13 research outputs found

    К проблематике исследования категории побудительности в славянских языках

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    This paper is concerned with the different aspects of study of the imperative category in Slavic languages, primarily function and communicative approaches

    Building up the European common values in professional training of future foreign language teachers

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    Ukraine is now on the threshold of entering the European Union which affects all the life spheres and education in particular. The article deals with the analysis of the European common values in terms of their introduction in the system of teacher training of Ukraine. The authors draw the attention to the issue of multilingualism which enhances learning foreign languages, helps to protect Europe’s rich linguistic diversity, and improves the competitiveness of the EU economy. As a result of the theoretical analysis authors come to the conclusion that building up the EU common values and incorporating them into the process of future foreign language teachers training is a life-long process that demands daily and persistent work as teachers should put much effort to organize the appropriate educational context and make a new generation of children raised in Ukraine not only feel European but act according to European values. The article also provides the results of the survey that on one hand show that future foreign language teachers are not aware enough of the European policy of multilingualism as well as European common values, on the other hand students realize the necessity of the integration of Ukraine into the European educational environment and importance of foreign language learning and teaching. The obtained results emphasize the necessity of the introduction of the Module on “Strengthening the EU common values through the policy of multilingualism in the education and training of future teachers” into the educational process of the university

    Teaching the EU common values in the context of war in Ukraine

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    This paper deals with the peculiarities of teaching the EU common values in the context of Russia’s unjustified and unprovoked war against Ukraine. The authors describe the EU common values, such as human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, rule of law, human rights in detail and present the analysis of scholars’ opinions on this issue. It is also mentioned that under the conditions of war in Ukraine all these values are being violated. As well as all the spheres of life of Ukrainian people the sphere of education suffers greatly from the Russian aggression. The authors acquaint the readers with the statistics from official sources as for the number of educational institutions which were totally or partly damaged or temporarily displaced to the territory, controlled by Ukraine. The publication highlights the necessity of promoting the EU common values among young generations and presents a training course "Strengthening the EU common values through the policy of multilingualism in the education and training of future teachers" (J. Monet module), designed by a group of teachers of Bogdan Khmelnystky Melitopol State Pedagogical University (Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine). Aims, outcomes, objectives, structure of the course are described in the publication

    On the Way to Successful Learning and Teaching: Constructive Feedback

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    This research studies the perceptio7ns of feedback by University and school teachers, as well as the prevailing type of feedback in the participants’ teaching practice. Participants are 90 educators from Bogdan Khmelnystky Melitopol State Pedagogical University and teachers of primary and secondary schools of Melitopol and Melitopol region (Ukraine). Feedback is described as information a teacher or another learner gives to learners on how well they are doing. According to the research results, teachers mostly prefer to give oral feedback. The authors come to the conclusion that feedback should be constructive and should be focused on students’ achievements. Further perspectives of the research include raising teachers’ awareness of feedback through trainings and optional courses in pedagogical Universities, identification of strategies for providing online feedback. The research findings lay the foundation for further research of feedback as an inseparable part of learning and teaching

    The Export Industrial Subsidies in the Regions of the Russian Federation: their Characteristic and WTO Compliance

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    Export of hi-tech and some other large enterprises, and also small and medium-sized enterprises is supported at the regional level in the Russian Federation. As regards to small and medium sized enterprises co-financing from the federal budget makes 50-80%. There is a standard tool kit of export help for SME which can be expanded at subnational level. Export support program of the Leningrad and Rostovregionas well as programs for SME havea form of export subsidy from WTO point of view

    Virtual learning anxiety: A case study of Pedagogical University (Ukraine)

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    This paper deals with the after-effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in the educational sphere. The authors aim to report the results of an observational study that was focused on the perceptions of virtual learning in students and teachers of Bogdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University during the first (March 2020) and the second (December 2020) lockdowns in Ukraine. The following objectives are set: to analyse scientific literature on virtual learning anxiety; to explore the participants‘ emotional state when studying/working online; to find out a list of digital tools, virtual platforms and messengers preferred by students and teachers; and to identify the most common challenges and benefits of virtual learning/teaching. In the study, anxiety in virtual learning is defined as a psychological state of a person caused by unawareness of modern digital technologies, lack of properly developed ICT skills, and misuse of virtual learning tools which result in distress, dissatisfaction and uncertainty. The authors come to the conclusion that technological and psychological training of both students and teachers should go in line and function as a holistic system in order to reduce virtual learning anxiety. Potential solutions to overcome the challenges and create an effective virtual learning community are given

    On the Way to Successful Learning and Teaching: Constructive Feedback

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    This research studies the perceptions of feedback by University and school teachers, as well as the prevailing type of feedback in the participants’ teaching practice. Participants are 90 educators from Bogdan Khmelnystky Melitopol State Pedagogical University and teachers of primary and secondary schools of Melitopol and Melitopol region (Ukraine). Feedback is described as information a teacher or another learner gives to learners on how well they are doing. The majority of educators percept feedback in teaching through its direct meaning, preferably as information about their own reactions to a leaner’s performance of a task, which is used as a basis for improvement. According to the research results, teachers mostly prefer to give oral feedback. The authors come to the conclusion that feedback should be constructive and should be focused on students’ achievements. Further perspectives of the research include raising teachers’ awareness of feedback through trainings and optional courses in pedagogical Universities, identification of strategies for providing online feedback. The research findings lay the foundation for further research of feedback as an inseparable part of learning and teaching

    Time of Prague spring 1968 reflected in the journal of Literární listy

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    The time of the Prague Springof 1968 drawn out in the journal Literární listy This work looks into the profile of the journal Literární listy during the period of the Prague Spring of 1968; my exposition is preceded by a reflection of the political and socio- cultural atmosphere of these times. In the introduction, I give a brief overview of what was happening on the political and cultural scene, since the early loosening of internal relations in the late 1950's as well as through out the 1960's in the former Czechoslovakia (a so-called "melting period"), and an overall evaluation of the situation from a cultural point of view (including the relationship between writers and authorities, the emancipation of cultural journals from the official party and state policies, the development at the 4th congress of Svaz československých spisovatelů (Czechoslovak Writers' Union) and the voiced criticism of the regime. The following pages recall the main points of developments during the months of the Prague Spring of 1968. The vision of this work, to which I dedicate the largest part, is to expound and analyze the contemporary key themes, how it is reflected in the major journalistic contributions to the journal Literární listy: articles on current internal and foreign policy situations, probing the recent..

    Kommunikativno-funkcional'naja specifika kosvennyh rečevyh aktov so značeniem pobuždenija

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    V dannoj stat'e predprinjata popytka rassmotret' kommunikativno-funkcional'nuju specifiku pobuditel'nyh kosvennyh rečevyh aktov. Fatika bolee prisposoblena k kosvennomu sposobu vyraženija, čem informatika. V issledovanii ustanovleno, čto vyskazyvanija ili ego komponenty, nosjaščie fatičeskij harakter, predstavljajut soboj osobuju gruppu kosvennyh rečevyh aktov, v tom čisle i pobuditel'nyh. Na materiale russkogo, serbskogo i bolgarskogo jazykov v sopostavitel'nom aspekte rassmotreno funkcionirovanie jazykovyh sredstv, v častnosti glagolov sluhovogo i zritel'nogo vosprijatija, realizujuščih odnovremenno fatičeskuju i imperativnuju funkcii

    Teaching master students to read and interpret English academic journal articles

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    The article deals with the analysis of a strategy that promotes non-English speaking Master students’ ability to read and interpret authentic English-language academic research articles. The authors have got a hypothesis that the effectiveness of teaching can be promoted if Master students read an academic article in its three versions –the first fully adapted version, the second partly adapted version and finally the same authentic scientific paper in full. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods are used. The theoretical part of the research involved the analysis of modern methodological, psychological and linguistic studies. The experimental part of the research consisted of two stages –ascertaining and formative. In order to conduct a formative experiment, all Master students of the same sample were split into 2 groups. Students who had demonstrated a higher level of receptive skills in the process of ascertaining experiment, became participants of the control group (CG), and students who had shown a lower level of the same skills –participants of the experimental group (EG).The ascertaining stage of the experiment has shown that most of the participants (nearly 75%) have significant difficulties in reading, understanding and interpreting academic journal articles. The hypothesis has been experimentally checked. The results for control and experimental groups, taking part in the formative experiment, prove that the introduced method has significant advantages in both learning scientific vocabulary, understanding authentic non-adapted research paper in English, oral retelling and scientific article interpreting. © 2021JLLS and the Authors -Published by JLLS.Keywords:academic reading;interpretation;vocabulary;language;lexical item