110 research outputs found

    Sideward Peak of Intermediate Mass Fragments in High Energy Proton Induced Reactions

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    Intermediate mass fragment (IMF) formation in the 12 GeV proton induced reaction on Au target is analyzed by using a combined framework of a transport model (JAM/MF) and a newly developed non-equilibrium percolation (NEP) model. In this model, we can well reproduce the mass distribution of fragments. In addition, the sideward peaked angular distribution would emerge under the condition that the fragment formation time is very short, around 20 fm/c. Within this short time period, the un-heated part of the residual nucleus is kept to have doughnut shape, then the Coulomb repulsion from this shape strengthens the sideward peak of IMF.Comment: 22 pages, Latex, 6 embedded PS figure

    A Key Role for Old Yellow Enzyme in the Metabolism of Drugs by Trypanosoma cruzi

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    Trypanosoma cruzi is the etiological agent of Chagas' disease. So far, first choice anti-chagasic drugs in use have been shown to have undesirable side effects in addition to the emergence of parasite resistance and the lack of prospect for vaccine against T. cruzi infection. Thus, the isolation and characterization of molecules essential in parasite metabolism of the anti-chagasic drugs are fundamental for the development of new strategies for rational drug design and/or the improvement of the current chemotherapy. While searching for a prostaglandin (PG) F2α synthase homologue, we have identified a novel “old yellow enzyme” from T. cruzi (TcOYE), cloned its cDNA, and overexpressed the recombinant enzyme. Here, we show that TcOYE reduced 9,11-endoperoxide PGH2 to PGF2α as well as a variety of trypanocidal drugs. By electron spin resonance experiments, we found that TcOYE specifically catalyzed one-electron reduction of menadione and β-lapachone to semiquinone-free radicals with concomitant generation of superoxide radical anions, while catalyzing solely the two-electron reduction of nifurtimox and 4-nitroquinoline-N-oxide drugs without free radical production. Interestingly, immunoprecipitation experiments revealed that anti-TcOYE polyclonal antibody abolished major reductase activities of the lysates toward these drugs, identifying TcOYE as a key drug-metabolizing enzyme by which quinone drugs have their mechanism of action

    Intravenous Administration of Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell, but not Adipose Tissue-Derived Stem Cell, Ameliorated the Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Brain Injury by Changing Cerebral Inflammatory State in Rat

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    Perinatal hypoxic-ischemic (HI) brain injury occurs in 1 in 1,000 live births and remains the main cause of neurological disability and death in term infants. Cytotherapy has recently emerged as a novel treatment for tissue injury. In particular, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are thought to have therapeutic potential, but little is known about the differences according to their origin. In the current study, we investigated the therapeutic effects and safety of intravenous injection of allogeneic bone marrow-derived MSCs (BM-MSCs) and adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) in a rat model of HI brain injury. HI models were generated by ligating the left carotid artery of postnatal day 7 Wistar/ST rats and exposing them to 8% hypoxia for 60 min. Bone marrow and adipose tissue were harvested from adult green fluorescent protein transgenic Wistar rats, and cells were isolated and cultured to develop BM-MSCs and ADSCs. At passaging stages 2–3, 1 × 105 cells were intravenously injected into the external right jugular vein of the HI rats at 4 or 24 h after hypoxia. Brain damage was evaluated by counting the number of cells positive for active caspase-3 in the entire dentate gyrus. Microglial isotypes and serum cytokines/chemokines were also evaluated. Distribution of each cell type after intravenous injection was investigated pathologically and bio-optically by ex vivo imaging (IVIS®) with a fluorescent lipophilic tracer DiR. The mortality rate was higher in the ADSC group compared to the BM-MSC group, in pups injected with cells 4 h after hypoxia. The number of active caspase-3-positive cells significantly decreased in the BM-MSC group, and the percentage of M1 microglia (a proinflammatory isotype) was also lower in the BM-MSC vs control group in the penumbra of the cortex. Moreover, BM-MSC administration increased anti-inflammatory cytokine and growth factor levels, while ADSCs did not. Each injected cell type was mainly distributed in the lungs and liver, but ADSCs remained in the lungs longer. Pathologically, pulmonary embolisms and diffuse alveolar hemorrhages were seen in the ADSC group. These results indicated that injection of allogeneic BM-MSCs ameliorated neonatal HI brain injury, whereas ADSCs induced severe lung hemorrhage and higher mortality

    Transition from Positive to Neutral in Mutation Fixation along with Continuing Rising Fitness in Thermal Adaptive Evolution

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    It remains to be determined experimentally whether increasing fitness is related to positive selection, while stationary fitness is related to neutral evolution. Long-term laboratory evolution in Escherichia coli was performed under conditions of thermal stress under defined laboratory conditions. The complete cell growth data showed common continuous fitness recovery to every 2°C or 4°C stepwise temperature upshift, finally resulting in an evolved E. coli strain with an improved upper temperature limit as high as 45.9°C after 523 days of serial transfer, equivalent to 7,560 generations, in minimal medium. Two-phase fitness dynamics, a rapid growth recovery phase followed by a gradual increasing growth phase, was clearly observed at diverse temperatures throughout the entire evolutionary process. Whole-genome sequence analysis revealed the transition from positive to neutral in mutation fixation, accompanied with a considerable escalation of spontaneous substitution rate in the late fitness recovery phase. It suggested that continually increasing fitness not always resulted in the reduction of genetic diversity due to the sequential takeovers by fit mutants, but caused the accumulation of a considerable number of mutations that facilitated the neutral evolution

    26th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS*2017): Part 3 - Meeting Abstracts - Antwerp, Belgium. 15–20 July 2017

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    This work was produced as part of the activities of FAPESP Research,\ud Disseminations and Innovation Center for Neuromathematics (grant\ud 2013/07699-0, S. Paulo Research Foundation). NLK is supported by a\ud FAPESP postdoctoral fellowship (grant 2016/03855-5). ACR is partially\ud supported by a CNPq fellowship (grant 306251/2014-0)