377 research outputs found

    Salt Lake City v. Peggy Allred, aka Peggy Lovejoy, aka Thelma Allred : Brief of Respondent

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    Marty Jacques. Le chanoine C. Cordonnier, Les voix qui montent. Etude d'ensemble sur les prophéties messianiques. Tome I. D'Adam à Salomon. Paris, Lethielleux, 1926. In: Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses, 9e année n°1, Janvier-février 1929. pp. 91-92

    Les politiques budgétaires et fiscales allemandes et britanniques : Quels enseignements pour la France ?

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    Ce document met en perspective les politiques budgétaires et fiscales allemandes et britanniques avec la stratégie française dans le cadre de la transition entre la crise des suprimes de 2008 et la crise de la dette souveraine de 2011

    Sortir des espaces protégés pour conserver la biodiversité

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    Les enjeux de conservation de la biodiversité invitent à tirer le bilan des dispositifs d’espaces protégés. Le rôle des activités agricoles dans le maintien ou l’érosion de la diversité des espèces est considérable. Ce texte analyse deux logiques de conservation de la nature : le modèle des concessions naturalistes et celui de la conservation intégrée. Il propose de penser la conservation non plus sur le mode de la disjonction spatiale des fonctions de production et de conservation mais sur celui d’un gradient de situations allant des aires de protection stricte à l’espace agricole géré selon les principes de l’agro-écologie.Biodiversity conservation issues question the relevance of strictly protected areas. Agricultural activities play an extensive rôle for species maintenance and/or decrease. This text analyses two main nature conservation logics: nature oriented réserves vs. integrated conservation. It suggests that, for biodiversity conservation, the model of separated functions in space has to be reconsidered. On the contrary it emphasizes the interest of considering a gradient of situations, from strictly protected areas to agricultural landscapes agroecologically managed

    Parity Broken Chiral Spin Dynamics in Ba3_3NbFe3_3Si2_2O14_{14}

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    The spin wave excitations emerging from the chiral helically modulated 120^{\circ} magnetic order in a langasite Ba3_3NbFe3_3Si2_2O14_{14} enantiopure crystal were investigated by unpolarized and polarized inelastic neutron scattering. A dynamical fingerprint of the chiral ground state is obtained, singularized by (i) spectral weight asymmetries answerable to the structural chirality and (ii) a full chirality of the spin correlations observed over the whole energy spectrum. The intrinsic chiral nature of the spin waves elementary excitations is shown in absence of macroscopic time reversal symmetry breaking

    Conservation de la nature et dynamiques agricoles dans le territoire d’un Parc National

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    Introduction Dans sa version la plus répandue, un parc national est une opération de sauvetage d’une portion de nature menacée par les activités humaines. Il résulte d’une négociation territoriale où différents acteurs finissent par trouver un compromis et par dessiner deux périmètres : celui d’une zone cœur, qui contient les espaces marqués par une très forte naturalité et faisant désormais l’objet d’une protection maximale, et celui d’une zone de contact, où sont tolérées des activités huma..

    Mantle upwellings and convective instabilities revealed by seismic tomography and helium isotope geochemistry beneath eastern Africa

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    International audienceThe relationship between intraplate volcanism and continental tectonics has been investigated for North and East Africa using a high resolution three-dimensional anisotropic tomographic model derived from seismic data of a French experiment ''Horn of Africa'' and existing broadband data. The joint inversion for seismic velocity and anisotropy of the upper 400 km of the mantle, and geochemical data reveals a complex interaction between mantle upwellings, and lithosphere. Two kinds of mantle upwellings can be distinguished: The first one, the Afar ''plume'' originates from deeper than 400 km and is characterized by enrichment in primordial 3 He and 3 He/ 4 He ratios higher than those along mid-ocean ridges (MOR). The second one, associated with other Cenozoic volcanic provinces (Darfur, Tibesti, Hoggar, Cameroon), with 3 He/ 4 He ratios similar to, or lower than MOR, is a consequence of shallower upwelling. The presumed asthenospheric convective instabilities are oriented in an east-west direction, resulting from interaction between south-north asthenospheric mantle flow, main plume head and topography on the base of lithosphere

    Autecology of broadleaved species

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    Anyone involved in timber production needs some knowledge of autecology. With the renewed interest in hardwoods in the last 20 years, they are increasingly being introduced by planting or encouraged in natural stands. The results in terms of growth have not always met foresters’ expectations, due to technical problems and especially because the species are not always suited to the different sites. While the principle of establishing hardwoods is not in question, it is important to be aware of the conditions they need for their growth. This is why the first component of the Pirinoble programme is about improving knowledge on the ecology and adaptation of valuable hardwood species. To support this, a wide-ranging bibliographic analysis was made of scientific publications in French, English, Spanish and Italian on the main hardwood species that can be established as plantations: - Wild Cherry (Prunus avium l.), - Common Ash (Fraxinus SSP.), - Wild service tree (Sorbus torminalis l.), service tree (Sorbus domestica L.) and other sorbus species. - Walnut (Juglans SSP.), - Common pear tree (Pyrus pyraster (l.) Du ROI) and the European Wild Apple tree (Malus sylvestris Mill.). - Lime (Tilia ssp.), - Maple (Acer SSP.). Favourable site conditions for hardwood trees are now better understood thanks to numerous observations carried out in stands and a number of scientific studies. Some species have been studied in more depth, including the wild cherry, wild service tree, common ash, maple and walnut. This guide is based on the results of these studies, supplemented by the expertise of the authors. It includes a series of autecology factsheets that describe the site conditions in which hardwoods will thrive and the minimum conditions required for rapid timber production. The factsheets were published on a regular basis in Forêt-entreprise in 2012 and 2013 (see footnote at the end of each of factsheet), and are now published together in this guide along with the bibliographical references consulted

    Le Musée de l'histoire de l'immigration à Paris: une collection et un musée en devenir

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    Globalization and the emergence of political issues in the European Union have propelled the topic of immigration into the center of the current political climate. In this contemporary context, museums that are focused on immigration are gaining more importance due to the impetus for preserving and providing visibility for the heritage of immigrants. In Paris during October 2007 the Cité nationale de l'Histoire de l'Immigration (CNHI) opened its doors but in 2013 it changed its name to Musée de l'histoire de l'immigration (MHI). The museum presents a historical and cultural approach to immigration as well as displaying contemporary works of art that deal with the theme of immigration. In this paper we will analyze how this museum is an attempt to integrate the History of immigration as a national heritage.Com a globalização e o surgimento da Comunidade Europeia, a questão das migrações se apresenta no centro das preocupações políticas mundiais contemporâneas. E nesse contexto histórico de países de imigração ou de emigração organizam-se os museus de estudos das migrações que pertencem à categoria dos museus de história e de sociedade. Em outubro de 2007, é criada, em Paris, a Cité nationale de l'Histoire de l'Immigration (CNHI) que desde 2013 passou a se chamar Musée de l'histoire de l'immigration (MHI): um museu que apresenta ao público uma abordagem histórica e cultural da imigração assim como obras de arte contemporânea que tratam do tema. Neste artigo, bucaremos compreender como este museu constitui uma tentativa de reconhecimento do patrimônio da imigração como um patrimônio nacional.Avec la mondialisation et l'émergence de nouvelles politiques d'immigration dans la Communauté Européenne, la question des migrations est centrale dans le monde politique d'aujourd'hui. C'est dans ce contexte historique de pays d'immigration ou d'émigration que se met en place et s'organise l'étude des musées d'immigration qui appartiennent à la catégorie des musées d'histoire et de société. En France, la Cité nationale de l'Histoire de l'Immigration, qui a ouvert ses portes en octobre 2007, depuis 2013 Musée de l'histoire de l'immigration (MHI), se distingue, dans ce contexte mondial, par l'originalité de son projet et les discussions qu'il suscite dans divers domaines (aussi bien dans le milieu académique que dans les réseaux d'associations qui s'occupent des immigrés en France). Le musée présente au public une approche historique et culturelle de l'immigration ainsi que des œuvres d'art contemporain sur ce sujet. Dans cet article, on s'interrogera sur comment ce musée constitue une tentative de reconnaître le patrimoine de l'immigration comme un patrimoine national