763 research outputs found

    Mini-orações livres e dependentes em Português Brasileiro

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    This paper examines free small clauses, which, unlike dependent small clauses, exhibit peculiar properties: (a) they are restricted to occur with individual level and event adjectives, (b) they have to appear with the subject postposed. After considering several hypotheses on the nature of this inversion, it is proposed that these adjectives are of the ergative type, while the stage level adjectives are unergatives. Small clauses with ergative adjectives can be complements of a third copula distinct from the attributive 'ser' and the stative 'estar', which underlies cleft constructions. The derivation of free small clauses is parallel to canonical cleft sentences.Este artigo examina o que chamamos de mini-orações livres, que, diferentemente de mini-orações dependentes, exibem algumas propriedades peculiares: (a) é restrita a ocorrer com adjetivos de indivíduo ou de evento, (b) tem que ter o sujeito posposto. Após considerar várias hipóteses sobre a natureza dessa inversão, propôs-se que os adjetivos que nela aparecem são do tipo ergativo. Essas mini-orações podem ser complementos de um tipo especial de cópula, do tipo que aparece com construções clivadas. As derivações das mini-orações livres seriam paralelas à derivação de construções clivadas.8511

    The non-existence of finite sentential subjects

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    Sentential subjects constitute a category in all traditional, Structuralist and recent Generative Grammar. Examples of such sentences are the constituents interpreted as arguments of verbs such as parecer [to seem], acontecer [to happen], impressionar [to impress]. The usual analysis in Generative Grammar is that such constituents are internal arguments of the verb in D-structure, and that they rise to subject position by movement. This article maintains the claim that they are D-structure internal arguments, but shows that the landing position of finite sentences is an A’ position. The main evidence presented is that the so-called “sentential subjects” behave exactly like adjunct sentences for extraction. The analysis retains infinitive clauses as possible subject clauses

    Atrial natriuretic peptide promotes cardiomyocyte survival by cGMP-dependent nuclear accumulation of zyxin and Akt

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    Journal ArticleThis study delineates a mechanism for antiapoptotic signaling initiated by atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) stimulation leading to elevation of cGMP levels and subsequent nuclear accumulation of Akt kinase associated with zyxin, a cytoskeletal LIM-domain protein. Nuclear targeting of zyxin induces resistance to cell death coincident with nuclear accumulation of activated Akt

    Sujeitos indeterminados em PE e PB

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    This study describes Europen (EP) an Brazilian Portuguese(BP) indefinite subjects. EP prefers the “se”constructions, with and without agreement, while BP tends to use both the overt personal pronouns (você, a gente) and the “se”construction without agreement. The differences are attributed to the on-going loss of the null subject , and of clitics

    Null subjects in european and Brasilian Portuguese

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    The goals of this paper are twofold: a) to provide a structural account of the effects of the informal ‘Avoid Pronoun Principle’, proposed in Chomsky (1981: 65) for the Null Subject Languages (NSLs), and b) to compare, in European and Brazilian Portuguese (EP and BP), the distribution of the third person pronouns in its full and null forms, to check whether in written corpora BP incorporates signs of the ongoing loss of the null subject, largely attested in its contemporary spoken language. The strong theoretical claim is that in the Romance non-NSLs the pre-verbal subject is sitting in Spec of IP, while in the Romance NSLs it is Clitic Left-Dislocated (or is extracted by A-bar movement if it belongs to a restricted set of non-referential quantified expressions). The paper provides quantitative evidence that BP is losing the properties associated with the Null Subject Parameter. In its qualitative analysis, it shows that the contrasts between EP and BP are easily accounted for if the two derivations are assumed and if the null subjects in the two varieties are considered to be of a different nature: a pronoun in EP and a pronominal anaphor in BP

    European Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese: an overview on word order

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    The two main varieties of Portuguese are European Portuguese (EP) and Brazilian Portuguese (BP), the official languages of Portugal and Brazil. With the advent of the Principles and Parameters theory and the revival of historical and comparative grammar in Portugal and in Brazil, linguists have started to reveal parametric differences between the two varieties, and not merely phonological and lexical distinctions, which would define the two varieties as merely two dialects of the same language. According to Tarallo (1993) the main changes that gave rise to Brazilian Portuguese started to appear clearly by the end of the 19th century in written language, but were probably already there in the spoken modality since the end of the 18th century, when the social and historical factors were favorable to the changes. This chapter will present a comparative description of word order in the two varieties, starting, in section 2, with the surface similarities which underlie most of the mutual comprehension between the Portuguese and the Brazilians. Section 3, will describe a major difference in the grammar of the two varieties, namely the placement of clitic pronouns. Section 4 will describe the particularities of word order in declarative sentences. Section 5 will deal with word order differences in wh-questions and contrastive focus structures. We will finish with some conclusions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A mudança na posição estrutural de foco no português brasileiro

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    This chapter reviews the previous analyses by Kato and Kato &amp; collaborators with respect to the Focus position in Brazilian Portuguese, trying to show that before the 18th century Portuguese made use of the high Focus projection, in the sentence periphery, and that the great and only structural change with regard to Focus and wh-constituents has to do with the deactivation of this position and the activation of the low FocusP projection in the periphery of vP. More recent changes are shown to result from PF processes. An alternative to the cartographic perspective was considered, with a single CP, without expansion and without the low FocusP projection, but the cartographic perspective seems to be more effective with regard to the Focus phenomenon in Brazilian Portuguese. ---DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31513/linguistica.2017.v13n2a13507</p


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    The present study proposes that natural languages dispose of either pronouns or nouns in their referential systems, there being the possibility of a language to make use of both like Brazilian Portuguese (BP). This study also proposes that languages that make use of pronouns are those that have been called languages of Subject Prominence, while those that make use of Nouns are those that have been called Discourse Prominent languages, there being the possibility of mixed type of languages, like BP. Pronominal languages may, however, make use of Nominals, what Collins and Postal (1982) call impostors, but BP can be considered a mixed type of language due to the fact that it has its nominals grammaticalized in it referential system.O presente estudo propõe que as línguas naturais podem fazer uso de pronomes ou de nomes para fins de referência, havendo aquelas que podem fazer uso de ambos, como o português brasileiro (PB). O estudo propõe também que as línguas [+pronominais] são também aquelas de Proeminência de Sujeito, enquanto as que fazem uso de nomes são aquelas denominadas de Proeminência Discursiva, podendo haver línguas mistas como o PB. As línguas pronominais podem fazer uso opcional de nominais a que Collins e Postal (1982) chamam de impostores, mas o PB, antes uma língua prototipicamente pronominal, tornou-se diacronicamente uma língua mista em seu uso sistemático de pronomes e nomes

    Clefts without an operator in Brazilian Portuguese

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    Portuguese exhibits a type of sentence which has been traditionally analyzed as the reduction of a pseudo-cleft, built up through the deletion/ erasure of the wh-operator. Similar constructions are also found in the Caribbean dialects of Spanish (CS) and analyzed as containing a null Operator. Realizing that not all pseudo-clefts with an overt wh-operator have a corresponding reduced cleft, or semi-cleft, Bosque (1999) and Camacho (2006), for CS, and Mioto (2008), for Brazilian Portuguese, propose an independent derivation for semi-clefts. This paper is another attempt at deriving reduced or semi-clefts independently of pseudo-clefts, an analysis that can account for constructions found out in BP, which are inexistent in CS. I claim that, while pseudo-clefts focalize arguments, VP or adjuncts, reduced clefts focalize only remnant VPs and VP-adjuncts.KEYWORDS: Narrow and Contrastive Focus Construction. Caribbean Spanish. Remnant Movement. Brazilian Portuguese.O português apresenta um tipo de sentença que tem sido tradicionalmente analisado como uma pseudo-clivada reduzida, as semi-clivadas, obtidas através do apagamento do operador-Q. Construcões semelhantes são também encontradas no Espanhol Caribenho (EsC) e analisadas como tendo um Operador nulo. Percebendo que nem todas as pseudo-clivadas têm uma reduzida correspondente, Bosque (1999) e Camacho (2006), tratando do EsC, e Mioto (2008), tratando do português brasileiro (PB), propoÃÉem uma derivação independente para as semi-clivadas. O presente trabalho se constitui numa tentativa diferente de explicar as semi-clivadas, independentemente das pseudo-clivadas, para dar conta de construções não permitidas em EsC. A diferença proposta é que, enquanto nas pseudo- clivadas o foco é o argumento, o adjunto ou o VP, nas semi- clivadas o foco é o resíduo de VP (depois da subida do verbo) ou Adverbiais adjuntos a VP.PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Construções de Foco Estreito e Contrastivo. Espanhol Caribenho. Movimento Residual. Português Brasileiro.ABSTRACT Portuguese exhibits a type of sentence which has been traditionally analyzed as the reduction of a pseudo-cleft, built up through the deletion/ erasure of the wh-operator. Similar constructions are also found in the Caribbean dialects of Spanish (CS) and analyzed as containing a null Operator. Realizing that not all pseudo-clefts with an overt wh-operator have a corresponding reduced cleft, or semi-cleft, Bosque (1999) and Camacho (2006), for CS, and Mioto (2008), for Brazilian Portuguese, propose an independent derivation for semi-clefts. This paper is another attempt at deriving reduced or semi-clefts independently of pseudo-clefts, an analysis that can account for constructions found out in BP, which are inexistent in CS. I claim that, while pseudo-clefts focalize arguments, VP or adjuncts, reduced clefts focalize only remnant VPs and VP-adjuncts.KEYWORDS: Narrow and Contrastive Focus Construction. Caribbean Spanish. Remnant Movement. Brazilian Portuguese. &nbsp