456 research outputs found

    Conservation and Reassessment of an Overlooked Skeletal Collection Preserved Since 1901 at the Museum of Anthropology “G. Sergi”, Rome

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    The osteological investigation of archived and historic skeletal collections can often provide clues to how they were organised and managed, offering key osteobiographical insight into past populations. A small, yet significant, collection of skulls housed at the Museum “Giuseppe Sergi” of the Sapienza University of Rome, remained anonymous prior to a recent reassessment protocol started in 2018. This collection was excavated from a funerary area discovered during the 19th century from the site of Castel Trosino (Ascoli Piceno, Italy). The cemetery was part of an important community during the Longobard domination of Italy, as testified by the richness of the cultural artefacts reported with the burials. The 19 skulls presented in this paper are the only ones available for assessment; all the others were lost shortly after the first excavation. Their importance is related to providing a better understanding of biological evidence of a community that lived in Italy during the Early Middle Ages.Attraverso la chiave di lettura osteobiografica, l'indagine di collezioni scheletriche storiche custodite presso Musei e Soprintendenze può fornire nuovi indizi per la loro storia degli studi. Una piccola ma significativa collezione di crani, ospitata presso il Museo "Giuseppe Sergi" della Sapienza Università di Roma, è rimasta anonima fino ad un recente protocollo di indagine iniziato nel 2018. Questa collezione fu recuperata dall'area funeraria scoperta nel corso del XIX secolo nel sito di Castel Trosino (Ascoli Piceno, Italia). Questo cimitero faceva parte di un’importante comunità durante il periodo della dominazione longobarda d'Italia, come testimoniato dalla ricchezza dei corredi recuperati. I 19 crani presentati in questo lavoro sono gli unici disponibili per lo studio, tutti gli altri sono andati persi poco dopo il primo scavo. La loro importanza è legata alla ricerca di una maggiore comprensione delle testimonianze osteologiche della comunità altomedievale di Castel Trosino

    Van der Waals explosion of cold Rydberg clusters

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    We report on the direct measurement in real space of the effect of the van der Waals forces between individual Rydberg atoms on their external degrees of freedom. Clusters of Rydberg atoms with interparticle distances of around 5Îźm are created by first generating a small number of seed excitations in a magneto-optical trap, followed by off-resonant excitation that leads to a chain of facilitated excitation events. After a variable expansion time the Rydberg atoms are field ionized, and from the arrival time distributions the size of the Rydberg cluster after expansion is calculated. Our experimental results agree well with a numerical simulation of the van der Waals explosion

    NMR and biochemical studies

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    RNA‐containing vesicles, recovered from the supernatant of high‐density cell samples of human colon carcinoma, produce a high‐resolution 1H NMR spectrum of lipids characterized by isotropic tumbling; these vesicles contain large amounts of triglycerides and cholesterol esters. Both findings have strict analogies to what is displayed by the proteolipid complexes isolated from the sera of tumor‐bearing patients [(1985) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 82, 3455–3459; (1986) FEBS Lett. 203, 164–168]. Lipid analysis and enzymatic tests indicate that these vesicles are selected micromaps of plasma membranes, analogous to those that can be recovered from culture media in which tumor cells are grown [(1985) Dev. Biol. 3, 33–57]. Peculiar lipids, an acylated oligopeptide and a modified phospholipid, are also present in the vesicles

    KDR receptor: A key marker defining hematopoietic stem cells

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    Studies on pluripotent hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) have been hindered by lack of a positive marker, comparable to the CD34 marker of hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPCs). In human postnatal hematopoietic tissues, 0.1 to 0.5% of CD34+cells expressed vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 (VEGFR2, also known as KDR). Pluripotent HSCs were restricted to the CD34+KDR+cell fraction. Conversely, lineage-committed HPCs were in the CD34+KDR-subset. On the basis of limiting dilution analysis, the HSC frequency in the CD34+KDR+fraction was 20 percent in bone marrow (BM) by mouse xenograft assay and 25 to 42 percent in BM, peripheral blood, and cord blood by 12-week long-term culture (LTC) assay. The latter values rose to 53 to 63 percent in LTC supplemented with VEGF and to greater than 95 percent for the cell subfraction resistant to growth factor starvation. Thus, KDR is a positive functional marker defining stem cells and distinguishing them from progenitors

    Teleconsultation service to improve healthcare in rural areas: acceptance, organizational impact and appropriateness

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    Background: Nowadays, new organisational strategies should be indentified to improve primary care and its link with secondary care in terms of efficacy and timeliness of interventions thus preventing unnecessary hospital accesses and costs saving for the health system. The purpose of this study is to assess the effects of the use of teleconsultation by general practitioners in rural areas. Methods: General practitioners were provided with a teleconsultation service from 2006 to 2008 to obtain a second opinion for cardiac, dermatological and diabetic problems. Access, acceptance, organisational impact, effectiveness and economics data were collected. Clinical and access data were systematically entered in a database while acceptance and organisational data were evaluated through ad hoc questionnaires. Results: There were 957 teleconsultation contacts which resulted in access to health care services for 812 symptomatic patients living in 30 rural communities. Through the teleconsultation service, 48 general practitioners improved the appropriateness of primary care and the integration with secondary care. In fact, the level of concordance between intentions and consultations for cardiac problems was equal to 9%, in 86% of the cases the service entailed a saving of resources and in 5% of the cases, it improved the timeliness. 95% of the GPs considered the overall quality positively. For a future routine use of this service, trust in specialists, duration and workload of teleconsultations and reimbursement should be taken into account. Conclusions: Managerial and policy implications emerged mainly related to the support to GPs in the provision of high quality primary care and decision-making processes in promoting similar services

    Imaging Light Responses of Foveal Ganglion Cells in the Living Macaque Eye

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    The fovea dominates primate vision, and its anatomy and perceptual abilities are well studied, but its physiology has been little explored because of limitations of current physiological methods. In this study, we adapted a novel in vivo imaging method, originally developed in mouse retina, to explore foveal physiology in the macaque, which permits the repeated imaging of the functional response of many retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) simultaneously. A genetically encoded calcium indicator, G-CaMP5, was inserted into foveal RGCs, followed by calcium imaging of the displacement of foveal RGCs from their receptive fields, and their intensity-response functions. The spatial offset of foveal RGCs from their cone inputs makes this method especially appropriate for fovea by permitting imaging of RGC responses without excessive light adaptation of cones. This new method will permit the tracking of visual development, progression of retinal disease, or therapeutic interventions, such as insertion of visual prostheses

    Antioxidant Properties of the Mung Bean Flavonoids on Alleviating Heat Stress

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    Background: It is a widespread belief in Asian countries that mung bean soup (MBS) may afford a protective effect against heat stress. Lack of evidence supports MBS conferring a benefit in addition to water. Results: Here we show that vitexin and isovitexin are the major antioxidant components in mungbean (more than 96 % of them existing in the bean seed coat), and both of them could be absorbed via gavage into rat plasma. In the plasma of rats fed with mungbean coat extract before or after exposure to heat stress, the levels of malonaldehyde and activities of lactate dehydrogenase and nitric oxide synthase were remarkably reduced; the levels of total antioxidant capacity and glutathione (a quantitative assessment of oxidative stress) were significantly enhanced. Conclusions: Our results demonstrate that MBS can play additional roles to prevent heat stress injury. Characterization of the mechanisms underlying mungbean beneficial effects should help in the design of diet therapy strategies to alleviate heat stress, as well as provide reference for searching natural medicines against oxidative stress induced diseases
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