1,148 research outputs found

    Description et formalisation mathématique

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    Exposé des rapports qu'entretiennent les sciences humaines, dont la sémiotique fait partie, avec les sciences exactes auxquelles appartient la mathématique. La production actuelle rangée sous les vocables «sémiotique » ou « sémiologie» relèverait de la théorie de l'informe. Par le recours à la mathématisation, l'auteur entend jeter les bases d'une sémiotique scientifique.An account of the relationship between human sciences, within which semiotics has been firmly established, and pure sciences to which mathernatics belongs. According to the author, current research labeled as «semiotics » or « semiology » would pertain to the theory of « formlessness ». Through mathematization, Robert Marty proposes a theoretical basis for the developmentof a scientific semiotic

    Taking the Aid Debate to the Sub-National Level: Impact and Allocation of Foreign Health Aid in Malawi

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    I examine the allocation and impact of foreign health aid at the sub-national level in Malawi. The literature remains divided over the impacts of health aid— some scholars fail to find significant relations between health aid and health outcomes, while others praise notable impacts. Moreover, the approaches scholars use to examine impacts are as polarized as their results— aid impacts are primarily examined using cross-national analyses or at the project level. However, the emergence of geocoded aid data allows for a new analytical approach, one of examining aggregate health aid within a country. I use an AIC-based hierarchical model averaging approach to determine the best predictor variables of health aid in four time periods, examining how health aid is allocated according to socio-economic factors, health conditions, and ethnic preferencing. In addition, I use propensity score matching methods to examine the causal impacts of health aid. Results show that aid is generally not allocated to the poorest individuals, but results are mixed over allocation according to health conditions. In addition, only one year, 2010, shows evidence of possible ethnic preferencing influencing aid allocation. Despite mixed results of allocation, propensity score matching methods show health aid causing statistically significant improvements in health conditions in 2008, 2009, and 2010, causing a reduction of 0.3 to 5 million cases of illness annually. Results highlight notable aggregate health aid impacts, despite potential inefficiencies or negative consequences of aid

    Prospects and progress of high Tc superconductivity for space applications

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    Current research in the area of high temperature superconductivity is organized around four key areas: communications and data, sensors and cryogenics, propulsion and power, and space materials technology. Recently, laser ablated YBa2Cu3O(7-x) films on LaAlO3 produced far superior RF characteristics when compared to metallic films on the same substrate. The achievement has enabled a number of unique microwave device applications, such as low insertion loss phase shifters and high-Q filters. Melt texturing and melt-quenched techniques are being used to produce bulk material with optimized magnetic properties. These yttrium-enriched materials possess enhanced flux pinning characteristics and could lead to prototype cryocooler bearings. Significant progress has also occurred in bolometer and current lead technology. Studies were conducted to evaluate the effect of high temperature superconducting materials on the performance and life of high power magnetoplasma-dynamic thrusters. Extended studies were also performed to evaluate the benefit of superconducting magnetic energy storage for LEO space station, lunar, and Mars mission applications

    Pegasus Air-Launched Space Booster

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    The Pegasus Air-Launched Space Booster development program, begun in early 1987, has the objective of combining an innovative approach to satellite launch operations with the latest in proven launch vehicle technology. Air launch of small satellite payloads on Pegasus provides a substantial performance improvement over ground-launched systems and also offers new launch operations flexibility including the ability to launch directly into virtually any orbital inclination. This paper describes the overall Pegasus vehicle design and reviews those design aspects that influence the design and integration of satellite payloads

    Lead-tellurium oxysalts from Otto Mountain near Baker, California: IV. Markcooperite, Pb(UO_2)Te^(6+)O_6, the first natural uranyl tellurate

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    Markcooperite, Pb_2(UO_2)Te^(6+)O_6, is a new tellurate from Otto Mountain near Baker, California, named in honor of Mark A. Cooper of the University of Manitoba for his contributions to mineralogy. The new mineral occurs on fracture surfaces and in small vugs in brecciated quartz veins. Markcooperite is directly associated with bromian chlorargyrite, iodargyrite, khinite-4O, wulfenite, and four other new tellurates: housleyite, thorneite, ottoite, and timroseite. Various other secondary minerals occur in the veins, including two other new secondary tellurium minerals: paratimroseite and telluroperite. Markcooperite is monoclinic, space group P2_1/c, a = 5.722(2), b = 7.7478(2), c = 7.889(2) Å, β = 90.833(5)°, V = 349.7(2) Å^3, and Z = 2. It occurs as pseudotetragonal prisms to 0.2 mm with the forms {100} and {011} and as botryoidal intergrowths to 0.3 mm in diameter; no twinning was observed. Markcooperite is orange and transparent, with a light orange streak and adamantine luster, and is non-fluorescent. Mohs hardness is estimated at 3. The mineral is brittle, with an irregular fracture and perfect {100} cleavage. The calculated density is 8.496 g/cm3 based on the empirical formula. Markcooperite is biaxial (+), with indices of refraction α= 2.11, β = 2.12, γ= 2.29 calculated using the Gladstone-Dale relationship, measured α-β birefringence of 0.01 and measured 2V of 30(5)°. The optical orientation is X = c, Y = b, Z = a. The mineral is slightly pleochroic in shades of orange, with absorption: X > Y = Z. No dispersion was observed. Electron microprobe analysis provided PbO 50.07, TeO_3 22.64, UO_3 25.01, Cl 0.03, O≡Cl –0.01, total 97.74 wt%; the empirical formula (based on O+Cl = 8) is Pb_(2.05)U_(0.80)Te^(6+)_(1.18)O_(7.99)Cl_(0.01). The strongest powder X-ray diffraction lines are [d_(obs) in Å (hkl) I]: 3.235 (120, 102, 1[overbar]02) 100, 2.873 (200) 40, 2.985 (1[overbar]21, 112, 121) 37, 2.774 (022) 30, 3.501 (021, 012) 29, 2.220 (221, 2[overbar]21, 212) 23, 1.990 (222, 2[overbar]22) 21, and 1.715 (320) 22. The crystal structure (R_1 = 0.052) is based on sheets of corner-sharing uranyl square bipyramids and tellurate octahedra, with Pb atoms between the sheets. Markcooperite is the first compound to show Te^(6+) substitution for U^(6+) within the same crystallographic site. Markcooperite is structurally related to synthetic Pb(UO_2)O_2

    Lead-tellurium oxysalts from Otto Mountain near Baker, California: V. Timroseite, Pb_2Cu_5^(2+)(Te^(6+)O_6)_2(OH)_2, and paratimroseite, Pb_2Cu_4^(2+)(Te^(6+)O_6)_2(H_2O)_2, two new tellurates with Te-Cu polyhedral sheets

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    Timroseite, Pb_2Cu_5^(2+)(Te^(6+)O_6)_2(OH)_2, and paratimroseite, Pb_2Cu_4^(2+)(Te^(6+)O_6)_2(H_2O)_2, are two new tellurates from Otto Mountain near Baker, California. Timroseite is named in honor of Timothy (Tim) P. Rose and paratimroseite is named for its relationship to timroseite. Both new minerals occur on fracture surfaces and in small vugs in brecciated quartz veins. Timroseite is directly associated with acanthite, cerussite, bromine-rich chlorargyrite, chrysocolla, gold, housleyite, iodargyrite, khinite-4O, markcooperite, ottoite, paratimroseite, thorneite, vauquelinite, and wulfenite. Paratimroseite is directly associated with calcite, cerussite, housleyite, khinite-4O, markcooperite, and timroseite. Timroseite is orthorhombic, space group P2_1nm, a = 5.2000(2), b = 9.6225(4), c = 11.5340(5) Å, V = 577.13(4) Å^3, and Z = 2. Paratimroseite is orthorhombic, space group P2_12_12_1, a = 5.1943(4), b = 9.6198(10), c = 11.6746(11) Å, V = 583.35(9) Å^3, and Z = 2. Timroseite commonly occurs as olive to lime green, irregular, rounded masses and rarely in crystals as dark olive green, equant rhombs, and diamond-shaped plates in subparallel sheaf-like aggregates. It has a very pale yellowish green streak, dull to adamantine luster, a hardness of about 2 1/2 (Mohs), brittle tenacity, irregular fracture, no cleavage, and a calculated density of 6.981 g/cm^3. Paratimroseite occurs as vibrant "neon" green blades typically intergrown in irregular clusters and as lime green botryoids. It has a very pale green streak, dull to adamantine luster, a hardness of about 3 (Mohs), brittle tenacity, irregular fracture, good {001} cleavage, and a calculated density of 6.556 g/cm^3. Timroseite is biaxial (+) with a large 2V, indices of refraction > 2, orientation X = b, Y = a, Z = c and pleochroism: X = greenish yellow, Y = yellowish green, Z = dark green (Z > Y > X). Paratimroseite is biaxial (–) with a large 2V, indices of refraction > 2, orientation X = c, Y = b, Z = a and pleochroism: X = light green, Y = green, Z = green (Y = Z >> X). Electron microprobe analysis of timroseite provided PbO 35.85, CuO 29.57, TeO_3 27.75, Cl 0.04, H_2O 1.38 (structure), O≡Cl –0.01, total 94.58 wt%; the empirical formula (based on O+Cl = 14) is Pb_(2.07) Cu^(2+)_(4.80)Te^(6+)_(2.04)O_(12)(OH)_(1.98)Cl_(0.02). Electron microprobe analysis of paratimroseite provided PbO 36.11, CuO 26.27, TeO_3 29.80, Cl 0.04, H_2O 3.01 (structure), O≡Cl –0.01, total 95.22 wt%; the empirical formula (based on O+Cl = 14) is Pb_(1.94)Cu^(2+)_(3.96)Te^(6+)_(2.03)O_(12)(H_2O)_(1.99)Cl_(0.01). The strongest powder X-ray diffraction lines for timroseite are [d_(obs) in Å (hkl) I]: 3.693 (022) 43, 3.578 (112) 44, 3.008 (023) 84, 2.950 (113) 88, 2.732 (130) 100, 1.785 (multiple) 33, 1.475 (332) 36; and for paratimroseite 4.771 (101) 76, 4.463 (021) 32, 3.544 (120) 44, 3.029 (023,122) 100, 2.973 (113) 48, 2.665 (131) 41, 2.469 (114) 40, 2.246 (221) 34. The crystal structures of timroseite (R_1 = 0.029) and paratimroseite (R_1 = 0.039) are very closely related. The structures are based upon edge- and corner-sharing sheets of Te and Cu polyhedra parallel to (001) and the sheets in both structures are identical in topology and virtually identical in geometry. In timroseite, the sheets are joined to one another along c by sharing the apical O atoms of Cu octahedra, as well as by sharing edges and corners with an additional CuO_5 square pyramid located between the sheets. The sheets in paratimroseite are joined only via Pb-O and H bonds

    Lead-tellurium oxysalts from Otto Mountain near Baker, California: VI. Telluroperite, Pb_3Te^(4+)O_4Cl_2, the Te analog of perite and nadorite

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    Telluroperite, Pb_3Te^(4+)O_4Cl_2, is a new tellurite from Otto Mountain near Baker, California. The new mineral occurs on fracture surfaces and in small vugs in brecciated quartz veins in direct association with acanthite, bromine-rich chlorargyrite, caledonite, cerussite, galena, goethite, and linarite. Various other secondary minerals occur in the veins, including six new tellurates, housleyite, markcooperite, paratimroseite, ottoite, thorneite, and timroseite. Telluroperite is orthorhombic, space group Bmmb, a = 5.5649(6), b = 5.5565(6), c = 12.4750(14) Å, V = 386.37(7) Å^3, and Z = 2. The new mineral occurs as rounded square tablets and flakes up to 0.25 mm on edge and 0.02 mm thick. The form {001} is prominent and is probably bounded by {100}, {010}, and {110}. It is bluish-green and transparent, with a pale bluish-green streak and adamantine luster. The mineral is non-fluorescent. Mohs hardness is estimated to be between 2 and 3. The mineral is brittle, with a curved fracture and perfect {001} cleavage. The calculated density based on the empirical formula is 7.323 g/cm^3. Telluroperite is biaxial (–), with very small 2V (~10°). The average index of refraction is 2.219 calculated by the Gladstone-Dale relationship. The optical orientation is X = c and the mineral exhibits moderate bluish-green pleochrosim; absorption: X < Y = Z. Electron microprobe analysis provided PbO 72.70, TeO_2 19.26, Cl 9.44, O≡Cl –2.31, total 99.27 wt%. The empirical formula (based on O+Cl = 6) is Pb_(2.79)Te_(1.03)^(4+)O_(3.72)Cl_(2.28). The six strongest powder X-ray diffraction lines are [d_(obs) in Å (hkl) I]: 3.750 (111) 58, 2.857 (113) 100, 2.781 (020, 200) 43, 2.075 (024, 204) 31, 1.966 (220) 30, and 1.620 (117, 313, 133) 52. The crystal structure (R_1 = 0.056) is based on the Sillén X_1 structure-type and consists of a three-dimensional structural topology with lead-oxide halide polyhedra linked to tellurium/lead oxide groups. The mineral is named for the relationship to perite and the dominance of Te (with Pb) in the Bi site of perite

    Chapter 5 Switchgrass Harvest and Storage

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    The feedstock characteristics of the conversion platform will influence the optimal harvest and post harvest management practices for switchgrass. However, many of the harvest management practices are tied to plant phenology and will be similar across platforms. Proper harvest and storage of switchgrass will help provide a consistent and high-quality feedstock to the biorefinery. Bioenergyspecific switchgrass strains are high-yielding and in most cases can be harvested and baled with commercially available haying equipment. Many options are available for packaging switchgrass for storage and transportation, but large round bales or large rectangular bales are the most readily available and are in use on farms. Large round bales tend to have less storage losses than large rectangular bales when stored outside, but rectangular bales tend to be easier to handle and load a truck for transport without road width restrictions. Although there is limited large-scale experience with harvesting and storing switchgrass for bioenergy, extensive research, as well as a history of harvesting hay crops for livestock in many agroecoregions, makes harvesting and preserving switchgrass for bioenergy feasible at the landscape scale

    Chapter 5 Switchgrass Harvest and Storage

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    The feedstock characteristics of the conversion platform will influence the optimal harvest and post harvest management practices for switchgrass. However, many of the harvest management practices are tied to plant phenology and will be similar across platforms. Proper harvest and storage of switchgrass will help provide a consistent and high-quality feedstock to the biorefinery. Bioenergyspecific switchgrass strains are high-yielding and in most cases can be harvested and baled with commercially available haying equipment. Many options are available for packaging switchgrass for storage and transportation, but large round bales or large rectangular bales are the most readily available and are in use on farms. Large round bales tend to have less storage losses than large rectangular bales when stored outside, but rectangular bales tend to be easier to handle and load a truck for transport without road width restrictions. Although there is limited large-scale experience with harvesting and storing switchgrass for bioenergy, extensive research, as well as a history of harvesting hay crops for livestock in many agroecoregions, makes harvesting and preserving switchgrass for bioenergy feasible at the landscape scale
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