219 research outputs found

    Theoretical analysis of anisotropic upper critical field of superconductivity in nodal-line semimetals

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    We study the properties of the upper critical field of superconductivity in nodal-line semimetals in a continuous model, which has a nodal-line on the kz=0k_{z} = 0 plane. Using the semiclassical Green's function method, we calculate the upper critical field for the two limiting cases: the dirty limit with many impurities and the clean limit with few impurities. The results show the large anisotropy of the magnitude of the upper critical field and the unusual temperature dependence. The obtained results are compared with recent experimental data of PbTaSe2_{2}.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Benchmarks of subcriticality in accelerator-driven system at Kyoto University Critical Assembly

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    Basic research on the accelerator-driven system is conducted by combining U-235-fueled and Th-232-loaded cores in the Kyoto University Critical Assembly with the pulsed neutron generator (14 MeV neutrons) and the proton beam accelerator (100 MeV protons with a heavy metal target). The results of experimental subcriticality are presented with a wide range of subcriticality level between near critical and 10,000 pcm, as obtained by the pulsed neutron source method, the Feynman-alpha method, and the neutron source multiplication method

    Laparoscopic fundoplication for neurologically impaired adolescents with severe scoliosis

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    AbstractLaparoscopic antireflux procedure for patients with severe scoliosis is often challenging, as the esophageal hiatus lies in an extremely deep position and is frequently rotated. Reports regarding the clinical results of laparoscopic fundoplication are scarce, especially in patients with severe scoliosis. In this study, laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication was applied to seven adolescent patients aged between 19 and 29 years with neurological impairment and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The scoliosis among them was considerably severe with a median Cobb angle of 131°. Follow-up was conducted with a median period of 7.8 years. There was no intraoperative complication or recurrence of GERD. Two patients required tracheostomy, and one died due to recurrent pneumonia after fundoplication. Our experience suggested the feasibility of laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication with an arrangement of port layout even in neurologically impaired adolescents with severe scoliosis. As recurrent aspiration pneumonia can persist after fundoplication in some patients, an anti-aspiration procedure may be considered to achieve a higher quality of life

    Thrust Measurement of a Multicycle Partially Filled Pulse Detonation Rocket Engine

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    In the present research, we experimentally verified the partial-fill effect in a multicycle pulse detonation rocketengine. The intermittent thrust of a pulse detonation rocket engine was measured by using a spring-dampermechanism that smoothed this intermittent thrust in the time direction. The intermittent mass flow rates wereassessed by gas cylinder pressure or mass difference measurement. The maximum specific impulse was 305 9 s atan ethylene and oxygen propellant fill fraction of 0:130 0:004. When the fill fraction was greater than 0.130, thespecific impulse was increased as the partial-fill fraction was decreased. When the fill fraction was less than 0.130, thespecific impulse was sharply decreased as the partial-fill fraction was decreased. This decrease was due to diffusionbetween propellant and purge gases and the short length of the transition from deflagration to detonation. Themulticycle pulse detonation rocket engine had a partial-fill effect that may have been mainly due to the suctioned airand was consistent with the single-cycle partial-fill model of Endo et al

    Neutron Generation Time in Highly-Enriched Uranium Core at Kyoto University Critical Assembly

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    At the Kyoto University Critical Assembly experiments on kinetics parameters are carried out at near-critical configurations, supercritical and subcritical states, in the thermal neutron spectrum made with a highly enriched uranium fuel. The main calculated kinetics parameters, the effective delayed neutron fraction (βeff) and the neutron generation time (Ʌ), are used effectively for the estimation of experimental parameters, and the accuracy of experiments on prompt neutron decay constant (α) and subcriticality (ρ)indollarunitsisattainedbythenumericalresultsofβeffandɅ.Furthermore,thevalueofβeff/Ʌisexperimentallydeducedwiththeuseoftheexperimentalresultsofαandρ) in dollar units is attained by the numerical results of βeff and Ʌ. Furthermore, the value of βeff/Ʌ is experimentally deduced with the use of the experimental results of α and ρ, ranging between 250 and −80 pcm. Thus, the experimentally deduced values of βeff/Ʌ that reveal good accuracy through a comparison with those by the MCNP6.1 calculations with JENDL-4.0 are then taken as an index of Ʌ by introducing an acceptable assumption of βeff at near-critical configurations. From the results of experimental and numerical analyses, the experimental value of βeff/Ʌ is important for the validation of Ʌ since kinetics parameters are successfully obtained from the clean cores of near-critical configurations in the thermal neutron spectrum

    A comparative profile of urinary scent signals of two endangered Japanese populations of leopard cat

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    Two subspecies of mainland leopard cats (Prionailurus bengalensis), Iriomote cats (Prionailurus bengalensis iriomotensis), and Tsushima leopard cats (Prionailurus bengalensis euptilurus), are small, endangered felids that are endemic to the Japanese islands, Iriomote-jima and Tsushima, respectively. Both subspecies have an estimated population size of only about 100 individuals each. Therefore, it is crucial to expand our understanding of these subspecies to successfully conserve them. While their morphology, anatomy, ecology, pathology, and genetics are well studied, little is known about their physiology regulated in subspecies-specific manners. This study characterized their urinary volatile and nonvolatile organic compounds, with which individuals express their physiological status and territorial ownership. We found significantly higher levels of 3-mercapto-3-methyl-1-butanol and its structural analogs, which are scent signals of domestic cats, in the urinary headspace of Iriomote cats than in that of Tsushima leopard cats. There were no differences in the urinary levels of felinine, an amino acid that acts as a precursor of 3-mercapto-3-methyl-1-butanol, suggesting the variation of catalytic activities for decomposing felinine to 3-mercapto-3-methyl-1-butanol between subspecies. Both subspecies exhibited physiological proteinuria due to the secretion of carboxylesterase 5A, also known as cauxin, for the production of felinine. In conclusion, while the two endangered Japanese subspecies of mainland leopard cats share similar genetic backgrounds, urinary contents of metabolites vary between the subspecies. We suggest that after the separation into two subspecies, the regulation of the metabolic pathway for 3-mercapto-3-methyl-1-butanol production likely evolved differently in each subspecies in response to their specific environments

    Hydrophobic Cellulose Fiber Surfaces modified with 2,2,3,3,3-pentafluoropropylmethacrylate (FMA) by Vapor-Phase Assisted Photo-Polymerization

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    We report a simple method to produce a hydrophobic surface created by continual vapor-phase-assisted surface photopolymerization (photo-VASP) of 2,2,3,3,3-pentafluoropropylmethacrylate (FMA), which affords control over the chemical and physical properties of unique substrate surfaces without inducing any morphological changes. The photo-VASP approach was able to modify the surface of cellulose fiber substrates such as a typical, complicated, flexible and soft substrate while maintaining their original properties, imparting superior water repellency without compromising the original tactile nature of the material. The substrate surface was consecutively exposed to the vaporized initiator and monomer FMA under ultraviolet irradiation to start photopolymerization, resulting in selective coating of the irradiated surface with polymer chains. The cellulose fibers coated by the thin polymer layer retained their original tactile nature and demonstrated superior water repellency, with a controlled static contact angle >130°