On the Way to Successful Learning and Teaching: Constructive Feedback


This research studies the perceptions of feedback by University and school teachers, as well as the prevailing type of feedback in the participants’ teaching practice. Participants are 90 educators from Bogdan Khmelnystky Melitopol State Pedagogical University and teachers of primary and secondary schools of Melitopol and Melitopol region (Ukraine). Feedback is described as information a teacher or another learner gives to learners on how well they are doing. The majority of educators percept feedback in teaching through its direct meaning, preferably as information about their own reactions to a leaner’s performance of a task, which is used as a basis for improvement. According to the research results, teachers mostly prefer to give oral feedback. The authors come to the conclusion that feedback should be constructive and should be focused on students’ achievements. Further perspectives of the research include raising teachers’ awareness of feedback through trainings and optional courses in pedagogical Universities, identification of strategies for providing online feedback. The research findings lay the foundation for further research of feedback as an inseparable part of learning and teaching

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