400 research outputs found

    BUDAYA KERJA SEKOLAH (Studi Situs MI Yatpi Getasrejo Kecamatan Grobogan)

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    The purpose of this study was to: (1) describe the work culture of teachers in administrative work in MI Yatpi Getasrejo Grobogan District, (2) To describe the work culture of teachers in the learning process in MI Yatpi Getasrejo Grobogan District, (3) To describe the work culture of teachers in implementing the evaluation in MI Yatpi Getasrejo Grobogan district, and (4) To describe the work culture of teachers in the follow-up results of the evaluation in MI Yatpi Getasrejo Grobogan District. This research is a qualitative ethnographic approach. The experiment was conducted in MI Yatpi Getasrejo Grobogan District. The research data collected in this study contains information on the results of participant observation and respondent's answer is the Principal and Teachers MI Yatpi Getasrejo through interviews. Sources of data in this study include: 1) The informant, which consists of the Principal, teachers, school staff, School Committee, and the surrounding community; 2) Records and documents, 3) records an d documents held Yatpi Getasrejo MI associated with school profiles , vision, and mission, 4) The place and incidents. Methods of data collection in this research with interviews, participant observation and documentation. Based on the results of the study concluded that: (1) Culture of teachers in doing administrative work in MI Yatpi Getasrejo Grobogan district based on the administrative aspects. In preparing the syllabus, the Head of MI Yatpi Getasrejo Sub Grobogan give complete freedom to teachers to develop it. Preparation of annual program and semester programs in MI Yatpi Getasrejo District Grobogan education refers to the calendar that have been defined and developed by subject teachers concerned, as well as the preparation of implementation plan of learning left entirely to the teacher in question, (2) teachers' work culture in the process learning in MI Yatpi Getasrejo Grobogan District includes 3 (three) activity, which is preliminary, and cover the core activities. Preliminary activities are conducted before the learning activity in MI Yatpi Getasrejo Grobogan District is giving greetings to the children, pray at the beginning of learning, roll students, and also ask for previous learning materials, the homework or assignments. In connection with the implementation process of learning, the use of learning methods in MI Yatpi Getasrejo Grobogan district vary widely, (3) Culture in conducting evaluations of teachers working in MI Yatpi Getasrejo Sub Grobogan be in writing and verbally, and (4) Follow-up results of the evaluation as work culture of teachers in MI Yatpi Getasrejo Grobogan District of improvement and enrichment. Determination of the classification of students for improvement and enrichment refers to the provisions already enacted MI KKM Yatpi Getasrejo Grobogan district average of 60


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    Batobo merupakan kegiatan pertanian yang dilakukan secara berkelompok atau rombongan. Kegiatan ini juga disebut dengan perari atau perhari, yakni mereka bergotong royong mengerjakan lahan pertanian hanya sehari bagi setiap anggota dan dapat juga mengambil upah pada lahan orang lain yang bukan anggota. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kontribusi kegiatan batobo terhadap pendapatan petani di Kecamatan Gunung Toar.  Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survey selanjutnya data di analisis secara  deskriftif, . Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa kontribusi batobo terhadap pendapatan petani sebesar 29,74 % per tahun (Rp 7.000.000/anggota/tahun). Budaya batobo ini dapat dijadikan sebagai alternatif untuk membangun ekonomi keluarga.   Kata Kunci : batobo, pendapatan. kontribus

    Invers Moore-Penrose pada Matriks Turiyam Simbolik Real

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    The symbolic Turiyam matrix is a matrix whose entries contain symbolic Turiyam. Inverse matrices can generally be determined if the matrix is a non-singular square matrix. Currently the inverse of the symbolic Turiyam matrix of size m × n with m 6= n can be determined by the Moore-Penrose inverse. The purpose of this research is to determine the inverse Moore-Penrose algorithm on a real symbolic Turiyam matrix of size m × n with m 6= n. Algebraic operations on symbolic Turiyam is a method used to obtain the Moore-Penrose inverse on real symbolic Turiyam matrices by applying symbolic Turiyam algebraic operations on the concept of Moore-Penrose inverses. The main result obtained is the inverse Moore-Penrose algorithm on the real symbolic Turiyam matrix. The demonstration example given shows that the Moore-Penrose inverse on a real symbolic Turiyam matrix always exists even though the matrix is not a square matrix
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