69 research outputs found

    The 'indigenous native peasant' trinity: imagining a plurinational community in Evo Morales's Bolivia

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    Over the last two decades Latin America has been a laboratory for the implementation of new models of state and citizenship. In Bolivia the (neo)liberal multicultural paradigm dominant in the 1990s has recently been replaced by a plurinational paradigm, which implies a deepening of the decentralization process and the strengthening of rights for traditionally marginalized social sectors. This paper describes the process of construction of a plurinational ‘imagined community’ and, in particular, of one of its core narratives: The ‘indigenous native peasant’. I argue that the negotiation of this collective identity and its inclusion as one of the core ideas in the new constitution is the result of a contingent strategy in response to a highly conflictive scenario, which has not been, however, able to trigger a change in the way people identify themselves. Yet in recent years, social movements’ identities have been shaped by centrifugal forces. These forces should be understood as the result of a process of collective actors’ adaptation to institutional and regulatory reforms and contribute to explaining the increase of new intrasocietal conflicts linked to the redefinition of citizenship and territorial boundaries

    Dos habitus de classe aos patrimônios individuais de disposições: reflexões sobre a prática em Pierre Bourdieu e Bernard Lahire

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    Resumo O presente trabalho visa analisar as contribuições teóricas de Pierre Bourdieu e Bernard Lahire na construção de uma sociologia da prática, destacando o esforço dos autores em superar as dicotomias que dividem as principais correntes sociológicas - entre objetivismo e subjetivismo, indivíduo e sociedade. Para tanto, serão apresentados os caminhos traçados pelos autores para pensar a agência humana, através de uma teoria disposicional da ação, que enfatiza os habitus de classe ou as disposições individuais. Por fim, discutiremos os avanços e limites observados nessas perspectivas na apreensão de questões centrais da teoria social contemporânea, como a capacidade reflexiva dos atores e seu papel na reprodução/transformação do mundo social. Essa análise permite questionar em que medida os autores conseguem superar as referidas dicotomias, uma vez que terminam por enfatizar o peso do social sobre as condutas individuais

    Entre luzes e sombras: o passado imediato e o futuro possível da pesquisa em juventude no Brasil

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    Italian Thought and Social Theory : Thinking with 'Pre-modernity' beyond 'Post-modernity'

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    The aim of this article is to explore how, and to what extent, Italian thought \u2013 by its focalization on pre-modern theoretical issues and its distance from classical modern topics, such as the philosophy of conscience or the transcendence of language \u2013 can offer a different insight on contemporary social theory and critical theory, after the dissolution of the idea of totality as a foundational concept of modernity. In the last decades, a frame named \u2018Italian theory\u2019 has started to circulate in international theoretical debates, often with the aim of replacing the exhausted paradigms of poststructuralism, postmodernism and deconstructionism. Indeed, \u2018Italian thought\u2019 seems to offer new insights, thinking about the \u2018post-totality\u2019 era in a different way. In the article we present a synthetic cartography of Italian thought and we analyse the way in which it can contribute to design new horizons for social theory

    Conclusion : Final reflections

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    Fil: Rausky, María Eugenia. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina