7 research outputs found

    System management and labour relations transformation in relation with talented, healthy and sportsman staff

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    The relevance of this article is to study new principles of work and interaction with staff. Currently, there is a transformation of labour relations. All these forces employers to actively search for talented employees inside and outside their companies, and then ensure their development and worthy use in solving priority business tasks. There is a need for system personnel management. The aim of the research is to explore ways to manage successful effective employees in information technology companies as an approach to human resources management. Research methods: as a research method, the questionnaire method was used to analyse the organization of the employee management system in Russian companies related to information technology. Research results: the article examines the experience of applying the concept of personnel management in IT companies. The novelty and originality of the research lies in the fact that for the first time the system of personnel management in the field of information technology was studied. It is shown that being an actively developing field related to information technologies - it is constantly in need of personnel. It is determined that not all employees of information technology companies are highly qualified, which may be due to the high demand for labour resources. It is revealed that the activities carried out in almost all companies include staff motivation and the formation of a remuneration system (compensation and incentives); recruitment; evaluation of company personnel; training management. It is determined that the need for changes may be due to such factors as changing the company's work profile, the arrival of a new boss, setting new tasks for the HR Department. It is revealed that representatives of companies see the need to make changes in the company's motivation in the remuneration system, training and development of personnel, career management and performance management, creating an effective team and evaluating personnel. It is shown that the system of motivation of ordinary employees and successful employees does not differ critically in most companies. They are motivated by additional payments (bonuses) and gratitude for the work done. It is determined that the motivating factors are corporate sports, individual types of incentives, additional payments for work experience. It is shown that the main motives for work from the point of view of employees are decent and guaranteed financial remuneration, the presence of certain job responsibilities and clear company policy, as well as the presence of diversity in work and interest in it. Practical significance: the data Obtained in this work can be used in marketing, management, Economics, personnel management, management psychology

    Inclusive Education Importance and Problems for Students Social Integration

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    The article relevance. Modern concepts of education development, recognition of the uniqueness and self-worth of human individuality have led to the search for ways to socialize individuals with disabilities, to the development of new pedagogical strategies aimed at developing ideas of independent life for this category of the population. The research purpose is to study the features and identify ways to improve the quality of inclusive education. Research methods: as a research method, we used a questionnaire survey as a method of collecting primary information, which allows us to identify various aspects related to the problems of formation and perception of inclusive education by participants in the educational process. Research results: the article describes the peculiarity of the current stage of inclusive education development, analyzes the social mechanisms for improving the quality of inclusive education. The novelty and originality of the research lies in the fact that for the first time the correspondence of the existing model of inclusive education to the needs of a significant part of the educational process subjects was investigated. It is shown that, from the point of view of educational services’ consumers, a significant obstacle to improving the quality of inclusive education is the orientation of the education system on results, and not the educational process. It is revealed that the main functions of an inclusive school are educational, career-oriented, educational, and integrative. It is shown that relationships with teachers are a significant factor of psychological stress in inclusive classes. It is found that inclusive classes are sufficiently distanced from interaction with the local community. It is shown that teachers lack the skills of teamwork and confident behavior of the teacher in the presence of another adult in the classroom. It is revealed that the inclusive school is currently characterized by a high level of internal unity, but is not focused on external relations with the local community.  It is shown that parents, unlike students, note the creation of an accessible environment only for certain categories of children with disabilities (including children with musculoskeletal disorders), but not for children with sensory disorders (vision and hearing). Practical significance: the data Obtained in this work can be used in psychological research, pedagogical Sciences, age psychology, as well as for further theoretical development of this issu

    Determining the Readiness of the Mechanical Engineering Programme Candidates for Distance Education

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    The general purpose of this research is to determine the readiness of the mechanical engineering programme candidates for distance education. The quantitative research method was used in the study. The research was carried out in the spring term of 2020–2021. The working group consists of mechanical engineering students studying at universities in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and the Russian Federation. 460 volunteer university students participated in the study. In order to improve their readiness in the research, a 4-week online training was given to the mechanical engineer programme candidates. The ‘readiness for distance education’ measurement tool, which was developed by the researchers and was prepared by calculating the reliability coefficient, was applied to the university students. The measurement tool was simplified by consulting experts in the field. Data were collected by an online questionnaire and a hand-held questionnaire. The collected data were analysed using the SPSS programme. Frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum values were used to analyse the data obtained from the measurement tool. According to the results of the research, it was concluded that the university students’ readiness for distance education showed positive results and they did not have any problems while using the distance education system in their classes

    The Opinions of Technology Supported Education of University Students

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    The aim of this study is to determine the opinions of university students about technology-supported education. In today’s era, technological tools are used in every sector of education. Today, when technologies are rapidly developing, the opinions of students studying at university institutions about technology are very important. As per the outcome of the research, it is important to know the opinions of working people in terms of competen-cies and attitude towards the technology. The research was carried out in the fall semester of the 2019-2020 academic year with 75 students studying at the Federal University of Kazan (Volga region), the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics and Sechenov University. As the case study method was adopted in the study, researcher prepared open-ended questions as a data collection tool. In this research, qualitative meth-od was used. According to the results obtained from the research, it was concluded that they did not feel themselves competent in technology, they did not have enough equipment and their schools are not equipped for technology-supported education

    Inclusive Education Importance and Problems for Students Social Integration

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    The article relevance. Modern concepts of education development, recognition of the uniqueness and self-worth of human individuality have led to the search for ways to socialize individuals with disabilities, to the development of new pedagogical strategies aimed at developing ideas of independent life for this category of the population. The research purpose is to study the features and identify ways to improve the quality of inclusive education. Research methods: as a research method, we used a questionnaire survey as a method of collecting primary information, which allows us to identify various aspects related to the problems of formation and perception of inclusive education by participants in the educational process. Research results: the article describes the peculiarity of the current stage of inclusive education development, analyzes the social mechanisms for improving the quality of inclusive education. The novelty and originality of the research lies in the fact that for the first time the correspondence of the existing model of inclusive education to the needs of a significant part of the educational process subjects was investigated. It is shown that, from the point of view of educational services’ consumers, a significant obstacle to improving the quality of inclusive education is the orientation of the education system on results, and not the educational process. It is revealed that the main functions of an inclusive school are educational, career-oriented, educational, and integrative. It is shown that relationships with teachers are a significant factor of psychological stress in inclusive classes. It is found that inclusive classes are sufficiently distanced from interaction with the local community. It is shown that teachers lack the skills of teamwork and confident behavior of the teacher in the presence of another adult in the classroom. It is revealed that the inclusive school is currently characterized by a high level of internal unity, but is not focused on external relations with the local community.  It is shown that parents, unlike students, note the creation of an accessible environment only for certain categories of children with disabilities (including children with musculoskeletal disorders), but not for children with sensory disorders (vision and hearing). Practical significance: the data Obtained in this work can be used in psychological research, pedagogical Sciences, age psychology, as well as for further theoretical development of this issueRelevancia del artículo. Los conceptos modernos de desarrollo educativo, el reconocimiento de la singularidad y la autoestima de la individualidad humana han llevado a la búsqueda de formas de socializar a las personas con discapacidad, al desarrollo de nuevas estrategias pedagógicas destinadas a desarrollar ideas de vida independiente para esta categoría de la población. . El propósito de la investigación es estudiar las características e identificar formas de mejorar la calidad de la educación inclusiva. Métodos de investigación: como método de investigación, utilizamos una encuesta cuestionario como método de recolección de información primaria, que nos permite identificar diversos aspectos relacionados con los problemas de formación y percepción de la educación inclusiva por parte de los participantes en el proceso educativo. Resultados de la investigación: el artículo describe la peculiaridad de la etapa actual de desarrollo de la educación inclusiva, analiza los mecanismos sociales para mejorar la calidad de la educación inclusiva. La novedad y originalidad de la investigación radica en que por primera vez se investigó la correspondencia del modelo existente de educación inclusiva con las necesidades de una parte significativa de los sujetos del proceso educativo. Se muestra que, desde el punto de vista de los consumidores de los servicios educativos, un obstáculo importante para mejorar la calidad de la educación inclusiva es la orientación del sistema educativo a los resultados y no al proceso educativo. Se revela que las principales funciones de una escuela inclusiva son educativas, vocacionales, educativas e integradoras. Se demuestra que las relaciones con los profesores son un factor significativo de estrés psicológico en las clases inclusivas. Se encuentra que las clases inclusivas están suficientemente alejadas de la interacción con la comunidad local. Se demuestra que los profesores carecen de las habilidades de trabajo en equipo y del comportamiento confiado del profesor en presencia de otro adulto en el aula. Se revela que la escuela inclusiva se caracteriza actualmente por un alto nivel de unidad interna, pero no está enfocada a las relaciones externas con la comunidad local. Se muestra que los padres, a diferencia de los estudiantes, notan la creación de un entorno accesible solo para ciertas categorías de niños con discapacidades (incluidos los niños con trastornos musculoesqueléticos), pero no para los niños con trastornos sensoriales (visión y audición). Importancia práctica: los datos obtenidos en este trabajo pueden ser utilizados en investigación psicológica, ciencias pedagógicas, psicología de la edad, así como para un mayor desarrollo teórico de este tema

    Modern student youth civic identity: political activity or social responsibility?

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    The purpose of the study is to study the features of the manifestation of civil identity through the perception of political reality and political activity. As a research method, the survey method was used, which allows the most effective consideration of such a structural component of civil identity as the perception of political reality and one's political activity. As a result, the majority of modern youth has a low political education. In conclusion, in addition to the state Supreme power, the Russian Orthodox Church and the Institute of oligarchy had the same serious powers in Russia.El propósito de esta investigación es estudiar las características de la manifestación de la identidad civil a través de la percepción de la realidad política y la actividad política. Como método de investigación, se utilizó el método de encuesta, que permite la consideración más efectiva de un componente estructural de la identidad civil como la percepción de la realidad política y la actividad política de uno. Como resultado, la mayoría de la juventud moderna tiene una educación política baja. En conclusión, además del poder supremo del estado, la Iglesia Ortodoxa Rusa y el Instituto de la oligarquía tenían los mismos poderes serios en Rusia