560 research outputs found


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    Pasca  Nabi  Muhammad  SAW  wafat  status  sebagai  Rasulullah tidak dapat diganti oleh siapapun, akan tetapi kedudukan Rasulullah SAW. Sebagai pemimpin kaum muslimin harus tergantikan. Peradaban Islam Periode Al-Khulafa’ Al-Rasyidin. Nabi Muhammad SAW wafat pada tanggal 12 Rabiulawal tahun 11 H atau tanggal 8 Juni 632 M. Sesaat setelah beliau wafat, situasi di kalangan umat Islam sempat kacau. Hal ini disebabkan Nabi Muhammad SAW tidak menunjuk calon penggantinya secara pasti. Dua kelompok yang merasa paling berhak untuk dicalonkan sebagai pengganti Nabi Muhammad SAW adalah kaum Muhajirin dan Anshar. Terdapat perbedaan pendapat antara kaum Muhajirin dan Anshar karena kaum Muhajirin mengusulkan Abu Bakar as Shiddiq, sedangkan kaum Anshar mengusulkan Sa’ad bin Ubadah sebagai pengganti nabi Muhammad SAW. Perbedaan pendapat antara dua kelompok tersebut akhirnya dapat diselesaikan secara damai setelah Umar bin Khatab mengemukakan pendapatnya. Selanjutnya, Umar menegaskan bahwa yang paling berhak memegang pimpinan sepeninggal Rasulullah adalah orang-orang Quraisy. Alasan tersebut dapat diterima oleh kedua belah pihak

    Internalisasi Nilai Budaya pada Pembelajaran Santri di Pondok Pesantren Tradisional

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    This study aims to describe how the internalization of cultural values ​​in the learning of students in traditional Islamic boarding schools. The research was conducted using a descriptive method based on a qualitative approach. Data collection methods that have been implemented are observation, semi-structured interviews, and documentation studies. Data analysis was performed using an interactive analysis model. To ensure data validity, resource-based and technique-based triangulation was carried out. The results showed that the internalization of cultural values ​​in the learning of santri at traditional pesantren was carried out through the bandongan, sorogan and halaqohan methods. The internalization of cultural values ​​is carried out by integrating the three methods in an integrated manner on two main axes, namely the dormitory axis and the mosque axis which are integrated in one unit. The cultural values ​​implanted in the learning of the students include the values ​​of transcendence, humanization, diversity, liberation and justice. In conclusion, the internalization of cultural values ​​in the learning of santri in traditional Islamic boarding schools is carried out through the bandongan, sorogan and halaqohan methods. Keywords: Internalization, Cultural Values, Santri Learning &nbsp


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    AbstractResearch on the implementation of public relations management in SMP Islam Al - Azhar 14 Semarang has a goal to find a variety of public relations programs at SMP Islam Al - Azhar 14 Semarang , knowing the implementation of public relations programs on SMP Islam Al - Azhar 14 Semarang as well as to determine the various factors that affect the implementation of the program public relations and the implications of the implementation of the management program of public relations for the Islamic Al - Azhar SMP 14 Semarang .The method used is descriptive research with a qualitative evaluation approach . Where research is directed to provide a detailed overview of the various programs implemented in the junior public relations Islam Al - Azhar 14 Semarang . The study is directed to look at the success rate of public relations programs that have been planned , so as to see the suitability of the program emphasized the implementation of public relations programs . By looking at the level of implementation of public relations programs , it will be able to see a variety of factors that encourage , or factors that mengambat implementation of public relations programs at SMP Islam Al - Azhar 14 Semarang . The most important thing that is examined in this study also aimed to see dampk arising from the absence of the implementation of public relations management , the impact of both positive and negative impacts of the implementation of public relations management .The results showed that the public relations program at SMP Islam Al - Azhar 14 Semarang has distinguished between internal and external programs . Internally directed public relations programs to build a harmonious ties between large families SMP Islam Al - Azhar 14 Semarang , while externally directed public relations programs to build a positive public image of the institution , so that pretty much diverse activities , developing a kind of activity the ability of teachers , development of religious , braid premises cooperation of various parties as well as improving the quality of learning activities are carried out . The implementation of public relations programs both internally and externally is quite in accordance with the planned public relations program . The factors that drive the implementation of which is a form of public relations management frinchese driving school set school standards with standard central schools , foundation support and the support of principals who strongly support the implementation of public relations management in SMP Islam Al - Azhar 14 Semarang . While the factors that hinder the implementation of the separation of the management of public relations is not yet in the public relations vice principal public relations , media and public relations ability of users who have not been competent in the use of information presented by the publicity department . The impact of the implementation of public relations major manejemen is a positive image of the institution in the eyes of the public the better .Keywords: public relations program , implementation of public relations program

    Program Terjemahan Al-Qur’an Sistem 40 Jam sebagai Metode Dakwah Alternatif di Makassar

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    Salah satu metode yang selama ini dikembangkan di Masjid Al-Markaz Makassar adalah metode terjemahan Al-Qur’an sistem 40 jam. Metode ini penting untuk dikaji karena berkaitan dengan pentingnya mendakwahkan Al-Qur’an. Dari sinilah peneliti, mencoba mengangkat program terjemahan Al-Qur’an sistem 40 jam sebagai salah satu metode dakwah alternatif. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode kualitatif dan metode kuantitatif. Metode kualitatif menguraikan berbagai hal tentang program terjemahan Al-Qur’an sistem 40 jam sedangkan metode kuantitatif menekankan pada uraian yang dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistik (regresi) untuk melihat pengaruh program tersebut baik dari segi metode, materi, instruktur, dan waktu terhadap minat masyarakat. temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: masyarakat yang dalam hal ini responden memberikan tanggapan yang cukup positif terhadap program ini, selain itu bahwa ada korelasi antara metode, materi, instruktur dan waktu yang tersedia terhadap minat masyarakat mengikuti program ini. Selain itu, metode ini layak dipilih sebagai salah satu metode dakwah alternatif selain metode dakwah yang lain


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    AbstractResearch on the implementation of public relations management in SMP Islam Al - Azhar 14 Semarang has a goal to find a variety of public relations programs at SMP Islam Al - Azhar 14 Semarang , knowing the implementation of public relations programs on SMP Islam Al - Azhar 14 Semarang as well as to determine the various factors that affect the implementation of the program public relations and the implications of the implementation of the management program of public relations for the Islamic Al - Azhar SMP 14 Semarang .The method used is descriptive research with a qualitative evaluation approach . Where research is directed to provide a detailed overview of the various programs implemented in the junior public relations Islam Al - Azhar 14 Semarang . The study is directed to look at the success rate of public relations programs that have been planned , so as to see the suitability of the program emphasized the implementation of public relations programs . By looking at the level of implementation of public relations programs , it will be able to see a variety of factors that encourage , or factors that mengambat implementation of public relations programs at SMP Islam Al - Azhar 14 Semarang . The most important thing that is examined in this study also aimed to see dampk arising from the absence of the implementation of public relations management , the impact of both positive and negative impacts of the implementation of public relations management .The results showed that the public relations program at SMP Islam Al - Azhar 14 Semarang has distinguished between internal and external programs . Internally directed public relations programs to build a harmonious ties between large families SMP Islam Al - Azhar 14 Semarang , while externally directed public relations programs to build a positive public image of the institution , so that pretty much diverse activities , developing a kind of activity the ability of teachers , development of religious , braid premises cooperation of various parties as well as improving the quality of learning activities are carried out . The implementation of public relations programs both internally and externally is quite in accordance with the planned public relations program . The factors that drive the implementation of which is a form of public relations management frinchese driving school set school standards with standard central schools , foundation support and the support of principals who strongly support the implementation of public relations management in SMP Islam Al - Azhar 14 Semarang . While the factors that hinder the implementation of the separation of the management of public relations is not yet in the public relations vice principal public relations , media and public relations ability of users who have not been competent in the use of information presented by the publicity department . The impact of the implementation of public relations major manejemen is a positive image of the institution in the eyes of the public the better .Keywords: public relations program , implementation of public relations program


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    The application of qanuns in a pesantren basically does not take place in a vacuum, but in a space of social interaction, which is full of dynamics of communication. This article wants to examine how the sociological-communication side of the implementation of the qonun prohibits carrying cellphones at the Mamba'ul Huda Islamic boarding school. The results showed that the prohibition on carrying cellphones was the result of the many negligence committed by the students when they brought cellphones, even though the administrators had often been reminded to carry out their obligations

    Analisis Dakwah DR. KH. M. Imam Khaudli, M.Si Pada Pengajian Nashoihul Ibad Di Facebook Fanspage Pondok Pesantren Darussalam Blokagung

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    Dalam penlitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan teori analisis isi untuk membedah isi pesan dakwah KH. M. Imam Khaudli, M.Si dengan data primer video pengajian beliau. Hasil dari penelitian ini menyebutkan bahwa, pengajian secara virtual yang disiarkan oleh fanspage facebook @Pondok Pesantren Darussalam Blokagung pengajian diisi oleh KH. M. Imam Khaudli, M.Si menggunakan kitab nasoihul ibad dengan metode pengajaran secara klasik bandongan, khalayak yang mengikuti pengajian dari segala usia dan segala golongan. Pesan dakwah yang disampaikan ada 3 hal, akidah, syari’ah dan akhlak, merujuk kepada kitab yang digunakan adalah nasoihul ibad merupakan bagian dari kajian kitab tasawuf

    Faktor Penyebab Eks Psikotik di Puskesmas Licin

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    Psychotic is a mental disorder that causes a person's inability to judge reality with his fantasies. The focus of the research is the factors causing the ex-psychotics at Pukesmas Licin. This research uses a descriptive analysis method with a qualitative approach. Methods of data collection by observation, interviews, and documentaries, then analyzed by interactive models. The results of the research, there is a new reality according to the version of the spikotic person, psychotic is divided into two, namely organic psychotic and functional psychotic. Ex-psychotic is a person who is declared to be recovered 70% medically with realistic testing. Ex-psychotic causes include biological factors, psychological factors, and socio-cultural factors

    Efektivitas Penggunaan Bahan Ajar Digital Berbasis Android dalam Pembelajaran IPA pada Siswa Berkebutuhan Khusus

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    This study aims to determine the effectiveness of using Android-based digital teaching materials in science learning for students with special needs. This research is a qualitative research which conducted on respondents, namely students with special needs at the Special Secondary School level. Data collection was carried out using test instruments. Data collection was carried out by giving tests to students and questionnaires to teachers. The collected data were analyzed descriptively quantitatively. The analysis is carried out by providing an interpretation of the data obtained so that it becomes clearer and more meaningful. The results showed that Android-based digital teaching materials were causing an increase in students learning outcomes in this subject by 83.3 percent. The study showed   that android-based digital teaching materials effectively used in science learning for students with special needs. Further research is needed using more varied media and a wider scale of research. Keywords: Teaching materials, android, students with special needs
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