teks adalah hamparan tanda yang setiap leksia dimungkinkan terdiri atas berbagai macam kode. Dalam pemaknaan secara menyeluruh, cerpen ini menekankan bahwa waktu, perhatian, dan kejujuran adalah penghargaan tinggi yang bisa diberikan kepada anak. Sebaliknya, sedikitnya waktu dan perhatian yang diberikan kepada anak adalah cara paling mujarab untuk membuat anak menjadi keras kepala.   Kata kunci: semiotik Roland Barthes, lima kode, cerpe

    Account in The Devil All the Time Movie Script

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    This research aims to discuss Account in The Devil All the Time movie script,based on Scott and Layman’s (1968) theory on the Justification and Excusesaspects. Data was collected through searching, downloading, reading, watching,and coding and the data collected was analyzed through several steps; presenting,describing, interpreting, classifying and concluding the results of this research.The results showed that the account really exists and is applied by the character.The researcher finds several types of accounts, namely justification 5,defeasibility 3, scapegoating 3, and biological 2. One type of account was notfound, namely an accident. In the finding, the researcher finds that every excusecontains justification but every justification does not contain an excuse.Moreover, the justification aspect is more dominantly used because the characteralways justifies bad behavior of others or themselves. In excuses, thedefeasibility aspect is used because many murders are committed on the basis ofvictims who deserve to be killed. The scapegoating aspect is used by thecharacter to accuse others of the mistakes he made so as not to become a suspectof his actions and the biological is the last factor that causes Account’s behaviorin this Movie script

    The Rejection of Techno-Culture in the "Alita Battle Angel" Movie by Robert Rodriguez: An Application of Jean Francois Lyotard’s Postmodernism Theory

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    This research aimed to describe The Rejection of Technoculture in the Alita: Battle Angel Movie by using Jean Francois Lyotard Theory. This research used the Descriptive Qualitative Method. The source of the data in this research is Alita: Battle Angel Movie directed by Robert Rodriguez that is published in 2019. The data was collected through watching the movie carefully several times, pausing every scene to read the conversation text, screen shooting the image that related, and taking a note about the data. This research is analyzed by identifying characters that represented the Technoculture, Displaying and interpreting the data about Technoculture by using Postmodernism theory by Jean Francois Lyotard Theory and Drawing the conclusion. The result of this research found that Alita, Zapan, Grewishka are characters that represented the Technoculture (Cyborg and Human Relationship and Hedonism) represented in the Alita: Battle Angel Movie through the power of science and technology, individualism, and rationality. The Rejection of Technoculture depicted through the character of Alita that her power is not evolved from technology but originating from the legendary martial art called Punzer Kuntz before her body is combined with Ido's technological tools. Technology is not necessarily having an important role in the human body as described by the heroine character, Alita herself, whose overall strength did not come from technology. Alita in this movie is a parody because she is a robot that humanized herself.  In fact, she shows many aspects of his humanity that humans are busy degrading themselves

    Speech Acts in the ``Say It Loud'' YouTube Video

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    This study aimed to describe the types of speech acts in the ”Say It Loud” YouTube video by Azie and Evelyn. This study found that there were three types of John R. Searle’s speech acts in the video. Those are the Locutionary Act, the Assertive Illocutionary, and the Perlocutionary Act. The Assertive Illocutionary Act was the most used speech in the video. It was concluded that the illocutionary and perlocutionary speech acts make this video interesting and informative. Keywords: Speech Act, Locutionary Act, Illocutionary Act, Perlocutionary Act


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    Regional languages are one of the sources of Indonesian language development, therefore the existence of regional languages is very necessary to be maintained or preserved. Muna language is one of the regional languages in Southeast Sulawesi. The current position of the Muna Regional language has gone down. The condition of the local language-speaking community who is reluctant to use the local language and changes in the environment in which they live are one of the contributing factors. The purpose of this study was to describe the percentage level of survival of the vocabulary of the anatomy of the human body in the Muna language among Muna speakers at BTN Kendari Permai, Kendari City. This study used the theory of language survival, vocabulary, and ecolinguistics theory. The methods used in this research were qualitative and quantitative methods. The results of data analysis showed that the anatomical vocabulary of the human body in Muna language for Muna speakers at BTN Kendari Permai were still survives well. From the 40 respondents who filled out the questionnaire, 81% of the respondents still knew, understood and explained the names of their anatomy well. From the 60 vocabularies proposed in the questionnaire, 87% (52) of vocabulary still survive and 13% (8) of vocabularies have not survived

    Analisis Gaya Bahasa dalam Iklan Komersil di Kendari

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    Penelitian ini membahas tentang teks iklan komersil dalam spanduk dan pamflet yang ada di Kendari. Penelitian ini dilandasi oleh keunikan dalam bahasa iklan sehingga menarik untuk diteliti. Dari segi bahasa, iklan dapat mengubah pandangan masyarakat terhadap suatu produk. Pada awalnya produk tersebut tidak menarik bagi seseorang, tetapi setelah melihat iklan tersebut dapat mengubah pandangan terhadap produk yang diiklankan. Berdasarkan hal ini, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan gaya bahasa dalam teks iklan komersil. Pendekatan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Dalam pengumpulan data, peneliti menggunakan metode dokumentasi dengan cara mencatat dan memotret teks iklan pada spanduk dan pamflet yang terpajang di depan toko atau tempat usaha barang dan jasa di Kendari. Metode analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis interaktif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, ditemukan jenis-jenis gaya bahasa. Pertama, gaya bahasa berdasarkan pilihan kata terbagi menjadi gaya bahasa tak resmi dan gaya bahasa percakapan. Kedua, gaya bahasa berdasarkan nada terdiri dari gaya bahasa sederhana dan gaya bahasa mulia dan bertenaga. Selanjutnya adalah gaya bahasa berdasarkan struktur kalimat yang terdiri dari pararelisme, antithesis, dan repetisi. Yang terakhir adalah gaya bahasa berdasarkan langsung tidaknya makna, yaitu asindenton, hiperbola, paradoks, depersonifikasi, aliterasi dan asonansi, dan paronomasia Kata kunci: gaya bahasa, iklan, komersi