716 research outputs found

    Планування соціального захисту населення в контексті активізації євроінтеграційного процесу (Planning social protection in the context of intensification of european integration process)

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    У статті розглянуті проблеми соціальної політики в контексті соціально-економічних перешкод розвитку людського потенціалу. Визначено роль державних соціальних стандартів і гарантій у формуванні розміру соціальних трансфертів. Встановлено проблеми та суперечності визначення прожиткового мінімуму в Україні. Розглянуто перешкоди формуванню ефективної системи соціальних послуг. Здійснено порівняльну оцінку ресурсного забезпечення формування відрахувань на соціальний захист населення в країнах ЄС та Україні. Визначено проблеми забезпечення якості життя літніх людей та необхідність встановлення соціальних цілей і завдань в усіх сферах державного регулювання економіки. (In the article the problem of social policy in the context of social and economic obstacles to human development is discussed. The role of social standards and guarantees in the formation in social transfers is considered. The problems and contradictions in definition of living wage in Ukraine are found. The obstacles to the formation of an effective system of social services are considered. The comparative assessment of resource support in the formation of the social protection in the EU and Ukraine is undertaken. The problems of the quality of life of older people and the need for social goals and tasks in all areas of state regulation of the economy are defined

    Rose Flower Petals: Rich Source of Anthocyanins

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    Dried flower petals of "Tornado" floribunda rose cultivar are a highly abandoned source of anthocyanins with more than 4.0 g of anthocyanins per 100 g of the dryed plant material. The main components of the "Tornado" flower anthocyanin composition were found to be 3,5 -diglucosides of cyanidin (80.9 %) and peonidin (13.9 %

    Analysis of rare type of plants from botanical graden collection at SRU “Belsu” (Belgorod, Russia)

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    The aim of the study was the comprehensive analysis of rare plants from the collection fund of the botanical garden at the National Research University “BelSU

    Collection of cover-ground plants and plants for Alpinarians and Rocarians in botanical garden of Belgorod University (Belgorod, Russia)

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    The authors studied the introduced herbaceous perennials, that were not used previously for landscaping of the region. According to the data presented in the article, recommendations can be given for gardening in various landscape areas, proceeding from the decorative and ecological properties of plants. They identified the perennial ground cover plants unpretentious to the conditions of the urban environment, which can be used in sunny areas, in shades and half-shade

    Introduction of Maclura Pomifera (RAF.) C.K. Schneid, Moraceae Link families under the conditions of the botanical graden of the NRU “Belsu” (Belgorod, Russia)

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    The data of long-term studies of the biological features of growth and development of Maclurapomifera (Raf.) C. K. Schneid in the Botanical Garden of the National Research University “BelSU” is given. The phenological type of development of this species, the beginning and end of its growing season is determined. Winter hardiness, drought resistance, resistance to diseases and pests are assessed to determine the degree of adaptation of the species to local conditions. For the first time, flowering and fruiting of Maclurapomifera were noted in the conditions of the Belgorod region. Based on the adaptation coefficient, recommendations are given on the use of Maclurapomifera in gardening in the Belgorod Regio

    Sociolinguistics features of humor in american linguoculture

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    Humour is one of the most striking characteristics comprising a plurality of marking elements of cognitive-linguistic identity of native speakers of the language, forming the linguistic culture and sociolinguistics selected matrix formation and structuring of the national cognitive and speech patterns which form the "English humour", "French humour", "Italian humour", "Russian humour", etc. In this article we study the characteristics of the language of representation and perception of American humour, its linguistic and cultural features in humorous texts of American comics from the American linguistic culture. The material for research is the humorous texts and fragments of the performances of American comedians of various topics. The relevance of this study is determined by the value worldview expressed in humour, which in its turn is reflected in the American linguistic culture. The results of the study may find application in University lecture courses on stylistics of the English language and text interpretation, General linguistics, special courses on linguistics, text linguistics, and can also be useful in teaching English as a foreign language.Key words: text, research, language, speech, linguistics, speaker, linguoculture, humour, sociolinguistics

    The features of the language of representation of humour in the texts of American and Russian stand-up comedians

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    Based on the definition of the research object and the subject of sociolinguistics, which is considered an independent scientific discipline, in this article we assume to study the features of the language representation and perception of humour in performances of stand-up comedians from American and Russian linguocultures. We will also consider the similarities and differences of the topics of the texts of American and Russian comedians. In consideration of the genre of special interest is the attitude of the audience (in fact - the society) to the obscene and non-obscene language ("black humor"; "jokes below the belt", etc.) used by stand-up comedians in their performances in the United States and Russia. The relevance of this study is related to the overall underexplored genre"standup" fromlinguistics point of view and originality of their language. Research methodology –set of methods of textual, contextual, linguistic and linguostylistic analysis of the content of the texts of public performances ofthe comedians in the United States and Russia. Material for the study consists of texts of performances of stand-up comedians. The results of our research will help to identify the specifics of the language means of representation of humour in the texts of stand-up comedians.Key words: text, research, speech, language, translation, humour, linguistics, linguoculture,sociolinguistics

    Инфекционный мононуклеоз у детей: клинико-лабораторные критерии оценки тяжести

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    Рurpose: to identify clinical and laboratory criteria that mark the severity of infectious mononucleosis in children, with the identification of risk factors for the development of severe forms and unfavorable course.Patients and methods. A comparative prospective clinical study involved 200 children aged 3 to 11 years with moderate (125 people) and severe (75 people) form of infectious mononucleosis. When comparing clinical and laboratory data in the compared groups, the Mann-Whitney test was used. For multiple comparisons, the Kruskal-Wally test was used. Significance of differences was determined at a significance level of 0.05 (p < 0.05).Results. A comparative analysis of the clinical and laboratory manifestations of infectious mononucleosis revealed statistically significant differences in the studied parameters depending on the severity of the disease. Severe forms of infectious mononucleosis were distinguished by the most pronounced clinical symptoms, as well as changes in hematological parameters and biochemical changes. The combined etiology of infectious mononucleosis also contributed to a more severe course of the disease.Сonclusion. Timely diagnosis and assessment of the severity of the manifest form of infectious mononucleosis determine the adequacy of the appointment of rational antiviral and pathogenetic therapy, preventing the development of adverse effects and complications.Цель исследования: выявление клинико-лабораторных критериев, маркирующих степень тяжести инфекционного мононуклеоза (ИМ) у детей, с определением факторов риска развития тяжелых форм и неблагоприятного течения.Материалы и методы. В сравнительном проспективном клиническом исследовании участвовало 200 детей, в возрасте от 3 до 11 лет со среднетяжелой (125 человек) и тяжелой (75 человек) формой ИМ. При сопоставлении клинико-лабораторных данных в сравниваемых группах использовали критерий Манна-Уитни. Для множественных сравнений использовали критерий Краскелла-Уолли. Достоверность различий определялась на уровне значимости 0,05 (p < 0,05).Результаты. При сравнительном анализе клинико-лабораторных проявлений ИМ выявлены статистически значимые различия изучаемых показателей в зависимости от формы тяжести заболевания. Тяжелые формы ИМ отличались максимально выраженными клиническими симптомами, а также изменениями гематологических показателей и биохимических сдвигов. Сочетанная этиология ИМ также способствовали более тяжелому течению заболевания.Заключение. Своевременная постановка диагноза и оценка тяжести манифестной формы ИМ определяют адекватность назначения рациональной противовирусной и патогенетической терапии, предупреждая развитие неблагоприятных последствий и осложнений

    Systemic and local cytokine profile following spinal cord injury in rats: A multiplex analysis

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    © 2017 Mukhamedshina, Akhmetzyanova, Martynova, Khaiboullina, Galieva and Rizvanov. Our study of the changes in cytokine profile in blood serum and in the spinal cord after traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI) has shown that an inflammatory reaction and immunological response are not limited to the CNS, but widespread. This fact was confirmed by changes detected in a cytokine profile in blood serum samples [MIP-1α, interleukin 1 (IL-1) α, IL-2, IL-5, IL-1β, MCP-1, RANTES]. There were also changes in the levels of MIP-1α, IL-1α, IL-2, IL-5, IL-18, GM-colony-stimulating factor, IL-17α, IFN-γ, IL-10, IL-13, MCP-1, and GRO KC CINC-1 in samples of the rat injured spinal cord. The results underscore the complex cytokine network imbalance exhibited after SCI and show significant changes in the concentrations of 14 cytokines/chemokines with different inflammatory and immunological activities