455 research outputs found

    日本非文字文化研究および保護の実践に関する調査研究 -神奈川大学COEプログラムと小澤昔ばなし研究所を例に-

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    特集 若手研究者からのレポート Voices of Young Scholars

    Factors influencing response to treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis.

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    We analyzed 150 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis from 1990 to 1996 (i) to evaluate the frequency of drug resistance, (ii) to elucidate factors influencing the response to chemotherapy, and (iii) to attempt to improve the therapeutic approach. Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis strains were not found. By univariate analysis, there were 8 factors associated with an increased sputum conversion time: male gender, prior treatment, complications, progressive chest radiographic findings, a high Ziehl-Neelsen stain score, lymphocytopenia, a high erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), and hypoproteinemia. Complications, prior treatment, a high Ziehl-Neelsen stain score, and a high ESR were independent predictive factors in a Cox proportional hazard model. Recursive partitioning and amalgamation (RPA) defined 3 subgroups that responded to treatment. In order to reduce the time to sputum conversion, poor responders according to the RPA should be treated with a 4-drug regimen containing pyrazinamide.</p

    Development of Technical Regulations for Fuel Cell Motorcycles in Japan—Hydrogen Safety

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    Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are expected to play an important role in the future and thus have improved significantly over the past years. Hydrogen fuel cell motorcycles with a small container for compressed hydrogen gas have been developed in Japan along with related regulations. As a result, national regulations have been established in Japan after discussions with Japanese motorcycle companies, stakeholders, and experts. The concept of Japanese regulations was proposed internationally, and a new international regulation on hydrogen-fueled motorcycles incorporating compressed hydrogen storage systems based on this concept are also established as United Nations Regulation No. 146. In this paper, several technical regulations on hydrogen safety specific to fuel cell motorcycles incorporating compressed hydrogen storage systems are summarized. The unique characteristics of these motorcycles, e.g., small body, light weight, and tendency to overturn easily, are considered in these regulations. Document type: Articl

    Effects of Environmental Factors on the Lipid Components of Porphyra sp.

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    環境要因にともなう,アサクサノリの脂質の変動の様相を知る目的で,明・暗両条件下において,有機炭素源(主として,シュークローズ)を含有する培養海水と,炭素源として,炭酸ガスを供給する培養海水とで5日間培養したのち,藻体中の脂質をフロリジルカラムならびにシリカゲル薄層で分画し,それぞれの脂質量と,それらの脂肪酸組成を調べた.その結果, 1) 明条件下では,トリグリセライドとX成分(恐らく,グリコスフィンゴリピドと思われる)が増加し,その他の糖脂質と遊離脂肪酸の増加はみられなかった.有機炭素源を供給した暗条件下では,遊離脂肪酸が顕著に増加した.その他の脂質も,炭酸ガスを炭素源とする暗条件下のものより高い値を示した. 2) 脂肪酸組成の面では,すべての遊離脂肪酸画分中のリノレン酸の増加と,一部の脂質画分を除き,20:5酸の増加が目立った.20:1酸,および20:4酸も一部の脂質画分で増加することがみられた. 以上の結果から,アサクサノリは,シュークローズのような有機炭素源を,脂肪酸合成に利用し得ること,ならびに脂質代謝に関して,緑藻類のChlorellaとの相異点を有することなどが考察された.In order to get a better knowledge of the effects of environmental factors on the lipid components, the fronds of laver, Porphyra sp., were cultured in the organic and inorganic media under light and dark conditions for five days. The extracted lipids were fractionated by means of Florisil column chromatography and Silica gel G thin-layer chromatography. The results can be summarized as follows. 1) Under light condition, it was observed that the triglycerides and the X components (possibly glycosphingolipids) increased, while the galactolipids, the sulfolipids and the free fatty acids did not. On the other hand the lipids of laver cultured in the organic medium under dark conditions contained a remarkable amounts of free fatty acids and larger amounts of other lipid components than those cultured by the inorganic medium. 2) In the fatty acids composition, the proportion of 20:1, 20:4 and 20:5 acids mainly changed in every condition. From these results, it was concluded that the fronds of Porphyra sp. are able to utilize organic carbon sources such as sucrose. Moreover, phylogenetic differences on the lipid metabolism between red alga Porphyra and green alga Chlorella were discussed

    Sclerostin antibody improves skeletal parameters in a Brtl/+ mouse model of osteogenesis imperfecta

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    Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a genetic bone dysplasia characterized by osteopenia and easy susceptibility to fracture. Symptoms are most prominent during childhood. Although antiresorptive bisphosphonates have been widely used to treat pediatric OI, controlled trials show improved vertebral parameters but equivocal effects on long‐bone fracture rates. New treatments for OI are needed to increase bone mass throughout the skeleton. Sclerostin antibody (Scl‐Ab) therapy is potently anabolic in the skeleton by stimulating osteoblasts via the canonical wnt signaling pathway, and may be beneficial for treating OI. In this study, Scl‐Ab therapy was investigated in mice heterozygous for a typical OI‐causing Gly→Cys substitution in col1a1 . Two weeks of Scl‐Ab successfully stimulated osteoblast bone formation in a knock‐in model for moderately severe OI (Brtl/+) and in WT mice, leading to improved bone mass and reduced long‐bone fragility. Image‐guided nanoindentation revealed no alteration in local tissue mineralization dynamics with Scl‐Ab. These results contrast with previous findings of antiresorptive efficacy in OI both in mechanism and potency of effects on fragility. In conclusion, short‐term Scl‐Ab was successfully anabolic in osteoblasts harboring a typical OI‐causing collagen mutation and represents a potential new therapy to improve bone mass and reduce fractures in pediatric OI. © 2013 American Society for Bone and Mineral ResearchPeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/95242/1/1717_ftp.pd

    Novos caminhos: Aprendendo com e na diversidade

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    Trabalho apresentado no 31º SEURS - Seminário de Extensão Universitária da Região Sul, realizado em Florianópolis, SC, no período de 04 a 07 de agosto de 2013 - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.Neste trabalho procuramos descrever as vivências de jovens com Síndrome de Down, do projeto de extensão Novos Caminhos, da FAE/UFPel, no tocante ao desenvolvimento da autonomia. O projeto funciona desde 2007, atende 19 jovens com Síndrome de Down e Deficiência Intelectual, divididos em duas turmas, uma de alfabetização com 12 alunos e outra turma avançada com 7 alunos. O projeto proporciona aos jovens vivências e aprendizagens diferentes das que eles recebem em casa, tentando aproximá-los das expectativas da escola, e indo além, preparando-os para um mundo social, para uma vaga de emprego, tentando torná-los mais independentes, autônomos e seguros em atividades propostas no cotidiano de cada um. São propostas aos alunos em sala de aula atividades como: apresentação de trabalhos orais, debates, entre eles, de questões lançadas em sala de aula, atividades para reconhecimento do próximo, bem como aulas-passeio, entre outras. Tais atividades proporcionam a eles um conhecimento real da sociedade, quando são colocados em prática alguns desafios que lhes são lançados: pagar a conta do restaurante sozinhos, escolher onde e com quem se sentar, fatos que raramente ocorrem na presença dos pais, pois alguns pais tendem a superproteger os filhos, limitando-os de desenvolver a independência. Com isto, o projeto procura proporcionar uma chance para esses jovens, fazendo com que eles mostrem à sociedade, e também aos pais, que são capazes de realizar tarefas comuns, como qualquer pessoa independente, basta uma oportunidade


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    This paper aims to establish the possible dialogue between the writings of Theodor Adorno and Paulo Freire, with a view to emancipatory education. Therefore, we start with the following question: What is the possible dialogue between emancipatory education in Adorno and Freire? The methodology used was bibliographic research, based on the comparison of some works by Adorno and Freire, as well as the material produced about the authors. It is concluded that both Adorno and Freire fought the capitalist society of their time and that both were against the alienation of man; hence, human emancipation was a common concern among these classics. The analysis carried out indicates that emancipatory education, in Adorno and Freire, presents some fundamental axes, which will be presented throughout the text. Emancipatory education, both in Adorno and in Freire, impels the individual to move against the grain of heteronomy and protected thinking imposed by society, with a view to the process of liberation, autonomy, and conscience. Human emancipation, therefore, is a process. Keywords: Education; Human emancipation, Theodor Adorno; Paulo Freire.El presente artigo tiene por objetivo establecer el posible diálogo entre los escritos de Theodor Adorno y Paulo Freire con objeto de educación emancipatoria. Por eso, partimos del siguiente cuestionamento: ¿Cuál el posible diálogo entre la educación emancipatoria en la obra de Adorno y Freire? La metodología utilizada fue la pesquisa bibliográfica, dentro de la selección de algunas obras de Adorno y Freire, al igual que el material producido sobre los autores. Se concluye que tanto Adorno como Freire competían la sociedad capitalista de su tiempo y ambos se colocaban contra la alienación del hombre; luego, la emancipación humana fue una preocupación mutua entre esos clásicos. El análisis efectuado muestra que la educación emancipatoria, en Adorno y Freire, expone algunos ejes fundamentales, los cuales serán presentados en el transcurrir del texto. La educación emancipatoria, tanto en Adorno como en Freire, mueve el individuo al revés de la heteronomía y del pensamiento impuesto por la sociedad, visando el proceso de libertación, autonomía y conscietización. La emancipación humana, por conseguiente, es un proceso. Palabras-clave: Educación; Emancipación humana; Theodor Adorno; Paulo Freire. &nbsp; &nbsp;O presente artigo objetiva estabelecer o diálogo possível entre os escritos de Theodor Adorno e de Paulo Freire, com vistas à educação emancipatória. Para tanto, partimos do seguinte questionamento:&nbsp;Qual o diálogo possível entre a educação&nbsp;emancipatória em Adorno e Freire?&nbsp;A metodologia utilizada foi a&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;pesquisa bibliográfica, a partir do&nbsp;cotejamento de&nbsp;algumas obras de&nbsp;Adorno&nbsp;e de Freire,&nbsp;bem como do material produzido sobre os autores.&nbsp; Conclui-se que tanto Adorno quanto Freire combatiam a&nbsp;sociedade capitalista de seu tempo e que ambos se posicionavam&nbsp;contra a alienação do homem; logo, a emancipação humana foi uma preocupação&nbsp;comum entre esses clássicos. A análise efetuada assinala que a educação emancipatória, em&nbsp;Adorno&nbsp;e&nbsp;Freire,&nbsp;apresenta&nbsp;alguns&nbsp;eixos&nbsp;fundamentais, os quais serão apresentados no decorrer do texto. A educação emancipatória tanto em Adorno como em Freire, impele&nbsp;o &nbsp;indivíduo a movimentar-se à contrapelo da heteronomia&nbsp;e&nbsp;do pensamento tutelado impostos pela&nbsp;sociedade, com vistas ao processo de libertação, autonomia e conscientização.&nbsp;A&nbsp;emancipação&nbsp;humana,&nbsp;portanto,&nbsp;é um&nbsp;processo. &nbsp; &nbsp