269,422 research outputs found
Pons-Altés, J. M. (coord.) (2021). Didàctica, història, cooperació i justícia social. Reconeixement al doctor Antoni Gavaldà. Publicacions URV.
Ressenya del llibre: Pons-Altés, J. M. (coord.) (2021). Didàctica, història, cooperació i justícia social. Reconeixement al doctor Antoni Gavaldà. Publicacions URV.Book review: Pons-Altés, J. M. (coord.) (2021). Didàctica, història, cooperació i justícia social. Reconeixement al doctor Antoni Gavaldà. Publicacions URV
Exploring the Oxygen Order in Hg-1223 and Hg-1201 by 199Hg MAS NMR
We demonstrate the use of a high-resolution solid-state fast (45 kHz) magic
angle spinning (MAS) NMR for mapping the oxygen distribution in Hg-based
cuprate superconductors. We identify observed three peaks in 199Hg spectrum as
belonging to the different chemical environments in the HgO? layer with no
oxygen neighbors, single oxygen neighbor, and two oxygen neighbors. We discuss
observed differences between Hg-1201 and Hg-1223 materials.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures included. Submitted to NATO Advanced Research
Workshop Proceedings (Miami January 2004
VLBI astrometry of two millisecond pulsars
We present astrometric results on two millisecond pulsars, PSR B1257+12 and
PSR J1022+1001, as carried out through VLBI. For PSR B1257+12, a
model-independent distance of pc and proper motion of
( mas/yr,
mas/yr) were obtained from 5 epochs of VLBA and 4 epochs of EVN observations,
spanning about 2 years. The two dimensional proper motion of PSR J1022+1001
( mas/yr, mas/yr) was
also estimated, using 3 epochs of EVN observations. Based on our results, the
X-ray efficiency of PSR B1257+12 should be in the same range as other
millisecond pulsars, and not as low as previously thought.Comment: Proceedings of IAUS 291 "Neutron Stars and Pulsars: Challenges and
Opportunities after 80 years", J. van Leeuwen (ed.); 3 page
A new function of hydrocarbons in insect communication : maternal care and offspring signalling in the European earwig
International audienc
Strange alliance or a match that was meant to be? Interrelations between public art and the museum
Cher Krause Knight Harriet F. Senie (eds.), Museums and Public Art?. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018, hardback £40, pp. xxiv+304 J Pedro Lorente, Public Art and Museums in Cultural Districts, Abingdon, New York: Routledge, 2019, hardback £115, pp.ix+22
Sobre el Premi Nobel d'Economia 2005, concedit a Robert J. Aumann i Thomas C. Schelling
La concessió del Premi Nobel d'Economia 2005 a Robert J. Aumann i Thomas C. Schelling
confirma la influència de la teoria de jocs i l'interès social que desperta. L'any 1994, John C.
Harsanyi, John F. Nash Jr. i Reinhard Selten compartiren el Premi «per la seva anàlisi pionera de
l'equilibri en la teoria de jocs no cooperatius». Aumann i Schelling, guardonats «per haver ampliat
la nostra comprensió del conflicte i la cooperació mitjançant l'anàlisi de la teoria de jocs»,
són dos teòrics que han estudiat les motivacions i conseqüències del paradigma de la racionalitat
en l'acció humana. Aquest treball és una breu revisió dels fonaments teòrics de l'estratègia del
conflicte i de l'equilibri de la por, elements que han estat presents en situacions com ara la guerra
freda i que són a la base de decisions d'alta política mundial. S'analitzen aquestes i altres
aportacions dels dos guardonats, les variants del dilema del presoner i la seva aplicació en estratègies tant de política defensiva-ofensiva com d'inversió econòmica , i els raonaments en la presa
de decisions d'abast particular.The Nobel Prize for Economics 2005 for Robert J. Aumann and Thomas C. Schelling comes
in recognition of the influence of the theory of games and the social interest it arouses. In 1994,
John C. Harsanyi, John F. Nash Jr. and Reinhard Selten shared the award for their pioneering
analysis of the equilibria in the theory of non-cooperative games. Aumann and Schelling, who
received the award for having enhanced our understanding of conflict and cooperation through
game theory analysis, are two theoreticians who have studied the motivations and consequences
of the paradigm of rationality in human action. This work is a brief review of the theoretical
foundations of the conflict and the balance of fear, elements that have been present in situations
such as the ColdWar and lie at the heart of decisions in high-level world politics.
These, and other contributions by both award-winners are analyzed, as well as the variants of
the prisoners dilemma and their application to strategies including defensive- offensive politics,
economic investment and reasoning in private decision-making
Sobre el Premi Nobel d'Economia 2005, concedit a Robert J. Aumann i Thomas C. Schelling
La concessió del Premi Nobel d'Economia 2005 a Robert J. Aumann i Thomas C. Schelling
confirma la influència de la teoria de jocs i l'interès social que desperta. L'any 1994, John C.
Harsanyi, John F. Nash Jr. i Reinhard Selten compartiren el Premi «per la seva anàlisi pionera de
l'equilibri en la teoria de jocs no cooperatius». Aumann i Schelling, guardonats «per haver ampliat
la nostra comprensió del conflicte i la cooperació mitjançant l'anàlisi de la teoria de jocs»,
són dos teòrics que han estudiat les motivacions i conseqüències del paradigma de la racionalitat
en l'acció humana. Aquest treball és una breu revisió dels fonaments teòrics de l'estratègia del
conflicte i de l'equilibri de la por, elements que han estat presents en situacions com ara la guerra
freda i que són a la base de decisions d'alta política mundial. S'analitzen aquestes i altres
aportacions dels dos guardonats, les variants del dilema del presoner i la seva aplicació en estratègies tant de política defensiva-ofensiva com d'inversió econòmica , i els raonaments en la presa
de decisions d'abast particular.The Nobel Prize for Economics 2005 for Robert J. Aumann and Thomas C. Schelling comes
in recognition of the influence of the theory of games and the social interest it arouses. In 1994,
John C. Harsanyi, John F. Nash Jr. and Reinhard Selten shared the award for their pioneering
analysis of the equilibria in the theory of non-cooperative games. Aumann and Schelling, who
received the award for having enhanced our understanding of conflict and cooperation through
game theory analysis, are two theoreticians who have studied the motivations and consequences
of the paradigm of rationality in human action. This work is a brief review of the theoretical
foundations of the conflict and the balance of fear, elements that have been present in situations
such as the ColdWar and lie at the heart of decisions in high-level world politics.
These, and other contributions by both award-winners are analyzed, as well as the variants of
the prisoners dilemma and their application to strategies including defensive- offensive politics,
economic investment and reasoning in private decision-making
SiO masers from AGB stars in the vibrationally excited v=1,v=2, and v=3 states
The v=1 and v=2 J=1-0 (43 GHz), and v=1 J=2-1 (86 GHz) SiO masers are intense
in AGB stars and have been mapped using VLBI showing ring-like distributions.
Those of the v=1, v=2 J=1-0 masers are similar, but the spots are rarely
coincident, while the v=1 J=2-1 maser arises from a well separated region
farther out. These relative locations can be explained by models tools that
include the overlap of two IR lines of SiO and H2O. The v=3 J=1-0 line is not
directly affected by any line overlap and its spot structure and position,
relative to the other lines, is a good test to the standard pumping models. We
present single-dish and simultaneous VLBI observations of the v=1, v=2, and v=3
J=1-0 maser transitions of 28SiO in several AGB stars. The spatial distribution
of the SiO maser emission in the v=3 J=1-0 transition from AGB stars is
systematically composed of a series of spots that occupy a ring-like structure.
The overall ring structure is extremely similar to that found in the other 43
GHz transitions and is very different from the structure of the v=1 J=2-1
maser. The positions of the individual spots of the different 43 GHz lines are,
however, very rarely coincident, which in general is separated by about 0.3 AU
(between 1 and 5 mas). These results are very difficult to reconcile with
standard pumping models, which predict that the masers of rotational
transitions within a given vibrational state require very similar excitation
conditions, while the transitions of different vibrational states should appear
in different positions. However, models including line overlap tend to predict
v=1, v=2, v=3 J=1-0 population inversion to occur under very similar
conditions, while the requirements for v=1 J=2-1 appear clearly different, and
are compatible with the observational results.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures accepted by A&
A commentary on standardization in the Semantic Web, Common Logic and MultiAgent Systems
Given the ubiquity of the Web, the Semantic Web (SW) offers MultiAgent Systems (MAS) a most wide-ranging platform by which they could intercommunicate. It can be argued however that MAS require levels of logic that the current Semantic Web has yet to provide. As ISO Common Logic (CL) ISO/IEC IS 24707:2007 provides a firstorder logic capability for MAS in an interoperable way, it seems natural to investigate how CL may itself integrate with the SW thus providing a more expressive means by which MAS can interoperate effectively across the SW. A commentary is accordingly presented on how this may be achieved. Whilst it notes that certain limitations remain to be addressed, the commentary proposes that standardising the SW with CL provides the vehicle by which MAS can achieve their potential.</p
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