281 research outputs found

    Raising awareness on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through Lego Serious Play (LSP)

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    [EN] In September 2015, world leaders agreed on a new sustainable development agenda based on a set of global goals aimed at eradicating poverty, ensuring planet protection and guaranteeing prosperity for future generations (Stafford-Smith et al., 2017). Since then, the education sector has played a fundamental role, not only raising awareness among young people about the importance of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) but also promoting innovative ideas around sustainability (Owens, 2017). SDGs implementation needs of business actors rethinking their understanding of economic growth, taking into consideration not only economic aspects but also social and ecological concerns (Crespo et al., 2017). Thus, the traditional paradigm based on continuous economic expansions needs to adopt a triple bottom line perspective (Slaper and Hall, 2011). In this context, it is remarkable to bring economic and business students closer to the importance of SDGs, involving them in the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development. For this purpose, a LEGO Serious Play (LSP) workshop is held to envision a more sustainable tomorrow and collectively reflect on the main challenges of our society from the business perspective (Kristiansen and Rasmussen, 2014). LSP is an unconventional methodology based on brick-building and metaphoric storytelling. It involves kinesthetic learning given that participants are asked to build metaphoric structures with Lego bricks that respond to a challenge raised by the instructor. This hands-on methodology is often accompanied by facilitated reflection, becoming a language for emotional content and promoting discussion around complex issues (Peabody and Noyes, 2017). The workshop started with an introduction to LSP for students to familiarize themselves with its dynamics. Then, a challenge related to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was raised by the instructors who accompanied students through the process of strategic thinking. The last part of the workshop was devoted to sharing ideas and reflections among participants, both regarding the designed prototypes and the potential of LSP for developing new ideas. This last phase was developed firstly within the different work groups and, after, with the broader group so that participants could receive the feedback of their fellows before presenting the prototypes to all participants. To analyze the results of this innovative education project, we conducted a survey among participants about LSP methodology, workshop dynamics and skills acquisition using a Likert scale. The results show how LSP is especially suitable to foster ideation around SDGs since it raises awareness and understanding about how these goals might be integrated into daily business initiatives. It also allows participants to significantly improve their communication and problem-solving skills. This suggests LSP methodology is suitable in higher education contexts as it allows students to reflect on complex issues through an ideation process where kinesthetic learning plays a crucial role. LSP speeds up the process of finding sustainable solutions and allows unconscious ideas to take shape in 3D. It also helps students to foster self-confidence as well as network with other students, given its socializing nature. All in all, students develop key skills for their professional development.Norat Roig-Tierno wishes to thank Project GV/2019/063, funded by the Generalitat Valenciana, for supporting this research.Sendra Pons, P.; Mas Tur, A.; Roig Tierno, H.; sendra pons (2021). Raising awareness on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through Lego Serious Play (LSP). En Proceedings INNODOCT/20. International Conference on Innovation, Documentation and Education. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 19-21. https://doi.org/10.4995/INN2020.2020.11763OCS192

    Mortalidad materna y morbilidad materna grave en la Comunitat Valenciana (2006-2010)

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    Antecedentes: La mortalidad materna (MM) es un indicador clave para medir el estado de salud de una población. En los países desarrollados, las muertes maternas son eventos infrecuentes y el estudio de la morbilidad materna grave (MMG) aporta información útil para mejorar la calidad de la atención y los resultados en salud. El objetivo ha sido determinar la magnitud y los determinantes de la mortalidad materna y morbilidad materna grave en la Comunitat Valenciana (CV), España. Método: Estudio observacional transversal. La población de estudio fueron las mujeres en edad fértil, que estuvieron embarazadas entre el 1/1/2006 y el 31/12/2010. Las fuentes de información fueron el Registro de Mortalidad, Boletín Estadístico de Parto, Conjunto Mínimo de Datos de Altas Hospitalarias, Registro de Metabolopatías y el Sistema de Información Poblacional. Se identificaron las muertes maternas ocurridas durante la gestación o en el año posterior a su finalización mediante el enlace entre registros y la revisión de los casos por un panel de expertos. Se examinaron las altas hospitalarias con morbilidad grave, seleccionando aquellos casos en los que existía una causa obstétrica manifiesta y revisando el resto con el fin de determinar la existencia de una relación con la gestación (casos de MMG). Se estimó el subregistro de la MM en las estadísticas oficiales, se realizó un análisis descriptivo de las muertes maternas y se calculó la razón de mortalidad materna (RMM) y su intervalo de confianza al 95% (IC95%). Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de los casos de MMG y una regresión logística con el cálculo de las OR ajustadas (ORa) y sus IC95%. Resultados: Se identificaron 31 muertes maternas (22,6% de defunciones tardías), con un subregistro del 74,2%, que afectaba sobre todo a las muertes de causa indirecta. La RMM global fue de 11,83 por 100.000 nacidos vivos. Un 41,9% de las muertes fueron de causa directa y un 58,1% indirecta. Las principales causas de MM directa fueron la hemorragia obstétrica y los trastornos hipertensivos del embarazo. Las enfermedades infecciosas y los tumores malignos fueron las causas indirectas más frecuentes. La proporción de casos de MMG fue de 3 por 1.000 episodios reproductivos. La rotura uterina, los trastornos hipertensivos del embarazo, el shock y la hemorragia obstétrica fueron las complicaciones más frecuentes, aunque se apreciaron diferencias según el resultado de la gestación, la distribución temporal y el país de nacimiento de la mujer. El riesgo de MMG fue superior en los episodios reproductivos en mujeres de ≥35 años, en las nacidas en África Subsahariana o América Central o del Sur, en las residentes en Castellón, en los embarazos ectópicos y en los casos con antecedentes de hipertensión arterial, obesidad o diabetes. Además, la gestación múltiple y el antecedente obstétrico de cesárea se asociaron a un riesgo mayor de MMG en los partos. Conclusiones: La integración de sistemas de información junto con la revisión de casos por expertos favorece el análisis exhaustivo de la MM, mejora la información sobre las defunciones de causa indirecta y permite incorporar las muertes tardías. El análisis de la MMG ofrece un conocimiento más amplio de los determinantes de la salud materna y evidencia la existencia de desigualdades en función de la edad, área geográfica de nacimiento y lugar de residencia de la mujer, así como un riesgo mayor de complicaciones graves en las gestaciones múltiples, cesárea previa y presencia de comorbilidad materna

    El cinema i els avenços tecnològics. (Realimentació)

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    Els objectius principals d'aquest treball són: (*) Motivar l'alumnat per apropar-se a la tecnologia. El cinema en general, i en particular la ciència ficció, és una forma lúdica a l'abast de tothom que potencia la imaginació. (*) Descobrir elements tecnològics en pel·lícules de ciència ficció. (*) Diferenciar entre elements tecnològics existents i no existents. En moltes pel·lícules apareix tecnologia que no existeix en el món real. En alguns casos al cap d'uns anys aquesta tecnologia és disponible per a tothom, i en d'altres això encara no s'ha produït. (*) Elaborar una unitat didàctica per a 4rt d'ESO sobre la interacció entre cinema i tecnologia. A partir d'enquestes a l'alumnat s'obtenen conclusions de l'interès que desperta el tema a diferents edats. Es marquen pautes per tal que els docents puguin decidir realitzar activitats utilitzant la ciència ficció (en format llibre o en format audiovisual), per reforçar les metodologies actives d'aprenentatge

    Institutional factors affecting entrepreneurship: A QCA analysis

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    A country's institutional framework plays a crucial role in promoting entrepreneurship, which drives economic growth. Encouraging a minimum level of certainty in ambiguous environments characterized by risk taking is important. Aware of this importance, we analyze the influence of institutional factors on entrepreneurship development. Specifically, we analyze political stability, government effectiveness, regulatory quality, a robust rule of law, the ease of starting a new business, and the ease of obtaining credit. We develop two models to explain the presence and absence of entrepreneurship. To do so, we apply qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) to a sample of 48 countries using data sourced from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor and the Global Innovation Index. The results show that the effect of institutional factors on the level of entrepreneurship varies according to the socioeconomic characteristics of each country. They suggest that a wide range of institutional configurations lead to the presence or absence of entrepreneurship. Although entrepreneurship can be found in unfavorable institutional environments, future research should examine how to formalize such environments as a standardized institutional configuration to shift from necessity to opportunity entrepreneurship. Achieving this shift is relevant for innovation and economic development

    Ressenyes bibliogràfiques

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    Incorporación de una rutina para la optimización del rendimiento deportivo

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    El objetivo del estudio fue la evaluación del impacto de la incorporación de una rutina en el rendimiento de un joven futbolista, en cuanto a la ejecución de libres directos. Con base en el abordaje Five-step Approach (Singer, 2000) se llevó a cabo una intervención individualizada, dirigida al aprendizaje y sistematización de una rutina, utilizando estrategias destinadas a la preparación física, técnica y mental del atleta. Los resultados indican que después de la intervención el rendimiento del deportista mejoró significativamente, lo que demuestra la influencia positiva de la incorporación de rutinas, de forma similar a los resultados obtenidos en estudios previos (e.g. Ajamil, Pascual, Idiakez y Echevarría, 2011; Czech, Ploszay y Burke, 2004; Lidor y Mayan, 2005; Singer, 2002). Las conclusiones de este estudio poseen importantes implicaciones prácticas para todos los intervinientes en el contexto del deporte. Además de contribuir a un enfoque eficaz en la respuesta a esta necesidad específica, se enfatiza la importancia de la incorporación de estrategias psicológicas en el ámbito del entrenamiento deportivo.The aim of the study was to assess the impact of the inclusion of a routine in the performance of a young player, in terms of direct free execution. Based on the Five-step Approach (Singer, 2000) an individualized intervention directed towards the learning and systematization of a routine was conducted, using strategies for physical, technical and mental preparation of the athlete. The results indicate that after the intervention the athlete's performance improved significantly, demonstrating the positive impact of incorporating routines, similar to results of previous studies (e.g. Ajamil, Pascual, Idiakez and Echevarria, 2011; Czech, Ploszay and Burke, 2004; Lidor and Mayan, 2005; Singer, 2002). The findings of this study have important practical implications for all those involved in the sports context. As well as contributing to an effective approach in response to this specific need, it emphasizes the importance of incorporating psychological strategies in the field of athletic training.O objectivo do estudo foi avaliar o impacto da incorporação de uma rotina no rendimento de um jovem futebolista, relativamente à execução de livres-directos. Com base na abordagem Five-step Approach (Singer, 2000) foi levada a cabo uma intervenção individualizada, dirigida à aprendizagem e sistematização de uma rotina, utilizando estratégias destinadas à preparação física, técnica e mental do atleta. Os resultados indicam que depois da intervenção o rendimento do desportista melhorou significativamente, o que demonstra a influência positiva da incorporação de rotinas, confirmando os resultados obtidos em estudos prévios (e.g. Ajamil, Pascual, Idiakez e Echevarría, 2011; Czech, Ploszay e Burke, 2004; Lidor e Mayan, 2005; Singer, 2002). As conclusões deste estudo possuem importantes implicações práticas para todos os intervenientes no contexto desportivo. Para além de contribuir com uma abordagem eficaz na resposta a esta necessidade específica, enfatiza-se a importância da incorporação de estratégias psicológicas no âmbito do treino desportivo

    Cross‑country diferences in drivers of female necessity entrepreneurship

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    This paper analyzes the drivers of female necessity entrepreneurship using a sample of 59 countries, with data sourced from the 2018-2019 global entrepreneurship monitor (GEM). It develops a theoretical framework describing how post-secondary education, startup skills, fear of failure, knowing another entrepreneur, entrepreneurial intentions, and hiring expectations act as drivers of female necessity entrepreneurship. Using qualitative comparative analysis, two models are tested to explain the presence and absence of female necessity entrepreneurship. This outcome is measured using the GEM indicator of total early-stage entrepreneurial activit

    A comprehensive conceptual and bibliometric study of person-centered methodologies

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    Person-centered approaches, such as latent profile analysis (LPA) and qualitative comparative analysis (QCA), have gained in popularity in organizational scholarship because of their ability to provide insight into how interrelations between a group of conditions can lead to a particular outcome. Despite the growing acceptance of person-centered approaches in social science research, traditional variable-centered approaches continue to prevail, although their dominance is increasingly questioned. This paper offers in-depth analysis of the current state of QCA and LPA from both a conceptual and a bibliometric perspective. This study thus aims to contextualize the role of person-centered methodologies in organizational scholarship. This aim is important, given the significance of exploring novel approaches to advance knowledge in organizational research. This paper provides scholars with quantifiable and readily comparable information on the use of these emerging but promising methods in organizational studies. Ultimately, this scientific contribution sheds light on the current and prospective applications of person-centered methods in research. Moreover, it offers scholars who are considering applying these methods objective analysis of the scientific production in this area thus far

    Does hybrid learning hinder academic performance?

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    [EN] Given the constant digital transformations experienced by society in different fields and, more specifically, in education, higher education institutions have been forced to incorporate technological innovations in their teaching strategies with the aim of stimulating active student participation (Dziuban et al., 2018). Traditional learning is based on the explanation by the faculty team of a particular concept in class, where students can participate both face-to-face and synchronously (Tran, 2016). In contrast, online learning employs educational contents and materials through the Internet (Singh, 2021). Consequently, hybrid learning, which is characterized by combining online and face-to-face learning, leverages the advantages of both teaching methods (Klimova & Kacetl, 2015) providing students with flexibility, motivation, interest, and an entertaining educational experience. The practical, logistical, and educational possibilities offered by hybrid learning (Bower et al., 2015) depend to a greater extent to the fact students and faculty are provided with supportive tools and knowledge that enable the efficient and effective use of online resources and technology (Rasheed et al., 2020). In recent times, hybrid learning has played a key role in the response of higher education institutions to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, while hybrid learning has been a solution employed throughout the world to continue teaching during the worst of the pandemic, there is a need to evaluate the effects of this type of learning on the academic performance of students. In this sense, while some studies demonstrate that the grades of the students engaging in hybrid learning are higher than those in traditional learning (e.g., Potter, 2015; Harahap et al., 2019), others advocate that the differences in grades obtained by individuals of both groups are not statistically significant (e.g., Hsu y Hsieh, 2011; Halasa et al., 2020). The present study aims to analyze these effects by examining the differences in academic performance between a group of students with full face-to-face teaching and another with hybrid teaching. The objective is twofold: on the one hand, to determine whether hybrid learning meets the learning standards of traditional face-to-face teaching or whether it differs and in what sense it does so; on the other hand, to propose improvements in the hybrid learning model by introducing active learning methodologies that reinforce its pedagogical capacity. The methodology used consists of an ANOVA analysis to demonstrate if there are significant differences between the academic performance, measured by the grade of the course, of those students with hybrid learning [Group 1] and those who attended classes in person at all times [Group 2]. The following graph exhibits the mean and dispersion of grades for both groups of students. The mean of grades of individuals learning through traditional methods is higher compared to the mean of hybrid learning students. In this sense, this difference may be explained due to students’ distinct levels of motivation and attention span as they may adopt a passive behavior and may find problems in maintaining the interest during the hybrid learning process. The variability of grades also reflects this argument as Group 2 presents a more homogeneous performance than Group 1. Therefore, the results corroborate the existence of significant differences, with those students with hybrid learning presenting a lower performance. Table 1. Mean and dispersion of grades of hybrid learning students. Based on these results, we explore the challenges associated with non-face-toface learning in higher education and suggest pedagogical mechanisms aimed at increasing student motivation and engagement with hybrid learning (see, e.g., Sendra-Pons et al., 2020). This study not only has implications in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic but also contributes to a better understanding of a learning approach that seems to be taking root in higher education institutions. However, the study, although informative, is limited by the size of the sample, and it is necessary to corroborate the results.Norat Roig-Tierno wishes to thank Project [GV/2019/063], funded by the Generalitat Valenciana, for supporting this research.Sendra-Pons, P.; Chaparro Banegas, N.; Mas Tur, A.; Roig Tierno, H. (2022). Does hybrid learning hinder academic performance?. En Proceedings INNODOCT/21. International Conference on Innovation, Documentation and Education. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 87-90. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/188754879