330 research outputs found

    Promoting Civic Knowledge and Political Efficacy Among Low-Income Youth Through Applied Political Participation

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    Studies indicate growing disparities in youth civic knowledge and political efficacy based on socioeconomic status, parental educational attainment, and race. Most studies of youth political participation focus on the effect political efficacy and civic knowledge have on political participation. Few report on the effect political participation has on political efficacy and civic knowledge. This article describes an intervention that coupled civic literacy workshops with applied political participation to increase the civic knowledge and political efficacy of low-income, ethnically diverse high school students. Over three years, 47 high school students enrolled in Upward Bound participated in a six-hour civic literacy workshop. Upon conclusion of the workshop, students spent a day meeting with legislators and attending legislative hearings. Results indicate increases in political efficacy and significant increases in civic knowledge among the youth after both the workshop and the visits with elected officials

    A new late Aptian elasmosaurid from the Paja Formation, Villa de Leiva, Colombia

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    A new genus and species of elasmosaurid, Leivanectes bernardoi gen. et sp. nov., from the upper Aptian levels of the Paja Formation of Villa de Leiva (Boyacá Colombia) is described. The new elasmosaurid is characterized by a short mandibular symphysis, bears only three alveoli (there are five in Callawayasaurus colombiensis), has an enlarged premaxillary alveoli, and has a mandible that includes only seven alveoli in each ramus anterior to the orbit (there are 11 in Callawayasaurus colombiensis). This new elasmosaurid taxon has fewer and larger alveoli than any other presently described elasmosaurid taxon. The observed differences indicate that the new species consumed larger-bodied prey than did other elasmosaurids. The new taxon suggests that the elasmosaurids were diverse in the Colombian late Aptian sea.Fil: Páramo Fonseca, Maria Eurídice. Universidad Nacional de Colombia; ColombiaFil: O'gorman, Jose Patricio. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Paleontología Vertebrados; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Gasparini, Zulma. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Paleontología Vertebrados; ArgentinaFil: Padilla, Santiago. Centro de Investigaciones Paleontológicas; ColombiaFil: Parra Ruge, Mary Luz. Centro de Investigaciones Paleontológicas; Colombi

    Microempresarias en la comercialización de langosta en el mercado municipal de Bilwi

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    This research was carried out with the purpose of analyzing the marketing processes carried out by lobster micro-entrepreneurs women in Bilwi Municipal Market. The study is a mixed type (quantitative and qualitative) of a descriptive level, because the data was quantified and then analyzed according to the variables formulated and along with the theoretical framework described. The research is retrospective and cross-sectional, due to the study of the prevalence of exposure and the effect on a population sample in a single temporal moment. The information was obtained through surveys and documentary review. The relevant results have shown that the micro entrepreneurs’ women at Bilwi municipal market carry out the commercialization of lobsters empirically; they provide the product from different sources, among them artisanal fishermen, pequineras (women who are dedicated to buying and selling lobster), independent gatherers that arrive from coastal communities or fishing companies. This study also provides information for the authorities of the regional government of the RACCN, Puerto Cabezas municipal government, the Family, Cooperative and Community Economy Ministry, as well as financial entities to design and implement policies and strategies to support this sector.Esta investigación se realizó con el propósito de analizar los procesos de comercialización que realizan las microempresarias de langosta en el mercado municipal de Bilwi. El estudio es tipo mixto (cuantitativo y cualitativo) de un nivel descriptivo, debido a que los datos se cuantificaron para luego ser analizados según las variables formuladas y de acuerdo con el marco teórico descrito. La investigación es retrospectiva y de corte transversal, debido al estudio de la prevalencia de la exposición y del efecto en una muestra poblacional en un solo momento temporal. La información se obtuvo mediante encuestas y revisión documental. Los resultados relevantes han mostrado que las microempresarias del mercado municipal de Bilwi realizan la comercialización de langostas de forma empírica; proveen el producto de diferentes fuentes entre ellos pescadores artesanales, pequineras, acopiadores independientes que llegan desde las comunidades de los litorales o de las empresas pesqueras. También este estudio aporta información para que las autoridades del gobierno regional de la RACCN, el gobierno municipal de Puerto Cabezas, del Ministerio de Economía Familiar, Cooperativa y Comunitaria, así como entidades financieras diseñen e implementen políticas y estrategias de apoyo a este sector

    Suitable rootstocks can alleviate the effects of heat stress on pepper plants

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    [EN] In this study, different pepper rootstocks are tested for their ability to overcome heat stress situations. This work aims to evaluate: (i) the physiological mechanisms that occur during long heat stress periods (7 days) under controlled conditions in a pepper variety grafted onto accessions; (ii) the heat stress behaviour of these grafted pepper plants under greenhouse conditions in terms of marketable yields. For this purpose, plants of Lamuyo-type sweet pepper `Herminio F1¿ (VA), grafted onto six accessions (VA/A25, VA/A31, VA/A34, VA/A52, VA/A57, VA/A6), and a self-grafted variety (VA/VA) were grown under controlled conditions in growth chambers (28/24 °C, day/night temperatures and 38/24 °C for control and heat stress, respectively) and under greenhouse conditions (38/24 °C). For the controlled conditions, relative growth rate, leaf area, electrolyte leakage, chlorophyll a fluorescence and heat shock proteins were determined. For the greenhouse conditions, fresh and dry weigh, electrolyte leakage and fruit yield were determined. Our results confirmed that grafting a pepper cultivar onto appropriate rootstocks such as A6, A25 and A57 can overcome the negative effects of heat stress conditions with a higher relative growth rate, leaf area and Fv/Fm, and lower electrolyte leakage under the controlled conditions, and with higher marketable yields under the greenhouse conditions.This work has been financed by the INIA (Spain) and the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities through Project RTA-2017-00030-C02 and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) . Ramon Gisbert-Mullor is a beneficiary of a doctoral fellowship (FPU-MEFP (Spain) ) . Yaiza Gara Padilla is a beneficiary of a doctoral fellowship (FPI-INIA (Spain) ) .Gisbert-Mullor, R.; Padilla, YG.; Martínez-Cuenca, M.; López Galarza, SV.; Calatayud, Á. (2021). Suitable rootstocks can alleviate the effects of heat stress on pepper plants. Scientia Horticulturae. 290:1-11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scienta.2021.11052911129

    Clinical and epidemiological aspects of complicated malaria in Colombia, 2007–2013

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    Additional file 2. Annual percentage change (APC) for complicated malaria, stratified by age

    Cocreation in Health Workforce Planning to Shape the Future of the Health Care System in the Philippines.

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    Background: The Philippines passed landmark legislation in 2019 on universal health coverage, including reforms in the development of its health workforce, an essential building block of responsive health care systems. Health Workforce Planning Cocreation Process: We based our planning process on a model of cocreation defined as sharing power and decision making to solve problems collaboratively and build consensus around action. Through cocreation with policy makers, researchers, and other stakeholders, we performed projection studies on 10 selected health professions and estimated the need for primary care at national and subnational levels, which was the most extensive health workforce projection carried out by the Philippine Department of Health to date. We determined health workforce requirements based on target densities recommended by the World Health Organization and a health needs approach that considered epidemiological and sociodemographic factors. In consultation with stakeholders, we interpreted our analysis to guide recommendations to address issues related to health workforce quantity, skill mix, and distribution. These included a broad range of proposals, including task shifting, expanding scholarships and deployment, reforming health professionals’ education, and pursuing a whole-of-society approach, which together informed the National Human Resources for Health Master Plan. Conclusions: Our cocreation model offers lessons for policy makers, program managers, and researchers in low- and middle-income countries who deal with health workforce challenges. Cocreation led to relationship building between policy makers and researchers who jointly performed the research and identified solutions through open communication and agile coordination. To shape future health care systems that are responsive both during normal times and during crises, cocreation would be essential for evidence-informed policy development and policy-relevant research

    Cocreation in Health Workforce Planning to Shape the Future of the Health Care System in the Philippines

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    Background The Philippines passed landmark legislation in 2019 on universal health coverage, including reforms in the development of its health workforce, an essential building block of responsive health care systems. Health Workforce Planning Cocreation Process We based our planning process on a model of cocreation defined as sharing power and decision making to solve problems collaboratively and build consensus around action. Through cocreation with policy makers, researchers, and other stakeholders, we performed projection studies on 10 selected health professions and estimated the need for primary care at national and subnational levels, which was the most extensive health workforce projection carried out by the Philippine Department of Health to date. We determined health workforce requirements based on target densities recommended by the World Health Organization and a health needs approach that considered epidemiological and sociodemographic factors. In consultation with stakeholders, we interpreted our analysis to guide recommendations to address issues related to health workforce quantity, skill mix, and distribution. These included a broad range of proposals, including task shifting, expanding scholarships and deployment, reforming health professionals’ education, and pursuing a whole-of-society approach, which together informed the National Human Resources for Health Master Plan. Conclusions Our cocreation model offers lessons for policy makers, program managers, and researchers in low- and middle-income countries who deal with health workforce challenges. Cocreation led to relationship building between policy makers and researchers who jointly performed the research and identified solutions through open communication and agile coordination. To shape future health care systems that are responsive both during normal times and during crises, cocreation would be essential for evidence-informed policy development and policy-relevant research

    Factores estresantes que repercuten en la calidad de atención de enfermería, hospital San Luis de Otavalo noviembre 2014 - abril 2015

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    Identificar los factores estresantes que repercuten en la calidad del cuidado de enfermería en el Hospital San Luis de Otavalo de Noviembre 2014 - Abril del 2015.Está investigación se realizó en el Hospital San Luis de Otavalo de la Provincia de Imbabura, con el objeto de identificar los factores estresantes a los que está expuesto las/los enfermeras/os y como éstos repercuten en la calidad del cuidado. Es un estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo, transversal y no experimental, se apoyó en la búsqueda de información científica; se aplicó la escala de Maslach para medir el grado de stress, se utilizó una encuesta sobre factores estresantes dirigida a las 47 enfermeras/os que laboran en los diferentes servicios del hospital; para valorar la percepción del cuidado de enfermería se aplicó una encuesta con escala Likert sobre satisfacción a 45 pacientes del hospital. Entre los principales resultados se tiene que el 94% de los profesionales es de género femenino, el 28% labora entre 2 y 5 años; se encontró que el 91% del personal de enfermería presenta estrés laboral señalando que el factor físico es de mayor incidencia; el 68% de las profesionales de enfermería presenta agotamiento emocional medio; el 62% presenta despersonalización. Según la percepción de los usuarios la calidad de cuidado se calificó como buena. Se desarrolló una guía sobre la prevención del estrés laboral en los/as profesionales de Enfermería del Hospital San Luis de Otavalo, como intervención directa se organizó una sesión de riso terapia, en la que participaron las/os enfermeras/os, manifestaron que fue muy positivo y contribuyó a tener un momento de relajación.Licenciatur

    Impacto psicosocial de la estética dental en estudiantes del nivel secundario de una institución educativa de Moquegua 2021

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar el impacto psicosocial de la estética dental en estudiantes del nivel secundario de una institución educativa de Moquegua 2021. La investigación fue de tipo básica, de alcance descriptivo, y de diseño no experimental y de corte transversal. La muestra estuvo conformada por 70 estudiantes, quienes completaron el cuestionario del Impacto Psicosocial de la Estética Dental (PIQAD), que tuvo como finalidad determinar el nivel de impacto psicosocial de la estética dental de los escolares. Se obtuvieron como resultados que 66 (94,3%) escolares presentaron un bajo impacto psicosocial de la estética dental mientras que tan solo 4 (5,7%) estudiantes presentaron un alto impacto. En cuanto al género, 41 (58,6%) de las estudiantes mujeres 25 y (35,7%) de estudiantes varones presentaron un bajo impacto psicosocial, no se observó una asociación estadísticamente significativa entre el impacto psicosocial y el género (p= 0,141). Con respecto a la edad, se encontró que 5 (7,6%) estudiantes de 12 años, 10 (15,2%) estudiantes de 13 años, 9 (13,6%) estudiantes de 14 años, 14 (21,2%) estudiantes de 15 años, 24 (36,4%) estudiantes de 16 años, 3 (4,5%) estudiantes de 17 años y 1 (1,5%) estudiante de 18 años presentaron un bajo impacto, demostrándose que existe una relación estadística significativa entre la edad y el impacto psicosocial (p=0,000). Se concluye que los alumnos del nivel secundario de un centro educativo de Moquegua presentaron un bajo impacto psicosocial de la estética dental