917 research outputs found

    Generation of Total Angular Momentum Eigenstates in Remote Qubits

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    We propose a scheme enabling the universal coupling of angular momentum of NN remote noninteracting qubits using linear optical tools only. Our system consists of NN single-photon emitters in a Λ\Lambda-configuration that are entangled among their long-lived ground-state qubits through suitably designed measurements of the emitted photons. In this manner, we present an experimentally feasible algorithm that is able to generate any of the 2N2^N symmetric and nonsymmetric total angular momentum eigenstates spanning the Hilbert space of the NN-qubit compound.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, improved presentation. Accepted in Physical Review

    A versatile source of polarization-entangled photons

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    We propose a method for the generation of a large variety of entangled states, encoded in the polarization degrees of freedom of N photons, within the same experimental setup. Starting with uncorrelated photons, emitted from N arbitrary single photon sources, and using linear optical tools only, we demonstrate the creation of all symmetric states, e.g., GHZ- and W-states, as well as all symmetric and non-symmetric total angular momentum eigenstates of the N qubit compound.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Mid-Infrared Optical Frequency Combs based on Difference Frequency Generation for Molecular Spectroscopy

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    Mid-infrared femtosecond optical frequency combs were produced by difference frequency generation of the spectral components of a near-infrared comb in a 3-mm-long MgO:PPLN crystal. We observe strong pump depletion and 9.3 dB parametric gain in the 1.5 \mu m signal, which yields powers above 500 mW (3 \mu W/mode) in the idler with spectra covering 2.8 \mu m to 3.5 \mu m. Potential for broadband, high-resolution molecular spectroscopy is demonstrated by absorption spectra and interferograms obtained by heterodyning two combs.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Takagi-Taupin Description of X-ray Dynamical Diffraction from Diffractive Optics with Large Numerical Aperture

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    We present a formalism of x-ray dynamical diffraction from volume diffractive optics with large numerical aperture and high aspect ratio, in an analogy to the Takagi-Taupin equations for strained single crystals. We derive a set of basic equations for dynamical diffraction from volume diffractive optics, which enable us to study the focusing property of these optics with various grating profiles. We study volume diffractive optics that satisfy the Bragg condition to various degrees, namely flat, tilted and wedged geometries, and derive the curved geometries required for ultimate focusing. We show that the curved geometries satisfy the Bragg condition everywhere and phase requirement for point focusing, and effectively focus hard x-rays to a scale close to the wavelength.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figure

    Versatile silicon-waveguide supercontinuum for coherent mid-infrared spectroscopy

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    Infrared spectroscopy is a powerful tool for basic and applied science. The molecular spectral fingerprints in the 3 um to 20 um region provide a means to uniquely identify molecular structure for fundamental spectroscopy, atmospheric chemistry, trace and hazardous gas detection, and biological microscopy. Driven by such applications, the development of low-noise, coherent laser sources with broad, tunable coverage is a topic of great interest. Laser frequency combs possess a unique combination of precisely defined spectral lines and broad bandwidth that can enable the above-mentioned applications. Here, we leverage robust fabrication and geometrical dispersion engineering of silicon nanophotonic waveguides for coherent frequency comb generation spanning 70 THz in the mid-infrared (2.5 um to 6.2 um). Precise waveguide fabrication provides significant spectral broadening and engineered spectra targeted at specific mid-infrared bands. We use this coherent light source for dual-comb spectroscopy at 5 um.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figure

    Changes of the phagosomal elemental concentrations by Mycobacterium tuberculosis Mramp

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    Pathogenic mycobacteria survive within phagosomes which are thought to represent a nutrient-restricted environment. Divalent cation transporters of the Nramp family in phagosomes and mycobacteria (Mramp) may compete for metals that are crucial for bacterial survival. The elemental concentrations in phagosomes of macrophages infected with wild-type Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis strain H37Rv) and a M. tuberculosis Mramp knockout mutant (Mramp-KO), derived from a clinical isolate isogenic to the strain MT103, were compared. Time points of 1 and 24 h after infection of mouse peritoneal macrophages (bcgS) were compared in both cases. Increased concentrations of P, Ni and Zn and reduced Cl concentration in Mramp-KO after 1 h of infection were observed, compared to M. tuberculosis vacuoles. After 24 h of infection, significant differences in the P, Cl and Zn concentrations were still present. The Mramp-KO phagosome showed a significant increase of P, Ca, Mn, Fe and Zn concentrations between 1 and 24 h after infection, while the concentrations of K and Ni decreased. In the M. tuberculosis vacuole, the Fe concentration showed a similar increase, while the Cl concentration decreased. The fact that the concentration of several divalent cations increased in the Mramp-KO strain suggests that Mramp may have no impact on the import of these divalent cations into the mycobacterium, but may function as a cation efflux pump. The concordant increase of Fe concentrations within M. tuberculosis, as well as within the Mramp-KO vacuoles, implies that Mramp, in contrast to siderophores, might not be important for the attraction of Fe and its retention in phagosomes of unstimulated macrophages