193 research outputs found

    Using PXRD to Investigate the Crystallization of Highly Concentrated Emulsions of NH4NO3

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    The process of crystallization of highly concentrated emulsions of ammonium nitrate can be studied using powder X-ray diffraction. The dispersed particles comprise a supercooled aqueous solution of the ammonium nitrate salt and are dispersed in a paraffin-based oil. This results in a thermodynamically unstable system that ‘ages’ with time resulting in changes in rheological properties and its phase composition where the collapse of the supercooled aqueous solution forms the crystallized salt. The crystallization processes of these emulsions are kinetically slow and can take up to a few months to crystallize completely. The general approach to this type of analysis is to determine the change in crystalline diffraction peak intensities relative to the halo due to the amorphous content. However, there are a number of problems associated with this method which are addressed by using Rietveld refinement methods which can take into account factors such as preferred orientation, crystallite size variations and mixtures of solid phases. The study showed that the ammonium nitrate emulsions kept at room temperature slowly crystallize predominantly to the room temperature solid ammonium nitrate phase IV. However, depending on the formulations used some samples showed crystallization to the high temperature ammonium nitrate phase II before changing to phase IV. The crystallization change could be modelled by the well-known JMAK kinetic relationship.Keywords:  Ammonium nitrate emulsion, crystallinity, X-ray diffractio

    Ideological grounds determination in Latin American history and culture

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    The relevance of the problem under study is conditioned by the importance of the Mexican scientist, philosopher, historian of culture and a public figure Leopoldo Zea and his scientific heritage for the world Latin American studies. The article is aimed at main ideological grounds determination for his unique methodological approach to the history and the culture of Latin America. An important element of this publication is the systematization of scattered historiographic information devoted to the reconstruction and the study of the scientific concept by Leopoldo Zea. The practical importance of the methodological approach by Leopoldo Zea should be noted especially. The methodology developed by him turned out to be applicable to historical and cultural studies of non-European regions of the world. The leading approach to the study of this problem is the interdisciplinary approach, in which the main research method - the method of comparative analysis aimed at the revealing of the author's methodology general grounds by Leopoldo Zea with the well-known Western European methodologies of the second half of the 20th century and his own methodological innovations. The main results of the article are represented by an integrated approach to research problems. The materials of the article can be useful to develop the lecture materials for the students studying a wide range of social-humanitarian educational programs during the selection of the methodological approach in anthropological, historical, cultural, artistic, scientific and philosophical research.peer-reviewe


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    This article is devoted to the scene from the number of vignettes-illustrations of the Book of the Dead in the last phase of its existence, the Ptolemaic Period. This scene is a part of illustrations to the Chapter 17 of the Book of the Dead; it shows the four Sons of Horus and the "burial of Osiris”. The Ptolemaic sources were chosen for this analysis because of their quantity and a big percentage of them being unpublished. The previously compiled basis of sources had the total of 90 Books of the Dead, from which 69 are papyri and 21 are mummy bandages. The first step of compositional and typological analysis was in detecting the basic elements of the scene, which were: Duamutef, Hapi, Qebehsenuf, Amseti and the "burial of Osiris”. There was also detected a relatively stable element – the head of the deceased, which is often located on the top of the "burial of Osiris”. Variable characteristics were also examined. There were defined the two major compositional types of the scene according to the disposition of gods towards the "burial of Osiris”. One type was called "linear” because of placing gods in a row, by two on each side of the "burial”; the other was called "square” because of placing gods one under another, by two on each side of the "burial”. The allocation of each god in the composition of the scene was also considered. Our attention was also paid to the direction of the sight of the deceased and to the stylistic details of a decoration of each element of the scene. The glossary of all conceptualized terms was made and placed in the Appendix 1 of this article. Appendix 2 is a table of all of the detected features of the scene in each source. This table is organized by the type of the source (papyri or mummy bandage) and by their origin inside the first types. The text of the article is performed in the method of the descriptive analysis, where the common and diverse features are determined inside the groups. After the description of all of the groups of sources the general statistics is compiled. This statistics concerns the major variations of the features of the scene. Some intriguing, but less numerous features are also taken into account. The analysis of the whole variety of the composition of the scene and its decorative and stylistic features uncovered many striking details in the iconography of the scene. It was found that the division of the Ptolemaic Books of the Dead according to the stylistic features into Theban, Memphite and Achmim traditions is not manifested in the scene with the Sons of Horus and the "burial of Osiris”. Only some patterns were found in the Memphite papyri; the other schools introduce a great variety in the composition and in decorative elements (which are also similar for different schools). The basic compositional features are almost stable in all of the sources. With a small number of exceptions, the scene has a range of the permanent elements: the four Sons of Horus, the "burial of Osiris” and the head of the deceased on it. Allocations of these elements are fixed (with only two types of disposition of the Sons of Horus and only a few exceptions). Some more stable features of the scene were found in depiction of the Sons of Horus in the form of the canopic jars and vertically elongated form of the "burial of Osiris”. There was also found a regularity in allocations of the gods towards each other. The most constant type of disposition was found in placement of Duamutef and Amseti on one side of the "burial”, while Hapi and Qebehsenuf were placed on the other side. In this dispositional type there was also one more pattern: Duamutef and Qebehsenuf are placed vis-à-vis in the same way as do Amseti and Hapi (in the linear compositions these pairs of gods stand either on the outside positions or on the middle ones). A marked tendency in decoration of the "burial” was also distinguished: the basement of the "burial” is constantly decorated by the vertical lines and the mound on it by concentric lines. The rest of the details concern only decorative features of the elements and do not have the prevailing spread.Статья посвящена сцене из ряда виньеток-иллюстраций Книги мертвых в последней фазе ее существования – Птолемеевском периоде. Проводится композиционно-типологический анализ сцены – определяются ее устойчивые черты, выделяются имеющиеся вариации композиции и ее декоративных и стилистических особенностей.Статтю присвячено сцені з числа віньєток-ілюстрацій Книги мертвих в останній фазі її іс- нування – Птолемеївській добі. Проводиться композиційно-типологічний аналіз сцени: визначають- ся її риси, виділяються наявні варіації композиції та декоративних і стилістичних особливостей


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    The article is devoted to the scene from the number of vignettes-illustrations of the Book of the Dead in the last phase of its existence, the Ptolemaic Period. Some interesting features of the scene were distinguished, according to the previously made compositional and typological analysis. These features are linked with dispositions of the four gods, theChildren of Horus, in the composition of the scene. The most general disposition of gods between each other wasdetermined, what gave an opportunity to interpret this feature. Semantic interpretation was made according to the spatialand anthropogenic conceptions of ancient Egyptians, who connected the Children of Horus with cardinal points and withthe limbs of a person.Статья посвящена одной из сцен из числа виньеток-иллюстраций Книги мертвых в последней фазе ее существования – Птолемеевском периоде. На базе предварительного композиционно-типологического анализа были выявлены специфические черты в композиции сцены, касающиеся размещения ее основных элементов – детей Хора. Была выявлена наиболее распространенная диспозиция богов по отношению друг к другу, что дало возможность проанализировать эту черту. Предложена семантическая интерпретация сцены в контексте спатиальных и антропогонических представлений древних египтян, которые связывали детей Хора со сторонами света и с конечностями человека.Статтю присвячено сцені з числа віньєток-ілюстрацій Книги мертвих в останній фазі її існування – Птолемеївському періоді. На базі попереднього композиційно-типологічного аналізу було виявлено специфічні риси сцени, що стосуються розташування богів, дітей Хора, у композиції сцени. Було виявлено найбільш поширену диспозицію богів один до одного, що дало можливість інтерпретувати цю рису. Запропоновано семантичну інтерпретацію сцени в контексті спатіальних та антропогонічних уявлень стародавніх єгиптян, що пов’язували дітей Хора зі сторонами світу та з кінцівками людини

    Nonlinear Fokker-Planck Equation in the Model of Asset Returns

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    The Fokker-Planck equation with diffusion coefficient quadratic in space variable, linear drift coefficient, and nonlocal nonlinearity term is considered in the framework of a model of analysis of asset returns at financial markets. For special cases of such a Fokker-Planck equation we describe a construction of exact solution of the Cauchy problem. In the general case, we construct the leading term of the Cauchy problem solution asymptotic in a formal small parameter in semiclassical approximation following the complex WKB-Maslov method in the class of trajectory concentrated functions.Comment: This is a contribution to the Proc. of the Seventh International Conference ''Symmetry in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics'' (June 24-30, 2007, Kyiv, Ukraine), published in SIGMA (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications) at http://www.emis.de/journals/SIGMA


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    The purpose of the research. This research is devoted to the significant phenomenon of locating individual parts of the ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead on the unusual type of sources. Attention is focused on the previously unexplored phenomenon of the Book’s of the Dead text and/or illustrations placement on the funerary stelae – commemorative plates, installed in the tombs and funerary temples of individuals. The place of this type of the sources in the context of the entire volume of the Book of the Dead is considered. The chronological framework of the existence of stelae with text/images from the Book of the Dead is described: all currently known stelae are exemplified. The integration of the main plot into the system of funerary stelae is described. The research methodology applied to this study is the use of the comparative method. Without a comprehensive analysis of the exact sources it made possible the consideration of the phenomenon as a whole. Scientific novelty of the article consists of studying of the fact of placing text and/or illustrations from the Book of the Dead on the funerary stelae. This research helped to trace the way of integration of the Book’s of the Dead motives into the funeral cult system of the stelae owners. Conclusions. This research helped to identify the most popular scene from the Book of the Dead, which was integrated into the funeral stelae system during the New Kingdom. It was determined that the motive of the scene corresponds well to the funeral stelae role and thus, substantiates the usage of this sort of sources for the placement of the Book’s of the Dead vignettes. Цель работы. Статья посвящена знаменательному явлению размещения отдельных частей древнеегипетской Книги мертвых на необычном для нее типе источников. Внимание обращается на ранее не исследованное размещение текста и/или иллюстраций Книги мертвых на погребальных стелах, а именно – памятных табличках, которые устанавливались в гробницах или погребальных храмах частных лиц. Рассматривается место данного типа источников в контексте всего массива Книг мертвых. Описываются хронологические рамки существования стел с текстом/изображениями из Книги мертвых, приводятся примеры всех известных на сегодня стел такого рода. Описывается интегрированность главного сюжета в систему погребальных стел. Методология исследования заключается в использовании компаративного метода. Не вдаваясь во всесторонний анализ конкретных источников, стало возможным рассмотрение самого феномена в целом. Научная новизна статьи состоит в исследовании самого явления размещения текстов и/или иллюстраций Книги мертвых на похоронных стелах. Это исследование помогло проследить, каким образом мотивы Книги мертвых интегрировались в систему похоронного культа владельцев стел. Выводы. Исследование помогло выделить самый популярный сюжет Книги мертвых, который интегрировался в систему похоронных стел во времена Нового царства. Было установлено, что мотив этого сюжета хорошо соотносится с ролью похоронных стел и таким образом обосновывает само использование такого типа источников для размещения виньеток Книги мертвых. Мета роботи. Статтю присвячено вагомому явищу розміщення окремих частин давньоєгипетської Книги мертвих на незвичному для цього типі джерел. Увага зосереджується на раніше не дослідженому спеціально розміщенні тексту та/або ілюстрацій Книги мертвих на похоронних стелах – пам'ятних табличках, що встановлювалися в гробницях або похоронних храмах приватних осіб. Розглядається місце цього типу джерел у контексті всього масиву Книг мертвих. Описуються хронологічні рамки виробництва стел з текстом/зображеннями з Книги мертвих: наводяться приклади всіх відомих на сьогодні такого роду стел. Описується інтегрованість головного сюжету в систему похоронних стел. Методологія дослідження полягає в застосуванні компаративного методу. Не вдаючись до всебічного аналізу кожного конкретного джерела, стало можливим розглянути сам феномен у цілому. Наукова новизна статті полягає у дослідженні самого явища розміщення текстів та/або ілюстрацій Книги мертвих на поховальних стелах. Це дослідження допомогло простежити яким чином мотиви Книги мертвих інтегрувались у систему похоронного культу власників стел. Висновки. Дослідження допомогло виділити найпопулярніший сюжет Книги мертвих, котрий інтегрувався в систему поховальних стел за часів Нового царства. Було встановлено, що мотив цього сюжету добре співвідноситься з роллю поховальних стел, а отже обґрунтовує саме використання цього типу джерела для розміщення віньєток Книги мертвих.

    Dialogue of cultures : concept in Russian humanities

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    The urgency of the problem under study is caused by the lack of a common opinion in the scientific social and humanitarian community about the content of "culture dialogue" concept and the interdisciplinary status of cultural research. The article is aimed at the revealing of the variety of used terms identical to "culture dialogue" and the presentation of a possible classification of values that are laid down in this term depending on the research problem. The leading approach to the study of this problem is the poly-paradigmatic approach, in which the main research method is the comparative analysis method, aimed at the comparison of existing definitions, the determination of their common and specific base components. The main results of the article represent the approaches to the definition of "culture dialogue" existing in the Russian humanitarian field. The materials of the article can be useful to develop the lecture materials for the students studying a wide range of social humanitarian educational programs, during the selection of a methodological approach in anthropological, historical, cultural, artistic, scientific and philosophical studies.peer-reviewe

    The Soviet Underground Outcrops: Artistic Recognition and Transitional Field of Contemporary Art in Post-Soviet Russia

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    Umjetničko prepoznavanje „neslužbene” sovjetske umjetnosti rezultat je uzajamnog utjecaja novonastalog privatnog medijskog sektora, koji više ne podliježe ograničenjima države, i disidentske umjetnosti prošlih generacija koje su stvorile cijeli jedan svijet koji umjetnička profesija do tada nije istraživala. Autorice analiziraju strukture umreženosti kritičara i umjetnika u ovom razdoblju i objašnjavaju kako se oblikovala zajednica umjetnika i kritičara, kakva je njezina struktura i kako su tokovi informacija pomagali umjetnicima da dosegnu višu razinu prepoznatljivosti. Analiza baze podataka ilustrirala je i potvrdila posebnu značajku tog sustava, a to je da jedna osoba može istovremenu biti umjetnik (ili kustos) i kritičar. To je rezultat nesigurnog položaja umjetnika i daleko stabilnijeg položaja kritičara—pisanje o umjetnosti bio je jedna od rijetkih poslova koji su se plaćali. Bimodalna mreža kritičara i umjetnika novina Kommersant ima oblik koji je vrlo blizak tipu jezgra-periferija. Ova mreža ima jezgru, ali manje očitu nego što je jezgra mreže MAM, a karakterizira je pojava utjecajnih kritičara na periferiji i s time povezani rast „ekskluzivne klijentele”. Danas mreža ima još manje eksplicitnu jezgru i utjecajnije kritičare na periferiji kao i širu mrežu „ekskluzivne klijentele”. Ovaj je fenomen moguće objasniti na dva načina. Prvi je nedostatak konsenzusa u kritičkom polju, a drugi je korištenje posebnih strategija: predstavljanje novih umjetnika publici i preuzimanje monopola nad kritikama njihovih djela. Uobičajena praksa među kritičarima bila je da se određeni događaji dodjeljuju određenim kritičarima. Tek je nekolicina događaja bila spomenuta od više kritičara. To se moglo dogoditi iz najmanje dva razloga: (1) kritičari su radili kao recenzenti, pa nije bilo potrebe da više kritičara prisustvuje istom događaju, osim ako se radilo o iznimno popularnom ili događaju visokog profila; (2) niska razina financiranja nije dopuštala da više kritičara bude plaćeno da pišu o istom događaju. Samo je jedan časopis (Moscow Art Magazine) imao profesionalan stav, a time i čvršću komunalnu strukturu. Ostala dva medija nisu bila fokusirana samo na umjetničku sferu, zbog čega su imali manji utjecaj na stručni milje i manji doprinos procesu umjetničkog prepoznavanja i institucionalizacije. Unatoč tome, agregacija svih navoda u tri tiskana medija otkriva određene umjetnike koji su bili najuočljiviji i najpopularniji među kritičarima. Ovu scenu može karakterizirati nedostatak ekonomskog kapitala i nesigurnost svih uloga. Čak i popis najcitiranijih umjetnika otkriva složenost i eksperimentiranje kao važne vrijednosti ove scene. Štoviše, umjetničke zvijezde nisu ovisile o državnom financiranju ili privatnom kapitalu, kao ni o kulturnim institucijama. Podaci su također otkrili visok stupanj nejednakosti na sceni. Prvo, jezgra dajejasnu ilustraciju društvene homofilije (vidjeti McPherson et al, 2001), budući da su većina kritičara i umjetnika bijeli muškarci iz Moskve. Valja napomenuti da je sudjelovanje žena bilo ograničeno i u kritičkim (36,3 %) i u umjetničkim zanimanjima (18,9 %); međutim, čini se da je pristup zanimanju kritičara bio lakši. Prikupljeni skup podataka svjedoči o temeljnoj promjeni umjetničke organizacije u Rusiji. Međutim, dinamika priznavanja pokazuje da je simbolički kapital akumuliran u prethodnom sustavu („neslužbena umjetnost”) vrijedio i u novoj formaciji. Nužnost javnog priznavanja najprestižnijih agenata prethodnih generacija (čime se istovremeno osiguravalo vlastito priznanje kao kritičara, vidjeti de Nooy 2002.) odgodila je priznavanje novih generacija. Slijedom toga, samo je vrlo mali broj mlađih umjetnika postsovjetske Rusije dobio dovoljno pažnje kritičara.This article explores the ways of evaluating artistic recognition by analyzing critical writings. Focusing on the post-war unofficial contemporary art scene in the Soviet Union and post-Soviet Russia, we put an emphasis on the mechanisms of legitimation and the dynamics of artistic prestige in the restricted field of underground art. The research reveals major patterns not only in the process of recognition of unofficial Soviet art, but also discusses the role of criticism in the transitional period in a post-Soviet republic. Political turbulence caused by the dissolution of the Soviet Union facilitated radical changes in the conditions for artistic production and transformation. By employing methods of social network analysis (SNA), we reconstruct and evaluate interconnections between unofficial post-war artists and critics, working on the case study of the three most significant newspaper media from the 1990s

    Demographic Problems and Strategy for Sustainable Development of Rural Areas

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    Демографическая ситуация сельских территорий в России характеризуется целым рядом проблем. Это не только низкая рождаемость и высокая смертность, но и значительная миграция сельского населения в города. Особенно это касается молодежи, которая уезжает из сельской местности, что в перспективе усиливает кадровый голод в сельском хозяйстве и приводит к деградации сел. Предметом исследования выступают демографические характеристики населения сельских территорий Новосибирской области. Целью статьи является оценка влияния демографических проблем на возможности для обеспечения устойчивого развития сельских территорий. Гипотеза исследования состоит в том, что неблагоприятная демографическая ситуация может сдерживать устойчивое развитие сельских территорий. Методология данного исследования строится на анализе статистических данных, сравнении и синтезе. Анализ демографической ситуации на примере Новосибирской области показал, что ухудшение демографических показателей приводит к ухудшению экономической ситуации в сельской местности. Исследование демографических проблем позволяет формировать эффективную политику в части создания благоприятных условий для обеспечения устойчивого развития сельских территорий.The demographic situation in rural Russia is characterised by a number of issues. These include low fertility and high mortality rates, as well as significant migration of the rural population to cities. In particular, migration of young people from rural areas potentially increases the shortage of personnel in agriculture and leads to the degradation of villages. The study examines demographic characteristics of the population of rural areas in Novosibirsk oblast. The purpose of the article is to assess the impact of demographic issues on the opportunities for rural sustainable development. It is hypothesised that an unfavourable demographic situation may hinder rural sustainable development. Statistical data analysis, methods comparison and synthesis were applied. An analysis of the demographic situation in Novosibirsk oblast showed that a deterioration in demographic indicators leads to a deterioration in the economic situation in rural areas. The findings can be used to formulate effective policies in terms of creating favourable conditions for ensuring rural sustainable development