155 research outputs found

    RedsOpA1: ecosistema de la rurbania patrimonial

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    La #redsopa nació como una herramienta on-line de visualización del congreso sOpA ´13, y ha funcionado como espacio de conexión y de diagnóstico para los asistentes del congreso. Pero nuestro objetivo es llegar a articular redes productivas de trabajo colaborativo, para esa incipiente comunidad físico-digital de conocimiento y acción conjunta, desarrollando un discurso crítico propio entorno a los temas principales del congreso#redsopa was born as an online visualization tool for the sOpA congress '13, and has worked as a diagnostic and connection space for congress participants. But our focus is to articulate productive networks of collaborative work, for that emerging physical-digital community of knowledge and joint action, developing an own critical discourse around congress topics.peerReviewe

    BIComun: an experiment in public space

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    “BIC, Bien de Interés Cultural, hace referencia a una figura jurídica que aparece en nuestras leyes de Patrimonio...” + “Procomún se define como los bienes que pertenecen a todos, que heredamos, creamos conjuntamente y que queremos entregar a las generaciones futuras...”. BIComun es una categoría mancomunada de protección patrimonial que, desde Niquelarte, hemos liberado en la red (en dominio público) para nombrar todos aquellos elementos patrimoniales que, fruto de una reflexión colectiva, decidimos conservar. Queremos colaborar en el sOpA (Socialización del Patrimonio) no solo compartiendo ideas sino también generándolas. Os proponemos realizar un ejercicio de diagnóstico patrimonial BIComun en base a criterios de conservactivación y que refleje el trabajo que todos estamos haciendo en las diferentes geografías con diferentes elementos desde diferentes perspectivas.“BIC, Heritage of Cultural Interest, refers to a legal concept that appears in heritage laws...” + Pro-commons, is defined as assets that belong to all that we inherited, we create together and we want to deliver to future generations. BIComun is a Jointly Category of Heritage Protection that from Niquelarte have released on the web (public domain) to name all those assets which the result of a collective reflection, we decided to keep. We collaborate on sOpA (Socialization Heritage) not only share ideas but also generating them. I propose to make a heritage assessment exercise based BIComun “conservactivaction” criteria and reflects the work we are all doing in different geographies, with different elements, from different perspectives.peerReviewe

    MIMO antennas based on the excitation of car bodywork elements

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    De acuerdo con la teoría de los modos característicos, una distribución de corriente superficial arbitraria puede ser representada como una serie infinita de modos ortogonales de corrientes superficiales. Los patrones de directividad de los modos se determinan a través de formulación matemática y son ortogonales entre sí. Por lo tanto, los modos son apropiados para la síntesis de un patrón de directividad dado, así como para la integración de un sistema MIMO en un espacio limitado. Esto es debido al acoplamiento entre cada una de las antenas y su plataforma de referencia común. La distribución de corriente superficial en la plataforma de referencia es por lo tanto de gran importancia y por ello debe ser entendida y optimizada. Por lo tanto, la teoría de los modos característicos es un método para integrar y optimizar sistemas MIMO en un espacio dado. El objetivo de este proyecto es desarrollar y veri car un sistema de antenas MIMO basado en la excitación de los elementos de la carrocería de un coche. Con el n de excitar las corrientes superficiales en las piezas de carrocería, posibles estructuras de acoplamiento debe ser investigadas y desarrolladas. La banda de funcionamiento de este sistema se de ne desde 2:5 GHz hasta 2:7 GHz, frecuencias del standar LTE. Para alimentar las antenas que forman este sistema, se ha diseñado un circuito de línea microstrip compuesto por redes de adaptación, T-Juntion y Tapers. Para verificar los resultados obtenidos en las simulaciones, se construirá un prototipo para cada uno de los modos característicos estudiados, para la posterior medición de su reflexión y de su patrón de radiación. Por último, el sistema de antena MIMO se simulará y fabricará para la posterior medición de su reflexión y de su patrón de radiación. En este sistema MIMO se excitarán dos de los modos característicos estudiados.According to the theory of characteristic modes an arbitrary surface current distribution can be represented as an in nite series of orthogonal surface current modes. The directivity patterns of the modes are determined by the mathematical formula and are orthogonal to each other. Thus, the modes are suitable for the synthesis of a given directivity pattern as well as for the integration of MIMO system in a limited space. This is due to a coupling between the individual antenna elements and the common reference platform. The surface current distribution on the reference platform is thereby of a great importance and therefore must be understood and optimized. Thus the theory of characteristic modes is a methodology to integrate and optimize a MIMO system in a given space. The objective of this project is to develop and verify a MIMO antenna system based on the excitation of car bodywork elements. In order to excite the surface currents on the bodywork parts possible coupling structures should be investigated and developed. The operating band of this system is de ned from 2:5 GHz to 2:7 GHz, frequencies in the LTE (Long Term Evolution) standard. To feed the antennas, a microstrip line circuit composed of matching networks, Tjuntion and Tapers has been designed. To verify the results obtained in the simulations, a prototype for each of the studied characteristic modes is fabricated, for further investigation of its insertion loss, radiation pattern and e ciency. Finally, the MIMO antenna system is simulated and manufactured for its further evaluation. In this MIMO system two of the studied characteristic modes are excited

    Efecto de sistemas de labranza en luvisoles dedicados a la producción de pastos

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    Se realizó un experimento con el objetivo de determinar la influencia de los sistemas de labranza en las propiedades de los suelos luvisoles, en el municipio de Las Tunas. Los indicadores evaluados fueron: la densidad aparente (rb), la porosidad total (Pt), la porosidad de aireación (Pa), la materia orgánica (MO) y la densidad y biomasa de oligoquetos. Se muestrearon unidades experimentales, en un diseño de parcelas divididas y tres repeticiones, a las profundidades de 0-5, 5-20 y 20-30 cm. Los contenidos de MO y de densidad y biomasa de oligoquetos se evaluaron hasta los 20 cm. Se consideraron dos sistemas: labranza tradicional (LT) y labranza sin inversión del prisma (LSP) en comparación con un control sin labranza (NL). La LSP produjo la menor densidad y la mayor cantidad de espacios porosos en la matriz del suelo, con valores que difirieron significativamente de la LT y la NL, y favoreció el desarrollo de los oligoquetos hasta la profundidad de 20 cm. El mantenimiento de las capas densas en la profundidad de 20-30 cm en la LT disminuyó la porosidad total y restringió el desarrollo de las raíces, con valores de porosidad de aireación muy por debajo del 10 %. Se concluye que la labranza tradicional afectó el contenido de MO a corto plazo, y mantuvo las capas compactas en el horizonte subyacente, por lo que la continuidad de esta práctica en las áreas ganaderas de la región no se justifica ni a corto ni a largo plazo

    Physical characterization of growing media using standard methods (CEN)- Limitations of Applicability for pine bark and vermiculite

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    CEN standards have helped to harmonize analytical methods for substrate analysis.Though, for special substrates or constituents the applicability might be Iimited. In this paper a comparative study of implementation of CEN standards to samples of pine bark and vermiculite has been carried out. For composted pine bark, an elongation of the equilibrium period up to 72 instead of 48 hours might increase the accuracy of determinations physical parameters according to EN 13041. For vermiculite, we suggest pycnometry as a feasible technique for the determination of particle density (PD), as the determination of organic matter (OM) as requested by EN 13041 for the calculation of the PD seems not to be applicable for this kind of material

    RGB Vegetation Indices, NDVI, and Biomass as Indicators to Evaluate C-3 and C-4 Turfgrass under Different Water Conditions

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    [EN] Grasslands have a natural capacity to decrease air pollution and a positive impact on human life. However, their maintenance requires adequate irrigation, which is difficult to apply in many regions where drought and high temperatures are frequent. Therefore, the selection of grass species more tolerant to a lack of irrigation is a fundamental criterion for green space planification. This study compared responses to deficit irrigation of different turfgrass mixtures: a C-4 turfgrass mixture, Cynodon dactylon-Brachypodium distachyon (A), a C-4 turfgrass mixture, Buchloe dactyloides-Brachypodium distachyon (B), and a standard C-3 mixture formed by Lolium perenne-Festuca arundinacea-Poa pratensis (C). Three different irrigation regimes were assayed, full irrigated to 100% (FI-100), deficit irrigated to 75% (DI-75), and deficit irrigated to 50% (DI-50) of container capacity. Biomass, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), green area (GA), and greener area (GGA) vegetation indices were measured. Irrigation significantly affected the NDVI, biomass, GA, and GGA. The most severe condition in terms of decreasing biomass and vegetation indices was DI-50. Both mixtures (A) and (B) exhibited higher biomass, NDVI, GA, and GGA than the standard under deficit irrigation. This study highlights the superiority of (A) mixture under deficit irrigation, which showed similar values of biomass and vegetation indices under full irrigated and deficit irrigated (DI-75) container capacities.This research was funded by AREA VERDE-MG projects and Projects GO-PDR18-XEROCESPED funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and IMIDRA.Marín, J.; Yousfi, S.; Mauri, PV.; Parra, L.; Lloret, J.; Masaguer, A. (2020). RGB Vegetation Indices, NDVI, and Biomass as Indicators to Evaluate C-3 and C-4 Turfgrass under Different Water Conditions. Sustainability. 12(6):1-16. https://doi.org/10.3390/su1206216011612

    Dispersion of metals and arsenic from the tailings of an abandoned mine in Sierra of Madrid

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    The extraction and processing of minerals produce significant environmental impacts that last long after mining operations have ended. Abandoned mines provide obvious sources of contamination by metals and arsenic in surrounding areas. These areas typically support sparse vegetation, so weather events, typical of Mediterranean environments such as heavy rains, can drag metals and metalloids, in a more or less available form for vegetation, as in solution and suspension to accumulate in lower lands. In this study, the area affected by a copper mine, abandoned early last century in the Sierra de Madrid, was sampled. Soil properties such as pH, EC, total OM and texture were analyzed. Furthermore, the BCR (Bureau Community of Reference) fractionation of metals was carried out in order to evaluate the weathering of the starting materials and the selective movement of different fractions along the slope . Metals and arsenic were detected beyond the mine limits, in areas where water flows in a preferential way. Results showed high concentrations and readily extractable Cu and As, which may suggest potential bioavailability for organisms and may create an environmental risk and potential human exposure what results in a health risk for the population

    BIComun: an experiment in public space

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    “BIC, Bien de Interés Cultural, hace referencia a una figura jurídica que aparece en nuestras leyes de Patrimonio...” + “Procomún se define como los bienes que pertenecen a todos, que heredamos, creamos conjuntamente y que queremos entregar a las generaciones futuras...”. BIComun es una categoría mancomunada de protección patrimonial que, desde Niquelarte, hemos liberado en la red (en dominio público) para nombrar todos aquellos elementos patrimoniales que, fruto de una reflexión colectiva, decidimos conservar. Queremos colaborar en el sOpA (Socialización del Patrimonio) no solo compartiendo ideas sino también generándolas. Os proponemos realizar un ejercicio de diagnóstico patrimonial BIComun en base a criterios de conservactivación y que refleje el trabajo que todos estamos haciendo en las diferentes geografías con diferentes elementos desde diferentes perspectivas.“BIC, Heritage of Cultural Interest, refers to a legal concept that appears in heritage laws...” + Pro-commons, is defined as assets that belong to all that we inherited, we create together and we want to deliver to future generations. BIComun is a Jointly Category of Heritage Protection that from Niquelarte have released on the web (public domain) to name all those assets which the result of a collective reflection, we decided to keep. We collaborate on sOpA (Socialization Heritage) not only share ideas but also generating them. I propose to make a heritage assessment exercise based BIComun “conservactivaction” criteria and reflects the work we are all doing in different geographies, with different elements, from different perspectives.peerReviewe

    Effect of magnetite nanoparticles on heavy metals behavior in contaminated soils

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    The extraction and processing of minerals produce significant environmental impacts that last long after mining operations have ended. Abandoned mines provide obvious sources of contamination by metals and arsenic in surrounding areas. These areas typically support sparse vegetation, so weather events, typical of Mediterranean environments such as heavy rains, can drag metals and metalloids, in a more or less available form for vegetation, as in solution and suspension to accumulate in lower lands. In this study, the area affected by a copper mine, abandoned early last century in the Sierra de Madrid, was sampled. Soil properties such as pH, EC, total OM and texture were analyzed. Furthermore, the BCR (Bureau Community of Reference) fractionation of metals was carried out in order to evaluate the weathering of the starting materials and the selective movement of different fractions along the slope . Metals and arsenic were detected beyond the mine limits, in areas where water flows in a preferential way. Results showed high concentrations and readily extractable Cu and As, which may suggest potential bioavailability for organisms and may create an environmental risk and potential human exposure what results in a health risk for the population

    Evaluation of commercial humic substances and other organic amendments for the immobilization of copper through 13C CPMAS NMR, FT-IR, and DSC analyses

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    The application of organic amendments to contaminated agricultural lands can immobilize metals and improve soil conditions. The chemical structures and long-term stability of commercial humic substances and other composted organic amendments (sheep and horse manure, vermicompost, pine bark, and pruning waste) were analyzed using 13C CPMAS NMR, FT-IR, and DSC to evaluate their use in soil remediation. The interactions of humic substances and manure with Cu (0 and 5000 mg kg−1 ) at different pH (2.5 and 5.0) were studied through a batch adsorption experiment observing the changes in their molecular structure using spectroscopic techniques. Humic substances exhibited high aromaticity and phenolic and carboxylic group content, with great affinity for Cu complexation. Humic substances and pruning waste were the most stable due to their high recalcitrant organic matter contents, whereas manure was the least stable, given the labile nature of its organic matter content. There were considerable changes in the carboxylic and phenolic groups of humic substances with pH, and also with Cu, albeit in a lesser extent, especially at pH 5.0, suggesting the great sorption capacity of humic substances and the key role of pH and these functional groups in metal complexation. Manure did not exhibit such changes. Commercial humic substances could be useful amendments for the remediation of contaminated agricultural soils due to their high sorption capacities and long-term stabilityThis research was funded by MINISTERIO DE ECONOMÍA Y COMPETITIVIDAD (SPAIN), grant number CTM2013-47874-C2-1-R and by MINISTERIO DE CIENCIA, INNOVACIÓN Y UNIVERSIDADES, grant number AGL2016-78490-