11 research outputs found


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    Hasil riset menunjukkan posisi CKD dan PLB dapat membantu meningatkan kondisi pernafasanpasien PPOK. Saturasi oksigen (SaO2) merupakan salah satu parameter untuk menilai kondisipernafasan. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui efektifitas posisi CKD dan PLB terhadappeningkatan SaO2 pasien PPOK. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan  eksperimenrandomized control trial pre post test with control group. Sample 25 pasien, dengan randomsampling. Terdapat tiga kelompok: intervensi/klp 1 (diposisikan CKD dan PLB), kontrol 1/ klp2 (diposisikan semi fowler dan natural breathing) dan kontrol 2/ klp 3 (diposisikan CKD dannatural breathing), masing-masing tindakan dilakukan selama 3 hari. Ada perbedaan SaO2 pada klp 1, ƿ (0,000), hasil post hoc SaO2 hari ke-1 vs hari ke-2 ƿ = 0,170; hari ke-1 vs hari ke-3 ƿ =0,003; hari ke-2 vs hari ke-3 ƿ = 0,004. Tidak ada perbedaan SaO2 pada klp 2, ƿ (0,479). Adaperbedaan SaO2 pada klp 3, ƿ (0,000) dan hasil post hoc SaO2 hari ke-1 vs hari ke-2 ƿ = 0,01;hari ke-1 vs hari ke-3 ƿ = 0,007; hari ke-2 vs hari ke-3 ƿ = 0,015. Tidak ada perbedaan SaO2antar kelompok pada hari ke-1, ƿ (0,084) > α (0,05). Hari kedua dan ketiga tidak ada perbedaanSaO2 antara klp 1 dengan klp 3 (ƿ = 0,089 & 0,156) tetapi ada perbedaan SaO2 antara klp 1dengan klp 2 (ƿ = 0,033 & 0,003) dan antara klp 2 dengan klp 3 (ƿ = 0,006 & 0,002). Posisi CKD dan PLB lebih efektif meningkatkan SaO2. Kata Kunci: SaO2, PPOK, PLB, posisi CK


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    Latar Belakang: Proses menua pada lanjut usia dapat dibagi menjadi tiga tahap yaitu melemahnya fungsi, keterbatasan fungsional, disabilitas, dan handicap yang muncul sebagai akibat dari penurunan tersebut. Sistem kognitif atau intelektual yaitu demensia merupakan salah satu sistem tubuh yang mengalami kemunduran. Demensia adalah kondisi penurunan intelektual progresif yang mempengaruhi kemampuan kognitif dan fungsional. Demensia memiliki pengaruh yang merugikan bagi lansia jika tidak segera ditangani, antara lain perubahan perilaku penderita seperti lupa siapa dirinya, dan lansia yang berkeliaran sendirian ke suatu lokasi kemungkinan akan tersesat karena tidak mengingat arah pulang. Otak orang dewasa lanjut usia dengan demensia ditemukan rusak, dengan kematian sel dan hilangnya suplai darah ke otak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui prevalensi kepikunan pada lansia di Rojinhome Ikadaen, Okinawa.Metodologi : Besarnya kepikunan pada lansia dalam memenuhi aktivitas sehari-hari dideskripsikan menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan deskriptif dalam penelitian ini.Hasil : Sebagian besar wanita yang lansia (75-90 tahun) memiliki riwayat hipertensi, dan sebagian besar mengalami demensia sedang. Lansia dituntut untuk dapat melakukan aktivitas fisik secara teratur, mulai dari aktivitas dengan intensitas rendah seperti memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari hingga aktivitas dengan intensitas sedang seperti mengikuti program senam panti asuhan untuk meningkatkan fungsi kognitif


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    The tuberculosis cases due to be a source of infection for people in the neighborhood, so it needs an increase in efforts to find active case (MOH, 2001) , Delays in treatment lead to the transmission, as well as the impact the increased risk of disease transmission. So search delays pulmonary TB treatment resulted in increased numbers of cases of pulmonary TB. Objectives of this study was to analyze the delay of treatment seeking behavior  of Pulmonaru TB patients in Banyumas Regency. The study design using analytic descriptive study. Samples in this study were patients who had intensive phase of TB treatment (first 2 months) in Primary Health care center of Banyumas regency. The sample size of this study were 102 respondents, purposive sampling technique was used in this study. In which the variables includes:   family income and delay seeking treatment of TB patients. Analysis of this study was use simple logistic regression. The result of this study shows that the majority of pulmonary TB patients were not delay in seeking of treatment. It was about 56 respondents (54.9%). There is influence  between family income  and the delay treatment seeking behavior of pulmonary TB patients in Banyumas Regency.  . Keywords:   Family Income,  The Delay Treatment Seeking Behavior, T

    Relationships between Gender, Perception, Knowledge, Stigma, and Duration of Treatment Seeking Behavior of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients in Indonesia

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    Tuberculosis is still a major public health problem, especially in developing countries

    Penatalaksanaan Nyeri Reumatoid Athritis Di Balai Pelayanan Sosial Dewanata Cilacap 2022

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    Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease that attacks the limbs namely joints, muscles, bones and tissues around the joints causing pain, swelling in the joints. This pain management is done by using red ginger compress therapy which aims to reduce pain in the joints. The aim is to analyze the results of the implementation of nursing care with the intervention of giving  ginger compresses to the elderly to meet pain needs. The method in writing the Final Scientific Work is in the form of a case study taken while practicing at the Wisma 2 Social home Tresna Werdha Dewanata by doing nursing nurture for 3 times a week. The results obtained after the intervention showed that there was a reduction in pain during the giving of  ginger compresses in the elderly with rheumatoid arthritis. There is a decrease in the scale of pain after red ginger compressing from before compressing  ginger on the four pain scale, after compressing the red ginger on the pain scale for once. It is concluded that there is a significant effect on the giving of  ginger compresses in the elderly who had rheumatoid arthritis. It is recommended for the institution to be able to apply the  ginger compress intervention in addition to the pharmacological drugs that have been carried out by the orphanage

    Asuhan Keperawatan Gerontik Hambatan Mobilitas Fisik Pada TN. S Dengan Stroke Non Hemorogik di Puskesmas Sumbang 1

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    <p><i>Stroke is a manifestation of systemic disease in old age in the form of impaired blood circulation to the brain which causes neurologic deficits. One of the effects that causes non-hemorrhagic stroke is weakness in the limbs of half the body (hemiparesis). This paper aims to determine the application of range of motion (ROM) to muscle strength in non-hemorrhagic stroke patients. The method used in writing this scientific paper is the descriptive method with 1 respondent through interviews, observation, documentation. The results of research from non-hemorrhagic stroke patients who were given range of motion (ROM) training intervention after nursing care for 3x24 hours showed an increase in muscle strength in the right lower extremity. The conclusion is that there was an increase in muscle strength after range of motion (ROM) exercises were carried out on non-hemorrhagic stroke respondents at the Sumbang 1 Community Health Center.</i></p&gt

    Hubungan Usia dan Pendidikan dengan Keterlambatan Pencarian Pengobatan Pasien Tuberkulosis Paru di Kabupaten Banyumas

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    Pulmonary tuberculosis is a pulmonary infectious disease caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis. The big rate of disease transmission is due to the low Case Detection Rate (CDR).The Delay seeking treatment Pulmonary TB was contributes to disease transmission. This study aims to analyze the relationship and family income by searching for information on pulmonary TB patients in Banyumas Regency. The research design in this study used descriptive correlational analitic. The sample in this study were patients undergoing intensive phase TB treatment (the first 2 months) at the Puskesmas in Banyumas Regency with a sample size of 102 people, the sampling technique was purposive sampling. Where the variables include: Age, family income, and information seeking pulmonary TB treatment. The data analysis used in this research is simple logistic regression The results showed that most of the pulmonary TB patients in the Banyumas Regency area were not delay in seeking treatment, about 56 (54.9%). There is a relationship between age, family stage and delay seeking tratment for pulmonary tuberculosis patients in Banyumas Regency. Keywords: Age, Family Income, and Delay in seeking pulmonary TB treatment Delay, Health Seeking Behavior   &nbsp

    Pengaruh Posisi Condong ke Depan (Ckd) dengan Pursed Lips Breathing (Plb) terhadap Peningkatan Kondisi Pernafasan Pasien Penyakit Paru Obstruktif Kronik (Ppok)

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    Background: As care provider, the nurses providing nursing care service to helpimprove respiratory function COPD patients.Objectives: To investigate the influence of CKD position and CKD positiontoward PLB to increased respiratory Functions of COPD patients.Methods: An experimental study was design randomized control trial pre-post testwith control group technique among 33 COPD patients. Result: This study found that there is not significant difference between beforeintervention group and after intervention group with the p-value > α. Conclusion: The CKD position and PLB therapy are more effective than CKDposision or semi-flower to decrease the problem of dipsnea. Three-day-treatmentof CKD posision and PLB done continually is as effective as the CKD position ofsingle treatment to increase SaO2 and to increase RR respectively than that withsemi fowler position. keywords: RR, SaO2, Problem of dipnea, Quantity exhaled air, COPD, PLB, theposition of CK