120 research outputs found

    Bilateral symmetry of circular impact structures of astroblemes

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    The relief of the true crater-bottom and the distribution of impactites and allogenic breccias for the Popigay and Kara astroblemes is examined. It is shown that the crater morphology and the distribution of ejecta of fragmented and melted masses has a series of features of symmetry in common with lunar analogs of large astroblemes, formed as a result of an oblique impact, as well as with impact and impact-explosive craters. This leads to the conclusion that both structures were formed as a result of oblique impact of meteoroid bodies; the trajectory projection of the body which formed the Popigay crater had an azimuth of 200 + or - 10 deg., while this azimuth for the Kara crater was 50 + or - 10 deg

    Логістичні технології як сектор середовищних технологій

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    Розкрито сутність поняття середовищних технологій. Наведено приклади логістичних технологій, які відіграють важливу роль в сталому розвитку та є сектором середовищних технологійEssence of environmental technologies concept opened. The examples of logistics technologies that play important role in sustainable development and are the sector of environmental technologies give

    Longboard with Automatic Braking

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    The automatic longboard anti-lock braking system is a system designed to prevent a longboard from exceeding 12 mph while considering slipping and skidding, making it safer to ride a longboard. Speed limiting will be accomplished through wheel speed and incline angle measurements and brakes engaging or disengaging depending on internal decisions. Excess energy will be removed from the ABS as heat. Wheel speed and incline angle testing were done with a wheel speed sensor and an inertial measurement unit, respectively. Internal decisions were tested with programming a microcontroller, and braking was tested with motors. The wheel speed sensor yielded measurements within 2% of corresponding tachometer measurements, with the sensor and tachometer measuring 1304 rpm and 1281 rpm in one instance, respectively. The IMU gave results within 5% of the actual incline values, and the microcontroller correctly responded to input speed scenarios. The motors generated 2.205 V at 13 mA when unloaded and dropped to 1.900 V and 1.241 V when directly connected and when loaded with 500 mΩ of resistance. From these results, it was determined that the design would be feasible for physical implementation

    China automotive and industrial market investigation research

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    Зародження розвитку автомобілебудівної промисловості Китаю датується 1953 р. З метою захисту ринку урядом було впроваджено ряд обмежувальних заходів щодо спільних підприємств з іноземними інвестиціями, як наслідок автоіндустрія Китаю до середини 1990-х рр. стала високо захищеною. Незважаючи на значні обсяги продажу автомобілів в Китаї, ринок ще недостатньо насичений у порівнянні з більш зрілими ринками. Малі та середні підприємства США, Японії та Європи є основними бенефіціарами економічного зростання Китаю. Починаючи з 2009 р. іноземні автомобільні компанії займали 85% китайського авторинку. З 2009 р. Китай є найбільшим у світі автовиробником випередивши США, Японію та Німеччину. Ведення бізнесу іноземними компаніями в Китаї ускладнюється непрозорим регулятивним середовищем, недосконалою правовою системою та порушенням прав інтелектуальної власності. Загальний обсяг продажу продукції автомобільної промисловості у 2016 р. становив понад 28 млн. одиниць.. The origin of the development of China's automotive industry dates back to 1953. In order to protect the domestic market, the government introduced a number of restrictive measures on joint ventures with foreign investment, and as a result the automotive industry of China became highly protected by the mid-1990s. Despite the significant sales of cars in China, the market is still not saturated with more mature markets. Small and medium-sized enterprises in the US, Japan and Europe are the main beneficiaries of China's economic growth. Since 2009, foreign automobile companies have occupied 85% of the Chinese car market. Today, China's market is dominated by General Motors, Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz, Ford, Suzuki, Daihatsu, Honda, Subaru, Citreon, Toyota and other foreign brands. Local manufacturers such as Chery Automobile Co and Geely Holding Group are growing fast, but lag behind in technology. The most promising segment of the Chinese automobile market is premium cars. The second largest sector of the automotive industry is spare parts and components for electric motors. Since 2009, China is the world's largest carmaker ahead of the US, Japan and Germany. Doing business with foreign companies in China is complicated by an opaque regulatory environment, an imperfect legal system, and a violation of intellectual property rights. The total sales of automobile industry products in 2016 amounted to more than 28 million units