121 research outputs found

    Pemeliharaan , pengekalan , pemulihan dan pengawetan bangunan-bangunan bersejarah di Kuala Lumpur / Masran Saruwono

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    Kajian ini adalah sebar.agian daripada kehendak Jabatan Senibina; Kajian Senibina, Perancangan, dan Ukur, Institut Teknologi Mara untuk penganugerahan Diploma in Architecture, la bertujuan untuk memberi analisa am kepada penuntut tentang pengetahuan mereka didalam bidang Senibina dan yang berkaitan dengannya. Kajian yang bertajuk 'Pemeliharaan, Pengekalan, Pemulihan dan Pengawitan Bangunar-bangunan Bersejarah di Kuala Lumpur ini merangkumi beberapa aspek pengekalan dan pemeliharaan bangunan-bangunan yang diwartakan dibawah Akta Benda Purba 1976. Ini merangkumi sejarah ringkas perkembangan Kuala Lumpur, tujuan, program dan cadangan pengekalan dan langkah-langkah yang wajar untuk kejayaan program ini

    Etika Komunikasi Islam pada Aktor Politik Indonesia: Kajian Wacana di Media Online

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    This study aims to explore and analyze the ethical problems of communication between Indonesian political actors on social media (via news on detik.com.kompas.com, CNN.com) which indicate "violation" of norms and values ​​of Indonesian society and Islam. The perspective used is the deontological ethical theory from the West and the ethical approach to Islamic communication which is sourced from the Qur'an and hadith as well as qiyas and ijtima. The methodology implemented is CMC (computer mediated communication) to explore news and utterances that tend to have a communication ethic tendency to the three Indonesian political actors who most often have problems with public ethics. The data was obtained through texts in online media, observations of experts, and online interviews with netizens who responded to the problems of communication ethics of the political actors studied. The findings explain that political actors in Indonesia who appear on social media or are reported on online media are often not in accordance with communication ethics, especially those with Islamic principles, such as: hiwar (dialectically arguing with each other), jidal (arguing with clear sources and reaching positive agreement), tawashi (instructing each other in the truth), tabsyir (can create a happy communication space), maw'izah (compassionate love), and indzar (reminding each other to do good and right), not with a conflict approach and create disintegration

    Shouting in Silence: Expression of Self in Private Homes

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    AbstractThis paper discusses a behavioral phenomenon of people living in housing schemes. The fact is, people would renovate their houses at certain stage of occupancy and many had done so even before they moved in for the first time. Previous studies suggest that this phenomenon indicated dissatisfaction including provision of rooms, space arrangement and finishes. Simply, people renovate to suit their personal needs and certain feature or fashion is favored by house owners. A study is currently undertaken to investigate whether this is just a trend or a form of self-expression at the highest order


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    This research was initiated by the low ability of students at grade VI SDN 005 Pulau Kumpai. The minimum achievement criteria (KKM) for PKN subjet was 65. Unfortunately, only 2 students, out of 10 students at grade VI, scored above the KKM while the other 8 students scored below the KKM. This research was a classroom action research (CAR) which aimed to improve the Civics learning outcomes in reading and understanding texts of students at grade VI SDN 005 Pulau Kumpai through cooperative learning model of game method. The subjects of this research were 10 students at SDN 005 Pulau Kumpai, consisting of 2 boys and 8 girls. This research was conducted in two cycles; each cycle consisted of four stages: planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The learning process was conducted through the game method of cooperative learning. The results of this research obtained that the initial score before the action was 61.50 and it increased in the first cycle I by 2.5% with an average of 64.00. then, in the second cycle, the score increased by 7.5% from the basic score with an average of 71.50. Before starting the treatment, 80% of the total number of students (8 students) did not achieved the minimum achievement criteria (KKM) while 2 students achieved the KKM. In cycle I, 6 students could not achieve the KKM  and 4 students already achieved the KKM. Moreover, in cycle 2, there was only 1 student who could not reach the KKM and almost all students (9 students) already reached the KKM. Based on the results, it could be concluded that cooperative learning model of game method improved the students’ learning outcomes in Civics learning at grade VI SDN 005 Pulau Kumpai especially in reading and understanding the content of reading materials


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    Madrasah Diniyah Takmiliyah (MDT) merupakan pendidikan keagamaan nonformal yang selama ini terus berjuang membimbing pendidikan agama Islam pada masyarakat, khususnya generasi muda, dalam upaya memperkuat keimanan dan ketakwaan mereka agar terbentuk mental-spiritual yang kokoh dengan tetap memperhatikan perkembangan zaman. Oleh karena itu penelitian menelaah tentang peranan MDT sebagai pusat pengetahuan agama utama bagi masyarakat pedesaan, khususnya di desa Dalan Lidang dan Purba Baru Mandailing Natal. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatiffenomenologis. Sumber datanya ditentukan dengan purposive sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan partisipan observation, indepht interview, dan studi dokumentasi dengan teknik Analisis Data Mode Interaktif Miles dan Huberman yang mencakup reduksi, display data dan verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keberadaan MDT ternyata menjadi kebutuhan dasar bagi masyarakat untuk mendidik ajaran-ajaran agama yang paling mendasar seperti masalah keimanan, peribadatan dan akhlakul karimah. Materi-materi dasar pendidikan agama Islam ternyata dirasakan sangat penting bagi masyarakat dalam upaya memperkuat mental-spiritual masyarakat (khususnya generasi muda) di tengah-tengah krisis identitas dan banyaknya fenomena merosotnya moralitas anak bangsa belakangan ini

    Kemampuan Manajerial Kepala Madrasah, Iklim Madrasah dan Mutu Madrasah di Kecamatan Panyabungan Kabupaten Mandailing Natal

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    This study aimed to describe the managerial capabilities of madrasa heads, madrasah climate, and madrasah quality in Panyabungan District and to analyze how much influence it had both partially and simultaneously. This study used a quantitative approach with descriptive methods; this type of survey research and regression analysis were conducted at 48 madrasahs with 285 teachers and 48 madrasa heads. The number of samples was ten madrasahs with ten madrasa heads and 78 teachers who were taken using Proportionate stratified random sampling. Based on the results of data processing and analysis, it was found that the managerial capabilities of madrasah heads, madrasah climate, and madrasah quality in madrasas in the Panyabungan District were in the very high category. The results showed that the managerial ability of the madrasah principal had a significant positive effect on the quality of the madrasah, the climate of the madrasah had a positive and significant impact on the quality of the madrasah, and together the managerial ability of the madrasah principal and the climate of the madrasah had a significant positive effect on the quality of the madrasah. In conclusion, the Managerial Capabilities of madrasah heads and madrasah climate are important factors that must be built to achieve madrasah quality, especially in the controlling aspect, the madrasah health climate aspect, and the output aspect. Keyword primarily on controlling aspects, aspects of madrasah health climate, and output aspects

    Influences of Price, Promotion, and Service quality on Communities’ Interest in Choosing Vocational High School

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    This study aims at investigating the influence of price, promotion, and service quality on the societies’ interest to register their children in the Vocational High School in South Tangerang. This study employed the explanatory research method by involving 96 respondents. Data were analyzed using statistical analysis methods including regression test, correlation test, determination test, and hypothesis test. The findings showed that price significantly influences the communities’ interest (32,4%) and the hypothesis test got the significance level at 0.000 < 0.05. Promotion is significantly influential at 36.9% and the hypothesis test showed a score of 0.000 < 0.05. The quality of the service is simultaneously significantly influential on the interest in Vocational High School at 30.2 % and the hypothesis test shows the significance score of 0,000 < 0,05. This indicates that price, promotion, and service quality can trigger societies’ interest to register their children into the Vocational High School. Thus, these three components can be solutions to increase the number of students in Vocational High Schools

    Adapting by altering: spatial modifications of terraced houses in the Klang Valley area / Erdayu Os’hara Omar, Esmawee Endut and Masran Saruwono

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    This paper presents the initial findings of a study on the spatial modifications of fifty houses by homeowners in the Klang Valley area. Using a standardised format, various attributes consisting altered spaces and features were compiled and examined. It appears that certain features of the houses including kitchen, bedrooms and bathrooms were desperately altered. People have used their creativity in altering the spaces beyond the original intentions of the architect. To some extent, the findings indicate that the current model for providing houses has shortcomings in addressing the need to satisfy the aspirations of individual family to living

    E-portfolio MSC indicator for a virtual learning environment

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    This study was conducted to identify indicators for the use of e-portfolio for a virtual learning environment in the Malaysian Skills Certification (MSC) system. The approach is through a modified Delphi technique run in three stages. The first stage is analysis of past research material and documents as guidelines in the development of questionnaire items. In the second and third stages, the developed questionnaire is distributed to experts for approval in determining e-portfolio indicators for implementation of the Malaysian Skills Certification system. The sample selected consists of 11 experts in the field of skills certification in Malaysia. Feedback from the experts was analysed using descriptive statistics (mean, median and interquartile range). The findings identify four elements (Assessment, Personal Space, Exhibition and Learning Management) and 32 indicators through a literature review. In conclusion, there are 22 indicators were identified as necessary for the implementation of the use of the e-portfolio in the Malaysian Skills Certification system

    Personalisation of the Home

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    AbstractThis paper reports the initial study on physical alterations made by homeowners. It was hypothesized that alterations of houses do not necessarily mean dissatisfaction on the part of the occupants. Rather it shows how people would want to make their home unique. The study employs “systematic observation” whereby a random sample of existing terraced houses was systematically analysed. Some of the findings suggest that people tend to make the appearance of their homes different. This challenges the validity of the present system of housing delivery process which seems to be ignorant of the personal expression of the individual buyer
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