31 research outputs found

    Floristic Inventory and Evaluation of Carbon Sequestration Potential of the Misomuni Forest Massif, Kikwit City (Democratic Republic of the Congo)

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    The aim of this study was to inventory plant biodiversity and to evaluate the carbon sequestration potential of the Misomuni forest massif. An inventory of all trees with diameter at breast height (dbh) ≥ 10 cm measured at 1.30 m height was performed. The aerial biomass (AGB) was used for estimating the stored CO2 and its carbon equivalent. 88 plant species belonging to 71 genera and 32 families were inventoried. Fabaceae family displayed the highest number of species and genera. The highest basal area values were displayed by Scorodophloeus zenkeri (7.34 ± 2.45 m2 /ha), Brachystegia laurentii (5.82 ± 1.94 m2 /ha), Entandrophragma utile (5.28 ± 1.94 m2 /ha), Pentadesma butyracea (4.53 ± 1.51 m2 /ha). The highest values of stored carbon and their carbon equivalent were observed in Pentadesma butyracea (15.13 ± 5.00 and 50.55 ± 16.85 t/ha), Picralima nitida (7.02 ± 2.34 and 23.66 ± 7.88 t/ha), Strombosia tetandra (6.56 ± 2.18 and 22.10 ± 7.36 t/ha). The Misomuni forest massif is thus much floristically diversified and plays a significant role in the sequestration of CO2. The total AGB of the inventoried trees is 183.78 ± 61.26 t/ha corresponding to stored carbon and carbon equivalent of 96.63 ± 32.21 t/ha and 289.92 ± 96.64 t/ha respectively. The protection of this ecosystem is highly needed for combatting climatic changes at local, national and regional scales and for the conservation biodiversity habitat

    The application of gold surfaces and particles in nanotechnology

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    Gold is widely used in nanotechnology, for example as a substrate in forming self-assembled monolayers or as nanoparticles for their unique optical and chemical properties. In this paper we give an overview of the properties of gold relevant to its potential application in molecular-scale devices and present some of our recent computational predictions. Density functional calculations of molecular adsorption onto gold surfaces were used to investigate the effect of surface symmetry and identify new linking schemes for self-assembled monolayers. Adsorption energies of methythiolate (SCH3) onto the (111), 9100) and (110) surfaces of gold are predicted to be 39.3, 48.4 and 51.1 kcal/mol respectively and demonstrate that selective functionalisation of the surfaces is possible. Phosphine molecules with at least two hydrogen atoms substituted for methyl groups are predicted to form Au-P surface bonds with energies of about 13-20 kcal/mol

    Energy Efficient Coatings in The Nanohouse TM Initiative

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    Abstract The University of Technology, Sydney (UTS), in collaboration with CSIRO has created the Nanohouse TM initiative, a concept that serves as the conceptual framework for various pedagogical, scientific, architectural and engineering activities at the University. Housing is a significant item in both personal and regional budgets, and the Nanohouse TM therefore serves as a powerful vehicle for demonstrating nanotechnologies. One of the major energy-efficient components of the Nanohouse TM are nano-engineered coatings and films for transparent and translucent surfaces that modify their optical properties. These nanostructured materials can provide wavelength-selective control of reflection, absorption and transmission of light as well as angular selectivity for directional control, making it possible to design houses that have very large windows and skylights, but which nevertheless remain cool in summer and warm in winter. We have already made significant progress towards the development of these nanotechnologies. In this paper will be discuss the design and performance of these optically controllable nano-coatings and their application to the Nanohouse TM

    Ethnobotanical Study of Some Medicinal Species Used in Kimvula City (Kongo Central/ RDC)

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    This study has been conducted at Kimvula city. The goal was to investigate the medicinal plants used in that city. Thus, any ethnobotanical survey has been realized on the use of the plants in six towns by direct interviews among 180 peoples with an average of age comprise between 17- 70 years old with high representatives of women. This study has allowed us to establish a floristic list of 188 medicinal species belonging in 158 genera and 69 families where Fabaceae dominant group. Anemia was indications mostly cited as a sickness threated by using plants. Concerning the characteristics of the treatment preparation, leaves are the plant’s organs mostly used; decoction is the preparation way cited and the oral admistration is the administration way for those medicinal drugs. Morinda morindoides, Ocimum gratissimum, Disphania ambrosioïdes and Moringa oleifera have the VAUs superior or eaual to 1.10. There is not a link concerning the use of plants between the inhabitant of group 1 and the inhabitant of group 2. By the wah, that there is a link concerning the use of plants between the Lona, Winda, Pado, Revolution and Kinata neighborhoods (Group 2). Three sspcies characterized the group 1 like: Clematis hirsuta, Saccharum officinarum and Voacanga africana, and four especies Ceiba pentandra, Indigofera paracapitata, Maprounea africana and Ochna afzelii characterized the group 2

    Ethnobotanical and floristic study of some medicinal plant species sold in Kinshasa city, Democratic Republic of Congo

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    According to the WHO, more than 80% of the population in Africa resort to traditional medicine to solve primary health problem. In the present study, an ethnobotanical survey was carried out according to a stratified probabilistic sampling plan in five markets of the district of Mont-Amba, in Kinshasa city. The ethnobotanical data collected were then supplemented by information concerning plant ecological types. 47 species belonging 44 genera and 29 families were inventoried in the medicinal flora of the District of Mont-Amba. These plant species are used in treating 41 diseases but only the treatment of poison (toxicological hepatitis), sexual weakness, malaria and tooth decay received an informant consensus factor ? 50%. According to the value of agreement use, only the following eight plant species are of interest: Aframomum melegueta, Garcinia kola, Gladiolus gregarius, Gongronema latifolium, Heinsia crinita, Morinda morindoides, Quassia africana and Sarcocephalus latifolius. It is thus desirable that studies should be carried out on these eight plant species in order to collect scientific data for guiding future research on the phytochemistry and the bioactivity which will lead to the domestication of raw materials for the development of improved plant-based medicines. Also, the creation of a botanical garden of medicinal plants will be able to contribute to the safeguard of the medically active plants, the diffusion of knowledge, medical and pharmaceutical experiences and sociocultural exchanges

    Étude ethnobotanique et floristique de quelques plantes médicinales commercialisées à Kinshasa, République Démocratique du Congo

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    According to the WHO, more than 80% of the population in Africa resort to traditional medicine to solve primary health problem. In the present study, an ethnobotanical survey was carried out according to a stratified probabilistic sampling plan in five markets of the district of Mont-Amba, in Kinshasa city. The ethnobotanical data collected were then supplemented by information concerning plant ecological types. 47 species belonging 44 genera and 29 families were inventoried in the medicinal flora of the District of Mont-Amba. These plant species are used in treating 41 diseases but only the treatment of poison (toxicological hepatitis), sexual weakness, malaria and tooth decay received an informant consensus factor ? 50%. According to the value of agreement use, only the following eight plant species are of interest: Aframomum melegueta, Garcinia kola, Gladiolus gregarius, Gongronema latifolium, Heinsia crinita, Morinda morindoides, Quassia africana and Sarcocephalus latifolius. It is thus desirable that studies should be carried out on these eight plant species in order to collect scientific data for guiding future research on the phytochemistry and the bioactivity which will lead to the domestication of raw materials for the development of improved plant-based medicines. Also, the creation of a botanical garden of medicinal plants will be able to contribute to the safeguard of the medically active plants, the diffusion of knowledge, medical and pharmaceutical experiences and sociocultural exchanges. Keywords: Ethno-botanical survey, medicinal plant species, sustainable management, conservation, Democratic Republic of the CongoSelon l’OMS, plus de 80% de la population africaine recourt à la médecine traditionnelle pour résoudre le problème de santé primaire. Dans la présente étude, une enquête ethnobotanique a été menée selon un plan d’échantillonnage stratifié probabiliste dans cinq marchés du district de Mont-Amba. Les données ethnobotaniques recueillies ont ensuite été complétées par des informations concernant les types écologiques. 47 espèces appartenant 44 genres et 29 familles ont été inventoriées dans la flore médicinale du District de Mont-Amba à Kinshasa. Ces plantes traitent 41 maladies, cependant seuls les traitements du poison (hépatite toxicologique), de la faiblesse sexuelle, du paludisme et de la carie dentaire ont un facteur de consensus informateur ? 50 %. En recourant à la valeur d’accord d’utilisation, seules huit plantes se dégagent du lot, notamment Aframomum melegueta, Garcinia kola, Gladiolus gregarius, Gongronema latifolium, Heinsia crinita, Morinda morindoides, Quassia africana et Sarcocephalus latifolius. Il est donc souhaitable que des études soient réalisées sur ces huit plantes en vue de recueillir les données scientifiques pouvant orienter les recherches pharmaco-biologiques et phytochimiques futures et susceptibles de conduire à la domestication des matières premières pour la fabrication de médicaments traditionnels améliorés. Aussi, la création d’un jardin botanique de plantes médicinales pourra contribuer à la sauvegarde des espèces bioactives, à la diffusion et à l’échange des connaissances et des expériences médico-pharmaceutiques et socio-culturelles. Mots-cléfs: Enquête ethnobotanique, Plantes médicinales, Gestion durable, Conservation, République démocratique du Cong

    The interface structure of n-alkylthiolate self-assembled monolayers on coinage metal surfaces

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    The current state of understanding of the structure of the metal/thiolate interface of n-alkylthiolate self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) on Cu(111), Ag(111) and Au(111) is reviewed. On Cu(111) and Ag(111) there is now clear evidence that adsorbate-induced reconstruction of the outermost metal layer occurs to a less atomically-dense structure, with the S head-group atom bonded to four-fold and three-fold coordinated hollow sites, respectively, and that intermolecular interaction plays some role in the periodicity of the resulting SAMs. On the far more heavily-studied Au(111) surface, the detailed interface structure remains controversial, but there is growing evidence for the role of Au-adatom-thiolate moieties in the layer ordering

    The effect of surface symmetry on the adsorption energetics of SCH <inf>3</inf> on gold surfaces studied using Density Functional Theory

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    Adsorption of methanethiol onto the three, high symmetry gold surfaces has been studied at the density functional level using a linear combination of atomic orbitals approach. In all three cases the bond energy between the thiolate radical and surface is typical of a covalent bond, and is of the order of 40 kcal mol-1. For the (1 1 1) surface the fcc hollow site is slightly more stable than the bridge site. For the (1 0 0) surfaces the four-fold hollow is clearly the most stable, and for the reconstructed (1 1 0) surface the bridge/edge sites either side of the first layer atoms are preferred. The calculated differences in binding energy between the three surfaces indicate that the thiolate will preferentially bind to the Au(1 1 0) or (1 0 0) before (1 1 1) surface, by about 10 kcal mol-1. The (1 1 0) surface is slightly more favourable than the (1 0 0), although the energy difference is only 3 kcal mol-1. The results suggest the possibility of selectively functionalising the different facets offered by a gold nanoparticle. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Energy-efficient coatings in the Nanohouseâ„¢ Initiative

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    The University of Technology Sydney (UTS), in collaboration with CSIRO has created the Nanohouse™ Initiative, a concept that serves as the conceptual framework for various pedagogical, scientific, architectural and engineering activities at the University. Housing is a significant item in both personal and regional budgets, and the Nanohouse™ therefore serves as a powerful vehicle for demonstrating nanotechnologies. One of the major energy-efficient components of the Nanohouse™ are nanoengineered coatings and films for transparent and translucent surfaces that modify their optical properties. These nanostructured materials can provide wavelength-selective control of reflection, absorption and transmission of light as well as angular selectivity for directional control, making it possible to design houses that have very large windows and skylights, but which nevertheless remain cool in summer and warm in winter. We have already made significant progress towards the development of these nanotechnologies. In this paper will be discuss the design and performance of these optically controllable nanocoatings and their application to the Nanohouse™. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Etude phytosociologique de la région de Kikwit (Bandundu, rép. dém. du Congo)

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