148 research outputs found

    〈論文〉第二次世界大戦後の占領下ドイツにおけるストゥディウム・ゲネラーレ(Studium generale)導入の試み:大学の社会的使命についての考察

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    本稿の目的は、第二次世界大戦後、四連合国軍の軍事占領下におかれたドイツ(1945−1949)における教育改革において、ストゥディウム・ゲネラーレ(Studium generale)導入試みの経緯を検証し、その理念について考察することにある。アメリカ占領下における大学改革の一環であったこの改革案は、結果としては、ドイツの大学課程に大きな変革を及ぼすには至らなかった。本稿では、中世にその起源をもつストゥディウム・ゲネラーレが、どの様な理念や思惑でこの時期に再び光が当てられることになり、またどういった経緯で定着することにはならなかったのかについて、主に連合国軍政府の公文書史料をもとに、検証し分析する。対象とするのは、ヤルタ会議とポツダム会議の合意に沿いアメリカ合衆国の占領区とされ軍政府(Office of Military Government of U. S. for Germany, OMGUS)統治下におかれたバイエルン(Bavaria)、ヴュルテンベルク・バーデン(Württemberg-Baden)、大ヘッセン(Greater Hesse)各州と米領ブレーメン自由市(Bremen Enclave)、そしてベルリン市の南西部(American Sector of Berlin)である。革新的な改革が、広範囲にわたって迅速かつ短期間に実行された日本やソ連占領区ドイツとは異なり、米・英・仏の西側三連合国の占領下にあったドイツの教育制度は、ナチ教育の排除以外著しい変革はもたらされなかったというのが多くの先行研究の見方であり、筆者も同様に考える。しかし、そのドイツにおいて、比較的明確な形で、緩やかながらも変化の必要性と可能性が検討されたストゥディウム・ゲネラーレに関する議論は注視に値する。特に注目するのは、戦中のドイツの大学へのナチズムの浸透を、アメリカ軍政府がどの様に認識していたか、それに基づいてどのような改革策を考案していたのか、そしてそのアメリカの案に対しドイツの大学側がどの様に応じたかという点である。これらの枠組みに主眼におきながら、大学改革の一端を担うとされたストゥディウム・ゲネラーレをめぐる議論の過程を検証する。The purpose of this paper is to investigate the processes in which the introduction of Studium generale,literally translated in English to ‘general education’, was attempted in Germany under the Allied military occupation between 1945 and 1949. It also explores the ideas of the Allies, especially the United States, for this introduction of post-war Germany. This American attempt was meant to be part of their education reform in Germany, whose purpose was to re-educate the Germans in the post-Nazi era. The paper thus focuses geographically on Bavaria, Württemberg-Baden, Greater Hesse, Bremen Enclave, and the American Sector of Berlin where the Office of Military Government of U. S. for Germany (OMGUS) was in charge of control. Unlike occupied Japan (1945-1952) or Soviet-occupied Germany where rapid changes were brought in the education system by the Allied occupation authorities, the development of education reforms was stagnant in the U. S. Zone of occupied Germany. There, except for denazification, i.e. a large-scale screening project to find former Nazis, changes in German society as well as its education were far slow than in Japan and the eastern part of Germany. Considering the fact, this attempt of a renewed introduction of Studium generale in German higher education was a remarkable change. Special attention is paid to following two points. Firstly, it explores how the United Sates occupation authorities understood the actual penetration of Nazism in German university and the students. This is important because, as mentioned above, this reform attempt was part of the project of getting rid of Nazism in all aspects of German society. Secondly, it tries to analyse how the Americans’ understanding influenced their overall proposal for reforming German education

    From symplectic cohomology to Lagrangian enumerative geometry

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    We build a bridge between Floer theory on open symplectic manifolds and the enumerative geometry of holomorphic disks inside their Fano compactifications, by detecting elements in symplectic cohomology which are mirror to Landau-Ginzburg potentials. We also treat the higher Maslov index versions of LG potentials. We discover a relation between higher disk potentials and symplectic cohomology rings of anticanonical divisor complements (themselves related to closed-string Gromov-Witten invariants), and explore several other applications to the geometry of Liouville domains.Comment: 47 pages, 13 figures; v2: reference fixes, minor correction

    〈Articles〉Continuity and Transformation in History Education in Europe: The Case of Britain

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    Interactions between migraine and tension-type headache and alcohol drinking, alcohol flushing, and hangover in Japanese

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    The aim of the study was to investigate associations between headache types and alcohol drinking, alcohol flushing, and hangover. Alcohol consumption is inhibited by the presence of inactive aldehyde dehydrogenase-2 (ALDH2) whose carriers are susceptible to alcohol flushing and hangovers. We conducted a cross-sectional study of the 2,577 subjects (men/women: 1,018/1,559) who reported having ever experienced headaches unrelated to common colds and alcohol hangovers among 5,408 (2,778/2,630) Tokyo health checkup examinees. We used a questionnaire inquiring about current and past facial flushing after drinking a glass of beer which identifies the presence of inactive ALDH2 with a sensitivity and specificity of approximately 90%. Based on ICHD-II criteria migraine was diagnosed in 419 (75/344) subjects, and tension-type headache (TTH) in 613 (249/364). We classified the headaches of the remaining 1,545 (694/851) of headaches sufferers into the category “other headaches (OH)”. The migraineurs drank alcohol less frequently than the subjects with TTH among current/past alcohol flushers and than the subjects with OH regardless of flushing category. No such difference in drinking frequency was observed between TTH and OH. Current/past flushers drank alcohol less frequently than never flushers, and the likelihood that male migraineurs would avoid alcohol drinking than men with TTH or OH was stronger among current/past flushers than among never flushers. Flushers and women were more susceptible to hangover than never flushers and men, respectively, regardless of headache type. Among never flushers, women with migraine were more susceptible to hangover than women with OH. The difference in alcohol sensitivity may partly explain less alcohol consumption by migraineurs

    CCR8 leads to eosinophil migration and regulates neutrophil migration in murine allergic enteritis

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    Allergic enteritis (AE) is a gastrointestinal form of food allergy. This study aimed to elucidate cellular and molecular mechanisms of AE using a murine model. To induce AE, BALB/c wild type (WT) mice received intraperitoneal sensitization with ovalbumin (an egg white allergen) plus ALUM and feeding an egg white (EW) diet. Microarray analysis showed enhanced gene expression of CC chemokine receptor (CCR) 8 and its ligand, chemokine CC motif ligand (CCL) 1 in the inflamed jejunum. Histological and FACS analysis showed that CCR8 knock out (KO) mice exhibited slightly less inflammatory features, reduced eosinophil accumulation but accelerated neutrophil accumulation in the jejunums, when compared to WT mice. The concentrations of an eosinophil chemoattractant CCL11 (eotaxin-1), but not of IL-5, were reduced in intestinal homogenates of CCR8KO mice, suggesting an indirect involvement of CCR8 in eosinophil accumulation in AE sites by inducing CCL11 expression. The potential of CCR8 antagonists to treat allergic asthma has been discussed. However, our results suggest that CCR8 blockade may promote neutrophil accumulation in the inflamed intestinal tissues, and not be a suitable therapeutic target for AE, despite the potential to reduce eosinophil accumulation. This study advances our knowledge to establish effective anti-inflammatory strategies in AE treatment.Fil: Blanco-Pérez, Frank. Paul-ehrlich-institut;Fil: Kato, Yoichiro. Tokyo Women's Medical University;Fil: Gonzalez-Menendez, Irene. Universitätsklinikum Tübingen Medizinische Fakultät;Fil: Laiño, Jonathan Emiliano. Paul-ehrlich-institut;Fil: Ohbayashi, Masaharu. Toyohashi Sozo University;Fil: Burggraf, Manja. Paul-ehrlich-institut;Fil: Krause, Maren. Paul-ehrlich-institut;Fil: Kirberg, Jörg. Paul-ehrlich-institut;Fil: Iwakura, Yoichiro. Tokyo University Of Science;Fil: Martella, Manuela. Universitätsklinikum Tübingen Medizinische Fakultät;Fil: Quintanilla-Martinez, Leticia. Universitätsklinikum Tübingen Medizinische Fakultät;Fil: Shibata, Noriyuki. Tokyo Women's Medical University;Fil: Vieths, Stefan. Paul-ehrlich-institut;Fil: Scheurer, Stephan. Paul-ehrlich-institut;Fil: Toda, Masako. Paul-ehrlich-institut; . Tohoku University

    Tonic B cell activation by Radioprotective105/MD-1 promotes disease progression in MRL/lpr mice

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    Toll-like receptors (TLRs) have a crucial role in sensing microbial products and triggering immune responses. Recent reports have indicated that TLR7 and TLR9 have an important role in activating autoreactive B cells. In addition to TLR7 and TLR9, mouse B cells express TLR2, TLR4 and structurally related Radioprotective105 (RP105). We have previously shown that RP105 works in concert with TLR2/4 in antibody response to TLR2/4 ligands. We here report that B cells are constitutively activated by TLR2/4 and RP105. Such B cell activation was revealed by the γ3 germ line transcript and serum IgG3 production, both of which were impaired by the lack of RP105 or TLR2/4. Serum IgG3 was not altered in germ-free or antibiotics-treated mice, suggesting that the microbial flora hardly contributes to the continuous activation of B cells. The lack of RP105-dependent B cell activation ameliorated disease progression in lupus-prone MRL/lpr mice. RP105−/− MRL/lpr mice showed less lymphoadenopathy/splenomegaly and longer survival than MRL/lpr mice. Whereas glomerulonephritis and auto-antibody production were not altered, improvement in blood urea nitrogen and lower incidence of renal arteritis indicated that renal function was ameliorated in the absence of RP105. Our results suggest that RP105-dependent tonic B cell activation has a pathogenic role in MRL/lpr mic

    Coexpression of Ang1 and Tie2 in Odontoblasts of Mouse Developing and Mature Teeth?A New Insight into Dentinogenesis

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    Agiopoieten regulates vascular angiogenesis and stabilization, and is reported to promote bone formation by facilitating angiogenesis. To estimate the role of Ang1 in odontogenesis, we explored the distribution of Ang1 and the receptor, Tie2 in the mouse developing and mature first molar of the mandible. At embryonic day 18, when differentiation of odontoblasts begins, immunosignals for Ang1 were intensely detected in the basement membrane and the distal side, which faced the basement membrane of odontoblasts. In situ hybridization revealed that Ang1 was expressed in odontoblasts and ameloblasts facing the basement membrane. Tie2 was localized in the distal side of odontoblasts. After birth, Ang1 was detected in the predentin, whereas both Ang1 and Tie2 were colocalized in odontoblasts and odontoblast processes. These distributions were retained up to 8 weeks. In contrast to odontoblasts, ameloblasts, cementoblasts and osteoblasts expressed Ang1 but did not express Tie2. Colocalization of Ang1 and Tie2 in odontoblasts and selective expression of Tie2 in odontoblasts among cells responsible for calcified tissue formation suggested the involvement of autocrine signals of Ang1-Tie2 in dentinogenesis