27,644 research outputs found

    UNH Teams Up With National Weather Service To Launch Statewide Precipitation Measuring Network

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    A Historical Perspective of Georgia's Economy

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    This report chronicles the history of Georgia's economy from the 1950s to the present and provides an outlook for the future growth areas in Georgia. FRC Report 10

    An Introduction to School-To-Work Programs in the NLSY97: How Prevalent are They, and Which Youths do They Serve?

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    In the wake of the 1994 School-to-Work Opportunities Act (STWOA), we introduce and study two new data sources to estimate the extent to which school-to-work programs have been implemented in U.S. high schools, and the extent to which high school students are participating in these programs. The first data source, the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, 1997 (NLSY97), provides information directly form students on whether they participated in these programs. The second source, the 1996 School Administrators's Survey, was administered to schools attended by NLSY97 interviewees, and provides information directly from schools on whether they offered any school-to-work programs. Findings from the 1996 School Administrator's Survey show that school-to-work programs are commonly offered, with over 60 percent of schools providing at least one such program. Findings from the NLSY97 show that a fair number of high school students participate in school-to-work programs, with about 38 percent of students reporting participation in at least one program. The findings concerning whether schools with disadvantaged student populations are more likely to offer school-to-work programs, or whether less-advantaged students are more likely to participate in these programs, are mixed.

    Informing Lottery Budget Decisions: HOPE and Pre-K

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    This report address how different allocations of lottery revenue between the Pre-K and HOPE programs might affect the achievement of the objectives of these two programs

    A Foe More than a Friend: Law and the Health of the American Urban Poor

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    School uniform and other costs of schooling: views and experiences in Wales (technical report & final report)

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    "The overall aim of the research was... to explore the views of parents/carers and young people in Wales on the validity, usefulness and benefits of having school uniforms and their experiences and views on the cost and availability of buying uniforms, and to explore how the wider costs of schooling impacts on children, families and schools." - research aims & objectives

    A Comprehensive Evaluation Model for Cumputer Based Educaton

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    As opportunities to use computers in learning laboratory settings increase,directors will be faced with the problem of assisting faculty to select and evaluate themost appropriate courseware for their needs. This article presents a comprehensiveevaluation model that could be applied for computer based education programs in avariety of arts and sciences areas. The model includes a pre-implementation stage.This stage determines program compatibility, content evaluation and hardwareconsiderations. A second stage considers formative evaluation, continued availabilityof equipment and the recording of time records. Finally, the last phase, summativeevaluation, includes collecting student attitudes, assessing cost effectiveness,determining external influences and finally, suggesting ways of reaching a decision ofworth. The implementation of this model should provide a system where studentscould work with computer programs of a proven quality. Also, learning laboratorydirectors and faculty could show a certain level of accountability towards spendingmoney on computer software or courseware
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